Want to chat? Have a question you wanted to ask me? Drop a comment and I’ll reply back to you! It’s just like any other post you comment on, but this is a specific page for just chatting. :D
•All comments are approved by me before posted, so if you don’t follow the rules your comment will not be posted.
•Don’t talk inappropiately.
•Don’t use curse words.
•Say kind things!
•Don’t fight with others.
•Do have fun! :D
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s chat! :D
Cool! A chat page!
Hey, first commenter! And yup, a chat page! :D
Do any of y’all watch Mako Mermaids? If not, you have to watch it, Best show ever! You can find it on Netflix
I’ve never watched that before! Sounds really cool, though!
Yes I love mako mermaids!?
Trying to find one of those animated names for your blog or Doll Dwelling? You came to the right place!
http://textanim.com……. That’s the place where I made mine ?????
Hey Madi! This is cool! I LOVE your blog- it’s my new favorite! (I’ve gone through four favorites: Lissie and Lilly, Happy House of AG, Small Dolls in a Big World, and now yours because I love it so much!! It means more that you’re my fourth ’cause that means I like yours even better!)
~ LIght4theLord
Hi Light4theLord! Reading your comment made me smile so wide! ?You just made my day! I’m so super happy that my blog is your new favorite, that really means a lot! Thank you SO much! ???
I’m so glad I made your day! You’re always welcome! Your pictures are so great- both inside and outside, and you’re really talented at writing! I’m always excited whenever I see that you’ve done another post! Plus, I’m encouraged when you comment on my blog (which is almost every post!) and that makes me excited!! I wish there could be like, a doll blogger convention where everyone could meet! That would be so much fun! Anyways, I first found your blog when you did the Dolympics (I was so excited, but I wish I’d found it earlier!) and I absolutely loved it (I <3 gymnastics)! I think that it's cool that you did a collab with Daisy- it sounds so fun! Okay, this comment has gotten pretty long… so I'll just have to comment again some other time!
~ Light4theLord
~ Light4theLord
Aw, thank you SO much! And I love your blog! :D A doll blogger convention would be so cool – it would be such a neat way to meet all your blogger friends. I wish there could be something like that! :D
Ooh, I remember when you first commented on my blog when I did the Dollympics! I was like, “I love her username!” ? And thank you so much! Collabs are fun. :D Hehe, I don’t mind, I love long comments! ;D
Again, thanks so much!! ? ?
I think this is probably going to keep going- us continually thanking each other! We both have a lot to be thankful for, eh? :D I really wish that could happen! Meeting everyone from my favorite blogs would be SO fun! Too bad we couldn’t meet whenever I go on vacation to Florida! :) I’ve actually dreamed about meeting people at the AG stores that I ‘know’ from blogging! I loved the Dollympics- I remember being super eager and checking almost every morning for the next part and being so excited when it finally happed (and I understand about the brother getting fed up about the string- my brothers are always like ‘Can I help?’, and then like ‘This is boring. Why do you like dolls again?’ :)) I’ve always though collabs are cool!
~ Light4theLord
Hehe! Probably! And yes, definitely. ? I know, right? I’ve had a lot of dreams like that! :D
Aw, that makes me so happy to hear how much you liked the Dollympics! I’m so glad you liked it! :D Haha, yeah, brothers. :P
And yep! Have you ever done one before?
I’m guessing you meant the collabs.. nope, but I still think it’d be fun! My brother actually built me a ton of stuff, and he’s always asking what he can build, so I just hand him a catalogue and I’m like, “Just pick whatever you think you can build!” He already did a ton of gymnastics apparatus, Lea’s Rainforest house/hut thingy, a car, a wagon, and a ton of other stuff! :) Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to tell where I live, otherwise I’d be like ‘Is anyone coming to this store? If so, I’ll beg my older sister to take me!’ I wish I always dreamed about stuff like that!
~ Light4theLord
Wow! That is amazing that your brother builds you all those things! WOW!! :D Yeah, I wish I always dreamed like that too! I’ve had them a lot, but not any recently… :P
Same here! (the dream thing. :D ) Hey, maybe sometime we could do a collab! Of course, it would have to be in like, December or something because of the National Bible Bee for me and all… It would be really fun (for me at least!)!
~ Light4theLord
I was hoping you’d ask that! ? ? I totally understand about having to wait until December or something. If we do one, what do you think it should be about? Yes, it would be super fun! ?
Really? I was thinking the same thing! :D I’m not exactly sure what we could do it on.. but you can count on me thinking about it until we come up with something! It’d be so much fun! It might actually be later in November, unless we don’t go, then I could do it in October! I’m super excited!
~ Light4theLord
Hehe! ? Okay! I’ll be thinking of something, too. And that’s fine! I’m excited, too! ??
Me neither!! I was just thinking last night how many dolls we have that could ‘be’ each others for the background: Chloe/Katie, Samantha/Molly, Josie/Josie.. of course, I don’t have Emilie, Cecile, Ivy, or Jasmine… but then again, you don’t have Elizabeth or Julie- so we’re even! :) I also have a few others that could be ‘extras’ in case we needed them! Too bad we didn’t live close to each other! Oh, and my sister said that if I had glasses or if you didn’t, we could be sisters!
~ Light4theLord
Yeah, you’re right! :D And that would be so cool if we did love close to each other! :) And wow, really? That’s so cool! :D :D
IKR?!!! Have you thought of anything yet? it’s funny, I haven’t thought of anything yet… which is strange, seeing as how I always have tons of ideas in my notebooks… :/
LOL, I haven’t really thought of anything yet, either! :P
Wait… WAIT… IDEA COMING! Would you like to do a multiple-part photo story? Like, you do one part, then I do one part? We both have Josefina, so she could be the main character… I don’t know, what do you think about it?
That’s a great idea! It’d be really fun, since we both have the same doll ( of course, they have minor differences (‘my’ Josie is my sisters and she has a few freckles that my mom put on to look like my sister, but they’re not terribly noticeable))
I had a couple ideas too: a back in time sorta thing (choose a time period?), or an OCC thing where like, Ivy and Cecile and Josefina all received shoeboxes… around Christmas maybe!
~ Light4theLord
P.S. sorry I didn’t reply sooner, my brothers got strep and I’ve been paranoid lately!
Oh, okay, would your sister mind if you borrowed her? :P Yeah, they probably won’t be too noticeable.
Your ideas sound so neat! And that’s OK! Aw, I’m so sorry your brothers got strep! :( I’ll pray for them. :D
She lets me borrow her all the time, so it’s definitely not a problem! Thanks for praying, they’re not contagious anymore, thankfully and I’m hoping no one else gets ‘delayed strep’… :/ Anyways, whenever we come up with an idea we can actually start because we aren’t going to end up doing Bible Bee because of the financial issues… But that means more time for dolls, right? :D Kinda sad for me , but good for the dolls!
~ Light4theLord
Okay! That’s awesome they’re no longer contagious. :) Aw, I’m sorry you won’t be able to do Bible Bee anymore. :( But yes, at least that means more time for the dolls! :D Would it be OK if, when we finally get the perfect idea, we still did it more toward the end of the year? ‘Cause I still have HOTH going on and something big coming up probably in October. ;) :P Would that be OK?
Absolutely! It’s totally fine with me.. :) I think I’m going to end up dollitizing some books that I like in October!
~ Light4theLord
OK, great! :D And ooh, that sounds awesome!! :D
Yay! This is going to be so much fun!!!
~ Light4theLord
I know, right? I can’t wait!! ?
I’m excited! What are some of your favorite series/books? (I would LOVE some new ideas!)
Here’s some of mine:
– Wars of the Realm (series by Chuck Black)
– Sonrise Farm Series (Katy Pistole)
– The Doll People (Ann M. Martin)
One’s I’m thinking about dollitizing:
-Noel Straetfeild’s books (the Shoe series/books!)
-The Hidden Diary Series (Sandra Byrd)
There aren’t a whole bunch with only girls… but I’m looking!
Anyways, it’s late here so…
~ Light4theLord
I LOVE The Hidden Diary series! I’m actually reading them right now! :D My real-life BFF is letting me borrow them. That’s so cool you read them too! Obviously I love all the AG books, ;) and I also like this book series called Dear America. I read it a lot in Texas, but haven’t recently. :P And I forgot what the series is called, but something along the lines of “Texas Heroines” ;). (Read it in Texas, LOL. ;) ) So those are some of my favorites. If you dollitized The Hidden Diary Series, that would be so cool! I love your idea about dollitizing books, that is awesome!
Seriously????!!! That’s so cool!!! My sister has half of them and I have half- that’s the one I was really leaning towards doing- I already have the cast!
Serena- Josefina
Lucy- Amelia
Claudette- Mandy or Katie
Lucy’s mother- Elly
Which is your favorite so far? Mine is number six: Pass It On!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, that cast is PERFECT! It would be SO cool if you dollitized The Hidden Diary series! Well, I’m still finishing out the second one. I’ve been so busy I haven’t found a lot of time for reading. :P My friend has all the book except the last one, and so I really want her to get it so I can read all of them. LOL!
I’m super excited! Now that I have strep and an ear infection, though, I’m not up to taking too many pictures… though it’s relaxing to! I know what you mean by her not having it- there was like, a huge gap between when I read #6 and #7, and then another huge gap before I read the last one from the library! I have a GREAT library system where I live, and I love being able to put on hold any book from across the state!
~ Light4theLord
Aw man, that’s horrible! I just prayed for you. Strep and ear infection go away in Jesus’ name!! :D LOL, yeah. :P That’s so neat your library does that! :D I think ours does it, too – that’s how I borrowed some GOML books once. They’re really good. ?
GOML? What does that mean? It certainly sounds interesting! Thanks for praying! I did get a really long photoshoot done about fall, so I’m excited about that! :) Have you ever tried curling any of your dolls’ hair, other than the ones with naturally curly hair? I tried it on Samantha, but it fell out really easily… I still got some good pictures, though!
~ Light4theLord
Oh, sorry! GOML stands for Girls of Many Lands. Ooh, if you post the photoshoot on your blog, I’d love to see it! I tried curling Molly-Anne’s hair once. It didn’t turn out so well. :P LOL. :)
Oh yeah! I remember those now.. I only read one, but I like the Innerstar University ones better :) That’s really cute! I love her hair like that- it looks a lot like Samantha’s! Sam’s fell out as soon as she fell over while I was taking pictures, but I just twisted them and made do ’til I was done! :D
~ LIght4theLord
Oh, yes, I LOVE the Innerstar University ones! I should see if my library has any… :D And thanks! :D I bet her hair was great! Curling doll hair is so fun. ?
Those ARE great books! I did a fun thing with the ones at my library (hence the featured post!) It is, once you find the right method! It’s unbelievable how many ways you CAN’T curl a doll’s hair! :) Her hair was super cute before it lost it’s curl. :( Anyways… you’re homeschooled, right? When did you start? I’m homeschooled too, and I started on the fifteenth of August… I’m guessing you’re in eighth grade? (or ninth, or seventh?!) What’s your favorite subject?
~ Light4theLord
Yeah, they are! And that’s super cool! :D
Haha, yeah. :P :( :P
Yup! Well, I work all through the summer, so I’ve just continued, LOL.
Well, we don’t really go by grades, but if I was put into public school, I’d be in eighth. :D My favorite subject is Language Arts and History! You’ll never believe what I get to do for extra credit for history – read BeForever/Historical AG books and write little summaries about what I learned from them. That’s right, I get extra credit for reading American Girl! :D LOL! :)
You are soooo lucky! That is like, the BEST extra credit history assignment ever! I should suggest that to my mom… I doubt it would actually happen, but still!!! Oh… I’ve never gone through the summer, so I actually don’t know what it’d be like… my mom says she needs the break more than we do! :) I’m actually working ahead in some subjects, so my favorites would probably be (besides piano- do you play any instruments?) American Literature and Algebra. :) Not many people like math, I’ve come to find out. :P
~ Light4theLord
Hehehe! I really enjoy it! That’s so neat you do piano! I’m going to be starting piano really soon. And American Literature sounds super cool! Yeah, not too many. :P Math isn’t my favorite, but I don’t hate it. Some aspects of it are kind of fun. :P ?
Really? I love piano! It does take a while to learn to love it though… once you can actually sit down and sight read and play different, fun songs that you like, it’s awesome! It just takes lots of practice! Stick with it, once you start, ’cause it really pays off! (Taken from experience!) I like some parts of math too, like geometry (the little bit that you get before actual Geometry), solving for x (it’s kinda like a puzzle!), but I don’t like a whole lot of review- I like learning new things!
~ Light4theLord
^ did you see my latest post? I’m super excited about it!
Ooh, okay! Thanks! I’m super excited to learn piano. Then I’ll be able to make my own musical tracks for my stop motions! How could would that be? I’m sure it will take quite a while before I get there, though… LOL… :P
Solving for x is fun! Yup, kinda like a puzzle! I really like the stuff I’m learning for pre-algebra. And then some other parts of math confuse me because of this really weird curriculum we used. It took simple things and made them hard to understand, so we switched to something else and I’m having to do a lot more work in it. Ugh. LOL. :P
P.S. I just saw it and commented!! Congratulations on winning mini Melody, she is SO cute!
Ouch- I’m sorry- lots of subjects depend on the teacher and curriculum, don’t they? I’m not a big fan of history because I don’t like the way the curriculum works, but I really like other subjects! :) What curriculum were you using? That would be cool to be able to come up with your own tracks! I’ve never really tried AGSM (my sister would have a FIT if I took hundreds MORE pictures in different positions and uploaded them onto the home computer, cause I don’t have my own laptop), is it fun? How long does it take you to do? How many pictures do you normally end up taking? What do you use to edit them? Sorry for all the questions, I love learning about new stuff (especially concerning dolls!)!
~ Light4theLord
Yeah. :P We used an online curriculum called Monarch. I didn’t like it at all, so now we do math, Bible, history, and science in different curriculums. We still use it for language arts, and that’s the only subject not even silly Monarch can mess up for me. :P LOL. Anyways.
I don’t mind questions, hehe! I use a mobile app called iMotion HD on my iPad mini. It’s super easy and it will make the scene right in the app, so you don’t have to upload anything to the computer but the finished scene that is already in video form. It’s SUPER fun! Unfortunately, to make a stop motion that is both smooth and looks nice, it takes forever. It took me HOURS to make a 45-second scene, with over 400 pictures! Ugh! LOL. The results are very rewarding when you take your time, though. I don’t usually edit them when I make the scenes in iMotion HD, but for my O Christmas Tree AGSM, I used my Canon EOS 60D, And that took WAY longer. I edited them all in iPhoto, put them in iMovie, had to manually switch all of them off of something called “Ken Burns”, save the video, then put the video in iMovie again and speed it up so it wasn’t painfully slow. And because my camera is such high quality, YouTube made it horrible quality! I DEFINITELY recommend iMotion HD for doing stop motions, LOL. I want to get a program called iStopmotion which will convert your pictures into a stop motion just like iMotion HD, but since it’s compatible with great cameras, it’s, like, $300… :P So I’m just sticking with iMotion HD.
WHEW! That was a LONG comment! Sorry, LOL! Hope that answered your questions about stop motioning. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask! :D
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I’ve been reading the Hidden Diary Series in preparation! :)
~ Light4theLord
And ooh, that’s awesome! I just finished the second book. Now, my only free time for reading is Sunday afternoons between services, so it’s taking me extra long to finish books now. :'( LOL. It’s really good though. Now, onto book 3! ?
Wow- that is the most complicated process I’ve ever heard of (or read of, actually!). I think I’ll just stick to pictures. :) I never realized how much work goes into one minute! :D It’d probably take me a while too, ’cause I’d be working with a Canon and the computer so… I’ll pass on SM for now! Oh, I’m reading number two again right now!
~ Light4theLord
Yeah, it’s just crazy. :P
Haha, really? Awesome! So you’ll be dollitizing the Hidden Diary Series for sure?
Almost for sure! :) I’m only concerned about the copyright… I’m not sure how to take care of that. I mean, I won’t be copying the book word for word, but I’m kinda taking the story… ? Any ideas? I was thinking about contacting Sandra Byrd. I’m almost positive it’d be okay, but I want to make sure. :)
~ Light4theLord
Hmm, I suppose it would count as fan fiction, and that’s not illegal unless you plan on selling what you wrote without permission from the author. I think it’s fine (I did a TV-show inspired post once), but if you really want to make sure, contacting Sandra Byrd sounds super cool!
I never thought of it that way! I did end up contacting her through her website, but I’m going to go ahead and take the pictures anyways… :) So… I have to go do history and American Literature, but I’m working on a really cool thing for my email subscribers (just because I can’t figure out how to post it on my blog. ;D)
and I’m super excited about that! Are you allowed to tell which AG FL store you’re closest to? And were you hit by Matthew?!?! I didn’t think about it until just now. I have some relatives in FL who were really near the location of where it hit, but they’re okay. Hope you were far away from impact!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, okay! I saw your email subscribers widget! I’ve followed using WordPress since I’m not really allowed to subscribe to anything by email by the way. ?
And I think we’re closest to the Orlando! :D Hurricane Matthew missed us by just miles, and we got the beauty of it instead. It was cloudy and windy and much cooler outside, it was awesome! Not-so-great lighting for the big post I had planned, but oh well. :P Thanks so much for asking! You’re so sweet!! :D ?
Madi!!! You will not believe who just looked at my blog. Sandra Byrd!!!!!! She sent me an email saying that she’d be delighted if I did it on my blog and that she looked at my blog. She said to send her a link when I got it finished!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
~ Light4theLord
OH MY GOSH! That is AMAZING!! I can’t believe it!! WOW!! Mrs. Byrd sounds so nice!! :D :D :D
IKR?!?!?!? Now I have to get my brothers to get their stuff out of the sandbox so I can use it for the beach. :) I live like, 6-9 hours from the nearest beach. :/ She sounded really nice in the email!!!
