Hey there! I’m Madi, the blogger behind Delightful World of Dolls.
I’m an 18-year-old blogger, writer, and of course, doll collector.
I’ve loved dolls (especially American Girl dolls) for as long as I can remember. When I was nine, I started this blog to share that love.
I love Jesus, music, adventure, and writing. Aside from running DWOD, I work on my series of historical novels, and when I’m not doing that, I’m enjoying all the adventures life has to offer.
I’m so glad you stopped by!

Hey there! I’m Madi, the blogger behind Delightful World of Dolls.
I’m an 18-year-old blogger, writer, and of course, doll collector.
I’ve loved dolls (especially American Girl dolls) for as long as I can remember. When I was nine, I started this blog to share that love.
I love Jesus, music, adventure, and writing. Aside from running DWOD, I work on my series of historical novels, and when I’m not doing that, I’m enjoying all the adventures life has to offer.
I’m so glad you stopped by!

Hey there! I’m Madi, the blogger behind Delightful World of Dolls.
I’m an 18-year-old blogger, writer, and of course, doll collector.
I’ve loved dolls (especially American Girl dolls) for as long as I can remember. When I was nine, I started this blog to share that love.
I love Jesus, music, adventure, and writing. Aside from running DWOD, I work on my series of historical novels, and when I’m not doing that, I’m enjoying all the adventures life has to offer.
I’m so glad you stopped by!
About Delightful World of Dolls
Delightful World of Dolls is an American Girl doll blog featuring fun such as:
… And so much more for doll lovers of all ages.

About Delightful World of Dolls
Delightful World of Dolls is an American Girl doll blog featuring fun such as:
… And so much more for doll lovers of all ages.

About Delightful World of Dolls
Delightful World of Dolls is an American Girl doll blog featuring fun such as:
… And so much more for doll lovers of all ages.