Ooh, that’s right, you have a sandbox! That’s perfect for the beach scenes! Aw man. :( And that’s so cool! :D
I laughed when I read your comment, because like me, you reply in order of statements but it looks funny to the un-knowing eye! (Aw man. :( That’s so cool! :) )
I hope you’re feeling better from this morning- when I got mine pulled, I think I got four, but they said they did two. It felt like four. :P I’m eager to find out what the big thing for DWOD is!! I’ve been trying to think of everything it could be, but I can’t!
~ Light4theLord
LOL, yeah! :P (And thanks!)
Thank you SO much! ? I’m taking from pain relievers, so I’m feeling better. Thanks again! ? Aw, I’m so sorry you had to get two – or four – teeth pulled! :( It’s definitely no fun, huh? :P
Hehehe! I started working on one of the big things tonight. I’m so super excited for when everything is ready to be revealed to the public… ? LOL! Thanks again! :D
Argh. I can’t wait!!! When do you think you’ll have it finished? I checked your blog a couple days ago and the format was REALLY different… was that intentional? :)
I’m glad you’re feeling better!
~ Light4theLord
Hehehe! The debut date for all of my surprises is on DWOD’s 4-year anniversary. ;)
And HMMMM… MAYBE… ? ;)
And thank you so much! ?
OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That long?!?!?!?! :) Hey, I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but do you think I should put Katie in as the star of the Hidden Diary Series, the dollitized version? :/ I can’t decide… :)
~ Light4theLord
Oh, and I keep seeing you comment nearly every doll blog I like! Do you want to compare doll blog lists? :)
~ L4TL
Haha, really? And sure! Here’s all the active doll blogs I follow and comment on. In order from oldest to newly-followed since I discovered I could follow with WordPress (there are more blogs I follow, but these are all the active ones). :P
Treasured Friendship With a Flair
Happy House of AG
Heart of Dixie Dolls
Little House of American Girl
Dolls and Dance
Amazingly Adollable
AG Doll Awesome
Clara’s Craft Corner
Happy Days with AnonymousA
Faking It Mostly
The Girl Upstairs
Smile and Craft AG
Kiki’s Doll Hut
Buzz About AG
A Doll’s Life
Days of Dollight
Small Dolls in a Big World
Dolls N’ All (Hey! There’s yours! :D )
Lydia’s Toy Box
AG Lan 123
Mine. I stopped following myself and then re-followed to see if I could alert myself of new followers. :P
Small Dolls Big Hearts
The Sparkle Dollies
Adollable AG
Fun and Games AG
Lovin’ Dolls
Whew! That’s about all the active ones. I’d put the links in their names, but… I’m multitasking, so I don’t want to spend a ton of time copy and pasting a bunch of different links… LOL. :P
Whoops, sorry I’m replying to this so late! :P Yes, that long. ? My dad only has time to help me with *something technical* a half an hour or an hour at a time, so it will definitely take a while. And the two big surprises I mentioned aren’t the only things we’re working on, so coming my 4-year-anniversary, DWOD will have a whole new… well, I can’t spoil it. ;)
I think Katie would be great! It’s really what you want to do, though. I’m sure any doll you pick will be perfect for the part. :D
A whole month *sniffs and tears up*. The suspense is just too great! ;P Uh-oh. I just hope I like ‘new’ this time! (I don’t like a lot of change!) I’m really not sure… Amy doesn’t stand up as well, and Katie does look older…. but… I don’t know! Okay, I’ll work on my list soon! It’s pretty long… Some of those I don’t recognize! I’ll have to pick them out soon. I saw on one of your other comments that you’re reading Brother Andrew’s book?!?!?!? I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!! Oh, and he’s written others that I like too! My favorite story is about the ladies who were stopped at the border (I hope I don’t spoil this for you, but you said you were nearing the end) and asked if they had Bibles, and they had a whole car full. So they said, “Bibles?” and just kept laughing like it was a joke and continued, “We have a whole car full of Bibles!” and the guards thought they were joking because they just kept laughing about it. XD I’m really behind. I didn’t even know I had had my 1 year blogeversary, and I did. Oops!
~ Light4theLord
LOLOL! ;) (I don’t like change a lot of the time, either. I hope you’ll like this, though! After this there probably won’t be any more change. ;) )
Well, whichever doll you pick, I know she’ll be perfect! ?
And yes!! I love that book, too! Ooh, he has? And LOLOL! What a way to get past the guards. XD
Don’t worry, that happened to me in 2014, too! I was so busy moving I didn’t even notice my two-year anniversary pass by. :P ?
Here’s a quick list of the ones I follow… I can’t remember which are inactive, and which are only partly doll and so on and so forth. :) I’ve only got a minute before breakfast, so I’ll just try to put links next time or something!
Blogger Buzz
A Doll’s Life
A Teenager’s Dollhouse
AddyLatte ♥ an American Girl blog
Adventures in PlaymoCity, Jr.
AG Fans around the World
All Things Doll
Am I cute or what?
amazingly adollable
American Girl Doll Photography By Among the Dolls
American Girl Doll Play
American Girl Ideas
American Girl Place
An American Girl Doll Story
An American Girls Life | My dolls and their crazy adventures
Arts and Crafts for your American Girl Doll
Buzz About AG
Darling Dolls
Days of Dollight
Delightful World of Dolls
Doll It Up
Dolly Dorm Diaries ~ American Girl Doll House Doll Diaries Blog
Fun with AG Fan
Happy Days with AnonymousA
Happy House of AG
Herstory AG
Journal Of Two Dolls
Kaits AG Crafts
Lissie & Lilly
Living A Doll’s Life
Lydia’s Dolls
madness and fun with the dolls
Megan and Maddie AG
my doll neighborhood
My Not So Little Doll World
Our Story…
Small Dolls in a Big World
Small Town American Girlz
Sweeter Than Honey
The By Kids for Kids Blog
The Girl Upstairs
The Redhead’s Blog
Kiki’s Doll Hut
Woah! That’s a ton! I recognize the names of some of them. *gasp* I almost forgot about Madness and Fun with the Dolls. I couldn’t follow since I didn’t have Blogger, but now that I know how to follow with WordPress… *runs to WordPress reader*
LOL. ;)
I know, right? I keep forgetting to follow some, and then I remember that I can just copy the address and I’m like, ‘Yay! Let’s go follow them!’ :D What’s your favorite part in God’s Smuggler so far? I’m working really hard on my surprise for the email subscribers… I really hope you’ll get to read it at one point or another!!!!!!
~ Light4theLord
LOL, me too! ? ?
I love all the stories! Especially the ones when Brother Andrew was a boy and when he was in the army. He was so sneaky, skipping church but then listening to conversations to find out what the sermon was about! ? And then when in the army, and he crashed…
“He asked me if I knew how to drive it. He didn’t ask me if I knew how to stop!” ??? ? I also really like the stories of God’s provision and protecting him. And meeting Corrie in the factory. It’s hard to pick just one favorite! LOL! So those are my favorite parts so far. ?
Ooh, yay!! I hope I get to read it, too, even though I’m not an email subscriber. ?
I had forgotten that part! I need to re-read that. :) I’m still not done with it. :/ Of course, having to go to the orthodontist kinda took the time away too… but I’ll give you a sneak peek, if you want! I’m working on a list of stuff to add into it, kinda like the actual AG magazine, but not copying it exactly, just adding recipes and stories and real life stuff and crafts and all. :) Here’s some quick excerpts
Gwen shuffled up to the jar at the front of the classroom, whispering sarcastically to herself, “What do I have to be thankful for?” She rummaged through the jar and pulled out a slip folded in half. Turning to the class, Gwen opened it and read aloud, “Esperanza Luis?” A cheerful girl who was about Gwen’s age popped up over in the corner and waved. Surveying her, Gwen eyed her critically.
“Sorry it’s so crammed,” Gwen apologized, tossing a couple boxes out of the way to make room. “I want my parents to get me a bigger bedroom, but they won’t. I barely have room for my stuff.”
“Oh no, it’s fine! It’s much bigger than the one I had when I was little.” Esperanza took a seat, and then spotted one of the objects Gwen had brushed aside.
“Is that your doll?” she asked, her eyes lighting up.
“I’m from Peru,” she explained. “I lived on the streets until I was four, and then I was blessed to be given hope in an orphanage when I was six. Your room would have fit six or seven of us girls.”
“Six or seven?!” Gwen exclaimed, shocked. “I can barely fit me in here!”
“Well,” Esperanza said softly. “We didn’t have much to fill up anywhere. We were lucky to even have two dresses.” She smiled dreamily. “Sometimes we’d switch our clothes so that it would feel like we had more outfits. We felt so rich!”
“Oh, lo siento! I mean, I’m so sorry- I keep talking and talking about me and I nearly forgot about the project.” Esperanza’s Spanish slipped out and her bright smile fulfilled her middle name. “What will your essay be about? I think I’ll work on mine- how the Pilgrims were thankful for a chance to start a new life- like me when I was adopted!”
Okay, so that was more than a few… and it’s really long too. Sorry about that!
~ Light4theLord
LOL! ?
So you’re going to get braces? That’s so cool! Ooh, and I’d LOVE to see a sneak peek! It sounds SO cool!!
*reads excerpts*
Wow! That is AMAZING! I loved everything!! ? I’m even more excited for it now! LOL!
Hehe, don’t worry. I make long comments too. XD
Actually, I have braces *gags* (they’re not really that bad) and they were just tightened yesterday so… yeah. I also have to wear headgear. Yes, as in, the doll kind except it goes over my head instead of around my neck. It’s rather bothersome. I’m glad you liked the excerpts! I still need to take the corresponding pictures and upload them (I’m kinda getting in more trouble because my doll pictures take up so much space on the computer….)!
~ Light4theLord
Aw, that sounds no fun. :/ (LOL! I know how that is! My dad had to give me some more space on my laptop today. I’ve maxed it out!! :P )
The struggles of a doll blogger… :D I had to work on clearing up doubles today! I just found a wonderful way to use my love for dolls in the OCC boxes!!!!!! Like decorating them with old catalogs!!!
~ L4TL
Haha, yeah… ? And wow, that’s an awesome idea! :D
Thanks!!! I’m super excited about my project that launches on December 1st… It’s kinda got something (actually, a lot) to do with dolls, but it’s even bigger! I’m still praying for an awesome team though, ’cause I can’t do this by myself (even with God’s help!)! Oh, and another WIAN is up!
~ Light4theLord
Oooh!! That sounds awesome! I’m super excited! :D :D And oh, OK! I’ll check it out !:D
:) I’ve finally decided on THDS… Katie will be Lucy, and Josie is Serena. :) Plus, I’m taking them to the beach in a few weeks so that I can actually get some good shots! :D Are you close to any beaches? I have another friend who is seriously twenty-thirty minutes from a beach and her family never goes!! I guess it could get boring after a while… :D Though, I don’t know how the beach could be boring!
Lately my whole family has been sick-ish- first pneumonia, then strep (thank goodness that’s over!), and now this annoying cold (don’t get me wrong, colds for me are worse than the flu!). The only positive side is that I get to work on doll stuff a lot and listen to Down Gilead Lane. If you’ve never heard of Down Gilead Lane, you HAVE to hear it! It’s a Christian radio series that’s now on CD (but they’re done with all the seasons *sniffs partly because of cold and partly out of sadness*) and it’s mostly about a family with five kids (really close to mine!) and it’s so realistic! I <3 DGL!!! :)
~ L4TL
That sounds awesome!! Josie is a perfect Serena. :D Ooh, that will be super cool! Yeah, we’re about 45 minutes from the nearest one, I think. We don’t go very often, though. LOL. :P Aw, I’m so sorry your family has been feeling sick lately! Praying for y’all!!
I’ve never heard of DGL, but it sounds SO cool!! :D :D
DGL is awesome! I own the first album on CD and my sister has 2-4 on CD, and then she loved them so much she bought them on MP3 download while they were on sale- all eight of them (the ones she didn’t have)! I’m really excited to go down to the beach, and we’ll be there for a Sunday, and a year or two ago we went to a church called ‘Heritage Bible Church’ and everyone there was really nice. :) It would be SOOOO cool to meet you while I’m there!
~ LIght4theLord
Wow!! That sounds so cool! And hey, that’s super neat about Heritage Bible Church! Wait, is it in Florida?
Yup. Panama City, I think!
Wow! That is so awesome! I don’t know where Panama City is in relation to where we are… do you want to try to meet up or not really?
I don’t know exactly how we would :( How far do you think you might be from there?
~ Light4theLord
Oh dear! Panama City is six hours away from us. :P I don’t think we’d be able to meet up. :(
:( Ohhh… that’s too bad. I was really praying that ya’ll would live close by! Do you live near Melbourne, FL- my great-grandparents live there! If you’re not allowed to tell, that’s perfectly okay with me (I probably wouldn’t be able to tell)! Maybe one day! :D Hey, would you be able to email? I would have to ask my parents too, but it’d be cool if we could!
~ LIght4theLord
Yeah. :( I just checked, and we’re two hours away! And I’m actually not allowed to email people back and forth. :( :P
Hey, maybe one day when we go to visit my great-grandparents we could meet halfway! :) I totally understand! So I guess you’re closer to the Orlando AG store? Have you ever been to it? I really want to visit more than just the one in my state. There’s only one. :( Thankfully, I’ve gotten to go a lot and it’s really fun!
~ Light4theLord
Yes, that would be so awesome! :D Yes, we’re a little more than an hour away from the Orlando AG store, so not too far away at all. I’ve actually never been to it before! I really want to, though. That’s so cool you go to the one in your state a lot! :D
Oh, sorry, I just re-read your comment right before the one where I was so excited about Sandra Byrd that I accidently skipped over yours. Anywaaaaaaaaayssss…. any ideas about the collab this winter (I know you’re busy right now, so no worries!)?
~ L4TL
LOL, that’s fine! ? Hmm, I don’t exactly know… Maybe it could be a really cool five or ten-part photostory? Just an idea. Or maybe a Christmas Craft Collab? Like during December, one week I post a craft, and then the next week you post one, all the way up until the week of Christmas? Just another idea. ?
That would be fun! Maybe we could do more than one (every season!)!
~ L4TL
Hmm, maybe! I don’t know if I’d be able to do every season though…
Did you know that Melody’s movie came out today? It’s really good- my family watched it this evening!
~ L4TL
I didn’t know that! How did you watch it?
It’s on Amazon Prime- AG partnered up with them- it was the best movie since the last historical movie (and I liked some of the GOTY movies!)!!! Really sweet, though my little little brother didn’t like it (he doesn’t like it when people yell or get in trouble) when she was sad. I, personally, really like it! I plan on doing a review and scheduling it on Monday (I won’t reply to comments most likely until next week or maybe a few days).
~ L4TL
Ooh! I REALLY want to see it now. LOL! And oh, okay.
Okay, so last night I was laying in bed and I realized something amazing: one day we’ll meet in heaven!!!! I probably won’t get a chance to reply to any comments until next week, so until then! I’ll be shooting some pictures of THDS and I’m super duper excited! Oh, and it’ll help me be able to wait until your big surprise (which is a day before Elizabeth’s birthday!)
~ Light4theLord
Oh yeah!! We will! That will be so exciting!! ? ? No problem! I’ll miss you, but I hope you have fun! I can’t wait to see the pictures for THDS! And that’s so cool it’s a day before Elizabeth’s birthday! ?
I’ve already taken a single photoshoot of KAtie, but when I took Elly the camera battery died (it’s the family camera, so it wasn’t my fault… technically.)! I’ve figured that I’ve still got a day to just take Elly, then Josie, then all three (since that was the max number!) and then for THDS! I’m on my mom’s laptop, so this is shorter than usual because I have to hurry! I miss blogging so much while I’m on vacation!!!!!
Awesome!! :D :D I’m super excited to see the pictures! And I know what you mean, LOL!
Hey, did you know that another Maryellen movie is coming out on Amazon Prime (thanks to my sister, we have it) on November 25? I’m curious how they’re going to portray Maryellen in this one since they already did a mini-move with another girl… will they be using the same actress or not?!
I did know that! So cool! I really hope they use the same actress. She portrayed Maryellen very well, and if they changed the actress, I wouldn’t like it. XD
It would be really weird… it just wouldn’t be right. I really hope that Amazon doesn’t do the GOTY 2017 for their GOTY movie that’s been announced but instead maybe… Kanani!!! Or… Mia? Which one would you want to see?
Yeah, exactly. :P Ooh, I think a Kanani movie would be SO cool!
Have you ever dreamed what the GOTY will be in your sleep?! It’s crazy- it’s happened twice… something about cupcakes, purple books and goodwill.. :D A couple nights ago, I dreamed that it would be ‘Bethany Grant’ – a mix between a friend’s name and the leaked ‘Tenny Grant’! It’s unbelievable what our brains do in our sleep- it was so detailed! I can still remember what she looked like! (she looked kinda like Maryellen but with golden ringlets and bright blue eyes, a yellow dress with tiny pink flowers, and either gold, yellow or white shoes- I can’t remember that. I remember though, that I only saw the mini doll and I took a picture of her, which is the picture I remember. Kinda creepy, if you think about it too much!) I had another idea about the Christmas Craft Collab (as we are referring to it as!): what if we each did one a week, and then published a ‘doll Christmas party’ on Christmas (both of us) using the stuff we created? And we might make a ‘rule’ that if we have the stuff we make each other’s crafts so that there’s something similar in the parties.. what do you think? Okay, I’m off to go get crammed in the back seat! Of course, I’ve got my dolls so everything will be just fine!
I think I did, one time! I went to the AGP and entered a secret room where I saw a sneak peek of the next GOTY… It was weird. XD Wow!! Your dream sounds so cool! LOL!
Ooh, I love that idea! I think it’s great!
LOL, have fun! ;D
That’s awesome- a secret room…. I already have some ideas for a couple crafts! I’m SO glad to be home, though I miss the beach I’m glad to have my piano and the rest of my dolls back! I’m unhappy though, because some of my doll pictures might have gotten deleted… :( Oh well. I’m off to school *goes and lounges on couch while reading science book* < no, not really!
LOL, yeah. :D Me, too! Should we tell each other what crafts we might make so we don’t make the exact same craft? XD I understand how that goes! LOL! I miss the place we traveled to but am glad to be home. Oh no, that’s horrible! I’m so sorry they might’ve gotten deleted!! :( LOL, bye! :D
Thankfully, my dad was able to save them from a mistake on the camera card! I think it would be best if we told each other- it would keep it from being super easy to get mixed up, like you said! Have you ever gone paddleboarding? I LOVE it! Plus, you live only 45 minutes from the beach, so surely it’s possible! I’ve been twice, and I love it! I feel like Kanani sometimes :) I wish I had gotten Kanani when I was younger and her paddleboard! Do you know when they started making the mini dolls of the GOTYs? Okay, off to the next half of my science book (yes, I’m halfway through and a grade ahead!)!
YAY! So glad they weren’t deleted after all! LOL!
Okay! I’m not sure which ones I’m actually going to make (we’ll be gone doing ministry travels the first half of December. That means… TEXAS! YAY!!), but here are all the ideas I had.
(Anybody else besides Light4theLord reading this, please do not steal our original ideas and post them on your own blog. That’s totally uncool.)
•DIY Mini Doll Tree Ornaments
•DIY Mini Doll Christmas Tree
•DIY Doll Fireplace (there are a few tutorials on this already, but I thought of an awesome way to actually hang the stockings on the fireplace)
•DIY No-Sew Doll Stockings (there are tutorials like this out there already, too, but I have some neat variations that would make it unique ;) )
•DIY Doll Star Tree Topper (still working on a variation for this for people who don’t have craft foam)
•DIY Mini Doll Presents
•DIY Doll Tree Ornaments
•DIY No-Sew Doll Christmas Outfit
I have all the directions and materials written down for all of these, but I actually am not sure how the Mini Doll Christmas Tree would turn out. I’d have to experiment. XD I might not do all of these, and you are welcome to do any of them if you really want to or already had the idea as well, since I probably won’t get to all of them. XD
Wow, that was long. XD Nope, I’ve actually never been paddle boarding! It sounds SO cool, though! I wish I had gotten Kanani, too! She’s SO pretty! They started making minis of the GOTY with McKenna, but you could only buy her from Barnes and Nobles and not from AG itself. When mini Saige came out, she was only available at Barnes and Nobles, too, but toward the latter end of the yearand with a sale they started selling her on the AG website. From mini Isabelle and on, GOTY minis were sold on the AG website. At least, that’s what I remember. XD
Bye, L4TL! (Awesome!! :D :D )
Wow! Those are great ideas (even I would want to see some of those!)! I love all the things that we could do for both 18″ and minis! I had a couple of the same ideas, though I misplaced (okay, lost) the paper I had written everything down on on the trip. :/ I thought it’d be neat to make at least parts of a Christmas outfit (though it might require slight sewing, in my case, or a hot glue gun) for both the 18″ and the minis! Ornaments would be really fun to make, and so would doll presents (or mini!)!!! Okay, I have to get off but I’ll be back in half an hour! So long for now, Madi!
Thank you so much! Ooh, this are some awesome ideas, too!! Bye, L4TL!! So long for now!! :D :D
Okay, I’m back to finish the comment that I already posted that I wasn’t finished with but had to end before I was done! :) You TOTALLY need to go paddleboarding! I thought I had seen a Saige one, but then I didn’t remember it on the AG website. That explains! I’ll be thinking up some more. We only need a total of eight crafts (four each, for each week leading up to Christmas) and then the Christmas party on the 25th or so (I’ll probably schedule mine!)! If you want to go ahead and list yours, I can then figure out which ones I’d like to do and if there’s any on your list that you didn’t chose that I could do, I could do those!
Until you reply, ;D
~ Light4theLord
Sorry I’m getting to this so late! I know, I really need to! LOL!
That’s a perfect idea about scheduling the Christmas party! :D And okay! I’ll pick out the ones I want to do soon. :D But if there’s one you really want to do, just tell me! :D This is so exciting and fun! :D
The only thing I would really like to do is a cape and muff (I know I can do those!)- too bad we couldn’t do a doll quilt- that’d be fun! There’s only one thing I’m dreadfully worried about… how am I going to make mine good enough?!?!?!? I LOVE your photos (any tips on inside photography? Seriously- I’m afraid that in the month that there isn’t supposed to be ANY rain, it’s going to rain on the one day I need outside pictures- Elly’s b-day. Its’ getting super cloudy!) and crafts- I’m afraid mine won’t be up to standard! :/ Now, I just figured out the perfect doll for my 1-year-old sister (who ADORES braids and loves anyone who has glasses)- Molly!!!! No, just kidding. She’d probably eat the glasses to pieces (are they actually glass?). But still, I have to resort to Samantha with hastily done braids when I’m ‘babysitting’ her (which means watching her when everyone else is busy)! Okay, until the next comment,
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, a cape and a muff!! That’s so cool! Yeah, a doll quilt would be super neat. I think your pictures are already great!! :D Ooh, I have a tip for indoor photography that might help you. It’s cloudy, right? GREAT! Find a room where there are plenty of windows and lots of natural light. Cloudy and especially overcast days are actually best for lighting. Choose a time of day where that room gets the brightest, even with the clouds, and tada! Perfect lighting, great pictures! And about Elly’s birthday, maybe you could take the pictures in advance before it rains, and if it rains, try again the next day, or the next! :P Then schedule the post for her birthday.
LOL! No, don’t eat the glasses! XD That’s a good question. I’ve wondered that… O.o Bye!! Have fun (as much as you can :P) babysitting her! (Well, by the time I replied to this, you’re probably already done. XD)
WOW! Is this your big surprise, or just part of it? It looks great already! I love it!
~ Light4theLord
YEP! My surprises just debuted! Check out the newest post!! And thank you!! :D <3
Madison- I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! I’m really inspired to redo my blog now! Granted, it probably won’t ever be like this, but this is amazing! I love the new design- just when I thought it couldn’t get better, you improved it even more! Great job!
Aw, thanks SO much, L4TL!! If you did, that would be so cool! If it already looks fantastic now, I can’t wait to see how amazing it will look if/when you redo it! :D :D Thank you SO much!! I’ms super glad you like it!
You’re VERY welcome! Have you had time to think up which ones you want yet? We still have a month to come up with which ones we want anyways. You’ve been super busy, I know, so if you haven’t I most DEFINITELY understand! That is the best giveaway EVER! I couldn’t believe what I read at first, so I re-read almost the entire thing! I’m off to go test some designs on a private testing blog…. :) TTYL! (type to you later!)
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, not in detail yet, no! So sorry! :( I have asked my mom when we can go to the store to pick up craft supplies. I’ll definitely let you know which ones I’ll do. Sorry for the wait! LOL! Oh, and I was wondering if we could do it like this: You post crafts during the first half of December, and I post crafts during the last half. I know that’s not what we wanted to do, but I’ll be traveling come the end of November and I won’t be back until the 13th. (I’ll schedule some posts and make some in Texas, though) Would that be OK?
And thank you SO much! I’m so very glad you like it so much!! Hehe! :D Ooh, okay! That’s so exciting!! Hope everything goes well! (TTYL! ;) )
That’d be fine- would it be two per week for each of us for two weeks? Me: December 1,3, 7, 10 or something like that, and then you twice a week until Christmas, when we both do the Christmas party… your week would be the week you came back though, would that still work? If not, just suggest something! I’m going to ask my grandmother to take me when she takes one of the four oldest kids in our family out for lunch and shopping one per week. So far, for the one thing I know I’m doing, I have most of the stuff… I just have to search through my mom’s extensive supply of buttons! (bags and bags, boxes, and more boxes!) I can’t find one of the things I’m trying to find for my blog, but I’ll just grab another one at Michaels! TTYL, then!
~ Light4theLord
Okay, that’s a great idea! That’ll be fine. Wait… I think… that’s when I’ll be sending out the AG doll to whoever won, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to do a craft or two, too. It might have to just be one if I can’t do two. :( But I’m so excited! :D And that’s awesome! LOL, buttons! My Mimi has an extensive supply, too! :D That sounds great! And I’ll let you know which ones I’ll do as soon as possible. :D TTYL!
That’s fine! Just however many possible.. :) I’m really excited to see who won! Of course, I’d love to win (who wouldn’t?!?!) but I’m curious to see who is going to win- will I ‘know’ them from another blog or will it be someone I’ve never heard of?! Buttons are AWESOME!!!
~ Light4theLord
Thanks! Okey dokey. :D ;) Same here! And that’s how I feel when I enter giveaways, too! And yep! :D
I have ideas for the set up for my Christmas party- a nativity made out of my brother’s Playmobil set, a wreath that I might be able to get my hands on, some mini stockings… I’m really getting into Christmas, and it’s not even Thanksgiving! When I was at my grandmother’s house, I went ahead and dressed half the dolls (6 of them!) in Christmas/ winter outfits. I think I’m looking forward to it because it’s so CRAZY hot down here!! :) Oh well. But seriously, it’s November and today was the 51 this morning and probably in the 70-80s now. :( I think I can name all your dolls now by memory :D when I’m laying in bed I try to name all my friends’ dolls! I used to be able to name all of Loren’s but…
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, those are FABULOUS ideas!! Last year, I was so crazy about Christmas I was playing Christmas music before it was even Thanksgiving! Hehe! This year, though, the time is going SO fast… I can’t believe Christmas is already next month! 0.0 I feel ya – it gets cold in the morning here too, but then warms up as the day goes on! Ugh!! LOL. Be cold already, weather! XD Aw, that’s so cool! And same – I memorized all of Liz/Jessica’s dolls by memory, and then she got more dolls, I forgot to check her blog for a while until I figured out how to follow, and now I just forget who all of her dolls were. XD I don’t think I can name all of Loren’s anymore, either… let me try…
Tracy, Caroline, Neveah, Lea, Ellie, Ivy, Molly, Emily, Saige, Isabelle, Savannah… Uh, Savannah… Uh, um… I think I’m missing one! XD I know she has Mini Josefina (Aciana) and Mini Rebecca…
Anyway. :P I’m trying to memorize all of yours! Still working on it, haha. XD
I just checked. I forgot MJ! XD
Yes!! I am SUPER excited for Christmas- I love it! I know, right? Time seems to fly! (except when pictures are uploading. I’m trying to get Elly’s b-day ones to upload, and it’s taking FOREVER!!!) Okay, so for an inside scene, I was looking ALL over the house for even the slightest of good lighting, or lighting at all at 9 p.m. And I found it! I would’ve never guessed. I guess I owe it partly to my brothers, who were playing in the living room, which was the only room I could think of. But of course, I was desperate and was cramming, so I figured any lighting would be better than none.. so I moved to the kitchen- it was amazing! Exactly what I was looking for! I think it’s probably the best inside pictures I’ve ever taken- it didn’t turn them yellow!! I can’t wait for the pictures to hurry up and load!!
I didn’t even remember Lea (or Eve, as she calls her) and Savannah, or Saige! I forgot about MJ too! I think I could do yours… maybe I’ll try later after I haven’t seen your blog for a couple hours! :) I’m down south too- it’s maddening hot and dry! I have all these cute sweaters and boots, but no- it’s so hot! Okay, off to more pictures! I couldn’t believe I actually took 300+ pictures in under an hour. :/ yikes. My dad is NOT going to be happy. He’s not really into me blogging. He lets me, but doesn’t ever look or anything. I wish he was as on board as your dad! I wish my dad would help me with my blog- he’s really good at computer stuff, and it would totally be awesome if he did! I’m going to try to do some of your ideas you suggested! Off to cleaning while they load!
~ Light4theLord
Me too!! Ugh, yes! Pictures can just take their dear sweet time in uploading right when you want them to go faster. XD
Ooh!! That’s AWESOME! I cannot wait to see the pictures!! :D :D
Oh, yeah, Loren renamed Lea to Eve. I forgot that, too! XD LOL! Ooh, okay! :D Definitely – it needs to cool down so we can break out our cool weather clothes! XD
Wow! Over 300 in an hour – WOW!! :D Aw, I’m so sorry. :( Does he not like you spending time on the computer? Not trying to pry or anything. :P
Okay, yay! I hope the ideas work out! Bye, L4TL! :D
Finally, another person who understands when I’m in the depths of despair (quote from Anne of Green Gables :) ) over waiting on those pictures!! I’m working on them right now! For a minute, when you had named them all, I was like- She has Lea?! Oh yeah! Now I remember… or something like that! I already put up all my summer stuff and all of a sudden, it’s hot again! My dad’s okay with me taking pictures, but he doesn’t personally like me doing a lot of stuff on the computer. My mom is totally okay with me doing it, as long as I don’t overdo it. She makes sure I don’t strain my eyes or anything, even if I wanna keep going! It’s my dad’s camera, anyways, and his computer that I’m using- which makes sense… but I’m needing a USB drive ’cause my doll pictures are taking up at least 1/4 of the computer memory… I had to delete some of them :(
~ Light4theLord
(Anne of Green Gables is awesome!! :D ) And I know right! XD I’m in desperate need of cooler weather. :P Oh, okay. That’s a good idea about using a USB drive! So sorry you had to delete some of them. :( If you want, I have an idea on how to not take up too much space on your dad’s computer! You could upload your photos to an online photo site and create a free account or something. That way, they are saved online and you can delete the pictures off of the computer after you’ve uploaded them. When you want to put them in a blog post you can just copy and paste the image address into the image URL option in Blogger (I’m pretty sure you can do that, if I remember from my Blogger days! LOL)! Well, anyway. :P :)
I never thought of that! I love Anne of Green Gables, and the Sound of Music! I’m debating on the USB drive because 1. I could carry it wherever and work on my blog whenever 2. they’re really easy to lose!
So… I actually waited almost all day Saturday because I have this thing about dogs (like, big, loud, fast dogs- not the cute little yappy ones!) that start running towards me… there are some people in our neighborhood who have two really super big ones, and my little brother has been chased by both of them, even though he stood still they still ran around him and nearly scared him half to death. :( And I, having a fear of big dogs since I was like, four, was worried that those two dogs that kept getting loose would come and destroy my doll set up that took me all week. I highly doubt it would’ve actually happened, but my mom ended up talking to the owners anyways, which really calmed my concerns! I mean, I didn’t spend eight straight hours like you did, but I planned and prepped all week and stuff.. I REALLY wanted to go tell them that I was having a birthday party and I’d rather not have the guests terrorized by a giant dog, but I didn’t… :) I definitely wouldn’t have actually said that to them, though. :D Do you rollerblade? That’s random, but I just thought of it!
~ Light4theLord
Yeah, there are definitely pros and cons to using a USB. :P
Woah!! That’s crazy!! So glad they didn’t end up destroying the doll set up! That would’ve been awful. :P Nope! I’ve never rollerbladed, but I have roller-skated before. I’m just a beginner. LOL!! :D
Yesterday was a crazy ordeal over uploading a contest video of my sister’s.. it was a whole thing about my pictures and her files and too many this and that… :D I’m curious.. which doll would you get next? I’m working on cleaning up all the messes I made last week while decorating the clubhouse. I would’ve had the post up by now, but when I upload pictures it makes my sister’s quirky computer super slow (she watches her videos for school on it) :P I’ve also been sketching ideas for my blog constantly, and it helps to be ahead in school so I don’t have to think about it! Do you mind if I use your idea of the chat page? Yours was the first I saw (and pretty much the only), but I’d make sure everyone knew it was your idea… :) Is there anything in particular that I could pray for you about?
Rollerblading is AWESOME! I live in a state that does a ton of sports- just not the two that I’m actually good at: snow skiing and ice skating. There is a rink that’s like, an hour away but we only go three times away. :( Off to quizzes!
~ Light4theLord
I’m really, really thinking about asking for Lea for Christmas. At first I was like, I. LOVE. HER. And then I saw sooo many other bloggers had her, and I was like, I want my doll collection to be unique… but then I realized she’s so pretty, it shouldn’t matter how many other bloggers have her. I can make her unique in my own way. So I’m really thinking about asking for her for Christmas – I hope she doesn’t sell out too fast. 0.0 (The other dolls on my wishlist are Samantha, Kit, #24 and #44, in no particular order. ;P ) Yeah, computers can be super slow. LOL! My MacBook Pro I made both videos on is the slowest EVER. I have so many files I need to remove on there, it was torture to stopmotion with it. Stopmotioning is already slow work, but my computer made it even slower. XD Anyway! That’s awesome you’re constantly having ideas for your blog!! I have ideas for my blog at the worst moments; when I’m trying to go to sleep, in the middle of church, when I’m doing school… XD LOL. :P
I don’t mind at all! A chat page would be super epic on your blog!! :D And aw, you’re so sweet to ask! :) I have an eye appointment on Friday, and if any arthritis is found in my eyes we have to go right back on this really horrible medicine that cancer patients take otherwise my eyes could go blind outside of a miracle. :( I’m going to a Healing School at my church, and every day I’m learning how to apply the Bible to my life and understanding that Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to live in sickness and disease. I’ve had a miracle with my arthritis before, but I didn’t know how to stay strong in the Word of God and it would keep coming back. Friday is the last day of Healing School, so I’ll go out with a bang and ready to believe that the arthritis is gone and behind me forever. If you could pray that everything goes well at the eye appointment and that I have the faith to receive my healing, that would be AWESOME!
Wow! So sorry that was so long and detailed. O.o TMI, I know. XD. Anyway, I really want to try rollerblading sometime! When I get better at rollerskating, that is. XD Ooh, snow skiing and ice skating? That’s SO cool!! Wow!!
:D :D LOL, bye!
I’m so sorry you have to go through that- I will most definitely pray- miracles still happen! Lea is SO gorgeous! Have you seen her in real life?!?! She’s even prettier when you see her for yourself- I love her! Grace and Lea are more unique than any other GOTY besides Jess and Kanani because they don’t look like a remake of a Truly Me (which isn’t a bad thing, I just like the unique ones!)! Samantha is so pretty, but I heard she’s retiring soon (I don’t know if that’s true or not, so don’t panic just because I heard a rumor!) and Kit’s hair is super fun to play with. I like dolls that are different, like Maryellen because she has curls AND red hair! Ouch- it’s frustrating when computers are slow! I just try to remember (not always, but sometimes) that I have a computer that works! :) I was wondering- are you flying or driving to Texas? The route probably wouldn’t take you on 185 (driving), but if it did, we could meet up! But… it’s like a 20 hr. drive from Orlando or a 16 hr. for us so… you’re probably flying… still, I can pray, right?! Rollerblading is really fun, and you can do spins and jumps and skate backwards and stuff!
~ Light4theLord :D
Thank you SO much, L4TL! And yes, they do!! :D Yes! She is SO pretty!! That’s very true. I really adore the unique GOTYs! Hmm, if the rumor is true, I wonder why AG would be retiring her after they just brought her back? Ooh, yes, Maryellen’s hair is beautiful! My Florida BFF IRL has her and she’s amazing! :D LOL, yeah, it sure is. And you’re absolutely right! :) We’re going to be driving, but we don’t take that route :( . It would be SO cool to meet up though!! Like, more than cool!! :D Ooh, really?! I’ve always wondered if there could be an Olympic sport of rollerblading… people doing cool tricks and stuff to music… XD LOL! Do you do skate backwards and stuff?
She’s gorgeous… :) *dreamily looks at stacks of catalogs full of pictures of Lea* Samantha HAS been here for nearly 2 years, and they’re bringing back Felicity, so I could kinda understand – I still wish they wouldn’t take her away again. :( I’d love to play with Maryellen’s hair and do all the pretty hairstyles I’ve seen on blogs! I wish you took that route! Oh well- I’ll just keep praying! It’ be fantabulously awesome if we could meet up! Me too- can you imagine?! Figure skating for southeners! XD I can do a lot of the figure skating moves except like, jumps except a half-revolution (I can do the half) and the superfast spins because the wheels… don’t exactly spin sideways! I’ve actually come up with some fun routines and I record me playing the piano on my sister’s MP3 recorder and carry it with me while I skate! I can skate backwards pretty well- it’s VERY fun! But of course, I haven’t skated in two weeks (okay, one week I was gone on vacation) because I think I pulled a muscle in my right leg or something. :( That would be one Olympic sport that I could actually do! I’m not very good at any other sports :P
~ Light4theLord
I know right! Lea… is… amazing. :D :D Yeah, I hope they don’t retire to her. :( Yeah, me too! :( Yes, it would!! And LOL! XD WOW! That is SO cool you can do all that! I’ve always wanted to do little skate routines to music!! LOL! Aw, I’m so sorry you might’ve pulled a muscle. :( Haha, I’m not too great at a ton of other sports either. XD
It’d be kinda sad if they did. Understandable somewhat, but sad. :( I’ve dreamed and replayed in my mind what I’d do if we met each other! I’ll be praying for you especially tomorrow morning while I have my piano lessons- trust! I just now found the TM dolls you were talking about *facepalm* (they were at the top)- #44 is BEAUTIFUL! She’s super pretty- I love everything about her! It’d be so fun to do her hair and stuff! Some people are like, ‘that’d be a pain in the neck to try to keep up with’, but I’m more like ‘This is awesome! It’d be more of a challenge, and super fun!’ :D I thought it was so cool when I found out she was Shelby in the InnerstarU books! Doesn’t Loren have #24 (Neveah)? Maybe it’s a different one… I’m so ready for a brown or red haired doll- I ‘have (including my sister’s)’ four blondes! Note that my top 4 are all dark haired or red haired! :P It’s fun having variety, and it’s also cool when Elizabeth and Katie look so much alike that they could be ‘biological’ sisters! Okay, chat with you later! I made some minor changes on my blog- can you figure them out? I’m already working on the DNA (yes, I know what it actually stands for, but that’s what I’m using for now) magazine for winter and spring!
~ Light4theLord
Yeah, it would be sad. :( Really?! ME, TOO! I was practicing what I would say and everything! LOLOL! XD Thank you SO much for praying again! I commented with how everything went in another comment… somewhere on this page… I must’ve lost track. Hehe! And I know, right?! #44 is just, ahhh! I want her so bad, but I keep telling myself, “You already have Cécile, you don’t need one that looks a lot like her before you get some other dolls that would be unique to your collection…” hint, hint, Lea. XD I think I’ll ask for her for Christmas – but I just don’t know how I want her personality to be like. I do want her to be mysterious and older than most of the dolls, but right as I thought of that I realized people could think I was copying off of Lea’s mysterious character in The Guiding Compass at Small Dolls in a Big World. :/ So I’m not sure. I want her to be original, but I also want her personality to be the way I want it, so I don’t know… :P
And anyway, exactly! I’m always ready to take on a challenge with doll hair, too!! :D I recognized that Shelby was #44 and was like, “Hey! That’s the doll I want!” … And one I still haven’t bought. XD
Yep, Loren does! When I first saw Neveah, I went “No way. I want her even more now!” LOL. Haha, I felt that way before I had Chloe! All of my dolls were either dark-haired or red-haired, and I was in need of a blonde-haired one! And yes, I know what you mean! :D
Ooh, I just went to your blog!! It’s looking GREAT! Hmm, let me guess… You added a DNA Chat page… There’s no red in the background… The font changed… is there anything else I’m missing? The only thing I don’t like too much is the font of the text (it’s a little hard to read), but if you like it, that’s all that matters! LOL! And that is SO awesome about the magazine! Would there be a way for people to read it who don’t follow you by email? (I follow using my WordPress reader).
Oh, and Madi? I’m praying for you and if you wouldn’t mind.. would you be willing to share the results with me as soon as possible that way I can either rejoice with you (which is what I’m praying and trusting for) or continue to pray for your eyes with you.
2 Cor. 12:9-10 NASB
‘And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly therefore I will rather boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake, for when I am weak – then I am strong.’
I’m praying for you, sister in Christ! :)
~ Light4theLord
Thank you SO much, L4TL!! We leave super soon for Bible class and right after that is over we head to the eye appointment. Thank you so very much for praying! I will definitely let you know the results as soon as possible!!Thanks again!! You are awesome!! <3
One more verse- :)
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; My peace give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
~ Light4theLord
I love that verse!! Thank you SO much!! :D :D <3
You’re welcome- that’s what friends and sisters do for each other! :D The 2 Corinthians one is my very favorite, and I memorized John 14:27 in a different language :) I have to get off the computer right now, ’cause I’m headed to a piano lesson. :D
~ Light4theLord
❤️❤️❤️ :D That’s so cool! What language did you learn it in?
Oh, and GUESS WHAT?! (You’ve already guessed, I’m sure ?)
I got GREAT reports! I was so happy!! “Her eyes look perfect,” my eye specialist declared. I wasn’t surprised at all, though – I knew I was going to get great reports! Thank you so very much for praying, L4TL!! We’ve decided now to take what I’ve learned from Healing School about radically applying the Bible to your life, how it says we are healed, and really start doing it. Instead of putting all of our faith and trust in medical doctors or natural foods and medicines, we’re going to put our trust in God’s Word and I’m SO excited to be off of any food restrictions (hello, gluten! I’ve missed you more than you know! ;) ) and free from disgusting pills/medication and supplements!! Of course, we’re still going to be wise and eat the foods God made and not pig out on sugar 24/7, but I don’t have to worry about food restrictions and just apply the Bible to my life and how it says I am healed! ;) ;) Thank you so much for praying. I’ll keep you updated on how my arthritis is doing, if you want. Thanks so much again, Light4theLord!! I’m so blessed and honored to have you as a friend!!
Thank you, God!!! That’s another thing I can be thankful for for you this year! :) That’s great! I’m super happy for you!!!!!!!! HE is the Great Physician! You’re right- it’s good to eat healthy foods, but it’s not like you can’t enjoy sugar! ;D I’d love updates! I’ll keep praying!!! I’m honored to be called your friend! I was thinking this morning- I can’t physically be in a different state with you, but I can pray for you… I don’t know how to explain, but that’s just… amazing! Prayer really works! I was working on preparing for the OCC party this afternoon and I saw a Christmas card that had a saying on it- ‘Prayer covers the distance between us’ and I just thought that was really cool!!
~ Light4theLord
AMEN!!! :D :D Thank you so very much!! I’m so happy, too!! :D Thank you!! :D :D And that’s so very true!! Prayer isn’t limited by distance!! :D
Exactly! :D :P I was working on my doll’s profile page (the new one!) and I published it a couple days ago and just now realized I had forgotten to upload Katie’s picture! My USB drive finally came (at last!) and so I’m moving 4,907 items (13.3 GB) over!
~ Light4thELord
Woah, over 13 GB! LOL!! And ooh, I really like the new profile page for your dolls!
I know, right?! They’re still transferring! :) Thanks! I had fun doing it… I’ve come up with some ideas that I’ve never seen before on any other blog! (besides the one about the magazine for email subscribers) You’ll have to wait and see- no sneak peeks allowed!
~ L4TL
Exactly! Photos can be a bit of an annoyance sometimes. LOL! :) N-n-no sneak peeks?! *dies* Just kidding. XD Oooh, I can’t WAIT to see all of your amazing ideas! You are such an amazingly creative person!!
Yup- totally! :) Maybe one…… or two…. or none! :D *dies laughing evil-y* No, not really – maybe i’ll let you in on it! :) I’m already working on the second issue of the DNA magazine and I’m loving it just as much! Okay, so one of my ideas is better backgrounds for EVERYTHING! The magazine, my blog, everything! Here’s the revolutionary idea (haha, not really!) – scrapbooking paper. Just imagine it!! Snowflake backgrounds on magazine pages! And I’m going to make everything match everything… Unless it ends up being too annoying :D
~ Light4theLord
Nooo! The suspense! XD Oooh! If you decide to, thanks! :) :) That’s an amazing idea to have everything match!! The snowflake backgrounds sound so beautiful! :D :D
Thanks! I’m writing Katie’s profile and nearly dying laughing.. really! :D Or not really. :P I realized today what you did for Emelie’s dress on the header!! Tell me how!! It’s soooo cute!
~ Light4theLord
LOL, I know how that goes! I laugh over my own stuff, too. XD Thanks so much!! I just put a long skirt (Josefina’s) around her top. Then I wrapped a long ribbon around her torso and brought it to the front, criss-crossed it, and tied it at her neck. Then I gave her some tights ’cause it was pretty short. :P Thanks!! :D
I am SO trying that tomorrow! It’s already really late (for us!) here, so I’m off to bed (which means it’s a whole time devoted to brainstorming before I fall asleep – either that or trying to remember all the names of people’s dolls!)! We did kinda chat back and forth for a while! That was pretty cool! I’d go and write a couple sentences, come back and there was a reply! I finally finished Katie’s profile and I’m still laughing at some of the thoughts that I DIDN’T put in!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, OK! Let me know how it turns out! And bye! (Haha, that’s so me! I get 40% of my thinking for DWOD before I fall asleep! XD) Yeah, it was! I really love chatting with you! :D LOL, I know how that is!! XD G’night! :D
I will! Right now, we’re headed to the packing party for OCC boxes! I love chatting with doll lovers! It’s especially fun with you! :D
~ Light4thELord
Ooh, that sounds so fun!! Me, too! And aw, thanks! :D I just came inside from taking pictures for the HOTH finale before it got dark. I wanted to have it done on Friday (yesterday), but that just didn’t happen. :( :P ?
It was! I’m super tired and exhausted from running around, checking boxes and all, but it was fun! Oh, cool! It’s getting dark so fast so soon that it’s hard to catch good lighting before it’s dark! :) I know how it is to plan for one day and then… yeah. :D I didn’t get to try the dress today since we were gone all day, but maybe tomorrow! :)
~ Light4theLord
LOL!! That sounds exhausting but super fun!! And yes, I know! I had to bust it to get my pictures in before the sun set all the way. The lighting was really good though. :D And cool! :D :D
I was trying to get some last minute Josie pictures this evening- too late. :( Oh well! :D I haven’t thought much about the craft collab lately, but I think I’ll do the first craft tomorrow. I still haven’t decided on the second,third and forth! :) I wanted to make sure that you got the ones you wanted first, but I have the first to work on first! :P
~ Light4theLord
Oh well. :P :) No problem! I’ve been thinking a little about the craft collab. I’m going shopping with my mom this weekend for the supplies. I’m excited – I’m just hoping I’ll have enough time to make them all! :P
Okay, sorry it’s so late, but I just found the comment about Cecile and Lea and The Guiding Compass and all of that. I’ve been trying to see if I really like that font. It is hard to read, isn’t it? I think you’re right… I’ll change it this weekend when I get a chance- it’s been crazy busy for me! Time is so hard to find! I did get half of the first craft done this morning in celebration for only getting one math problem wrong, but then I got somewhat in trouble because of my little sister (think, me crafting instead of watching her)… :/ Oh well, maybe tomorrow! I have a friend coming over to practice a song for church on the violin, but I’m really hoping she brings some of her dolls… :D She and her twin sister have eight all together.. let’s see if I can name them: Rebecca, Ruthie, Chrissa, Isabelle, Caroline, Julie, Kit (that’s eight.. who am I missing?!) I’ll figure it out later!
~ Light4theLord
That’s fine! And I understand about trying to find time to do everything, LOL. :P Things can get crazy busy! That’s so cool your friend from church has some dolls – wow, Chrissa is a name I haven’t heard in a while!! She’s such a pretty doll! :D
Yes- crazy crazy busy! :D I’m going to try to get the other half done today somehow. :/ I’ve only got science, history, piano, and.. yeah. :D I try to work ahead as much as I can (hence being almost two grades ahead)! Chrissa is a pretty doll- it’s kinda sad- after a GOTY is gone, she’s mentioned a year later, maybe two if she was possible, and then forgotten by almost everyone. :( Which of the fourteen GOTYs are your top four favorites? I remembered the eighth doll in a dream last night (in which I dreamed that the twins got Melody, too, but they didn’t) – McKenna lookalike. McKenna sold out before she could get her, so they got a lookalike who looked like McKenna. My top four favorites would be.. Jess, Kanani, Lea, Grace. :)
~ Light4theLord
I hope you’re able to get it done! :D Ooh, piano… I really want to start lessons on my keyboard… *glances to left at keyboard* :P
True, sadly. :( I think the only GOTY that hasn’t really been forgotten is Saige – she is EVERYWHERE. She was mega popular!
Ooooh, that’s hard! Hmm… I love Saige, Lea, McKenna (for her story mostly)… Sonali is beautiful, too, but she’s the best friend to Chrissa so I don’t know if she counts. Oh, I know – Kanani! LOL, it’s hard to pick. XD
That’s an interesting dream! Jess is a gorgeous GOTY. Last night I had my second dream with Loren in it. Earlier in that same dream, my friends bought a blonde doll for all three of us to share… it was interesting. LOL!
Dreams are so funny! I’ve never dreamed of Loren, but I’ve had several dreams with you in them! :D A few nights ago I dreamed that the friend that is coming over this afternoon had a whole room of tons of dolls- I was trying to find all the AG ones, but I kept getting creeped out by some really strange looking ones. I felt so sorry for some of the dolls and I wanted my doll hairbrush by my side! XD It was really weird. And then… what was that other one I had?! Oh yeah, I was in Florida and ran in to you. That was pretty cool, actually! I loved McKenna’s story (probably because I love gymnastics! I’ve only taken for one month in my entire life, but I can do several things and my dad is building me a gymnastics bar (I already have a beam!)) Sonali is pretty!
~ Light4theLord
They are! :D Aw, that’s so cool!! :D Woah, that is such a creepy dream! O.o And awesome! :D :D (Me too! I really want to take it again – and wow, really?! That is SO cool! :D) Yeah, she is! :D
LOL, I used the :D smiley a lot. :P
There were some REALLY weird dolls in that dream… :) I still can’t imagine not liking dolls, though! :D I love watching gymnastics too, and imagining some really impossible routines in my head! That’s probably why I loved the dolympics. :D I finished an accessory to the first half of my craft, but still haven’t started on the second. It won’t take long though, since I know how now!
~ Light4theLord
Haha, I know, not liking dolls would be hard! :P Really?! Me, too! I always imagine me doing these really awesome and pretty impossible gymnastic (or dance/a mix of both) routines to whatever song I’m listening too… ? LOL! Aw, I’m glad you like them! :D Ooh, awesome! You’re way ahead of me! XD Which craft is it?
Oh, and what do you think of the new font on my blog? Is it easier or harder to read? I’m still testing, but being me (I can read almost any handwriting, which should tell you something), I don’t know. Also, what do you think of the Stars page? I’d love your opinion (honest opinion) when you have time!
~ Light4theLord
I just visited, I like it! Is the font name called “Giddyup Kid”? I think it looks super cute, but you might keep experimenting. I think a clean-looking font would be easiest to read for the most part – would you be able to choose a fancy font for titles and a clean-looking one for regular “body” text? Either way, I think it looks great! :D
I checked out the Stars page – it looks fantastic! I love the beginning! The only thing I would suggest is… hmm, I don’t know how to explain it… like, whenever you’re done with the bio of a doll, press Enter a couple of times before the picture of the next doll. Same thing with “Guest dolls”. :D
It’d be terrible not liking dolls! It’s funny, we had some missionary friends come over and she and her son were staying in the bedroom that I share with my sister (which is covered in doll stuff most of the time)… so I just happened to think of someone I knew who had a fear of dolls and happened to ask her son, “Do either of you happen to have a fear of dolls?” and believe it or not, he did. Of all the times, really?! :D So, I had to put up all my dolls (poor dolls!) :( Seriously?!! You do too?!!?!? I do it all the time (sometimes my gymnastics ones defy gravity slightly, but still!)!!! It’s the matching mini and doll cape and muff. :D I did the mini one really quickly, but I think I’ll need a bigger time slot for the doll-sized one. :) Actually, I think the font is like… Crafty Girls or something. :) Okay, changed it. How’s that now?! :) I also spaced out the doll profiles. Thanks for the feedback, it really helps! I had so much fun writing Katie’s profile. :P I’d never had a fun-loving-sportsy-jokster doll before, and so I loved doing that for her!
~ Light4theLord
I know, right! :P Wow, really?! Poor dolls!! :(
Yes!! LOL! (Haha, mine too. XD ) Ooh, awesome! I can’t wait to see your craft when you post it. :D
I like that font! It looks really nice! And the profiles look great!! Aw, you’re welcome! :D Haha, yeah, it is super fun to write their’ profiles. I’ve added a new doll to my wishlist – #62 – and she’s going to be super sporty! Well, either her or #44, if I decide to get her. :)
#62 She really does look sporty! Thanks! I’m actually thinking that if I can get 7,000 pageviews before Thanksgiving, I’ll post the pictures of the magazine I wrote. I’m really hoping that will happen (an average 35 daily views) so I’m going ahead and starting on it!
~ light4theLord
Yeah! :D That’s an awesome goal!! I’ll help you get those page views… *starts reading through posts* LOL! :D Well, I have to go now… :( Bye, L4TL! Type with you later! ;)
LOL :D I’m only 270 away from my goal! :D I already have all the files ready, and I already wrote the post (see how hopeful I am?!) :) It was super fun typing with you yesterday! Which 4 Beforever dolls (currently available) are your favorites? :) I like asking people’s favorites. :P
~ Light4theLord
That’s awesome!! :D Yeah, it was! I really enjoyed it! :D Hmm… in no particular order, probably Samantha, Rebecca, Kaya, and Kit! :D
Me too! Mine would most likely be… Maryellen, Melody, Kaya, Rebecca! I was so happy- the internet was so super fast this morning that I got half of the Ultimate Hide and Seek pictures uploaded, 27 or something of the shoebox pictures all uploaded in like, an hour!!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, yay! That’s so awesome it was loading faster!! I can’t wait to see the hide and seek and shoebox pictures!! :D
By the way, do you remember which crafts I told you I would do? I’m looking everywhere in our comments for which four I listed since we’re going shopping soon for the materials, but I literally can’t find the four I told you I would do! Did I even comment and tell you at all?
I’m going to try again this morning and see if it’s fast today! I don’t remember if you specified the exact four, you just listed these ideas (•DIY Mini Doll Tree Ornaments
•DIY Mini Doll Christmas Tree
•DIY Doll Fireplace (there are a few tutorials on this already, but I thought of an awesome way to actually hang the stockings on the fireplace)
•DIY No-Sew Doll Stockings (there are tutorials like this out there already, too, but I have some neat variations that would make it unique )
•DIY Doll Star Tree Topper (still working on a variation for this for people who don’t have craft foam)
•DIY Mini Doll Presents
•DIY Doll Tree Ornaments
•DIY No-Sew Doll Christmas Outfit)
I think I told you about the fur cape thing for mini dolls and dolls, but I don’t remember telling you or you telling me anything else. I’m thinking about mine and starting (I’m trying to go ahead and finish my science so I can solely work on it) on it, but I was waiting to see which ones you wanted to do! Just curious, but how many siblings do you have? I know you have a younger brother and older sister- any others? :)
~ Light4theLord
Thanks SO much – I found out that I was actually typing out the four I wanted to do and never finished them or sent the comment! Whoops! Last night I finally picked them out and wrote down materials I’ll need. I think we’re going shopping today… Anyway, here is the list of crafts I’ll do:
•DIY Mini Doll Presents
•DIY Doll Tree Ornaments
•DIY No-Sew Doll Stockings
•DIY No-Sew Doll Santa Hat
•DIY Doll Fireplace
I know there are five, I’m either going to do the Santa hat -or- the fireplace, it depends. I might do the Santa hat as a bonus if it’s easy, but if not, I just won’t do it. :P I’m pretty sure I’ll do the fireplace, though, since I’ll make the doll stockings and dolls need a fireplace. :P If you want to do the Santa hat, though, you can! :D
Nope, just my younger brother and older sister! I wish I had an adorable little sister though, that would be fun. :D
LOL – I do that sometimes and then when I moderate the next comment, I realized I never replied and I feel really bad! Oooooh, fun! I think I’ll end up going either tomorrow or next week now that I think I know what I’m doing:
DIY Doll Cape and Muff (with matching mini doll ones!)
DIY Doll Christmas Cards and Storybooks (and some tips from Amy on wrapping presents!)
Those are only two, I know, but I’m still trying to figure out how to make a nutcracker. :) Plus, I have some other ideas but I don’t want to say I’ll do them and then not know how :P if you know what I mean. I promise they’ll be up to standard too, especially the storybooks. I’m super excited about those!
Little sisters are a lot of fun most of the time (my poor little sister who is quite adorable has an ear infection)!
~ LIght4theLord
Haha, yeah! :P Ooh, wow! Your crafts are so original and unique! They sound amazing! That’d be so cool if you could figure out how to make a nutcracker. :D
Aw, so sorry your little sister has an ear infection! :( I’ll pray for her if you want! :D
Thanks! I’m studying pictures and our nutcracker… I think I could do the body, and with my brother’s help and maybe clay?!?! I could do it! Please do pray! She hates it when we have to give her medicine or help her with her stuffy nose and everything (thankfully, we put her medicine in her yogurt and that helps!)…
~ Light4theLord
You’re welcome! I hope it works out – I don’t know of anybody who’s ever done a doll-sized nutcracker!
Aw, I sure will pray!
Oh, and guess what’s up thanks to you?!?!?
Let me guess… 7,000 pageviews?! :D
Go look!!!
Oh, I thought of another one that I’ll do: DIY Christmas Décor (banners, wreath, Christmas rug)
Are you good at clay food? I’ve never tried my hand at it, but every party needs cookies and hot cocoa and stuff like that… :) Also, if you’re allowed to tell, when are you leaving for Texas?
~ Light4theLord
Oh my goodness, that’s such an amazing idea! You are a pro at craft ideas. ?
I’ve made a ton of doll food with playdoh and a bit with actual clay. It’s actually really easy – *GASP* IDEA COMING. FORMING. IDEA! :D ;) DIY Doll Christmas Food! However, all of my techniques are actually found elsewhere online, so maybe I should just compose a post full of links to doll blogs with tutorials on making doll clay Christmas food? Would that be something cool to post along with my crafts?
I’m actually not sure of the exact dates, but probably Monday or Tuesday of next week is when we’re leaving. Oh, and I just came home from the store – I got all the craft supplies I needed and my brother even bought me some Christmas stickers I wanted as my early Christmas present. XD
Thanks!!! I was just thinking the same of you! I haven’t tried yet, but I’d like to soon! YES! Hmmm… that might work (the links)! Okay… Will you still post and reply?!?!? If not, I’ll miss you!!! :D Oh, great! That’s really nice of him. How many years apart are you and him? There’s two between me and my brother…
~ Light4theLord
Oh, I just finished watching the National Bible Bee Junior Finals *sobs* I could’ve been there… :( That’s where I would’ve been right now… Oh well! I’m super happy for my friends Elizabeth and Rebekah who won 2 and 5 (like, $20,000 and $1,000)!!! If you get ever get a chance- it’s amazing to watch live!!!!!! I actually spent all day yesterday watching the semi-finals so I didn’t get much done… :) I worked ahead in school to be able to watch!
~ L4TL
Aw, I’m so sorry you’re not doing the National Bible Bee thing… :( That’s super cool! Wow! I’ve never heard of the National Bible Bee Junior thing before, but it sounds really neat! That’s amazing that you were in it. :D
P.S. I replied to one of your comments on this page with info about the collab – did you get it?
I never made it to semi finals or finals, but two years ago and the year before that the year before that I went to Nationals.. it’s a great way to make friends and get motivated to memorize God’s Word! :D It’s really cool! Hey, maybe you could ask you parents to look into it with you- it’s really cool (biblebee.org)! In preparation for next year, I’m going to try to memorize the book of Psalms by June 1. I’m almost done with chapter two (and I decided last year!) already! It’s way funnner doing it with someone, though, which is why I love doing it with friends in Bible Bee!
I didn’t see it… :/ Ummmmm… ??? I just looked through them really quickly, but didn’t see it. Do you remember what you said in it?
~ Light4theLord
Wow! It sounds so awesome! WOAH – the entire book of Psalms?! All 150 chapters?! That blows my mind! :o WOW!
Oh, okay. I remember what I said, so… Our Texas trip has been shortened from nearly a month to only eight days! I’ll be back on November 30th, so I’ll have the entire month of December to work on the craft collab. Do you still want to do where you do post crafts for the first half of December and then I post crafts for the last half leading up to Christmas, or go back to the original plan: You and I each post one craft each week leading up to Christmas? Either way works fine for me! :D
It is!! Yes, I’m already on the third chapter (I started on the 18th), but I already knew most of the first chapter, and they’re really short. :D I’m working on like, 1 chapter daily, with the exception of the super long ones like 119.. :) Oh, I’m sure you’re disappointed – I’m sorry for you, but glad we’ll have you back sooner! That’s great that you’ll have more time! I think that it’d be easier for me if we did one each every week leading to Christmas! Today was my cousin’s birthday party, and she had an AG themed b-day.. :) I think that we might actually end up using the DollWorld at my grandparent’s house for my Christmas party setting for a few reasons: 1. more guests! 2. something that my cousin and I can decorate together 3. somewhere that my baby sister can’t get into as easily (or often!) 4. more space and better walls (it’s in a corner) 5. better chance of my grandmother taking us craft-shopping!!! :D
~ Light4theLord
Oh my gosh, that is amazing! I thought I was pretty good with my 150+ Scriptures memorized – you’re memorizing 150 CHAPTERS! Way to go, L4TL! That requires serious dedication! :D :D Psalm 119 should be quite interesting to memorize… LOL! That’s a looooooong chapter!
Yeah, but I’m glad I’ll have more time! Same here, it sounds way easier. :D
And ooh, that’s super cool! I’ve never had an at-home AG-themed birthday party before (I want to, though ;) ), but it sounds super fun! And that sounds awesome – I can’t wait to see your Christmas party! :D
I’m going to try as hard as I can! That’s great- every verse counts, right?! :D Thank you! My sister memorized 119 a while back, and that one will probably take a couple days :) (if not a couple weeks!) Several of the others are pretty short (117, 150, 4, etc.)… That way I’ll only have to do one a week leading up to December rather than like, three! I had another idea- Doll Advent Calendar! I love the DetectiveWork post – it’d be funny if my dolls were wondering the same thing (except that I have a ton of craft stuff in the attic, so it’s more like me running up and down grabbing stuff!)
~ Light4theLord
Wow! I just can’t get over how amazing that is you’re going to try to memorize Psalms! That is so awesome! Yeah, the short ones like 117 should be easy, hehe. ;D Ooh, a Doll Adventue Clendar – that sounds amazing! And aw, thanks! And hahahaha! ?
Okay, so this is the final six that I think I’ll end up doing (two are optional, depending on if I finish in time and can figure out how to do):
DIY Doll Advent Calendar
DIY No Sew Doll Cape & Muff (with matching mini doll set!)
DIY Doll Christmas Décor (banners, wreaths, snowmen, etc.)
DIY Doll Christmas Cards and Storybooks
DIY Doll Stocking Stuffers (because crafting readers need something to put in your stockings, unless you were planning to add ideas!)
DIY Doll Nutcracker (this is the optional one, if I can finish it!)
I might end up adding a couple fun finds at the end of each one, to add to it!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, those sound amazing! I love the stocking stuffer idea – I hadn’t thought of that (besides linking to a past craft about doll candy canes)! So which day of the week would you like to post on? Like, you do a craft on Monday of the first week and then me on Friday, for example? Or something like that. :P
Thanks! I might end up making half of the stocking stuffers and then going and looking for mini things. :D The first of December is on a Thursday, and so for the first week, I’d rather do Thursday or Saturday because Fridays are pretty busy for us, but after that, Wednesdays or Tuesdays would work best! I might end up going shopping on Friday if I get over this awful cold. Again. :/
~ Light4theLord
You’re welcome! And that sounds good! :D Ugh, so sorry about your cold – I’ll pray for you if you want! :D
Okay, great! So which day do you want to post on (or an option of two days in case one is too busy)? I’d appreciate prayers! Especially since my little sister has a little cough of her own and is miserable. :(
~ Light4theLord
Would you post the first craft for the first week? That’d be Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. The next week I’d most likely post on a Monday, and maybe you could do a Wednesday? After that, later in the week works for me (most likely Friday, but maybe Saturday). Would that work out well?
Sure thing! I just prayed for both of y’all! <3
Sooooo… you can do it on Monday for the first full week, but on that weekend you can do Friday or Saturday? Let’s see.. How about I post on Thursday (December 1) and Thursday (December 8)? That way you can do either the 2nd or 3rd (Fri or Sat) and that Monday (5th). After that, I think I can work with just about anything. And besides, if we’re a day off, it’s not life-threatening! :D ;) Also, I’m working super hard ahead in school so that I can have almost the whole month of December off. How awesome would that be?!?!? All I have to do is a chapter of science a day *gags* *rolls eyes* until November 30th and I’ll be two grades ahead (meaning I’m a shoo-in for having December off, besides math)! :D
~ Light4theLord
That sounds good! I might have to do Tuesday the 6th, though, for that week. :P
Ooh, that is so super awesome you can have almost the whole month of December off! I think I’m only going to get like a week or two off for Christmas :'( LOL. :P I really want to work ahead and see if I can get some more days off, though, but I might be too busy. I’m super excited however – I have a feeling December is going to be one of my favorite months this year! And I’m super excited to be doing a collab with you! :D
Oh, did you see the post of Katie with her hair curled? She looks like Chloe Zoey and Shirley Temple!
~ L4TL
Oh my goodness, I haven’t commented on that yet, I’m so sorry! It’s been crazy these past few days visintg family in Texas. I’ll go check it out and comment right now!! :D
Okay! Whatever works for you is fine with me! Poor Madi… :( :P I don’t really want to do a chapter a day, but so long as I get a whole month to decorate, make presents, and do doll stuff, that’s awesome. :D I can’t wait for the collab! I forgot to copy something last night at my grandparents’ house, so I’ll have to do it tomorrow. Our printer is out of color ink and I figured that my first craft should be the countdown Advent calendar! How’s your vacation going?
~ Light4theLord
Thanks so much! LOL. :P And yeah. :D Me either! I’m super excited for it. Ooh, the Advent calendar for your first craft is PERFECT! People are going to absolutely love it! :D The vacation has been phenomenal, thanks for asking! I just flew home today and am getting started on everything DWOD. It’s a full-on collision with me and Christmas preparations, crafts, DWOD stuff, and more DWOD surprises now! I haven’t even used the bathroom or had lunch yet. I just sat right down and began working. XD I’m super excited for everything, though! Anyway… How have you been? :D
I’m so glad you got back safely! I’m very excited- I should probably go get started, I’ve been working on a SUPER important project for tomorrow, and I had to hurry because of tornado warnings and thunderstorms- thankfully, it’s all over and the tornado missed us by very little, but I don’t believe anyone was hurt. It’s done now, and I can launch it (I’m SO glad that I’m done with it for now- a couple times things got deleted and I got really aggravated, but it’s all good now!)! Yay! WOW! You are dedicated! I can’t believe that Christmas is SO close – it’s unbelievable! I’ve got the mini doll cape completely finished, but other than that I haven’t really finished any of the others, though I have the supplies now! I’m great! I can’t wait to find out who won the giveaway tomorrow (Eek!)! Did you know that you were nominated like, 17 different times on Grace’s (theupstairsgirl) Best of 2016?!?!
~ Light4theLord
Thank you do much! :D Oh dear, I hope nobody was hurt! :o Thanks! :D And I know, right?! The time really has just completely flown by! I can hardly believe it!
That’s awesome you have the mini doll cape finished! I can’t wait to see all of your crafts! :D And by the way, congrats on winning From a Doll’s Perspective’s photo contest! I didn’t even know you entered! :D
Me, too! I’m going to begin writing down the entries right now (which could take a while XD).
I saw! I could not believe it! :o :o :o I also nominated and voted for you in Grace’s Best of 2016!
I don’t believe anyone was, I didn’t hear that it touched down, but it was pretty windy! It’s unbelievably fast how time flies- I remember just this summer how I got so into it! I just finished the advent calendar (though I’ll let you in on a little secret- I kinda cheated by not filling in all 25 spaces… :D) I can’t wait to see all of YOURS! I think I’ll probably end up turning my clubhouse that my brother made into their Christmas place, and once I add everything, it’ll probably be pretty full, but I can always expand around, right?! :) Thanks! I saw your entry! Ooooohh- have fun! I am seriously SO excited for whoever is going to win- it’s really generous of you! Thanks! That really means a lot to me! I nominated you several times too (there were so many categories!!!)! Okay, off to decorating the clubhouse (wrapping it in wrapping paper – an experiment, you might never see the finished result if it’s horrible!) and making the décor!
~ Light4theLord
Phew, that’s good! :D
I know, right? Time really has flown by so fast! :O I saw your advent calendar craft! Oh my goodness, I LOVE it. And thanks! I’m super excited to make them all!
And you’re welcome! I know, there were a ton of categories! :D Bye! LOL! Have fun! :D
Hey, I was wondering… how did you get started with the advertising on your blog? My dad is interested in me doing it (believe it or not!) to start saving for the future (what I want to be is pretty expensive – I want my pilot’s license and be a missionary doctor). Is there a minimum pageview count, and how did you get AG to advertise here? I’m not sure if my blog would actually be good enough to start yet, but at least I can tell my dad that I asked you!
~ Light4theLord
Oh, yes, about the advertising: I applied for Google AdSense and got an Amazon Associates account. (I also got YouTube advertising for my videos). My dad helped me with it all since I’m too young for actual accounts on all of those things. I don’t think there is a minimum pageview count or anything, but I used to there there was, too. As for AG advertising, I think that’s related items for your recent history on Amazon.com – it will show you stuff you might be interested in, and for most of the people on my site, that would be American Girl stuff! :D
I hope that helped! If you have any other questions, well, I love questions. XD
Oh, and Happy December 1! Only 24 days ’til Christmas!!!!! I’m uploading pictures right now for the advent calendar! :) I also finished wrapping the clubhouse yesterday. It took two tries and STILL isn’t perfect, but it’s okay, I guess! I also finished the wreath – SUPER easy. :D
~ Light4theLord
Happy December 1! :D I know, right? I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT :O Like, AHH! Christmas is my favorite holiday ever. :D I saw your post! I love it so much! It’s amazing! Wow, you are WAY ahead of me. :P I’m swamped with stuff but am super excited to begin working on my crafts!
*replies to three comments in one*
1. Thanks! I had so much fun doing it until my finger got sore cutting paper with my brother’s pocketknife. And then the next day my sister found her craft knife. *facepalm* I couldn’t even think of some people for several of the categories (writing, lifestyle, random post?!? I’m a doll lover!)
2. That’s great! So you DO use Amazon Affiliates? My mom is willing to help me set that up, and I think she’d be all for it now! :D What about Google AdSense? Can you control the ads that are on your blog? I DEFINITELY do not want inappropriate ads on my blog at all. Ha! I like questions, if I know the answers (I DON’T like math problems that I get wrong- it aggravates me!)
3. Happy December 2, now! Christmas is my favorite time of year!!! :) I also finished the banner! :D You’ll be fine! I know the feeling, I’m surrounded with all this craft stuff, and I have to pick which one I want to do next! I love it!
~ Light4theLord
1. You’re welcome! Oh my goodness, that’s crazy your sister found her craft knife the next day. XD (Same here! I finally just nominated and then voted for people I knew/recognized/heard of that were nice. XD
2. Yep! (silly me, it’s Amazon Affiliates, not Associates XD) It’s super awesome, especially when you tell your friends and family about it. A bunch of my family members are now going to order their stuff through my Amazon link, so I am super excited! :D Yes, you can pick and choose the different categories you’d like on Google AdSense. I have all the offensive categories turned off except for the Christian (“religious” as they call it) ones, I believe. Yeah, I TOTALLY don’t want inappropriate ads on my blog, either. That’s why I’m glad you can choose which categories you want. :D (Same here! XD)
3. Happy December 2! YAY! :D And thanks! I’m super excited to begin… hmm, I think I’ll do the DIY Doll Christmas Ornaments first…
I know, right?! After ALL the work I went through :D That’s a great idea! I will definitely do that really soon. Oh, good. I was afraid that they would just do whatever on my blog and I agree, it wouldn’t be very good. I can’t wait to see them tomorrow! I’m going to add a few more things to the décor : intricate paper snowflakes, sock snowmen (out of baby or child socks!), paper chains, and paper trees (they’re really pretty!)! So… I’m supposed to do next Thursday, right? Is that still okay with you? I just want to make sure that I get it up on time and keep my word to you! I love the exchange idea (smart, a post office box!) and can’t wait to ask my mom about it!
~ Light4theLord
LOL! :P And thanks! Yeah, I’m glad they let me choose the categories. And thanks so much! :D Ooh, those decorations sound SO pretty! That’s an amazingly awesome idea to make sock snowmen for dolls out of baby/child socks! Yep, just whatever day works best for you! :D I’ll do Saturday of this week and then either Monday or Tuesday of next week. :D
And thank you SO much! I really hope you’re able to do it! :D :D
Totally! We actually did them as a family last year, and the paper trees the year before! Sounds great! I’m actually allowed to! I can’t wait to make your card!!!
~ Light4theLord
That sounds so cool! Ooh, I’ve never made paper trees before. They sound super neat, though! :D
Ooh, YAY! I’m so excited to get it!! :D :D
They are! We still have some! I’m still working on them (and the dolls have already chosen who they want to make their cards for – Grace (their cousin) is going to help, since they’re outnumbered by one (I hope to fix that this Christmas, but by then, you’ll have gotten Lea maybe and it wouldn’t have helped!))
It’s really late here. We got our Christmas tree, and Julie went, but then we got home and it’s almost too big for where we were going to put it! Oh well!
~ Light4theLord
Okay Madi, I have a very serious dilemma. :( You see, a while back I had a really pretty piece of scrapbooking paper: hot pink, white, black, and light pink stars – really pretty. I was planning on taking a picture of it and uploading it as my background. Unfortunately, I misplaced it (in all of my stuff!) and was super sad. But when we went to Hobby Lobby, I searched several paper rows and decided on a paper pad that had some pretty pink and gold (though it didn’t match my plans, I would have to change them up a little) designs. But this afternoon, while searching for stickers for your craft, I found it! The only problem is that it looks an awful lot like your background and I don’t want to be a copycat. Yes, it’s different colors, and maybe me and you would be the only ones to know, but I still don’t want to be a copycat. Your opinion?! Please!! :D
~ Light4theLord
I don’t think it would be copying at all! You can totally use whatever background you want! I hope all your plans for your blog work out (I can’t wait to see the background, whichever one you decide, whenever you put it up!)! :D
Are you SURE?! If you are, I’m totally going ahead with it then (I’m super excited- that’s why it was originally titled ‘The Stars’ for their profiles). I’m trying out a new thing – color coordinated header… we’ll see if that works. The only problem is that I can only think of two different outfit with hot pink and one of the other colors in it. My real life BFF has two that I can think of as well, but we hardly ever see each other. :( Tomorrow I’m hoping to get some crafts done!
~ Light4theLord
Replying to 2 comments in one :P :
1 (About the background). Absolutely! (And that’s genius about having ‘The Stars’ page and the starry background!) That’s an awesome idea about having a color coordinated header! I hope you find the perfect outfits for your dolls. :D Oh, and by the way, for the craft collab, I’m might be doing the doll stocking stuffers separately, as a regular post, and not part of the collab – it depends on how many DIY items are in it (still thinking up ideas). (Hope that’s okay! Do you want me to give you credit for the idea?) Also, my doll stockings craft should be up tomorrow! :D
2(About the cards). Ooh, that’s awesome! I am super duper excited to get the cards (and so are my dolls!) So you got a Christmas tree for your dolls and it was too big, or a human-sized tree that was too big? I hope you find a good tree soon! :D
Thanks! I’m working on it right now! That’s fine with the craft collab, that’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to after all because I couldn’t think of many. I can’t wait to see yours though! You don’t need to give me credit, besides, you probably would’ve thought it up too (and I really don’t care)! Yay! I can’t wait to see it today. Yesterday was pretty hectic, so I actually didn’t get anything done because I was babysitting 9/10 hours that we were at my grandparents’ house. :/ I’m still working on them, though I have four of the doll cards almost done! We got a human sized tree. I’m actually kinda disappointed because it’s December 6, we have TWO trees and there’s nothing else in the house that is Christmas-y. Two, bare trees, and that’s it. (Besides the plastic toy nativity that is now in my little sister’s play area, all mixed up) Actually, now that I look around, there are a few things, but not much. :( Oh well. I have most of Thursday’s craft done, but not all, so I hope to work on it today before the orchestra concert that I’m playing in. :D
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, awesome! And thank you so much! You’re so sweet. ? Thank you! It’s going to be posted at… 2:45 PM. I had a ton of fun making it! :D Oh my goodness, that does sound hectic! :/ At least you have four of them almost done! :D And I understand! We don’t have many Christmas decorations up either. :/ I’m going to try to get crafty with loads of this thick Christmas ribbon we had from a long time ago and make a bunch of ribbon bows to hang everywhere… not sure how that’s gonna work out. ;)
Ooh, an orchestra concert? That is SO cool! You’re going to do AMAZING! :D :D
Is that your usual time to try posting?!!? :D It was. :D But then I got to go to dress rehearsal, and that was fun. :D It’s almost like there’s not much Christmas around except in my dolls’ rooms! I started redoing my blog, but I know that the header needs some work. :) It’s really sweet that my little sister comes to me from even my mom and grandmother, but sometimes it can be frustrating if I’m trying to work on something (like a cookie cake, for example, which I’m working on right now but taking a break ’cause my sister had to run to the store for eggs. :D ) Oohh, have fun with that! :P Thanks! I really enjoy playing the violin :) I’ve been playing in the orchestra since I was eight, and I was the youngest for a while until I was eleven! I thought up something that might be cool for you (just a suggestion!) : an advice section, written by you and your dolls! Jasmine could be the fashion consultant, Chloe could give writing tips, Molly is a blogger (and everyone loves blogging ideas!), and the others can do their specialties! You could even have people ask questions in the comments! Now I’ve got a little helper (my younger brother, though I think he’s really waiting for the chocolate chips to appear, but I don’t even know where they are – only my mom does!) to smash the butter, so that means a longer comment! :D I can’t wait to see your craft! I’m hoping that I’m getting a doll for Christmas (REALLY REALLY hoping!) that I found at Goodwill a while back – she has some marks on her face, but I don’t care! I’m not sure if she’s Kirsten or not, but… I’m supposed to be forgetting about her. Good luck with that! :D I can’t wait for the concert tonight (we’re playing Sleigh Ride and Winter wonderland) but I wish you could be there! :D
~ Light4theLord
~ Light4theLord
Yep! I almost alway try to schedule them in advance for 2:45. :D
And aww, your littler sister sounds SO CUTE. :D And ooh! A cookie cake! ? Have fun making it! :D *wants cookie cake now* LOL!
And oh my goodness, that is such a cool idea! SOOO cool! :D :D
Thank you so much! And I hope you get that doll, too! That would be super neat if she was a Kirsten doll. :D
Aw, I wish I could be there so see you play, too! :D I know you will do awesome though! Let me know how it goes. ?
That’s a great idea, that way people know the general time! She’s adorable (except when she cries at my bedroom door until I let her in :D )! Oh, yes, cookie cakes are so much fun!!! *me wants cookie cake too – right now but can’t have any yet* Maybe I’ll see it here in the future sometime! :D I can’t tell the difference from a Kirsten doll and one of the older Pleasant Company Look like me dolls or whatever they called them! I’ll definitely let you know how it goes!
~ Light4theLord
Thanks so much! That’s what I figured. :D The most popular viewing hour is 3 o’clock (when public schoolers get home from school) so I set it a little earlier, that they can see it right when they check their email/reader.
Awww! That sounds so sweet! Hehehe! ? *dreams about cookie cake* LOL! ?
Yeah, they definitely look alike! :P Maybe if you get her you can do a bit of research and see what distinguishes her from the other Look Like Me/Just Like Yous, or if she is actually one.
I can’t wait to hear about it! ?
Brilliant! That’s genius- I never thought of that! :D That’s a good idea. I’ll probably try doing that… :D I can’t wait for Christmas, and I’m still working on those cards (little by little, I’m determined to get them out this week)! :D What do you think of the new design for my blog? Better or worse? :) Any suggestions?!
~ Light4theLord
Aw, thanks! :D :D
Same here! I am super excited for Christmas! :D And I’m excited to get the cards! (No pressure at all, of course!)
I just checked out your blog! I looooove the background, it’s so pretty! I think it definitely looks better. I do have some suggestions:
Is there an option for the background, to make it just one picture instead of tiled? That might look better. You might also want to edit the picture to look brighter and add saturation in a photo editor.
The header definitely looks cute! I think a family photo of all your dolls together would be neat, but that’s just a personal thing and it honestly looks great whatever you put up there! :D
Thanks! That’s a good idea, I’m trying to work with it little by little because of quirky blogger and their pixel limits that don’t match up with the byte sizing. :/ Okay! Picmonkey, on my way! :) How did you get yours to work as a family picture? Mine ended up horribly, they would never all look at me, and I would end up getting a lot of other stuff because I had to back up so far, even all the way zoomed out. :( I know I could edit that out, but the best family photo I have is the background for the G+ account (which is technically Elizabeth’s. :D ) Even that one isn’t that great and you can’t see their faces. Any tips?
~ Light4theLord
You’re welcome! Yeah, blogger can be… Interesting. :/ Hehe! :D Well, it took a while. I lined them all up as close as I could together against a plain wall. I set up my camera on a tripod a far ways away so I could see all of their faces, and had to make many trips back and forth to ensure they were all looking at the camera. Actually, Molly still isn’t looking at the camera in my header. :P
Oh, yes, very VERY interesting. Oh, I didn’t notice that! :D I also don’t have enough hot pink outfits to go around so… Maybe after Christmas I’ll try again (you know why I’d have to!) with a family picture! Right now I’m STILL waiting for those eggs (and snitching chocolate chips- don’t tell my brothers. They’d be furious!) and so my grandmother and sister had better get back before I finish off the bag! :D Did you realize that our conversation has nearly taken up a whole page?!
~ Light4theLord
LOL! :P I hope the picture works out for you if you try it again after Christmas! :D
Hehehe! Enjoy those chocolate chips. ;D LOL!
Oh my goodness! WOW! Our conversation is huge!
Me too! :D I already did and now the rest of them are in a cookie cake that is cooling so that I can decorate it with music notes!! (I’ve got the ideas all drawn out in my head!) I thought about counting how many times we each commented until I realized that it might just be easier to count the others and subtract it from the total! :D
Oooh! YUMMY! And music notes – that sounds so pretty!
I bet it’s over 100 comments! :O
Delicious (it’s called testing the cookie dough!) – I’ll upload a link to the picture sometime that I took of the cookie cake! It’s over 100… if my calculations are correct, our comments make up 258/320 on this page (or 260/322 once you publish this)!!! :D I can’t believe that! I hope that my mom will let me treat the Christmas card thing like a penpal type thing and be able to tell you more about me since it’s not online… I’ll have to ask!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh, YUM! Enjoy that cookie cake! ?
WOW! I can’t believe we have that many comments on this page! Wooow!
And that would be so cool! I’ve always wanted to have a penpal! :D
It WAS pretty good, but I liked the chocolate chips by themselves better and the raw cookie dough. :D I know, right?!?!? I was shocked! I thought it would be over 100 but not quite that many! I’ve always wanted a pen pal too! :) I still need to talk to my mom about it. It’s.. oh wait, it’s morning right now. :) And I still need to go to sleep (12:05 a.m. Eastern Standard Time)! I’d better go. :D The concert went pretty well though! I enjoyed myself, though no one could see me because I was in the back and I’m so short (seriously, I’m like the third youngest if not the second)!
~ Light4theLord
LOLOL! Chocolate… yummy. :D Same here! That is a ton of comments! :D
I’m so glad the concert went well! (And wowzers! At least that means you have some pretty awesome talent to be one of the youngest ones there!)
My mother said that I can write to you like a penpal (do you know what that means?!?!)!! Most of my dolls have finished their cards to yours, so Jasmine’s, Ellie-Mae’s, Chloe’s, Molly’s, and Cecile’s are finished! I still have to work on yours though, but like I said, I’m determined to get it done by the end of this week!
~ Light4theLord
HURRAY! That will be so fun! :D And I’m super excited to get your dolls’ cards! Er, rather, my dolls are! ;D
I can’t wait to finish yours (I’m squeezing in time here and there, we finally got our tree up and decorated!), and all of my dolls have finished yours! Katie even added something for M- I mean, your doll that she’s sending hers to!
~ Light4theLord
Yay! (I say ‘yay’ too much XD) My dolls are super excited! (And so am I!) :D :D
It’s in the mail (the first red envelope!) And my second craft is up! I’m loving doing a collab for the first time! Maybe one day we can do another one! That’d be really fun for me. Hey, we could even do the Dolympics since Samantha can stand in for Molly and Chloe could stand in for my gymnast, Katie! :D
~ Light4theLord
(Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry for getting back to you this late!) I am so excited to get it! :D :D I’m going to be checking the P.O. box super soon! :D :D Me, too! This has been super fun! And another collab would be so cool – I don’t know when I’d be able another one, but I would totally love to!
I have another question… if I use Amazon Affiliates, and someone clicks on something and then searches for another item, do I get paid for the other item that was searched or does it have to be the advertised item?
~ L4TL
(Again, I apologize for how late I’m getting back to you!) Yes, you get paid for the other time that was searched, too, but only if they buy it. As long as they went through Amazon through your blog, you get a percentage of any item they buy for the next 30 days, I believe. :D
That’s okay- though I WAS starting to worry about you! :D Ohhh, so every time my sister orders something I’d get paid a tiny bit from her money! *laughs an evil laugh* When did you say you’d like to post this week’s craft (Tuesday or weekend?)? Sorry, I forgot and I don’t really want to search the entire conversation to see what it was!
~ Light4theLord
Thanks! Aww! :D Well, Amazon is really smart (unfortunately XD). If it knows that you know people, it won’t give you the percentages. My dad’s friend ordered stuff through my link, but because my dad had shipped something to his friend’s address before, Amazon speculated that they knew each other and didn’t give me the percentage. :( *shakes fist* It depends on if Amazon speculates that the person is in your family or if you know them or not. :P
And anyway, about the craft: I’m going to see if I can get it up on Tuesday, but if not, definitely before/on the weekend! :D
Oh, okay! :D So… which two crafts are you for sure doing now? I’m going to do the cape and the cards/books. :) Did you see the reply to your comment on my latest craft?
~ Light4theLord
Let’s see… I’ve done the stockings and ornaments, so I’m going to do the doll presents and fireplace. And the stocking stuffer ideas somewhere in the midst but not really as a craft. And whoops, no, I didn’t! I’ll go check it out right now.
P.S. I got your dolls’ cards! My dolls love them SO. MUCH. The cards are absolutely beautiful and my dolls say thanks a million! They will be working on cards to your dolls very soon. ? :D
Great! I’m looking forward to the fireplace (I’m leaving space in the clubhouse!)!! Oh, I’m so glad your dolls got them! I’m really sorry- I haven’t sent yours yet because I want to make it the best yet! :D
~ Light4theLord
Thanks! (Ooh, awesome! I think it’ll look super cute!) And no problem! Aw, you’re so sweet! ? I can’t wait to get yours whenever you send it! :D
By the way, I will be posting my craft (DIY Doll Presents) on the weekend – Friday or Saturday! :D
Okay! I hope it won’t cause it a problem that I might end up needing to do that too because of some complications with the camera and uploading the pictures. It’s simple, but the one necessary thing is not working right now (and that’s really frustrating!). I’ll try to get your card out soon!
~ Light4theLord
I don’t think so! :D Ugh, so sorry your camera is being frustrating! Hope it starts working soon. And yay! I can’t wait to get it (no pressure, of course!)!
Fantastic! Technically, it’s not even mine (though I wish it was!)… it’s the family camera. :D You’re probably the first to find that out! So… it’s actually the main computer that’s out of commission. It’s the only one that I can upload pictures to because of the cord thingys and stuff. I’m going to go work on it right now!
~ Light4theLord
Ah, okay! :D Good luck working on it! I hope it gets fixed soon! :D
I finished making your card and now I’m going to write it and send it today (hopefully!). But… I might have to do two crafts next week because of what I’m about to explain:
1. The first step is that I take the pictures on my dad’s camera (the family camera and one I use)
2. I upload them onto his computer because it’s the only one that has the right converter thingy (and the one that he was taking apart a few days ago, but is now fixed)
3. I transfer the pictures onto my USB drive that has ALL my doll pictures on it.
4. I transfer the USB drive pictures to the home computer (which I’m typing on right now)
5. I upload them onto Blogger and post it.
And guess what? I thought at first that my dad’s computer was broken, and then when it was fixed, something happened to my USB drive and all of my pictures are gone. Like, gone off the drive. There are still backups on my dad’s computer, but I’m going to have to search through EVERY file since 2015. And… that’s going to take forever. So, yeah. I might not be able to post this week… I hope you understand!
~ Light4theLord
YAY! :D :D I am super excited to receive it!
Oh my goodness! That’s awful! I’m so sorry your USB drive mysterious lost those pictures. :( And that’s totally fine! I completely understand about technical issues. Ugh, that sounds like a ton of work. :( I hope you’re able to find them!
I’m STILL writing it. Augh. I thought I could have it finished by today, but my sister went and played in another concert so there went six/seven hours. :/
Thanks for understanding… I’m kinda trying to convince my parents to let my grandfather give me one of his used laptops for pictures and writing. I’d love that (that’s a BIG deal to me, because it’s a family of 7 on one income, and none of us are super high tech – there’s not a single smartphone in the house (besides a really clunky old one. :D ) Don’t worry, I totally use tech. I’m not someone who doesn’t go anywhere near them (well, duh. I’m on a computer!))
I’m re-writing a story (do you do that often? I do. :D ) and I much prefer the new version. It’s about a figure skater… anyways, I just looked at the clock. *facepalm* It’s 10:45 and I have to get up early tomorrow! I’ll type even longer tomorrow, hopefully!
~ Light4theLord
Aw, no worries! :) That’s neat your sister played in another concert!
And that would be awesome if they let your grandfather give it to you! I hope you’re able to get it. (And LOL!)
I’ve actually never re-written a story! I do write a lot, but it’s mostly stories that never ever get finished (except writing entries)(most of my writing now is for my novel, and I haven’t finished that yet). Your story sounds SO cool! I read a story about a figure skater once and I really liked it. I think it was called “Sugar on Ice.”
Okay! Talk to you tomorrow! :D Well, it’s the next day, so… talk to you sometime today! :P ?
It was really pretty! I hope so too! :D I’ve finished two books by myself and started who-knows-how-many from when I was really little! Thanks! That’s funny, ’cause my title is ‘On Thin Ice’. Maybe it’ll get published one day (I wish! That’s every writer’s dream!) I finished your card completely but the mail had already come while I was at my piano lesson, so hopefully I’ll send it tomorrow! Can you tell that I’m a procrastinator sometimes? :D I found you on GooglePlus. Do you still use your account? There are several AG communities on there and I found that posting links to my posts help boost pageviews (but now with Blogger’s change in the dashboard, I forget to look.)! ‘Dolls N’ All’ is actually Elizabeth’s account… :D
~ LIght4theLord
Wow, that’s so cool! I only have one story that I finished that I actually considered publishing (the Charity Stays Strong page underneath “My Writings”) but now I’m not so sure. :P I wrote a bunch of stories when I was 7-9 years old, and even though they’re finished, they’re pretty awful! XD Haha, ‘On Thin Ice’ sounds amazing! (I know, right?) Ooh, yay! I can’t wait to get your card! (I say that a bunch, LOL! But it’s true!) And hahaha, no worries, I can be a bit of a procrastinator sometimes, too. ;D I actually don’t use my GooglePlus page anymore. I don’t know why. :P I might start using it again if posting links to my posts helps boost pageviews! But yeah, I heard about their change in the dashboard, and nobody likes it. :P (LOL!) :D
Okay, so super quick, I think that tomorrow I’ll just post the mini cape and muff and say that it might be possible to do for 18″ dolls too, and due to several technical difficulties I wasn’t able to upload the rest of the photos but hope to do a post before Christmas… Anyways, even though all the pictures from 2015 until now were deleted from my drive, I found several super old (okay, fine, more like 2008) photos of when I was little and had my dolls with me. I’ll have to edit me out, but I’ll try to do some of those. That’ll be kinda fun! Though… I cringe when I see the dolls’ hair. *shudders*
~ Light4theLord
Okay! That’s fine! I’m so sorry to heard about the deleted pictures! :( But those old photos sound super cool! Yeah, same here. I look at old photos of Molly and I together, see her hair and cringe, too. XD
Guess what’s in the mail right now? :D :) :P
~ Light4theLord
First of all, sorry about that anonymous comment.. the computer got restarted and didn’t save the info that’s normally in the section below the comment and so I forgot to add it again. I didn’t this time though! I read that story! I’ve also written three books with a friend, and tomorrow we’re starting our fourth. All of them are over 100 pages long, too! When I was that age I started a billion too! Being published would be really cool! I mean, I’ve been published too many times to count in a kids’ poetry anthology (Poetic Power) and in Clubhouse magazine, but I mean like, a book! I don’t see how anyone could like the new dashboard *scowls*. It’s annoyingly awful! It doesn’t tell you how many pageviews you have, doesn’t notify when a blog you’re following posts, and doesn’t tell you if someone followed, and doesn’t say if there are comments to be moderated. Argh! Okay, I’m done venting about that.
The old photos are really funny sometimes! I was what, seven? and my dolls were siting in a laundry basket and I was pushing them around. Wow, me, wow. :D
My biggest doll pet peeve is messy doll hair. And of course, in all of those old pictures, their hair is horrible. :D Within a week of getting Elizabeth new, her hair was messy. *smacks younger self mentally*
GooglePlus is kinda cool! It’d be awesome if you got back on! It’d be cool to have a fellow blogger on board (I don’t think I’ve seen many doll bloggers there)!
Have you ever though about adding a Pinterest button to be able to pin your posts? I made a DollsNAll account using Elizabeth’s gmail account and created a Christmas Craft Collab 2016 board, but couldn’t get yours on there. :( Speaking of which (or, typing of which!), I posted #5!
~ Light4theLord
No problem! I figured it was you! LOL! That is so cool you’ve written books with a friend! My best friends in Texas and I write a ton of stories that we forget about… WHOOPS. :P My best friend in Florida and I are going to start one, but we haven’t gotten much planning done. :P And wow, that is so cool you got published in a magazine! :D :D Ugh, that new dashboard sounds AWFUL. :P And LOL! Same here; I can’t stand messy doll hair! :P
It does sound cool! I’ll ask if I can do it (I only got it for my YouTube account) – it’s worth a shot to boost some pageviews! ;)
Yeah, I’ve asked about getting a Pinterest account, but my parents aren’t sure about it. They don’t know what kinds of bad stuff people could pin that I might see, so they don’t know about it. :/ But it would be super cool to have people pin my posts! And ooh, that’s awesome about the CCC board! And YAY! I’ll check it out!
:D yeah, I guess so… I did sign it! :) It’s really fun – I write a chapter, she writes a chapter, and so on! Haha- I totally relate to that! It IS awful!! I think I’ll end up doing a doll Christmas Ball, so that’ll be fun… Exactly! I definitely need those boosts around now…. Your parents are TOTALLY right about that. I only use it to pin posts, and try not to look around it. :)
~ Light4theLord
That is so fun! I think that’s the way my friend and I will write our story, too – my chapter, her chapter, etc. And ooh, a Christmas Ball! That sounds so awesome! Yeah, I probably won’t get a Pinterest account. :( But maybe we can find some way to work it out, idk. *shrugs* :D
It’s awesomely awesome! We each go from a POV from our favorite character, and I’m writing some backstories for the minor characters! I’m going to dress them up pretty soon – that’ll be fun! Poor Sam and Katie will have to be guys though… :)
Maybe you can put a button (google has tons of tutorials on how to) on the pictures so that even if you don’t have an account, others can spread the word for you (like me!)!
~ Light4theLord
Ooh! That sounds SO cool! :D Haha, poor Sam and Katie… ?
And that is an amazing idea! I’ll totally ask my dad if I can do that. (Aw, thanks so much!! ?)
By the way, my dolls have made cards for your dolls! :D Now they are just making the envelopes to put them in (the way your dolls’ did it is genius! ;) ). ?
I know, right? :D Thankfully, Blogger has an automatic one at the bottom (there’s at least ONE good thing about Blogger) Oh, yay! Mine are super excited to get them! It’s super easy (the envelopes)… if you haven’t already figured it out, it’s a strip of paper with the bottom folded up and taped on the sides and the top folded over. I think those took me about a minute at the most! :D
~ Light4theLord
Oh, that’s good! LOL! And thanks so much! I – er, my dolls – hope to be sending them tomorrow! They’ve had a lot of fun making them. :D
You’re welcome! I was actually planning to put that in my next craft post (and last. :() I wanted to do several other things in addition to it, but since I don’t have the pictures, I’m going to have to go with just the card ideas and I’ll add a link to your card exchange! When do you want to post this week?
~ LIght4theLord
Ahh, okay. :( I know the card ideas by themselves are going to be absolutely amazing, though! :D I’m planning to post my last craft (the fireplace) on Friday the 22nd. Is that good for you?
Sounds GREAT! I can’t wait! I just finished all seven stockings today! And all of their Christmas presents except one! My dolls did the Secret Sister exchange by drawing names so that I wouldn’t have to work on 36 presents. :D Have you gotten any pictures for the gallery on Christmas Eve?
~ Light4theLord
Thank you so much! And ooh, that is AWESOME! And that is an absolutely genius idea so you don’t have to work on 36 presents… LOL! Is it okay if my dolls do something like that?
And no, I haven’t… though Samantha from AG Doll Awesome made one of my stockings, I don’t know if she’ll send in a picture or not. Have you?
I wasn’t about to spend an entire week on them! That’s perfectly fine with me if you’d like to! I’ll post pictures soon, as soon as I can (I hope that’s soon! I have tons that I want to share!)! I haven’t either.. several people said they’d like to make them, but who knows….
~ Light4theLord
Hahaha, yeah! :P And thanks so much! Yeah… if nobody sends any pictures in, I’m going to do something funny and say, “Oh look! An anonymous person named Madison sent in some pictures for the recap!” XD And just have pictures of my own of the crafts. :P
Now THAT would be kinda funny! Or, on a more serious note, we could just exchange pictures: me doing your crafts and you doing mine. Though… that doesn’t sound as interesting… Now every time I drink hot cocoa I think of you. And stomachaches… :D
~ Light4theLord
LOL! If nobody sends in any pictures, we’ll have to do one of the two, I guess. XD And LOL! Hey, you just gave me the most delicious idea. I’m going to make some hot cocoa (and try not to get a stomachache in the process XD)…
I guess so! :D I like both ideas! Oh no… not that again! ;) So far I’ve made the stockings and the ornaments… the problem is, I don’t have any more room under their tiny tree, and my brothers already lost their legos!
~ Light4theLord
Same here! :D LOL! ;) Yay! And that’s totally okay! I don’t know if I’ll be able to make the cute little snowman, either (I don’t have a baby sock :P).
LOL I didn’t think about that. :D I saw some pictures on someone’s blog that they had referred back to my craft post and so I asked them if I could use the pictures of their cape and muff… I’m still waiting for a response… :D
~ Light4theLord
So far, I’ve got one for the cape and muff from Gracie over at SmileandCraftAG!
~ Light4theLord
YAY! That is awesome! I have none so far, but I’m posting a reminder on the 23rd with Christmas Isn’t Ruined.
That’s a great idea! Should I do one too?
~ Light4theLord
Thank you! And sure! It will urge people to send in one just in case they made the craft but forgot about sending a picture in.
Okay then! Would it be possible for you to send me a list of what the fireplace requires so that when we go shopping on Friday (it’s going to be CRAZY I’m sure) I can go ahead and get the stuff in case we don’t go out again?
~ LIght4theLord
Sure thing! It’s just a small box in whatever size you’d like the fireplace to be, sheets of black construction paper -or- multiple printed pictures of a brick wall, sewing pins, scissors, stick glue, clear tape, and your dolls’ stockings. Pretty much around-the-house materials, except maybe the sewing pins (you’ll need one for each stocking you want to hang).
Perfect! Thanks so much! I’ll make sure to have all the stuff and as soon as you post, I’ll make it (if we’re home in time!)! I think it’ll work with the stuff I have! (my mom sews, so we have plenty of those!) Have you gotten my card yet?
~ Light4theLord
Awesome! No problem! And yes! I love it SO much! Thank you so very much for making such an absolutely beautiful card! :D :D I got it on the 21st and sent one out to you on the 22nd (by the time I got it on the 21st, it was too late for me to send one back that day). I’m hoping it makes it to you by Christmas!
I finished it and I CAN’T wait to post it! You’re very, very welcome! I got the doll cards today and my dolls LOVE them!
~ LIght4theLord
YAY! I am so glad your dolls liked the cards! :D :D
two years later… dun dun dun… XD XD XD
I thought it might be interesting to see if we could get this started again. XD And this geometry lesson is also really boring, so… yeah. XD
And yeah, this used to be my first resort. Now I have your number to text and call. all of your emails, YDubs, camp, and.. this. XD
But hey, this can be our doll chat! :D After NaNo, are you planning anything huge for DOWD?
YES YOU ARE YOU ARE PLANNING TO COME SEE ME XD XD XD XD XD riiiiiiight? :) If- when you come, which doll(s) will you bring?!
~ Light4theLord
Oh my gosh, you found it! ?
Julia you little parasite. I can no longer hide! Just kidding just kidding ?
I’m planning a bunch of big things — I’m redesigning the site layout and creating lead magnets for my email list, and I have a stopmotion that’s all planned out and the dolls are ready for, I just have to make time to make it. XD How about you and DNA?
XDD We’re going to Texas in July, so I’ll ask and see if we can take the detour! I think I might bring… hmmm… Katy or a doll of your choice. >:)
Nothing can hide from moiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. >:) mwhaehehheheee XD XD XD (try actually saying that. it’s rather humorous.
Ooooh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuun! Um… once May is over and summer break comes *sighs relaxedly* and geometry is over *glares at lecture I’m kinda sorta listening to but not really because this is more interesting and I’m editing at the same time so yeah* I’ve got huge plans. ;) Welllll… big. XD Maybe just large. Photostory series that I actually *will* push through and finish this time (also because I have someone to remind me about it! IMAGINE THAT! SOMEONE ANNOYING JAS!)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! But. But. but. that’s so far awaaaaaaaaaaaay! (well, I guess it’ll become a yearly July thing! :D :D :D :D )
Hmmm doll of my choice? mwhahaheeee… (I can’t get over how weird that sounds in my head) Depends on who I need for aforementioned series. ;) I’m half kidding. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE EPICNESS? ‘Guest star ___ of DWOD makes appearance in DNA photostory series’
Oooh, and I was lying in bed thinking about random stuff (as usual XD XD) and was like “say, what if Taryn and Del had a brother?” *cough cough* ‘Derrick’ so that it could be Dell the Dangerous and… Dare. ;)
I whispered it to myself so no one would ask what I was saying. ? I think I failed. XD
YAY! YOU MUST PUSH THROUGH! I LOVE your photostories. *chants* Make the series, make the series…
It is so far away! ? Hey, true! In 2019 it’ll be your turn to come. TO MY HOUSE. :D
Derrick the Daring. XD That’s hilarious. XD
XD XD It still cracks me up. I’m not quite sure why. mwhahaehehehehe XD
AWWW THANKS! :D I’m going to push through.. I’ve got so many ideassss….and I’m already working on it two months ahead of launch date XD
I KNOOOW! But hey, will you be coming at the beginning or the end of July? Because Jenn L is coming at the end of July… and if we got to do a double meetup, I know she’d be thrilled :D YES IN 2019!! I’D GET TO MEET ALL THE DOLLIESSSS! We might actually be going to FL next year XD
though I’m slightly partial to *guess who* Taryn. XD SHE’S JUST SO PRETTY AND PERFECT <3 <3
We could do so many fun thingies. :D I'm going to spend my summer convincing my parents of three things: Face reveal, personal YT channel, and laptop. ;) So.. if the first two work, we could do some sort of fun collab. And even if just the first works, we could do meetup vlogs! :D
XD But wouldn't they be a great pair?! XD
I think we’re coming at the end/middle of July. Darn it. A double meetup would’ve been epic!
XD YES, I just love Taryn so much.
Best of luck convincing them! You’re very convincing. I’m confident they will agree. ;)
Awwwwwwwwww… but still, July is gonna be EPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC (pluuuuuuuuus, I can call all of it a blogiversary celebration XD XD XD XD kinda.)
AHHH IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! *hugs all the dolls* and aaahhhh *loves the thought*
Who *doesn’t* love Taryn?! (if anyone actually answers that with ‘me’, I’m pounding them to the ground XD XD)
*hair flip* yes, so convincing XD XD XD XD *dies laughing* Perhaps your confidence will rub off on me. Currently, I have only convinced my mother of two pretty awesome things: she’ll pay to print the first draft of OC (I wouldn’t typically print the first draft – especially since it’s so desperately needing editing – but I wanna hold it in my hands AND it’s like, a… surprise for someone) annnnnnnnnd if I practice 90 hours of violin by August 15th, she’ll buy me professional strings. XD
I shall prepare for my next convincing missions shortly. XD
AHHHH SUPER SUPER BAD NEWS. My parents said they aren’t taking me to see you in July ? They said they weren’t able to fit it in with the really tight schedule and budget. ?
YAY FOR CONVINCING! *rubs hands evilly* You have some awesome convincing skills. XD
OH NNOOONONONONOOOOOOO….. *sobs* but… but… but… *sobs some more because I honestly don’t know what else to do*
mhm… thanks… *nods, still slightly depressed over bad news*
I KNOWWWWW *sobs for eternity* I couldn’t believe it :'(
now… *sobs with you* now what?
I don’t know… *sobs* But I have a few plans to make your July happy still. They may or may not include Larabars.
Hey Madison! What books have you been reading lately? I always to like to talk about books. ;)
Haha, I love talking about books, too! ;) I’m nearing the end of Brother Andrew’s book, God’s Smuggler. I’m working on it super slowly, a little here, a little there, whenever I have time. :P I’m always reading the third book in The Hidden Diary series by Sandra Byrd – Just Between Friends. Finally I’m reading Pages of History by a few different authors from a Christian Homeschool company called Veritas Press.
What about you? ?
Oh, I’ve heard of that book! I think my sister CutePolarBear read it. :)
What’s the Hidden Diary series about? It sounds interesting.
Currently I’m not actually reading anything(I know, it’s terrible), but I recently finished a school book about David Livingstone.
Have you read any book my Gilbert Morris?
It’s a super neat book! :D
The Hidden Diary Series is about an eleven-year-old girl, Lucy, who spends her summer at Catalina Island. Her parents have just come to know Jesus, and they promise to spend more time together as a family. Lucy meets another girl named Selena and they find a hidden diary by girls just like them from the 1950’s, I believe. Together they read one entry a week and try to do something close to whatever the girls in the diary did. I’m still on the third book, and it’s really interesting so far! :D
The book about David Livingstone sounds super cool! I actually finished listening to an audio chapter about him a few weeks ago from a school book called Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer. :)
I don’t believe I have ever read a book by Gilbert Morris. Have you? :D
Cool! That sounds like a really interesting series. How big are the books?
Well, it was a little long, but I guess it was interesting to a point. I did learn more about Africa! ;)
I have actually done some Story of the World books for history in past school years. What do you think of her style?
Yes, I have! He writes children’s books as well as adult fiction, and I’ve read some of both. He wrote the Two Smart Jones series(kid’s mysteries), the Dixie Morris Animal Adventures, an the Seven Sleepers. I’ve read all those series, and they’re good books. My favorite of those three is probably the the Seven Sleepers series. Gilbert Morris is a Christian, by the way. :)
What’s your favorite book series?
Hmm, they’re not too big. Definitely stories. :D
Haha, yeah. ;)
I really like it! My brother and I listen to one or more every night before we go to bed just because they’re super fun to listen to and help relax us. Well, that depends on what the topic is about. :P
Oh, wow! His books sound awesome! The Seven Sleepers sounds super neat, too. What are they about?
Honestly, all the AG books! LOL! ? I also used to read this series called Dear America, which is historical fiction about girls, too. :D
hey Madi
Hey Sierra! :D
I cant believe Sandra Byrd visited the girls website wouldn’t it be cool if she visited yours!!!!!!
I know right!! She contacted Sandra Byrd asking if she could kind of re-make the series with her dolls, and so that’s why Mrs. Byrd visited! :D
that is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!
I know, right? I can’t believe she actually visited!! :D
How many dolls does she have ???
Light4theLord has six dolls, but not all of them are AG. She had one mini doll (Mini Melody). :D
It would be amazing to talk to her!!!!! Do u watch Hallmark Channel????
Sandra Byrd or Light4theLord?
No, we don’t have cable because of so many bad channels, but we do get to watch some of Hallmark’s stuff on Netflix, I think. Do you watch When Calls the Heart? I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT SEASON. :D
Melody is CUTE I desire DEEEEPLY to have her and her accessories!
I know, right? Melody is ADORABLE. I’m not sure if I’ll get her, though – I’m not too crazy about her hair. :P
No we did though its cute Sandra Byrd and Light4thelord.GUESS WHAT HALLMARK’S COUNT DOWN TO CHRISTMAS STARTS THE 29TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If your mom will let you, you can visit Light4theLord’s blog – Dolls ‘N All. She’s a Christian and her posts are 100% clean and God-honoring, otherwise I wouldn’t be allowed on it, LOL! Really? That’s so cool! I have to ask though… what’s Count Down to Christmas?
What does her hair look like?
Melody’s hair flips up at the bottom, which I don’t really like. :P She looks adorable in braids, though.
its just a hole bunch of hallmark Christmas shows and every Saturday night. I think because we omly watch hallmark on Saturdays. On the bottom right hand corner of the screen it says how many days left until Christmas!!!!! I cannot wait until Christmas
Oh yeah, I think I’ve seen that before! It sounds super neat!
Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I have a blog but its about minecraft and I’m going to try and put some doll stuff on there. I make most of my dolls food out of like clay stuff. I’m working on a thanksgiving meal. Pies done first, of course! Any tips on how to get people to see it?
Thank you so much!! I’m so super glad you like my blog, and that’s really cool you have a Minecraft one! Wow, that’s awesome about the clay doll food – I’ve made a lot of that, too.
Listed below are a few ways to get people to notice your blog. :D
1. Comment on other blogs. That way, people will notice you!
2. Participate in blog challenges like writing camps, shout-outs, etc. to get your name out there.
3. Develop relationships with other bloggers. Most blogger friends are super nice and would be willing to do interviews, shout-outs, or even re-blog a post of yours. :D
I hope that helped! Thanks for your comment! :D
I posted some about my doll on there. I can give you a link. https://minecraftlegendsofherobrine.wordpress.com/ Thanks. Thatdid help. How many dolls do you have now?
That’s awesome! Can you give me just the link to the doll post since your blog isn’t entirely a doll blog? And you’re welcome! I have seven 18″ AG dolls – Molly, Josefina, Cécile, Emelie, Jasmine, Ellie, and Chloe. You can read their profiles at the Meet the Dolls page, too. :D
This should be it. https://minecraftlegendsofherobrine.wordpress.com/2016/11/17/rebecca/ I have one doll. but I have almost enough money to buy another. and I entered your giveaway. Hopefully I win! :)
Thanks! I’ll get it up right away. That’s so cool! Is your one doll named Rebecca? Good luck! :D
Yea. The only doll I have is Rebecca. What will you get up?
That’s cool! :D The link. :)
Oh cool. I posted a schedule on my blog if anyone wants to see what days I post doll stuff
Hey um, could I interview you on Wednesday? I’m trying to post everyday.
Absolutely! I’d love to be interviewed! :D You can contact me here.
It’s up! :) https://minecraftlegendsofherobrine.wordpress.com/2016/11/26/interview-with-madison/
Ooh, yay! I can’t wait to check it out as soon as I can!
it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and EXTREMELY EXCITED!!!!!!
ME TOO! Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday ever! :D The only thing missing in Florida is SNOW, right?!
well gotta get off now to skype my memaw Daughterty!!! (Indiana) love ya bye
Okay, bye!! Love you!! See you next Sunday!
OMG, I <3 your blog! You're dolls wear the cutest stuff. Especially Jasmine! Always nice to see a fellow freckled fashionista. (I'm a re-named Grace doll) Tell Saige that I am SOO in love with her hair! So. Shinyyyyy.
-McKee Grace Thomas
Thank you SO much, McKee! :D Jasmine says thank you, too!
That sounds fun. :)
Do you ever listen to Adventures in Odyssey? We listen almost every weekday night. :)
The Seven Sleepers are about some teenage boys and girls that “awaken from a fifty year sleep to find out they have escaped a nuclear war. These “seven sleepers” then go on to battle evil led by their spiritual leader, Goel.(description from CBD.com)”
Hehe! What’s your favorite series? I really like the Molly books and the Samantha books. :)
Yep! ?
I think I’ve listened to that before! It’s really neat. :D
Ooh, that sounds so interesting! I should see if they have those at my library… :)
I don’t know if I can pick just one favorite… ? I love the Molly books as well, and the Kirsten, Felicity, and Addy ones. As well as the Samantha and Kaya books… and the History Mysteries are amazing! LOL. :P
Yeah, it really is! Did you know that you can listen for free on whitsend.org? :)
Yes, you should! I think you’d like them. :)
LOL! I agree, they’re all pretty good. Unfortunately, we don’t have any of the Addy books, so I don’t remember what happens in them very well.
Wow, really? I’m going to have to check that out! I think my mom has been to that website before and really liked it.
:D :D
Haha, yeah. ;D Do you buy your AG books from American Girl or from bookstores?
Yep! You can listen free to the daily episode and a few past episodes from the week. We usually listen on an Internet radio station, though. :)
We got most of our AG books a long time ago, so I don’t know exactly where they came from, but now we only get them if my Mom finds one at a yard sale. I like yard sales. ;)
That is awesome! I’m going to mention that to my mom and see if we can listen to some on there. :D
I like yard sales, too! Sadly, I’ve never been to very many. :P Do you ever find any doll-sized things at yard sales?
Oh, great! :D Just so you know, the episodes during the week are from a long time ago, while the Saturday episodes are generally much newer. If you listen to both types, you’ll notice that the Mr. Whitaker has a different voice. I prefer the older episodes. :)
Aw, that’s too bad. I agree, yard sales are great. I usually let my mom and sister go though, because I trust them to find the good stuff. One time my sister got an Our Generation doll at a yard sale, and she fixed it up and sold it on eBay. One time when I went to a yard sale I found a free Christmas tree that was perfect for dolls, so I took it! :D I was really happy about that find. ;) And of course we have gotten some AG books from yard sales: a couple Kaya ones, a Kit book, and the Kailey and Lindsey books.
Have you ever gotten something doll related at a yard sale?
That’s interesting that you noticed that! I prefer the older ones to a lot of things, too. :) :D
Wow, a doll-sized Christmas tree! That’s so neat! Y’all have found some really great stuff. As for me, I’ve never gotten anything doll related at a yard sale. :P I really want to go try again, though. My Texas best friends’ have found a mini doll at a yard sale once – I think it was Mini Kirsten. Her bangs were really messed up, though. :P :)
Yay! I’m glad I’m not the only one that prefers older things to the newer version of it. I’m the kind of person that dislikes changes to a lot of things.
Wow, that’s really cool! I would be really excited if I found a mini doll at a yard sale.
Yes, exactly. I’m not too fond of change most of the time. :P
I would, too! Makes me want to go see if there are any yard sales around here. LOL!
hey madi! i’m bored so you wanna chat? (i have off of school today, i also go to a public school so.) xD
Hi, Izzy! Sorry I’m getting to this so late. LOL. I’ve been busy with this crazy thing called life. :P What’s up?
eh not much, i’m waiting for my friend to answer my text and waiting for food. lol. and, random fun fact, my birthday is tomorrow so. idk i’m bored lol. xD
LOL! Ooh, really?! Happy early birthday!!

I’m getting Invisalign on Wednesday, girls! I’m so excited! :D :D
Hi everybody! :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D
Hi!! :D :D
This is so cool!! A chat page. I have to put one of these on my blog right now:)lol
Haha, yeah! LOL! Have fun! :D
sorry cool not coll :P whos your favorite doll (now cause i see Sara (on the chat just below) asked you the same question XD) ummmm… i’ll keep thinking of new questions :) feel free to ask me questions too!!
LOL! ;) :P Okay, don’t tell my other dolls, but… it’s a tie between Taryn (I LOVE HER SO MUCH) and Chloe. ? LOL! XD So what was your favorite thing you received for Christmas?
OK I won’t :P Probably my new fitbit watch :P What was your favorite Christmas present (besides Taryn :P )??
Sorry, when I answered the best Christmas present question, I was un-clear. Our family only celebrates the true meaning of Christmas : Jesus!! We don’t have a tree or presents. My fitibit was actually a present from my parents on boxing-day as a reward for doing well in school! Sorry if i mis-lead you :)
Oh, okay! No, that’s fine! :D :D
BTW Part 4 of HOTH was AH-MAZING!! Like all of your posts are :P XDXD I actually run out of different comments to comment because they are all amazing !!
Aw, I am SO glad you liked it! And awww, thanks SOOO much! You’re so sweet! :D :D
Hi Madi!
This is super cool! A chat page!
I’ll chat then…Which doll of yours is your favorite? Which ones do you want?
Yep! :D
Ooh, yay! I love chatting with you! :D
Okay, you can’t tell my other dolls. But Chloe might be my favorite… but Molly’s pretty close. XD LOL!
Here are all the dolls on my wishlist, but only the first two are in order of importance: Lea, #62, Samantha, Kit, #24, and #44. How about you? :D
Hey,Madi. If you are still on, I’d like for us to head to The Doll Dwelling and PM chat!
Sure thing!
I’m heading over right now!
Okay! I’m already on! :D
Are you going to make an agsm or agps of any of your books? I think charity brooks would make a great series.? I am writing a story too. I’m not sure why but last night I just started writing this story. And it’s kind of sad but in the end it’s happy. It’s about two best friends
I’ve actually thought a lot about that! Aw, thanks! I’m glad you think so! Ooh, your story sounds amazing, Ali! Wishing you the best of luck in writing it!
Ok, so I know this kind of a serious question for a doll blog, but I have an important question for you. What is your view on homosexuality?
Hey, Anonymous! No problem. My view is the infallible Word of God’s view:
Revelation 21:8
“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murders, sexually immoral [homosexuals], sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
Homosexuality is a sin and those who practice it are deceived. But God is so merciful and amazing – if people want to be free from it, Jesus can deliver them. Every time. :D
What about transgender or genderqueer people? Just curious.
That falls under the category of sexual immorality, too. But that’s no match for the bondage-breaking power of Jesus. I personally know someone who used to be sexually immoral but Jesus delivered them out of that and now they’re one of my phenomenal pastors. ?
Guess what? My grandparents and great aunt and uncle live in FL (possibly pretty close to you I’m not sure), so if I ever go visit them I might be able to meet you!
Oh my gosh, that’s amazing! It would be so amazing to meet you one day!!
Hey, Madi, how do you get all those tabs up there? I can’t figure out how to add a photostory tab. Any tips? Also, guess what. I won this auction online for a Felicity! She has the purple meet dress. I can’t open her yet, because I have to wait until I have enough money. IHDJFBJHDIHEIHEIHDHIHHIHIVNAEKFOEJKDHAEOJOSFJKGUWGVQJENFVO!!!!! I can’t wait!
It’s an option that I control by going to my WordPress dashboard then clicking Appearance > Menus. I can customize my pages from there. I hope that helps!
Oh my goodness! CONGRATULATIONS! That’s incredible! Will you be posting pictures of her on your blog?! I can’t wait to see her!
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I found your Skype account and sent a contact request.
Ooh, okay! I’ll check that soon!
Sorry if it seems creepy to you that I found your account.
Hey, no problem! You’d make an incredible spy. ;)
Just curious-do you use WordPress.org or WordPress.com?
I use WordPress.org! :D
Sorry I know I ask WAY too many questions. If you rather not answer that/it’s to complicated to explain that’s fine.
P.S. I saw your comment on Clara’s Craft Corner and I want to know where you end up posting that comment ’cause I want to read it.
Oh, it’s no problem! Do you need me to explain what WordPress.org is?
P.S. Of course! I haven’t posted it yet (still thinking of a blog to post it on) but I’ll be sure to let you know when I do! Just keep asking and reminding me.
Uhh… hi… I’m… uhhh.. reminding you…. about your…uhh… 1,000 word….uhh…comment.. or something like that…ummm…yeahhhhh….ok….bye now….OK I’m leaving…..yeah…bye!
LOL! I haven’t commented it yet… XD
Reminder about the 1,000 word comment thing again.
Ahhh I still haven’t done it! Haha please keep reminding me, it’s taking a while for me to get to!
Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I haven’t done it yet! I’ll try to soon! Just keep reminding me if not. XD
It’s fine. :)
Madi, I’m dying to meet you! Have your mom reply to my mom’s email.. or else. :D Like I said… flooding your inbox is how to get your attention. :D Now, about the whole TARYN’S PROFILE MISSING…
That’s for another day.
Anyways, I lost our strand on here during the server switch. :( But can we start.. .again? :D I miss chatting with you!! I’m DYING to meet you, like I said. :)
Oh, and what do you think of meeting… Madi and Mia? :) Representatives of DNA.
~ Light4theLord
Oh my goodness, I literally sent you an email about this but my computer shows that it never sent — but I can’t find the draft anywhere! I’m SO sorry! :( My mom never received the email from your mom. She checked her spam and everything but still could not find it. :/
Ah, Taryn’s profile… where to begin… ;)
Yes, of course! I’m sorry to have to cut back on the email chatting :( I’m DYING TO MEET YOU TOO! :D GASP… WHO’S MIA? DID YOU GET A NEW DOLL?!
Hello. :)
Hello! ?
Hi! :D
How are you? ?
Good! How are you?
Very good! :D
Oops. That was Me Is Insanely Bored. typing not me.