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Oh my gosh–thanks!! :D
Will u add my blog?
Sure, Emily! :)
I just found this blog and I LOVEEEEEEE it.
We’re glad you like it! :D
I loooove this blog, too, xD
XD!! Thanks! :D
I just wanted to say thanks for advertising my blog on this page- it means a lot :)
You’re welcome! It’s one of our favorites :D
Aw, I’m glad you like my blog so much! I need to go think of a post now.. Bye!! :D
Thanks! If you could check our history in the computer, half of it is going to your site! It’s really amazing :D KK, bye! :)
Aw, that’s awesome! :D Thank you, again :)
You’re absolutely welcome! ;) :)
Hi! Um, I was wondering what website you used to make your blog.
Hello! We use WordPress. It does cost money, however. If you want to start a blog, we recommend using blogger. That’s what we started out using. :D
~Molly and Madison
Ok thank you! I want to start a blog but I’m not sure if I’ll be allowed
You’re totally welcome! Aw, ok. At least you can try! :D
McKenna-Can you add me as Sweets, Treats and Everything Dolls!?
Absolutely! One of our faves :D
Lol, I’ve looked on this site lots of times and I never clicked this page.:P
Great ‘About Us’ page, Madison.:) It’s very ‘professional’ sounding.;)
LOL, :)
Lol thanks :D
Found this blog yesterday! Love it! I followed it when it was on blogger.
I’m glad you found it! :D
Nice blog! How are ya, Madison? :)
Thank you, Katie! (haha, sorry I am replying to this so late! I didn’t see it until just know when I was checking on my comment feed-thingy-something.) I’m doing pretty good – my mini dolls are going “camping”..or are they? ;)
How are you doing?
Hey Madcat! Your private message inbox on your message board is full.
Well, Madison, here I am! Can I introduce myself? (Silence) I take that as a yes! :) I’m Kelly, 11 years old, and I ♥ AG! Besides that, I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It’s an awesome show! :D And of course, Wild Kratts! :) You know it, Madi! ;) Plus, Thomas and Friends (another great show!), and stuffed animals. My fav is and always will be Katie, my pink Build a Bear cat. She’s 6 years old and counting! :) Okay, am I getting off subject? :S Well, peace out, people! Kelly♥ (Oh, here’s Kit and Molly. They want to say something.) Yo, fellow AGdollers! It’s me, Kit, and I’m so cool, well, besides my adopted sis and BFF Molly. Kit, it’s MY turn. Ahem. Kit’s the best sis I could evah have! (Kelly: GIRLS! GET OFF MY LAPTOP!) Gotta go, bye! Kit☺ and Molly♣
Hiya Kelly! (sorry we’re kinda late in responding to this xP)
It was so awesome to meet you! It’s so cool that you like Wild Kratts too – What’s your favorite characters from Wild Kratts? Mine is Aviva and Chris Kratt! I love stuffed animals too – I have four extremely special ones and then a baby doll I got years ago. :)
Molly here! Hi Kit and Molly! Ooh yay, another Molly! How’s it going Kit and Molly?
Hi, Madison and Molly!
My favorite characters from Wild Kratts have gotta be, Martin, Chris, and Aviva. For a while, when I was 9 years old, I had the BIGGEST crush on Chris! Embarrassing to admit, sometimes. I mean, when you had a crush on an animated character when you were younger, and you get older, it gets kinda weird to admit! ;)
Stuffed animals will always have a place in my heart. :)
It was nice meeting you, too! :D
P.S. Yo, Molly! It’s going great! SO excited for Rebecca comin’ in the summer! Say hi to your sisters and friends for us, okay? Signing off, Kit☺ and Molly♣
Could you add The Doll Dwelling on your site list, please? Moi would appreciate it very much!:)
Sure thing! :)
Thanks for adding TDD!:)
You’re so welcome! :)
Can you put my blog up there, please?:)
It’s dollsarebestfriendsalways.blogspot.com
OHH!!!!! I want a blog SOOOOO!!!!! Badly!!!!! I can’t wait any longer!!!!! Madison i have been on your blog for a while now like ever since you told me about it do you remember that? Remember when you told Me Allie and Piper right before FAME ISN’T EVERYTHING came out? I liked your blog from the first time i ever saw it. It was love at first site! Haha!
Hey, can you put my site up there? Thanks. :)
Nikki and Christian Homeschooler – Sorry that took a while! I just added your blogs. :)
Mayah – I know you can get a blog one day if you keep at it! :D And yes! I remember that! It’s so exciting to know a girl I know in real life is commenting on my blog. :D Aw, I’m so so so glad you like my blog. And LOL! I get it! :D
Its nice to know that you remember me! I really don’t know when i will see you again (hopefully soon) and hopefully i get to see all of you ( Allie Piper You)
I hope I can see you again too! Allie has her own blog now, it’s justforgirls.me. She’s having a Day With The Dolls Book Club at Johnson Road Park every other Friday starting May 9th, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.. My mom said we might do it. Maybe you can do it too?
Oh cool! I will ask my mom if i can go. I will also see if i can visit Allie’s blog too!
Ok! (Allie loooooves comments so if you could comment, that would bless her)
I tried commenting on Allie’s blog but all it says is: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Hmm? Do you know what that means?
Oh wait nevermind
Please post my blog!
Madison if my mom knew your mom’s number or if she could email your mom maybe we could plan a playdate or something. But i don’t know how that would work.
Eunice – I put your blog up there! :D
Mayah – That would be so fun! It would work, does your mom know my mom’s e-mail address or phone number? I don’t know if I can out those things on my blog, so if your mom doesn’t already know them I don’t know how we would do that.
Oh ok i don’t think my mom knows your mom’s number i’ll ask my mom if she knows your mom’s e-mail address
Wait my mom doesin’t know your moms e-mail address sorry Madison
OK that’s ok hmm um maybe we can figure something out. Do you know where Allie and Piper’s house is? Maybe we could meet up there at a playdate or something.
Yes! I do know were Allie and Piper’s house is! I’ll ask my mom if we can plan a pladate all together!
OK! That would be awesome! :D
This is such a cool blog! I’m a Christian too! I’m an adult AG collector but I post photo stories and stuff on my blog and if you could put my site up there that would be great! http://www.jackylina2013.wordpress.com.
Thank you so much, I’m delighted you like it! Not a problem – I just added your site to page!
Thanks for visiting, I hope you visit again soon! :)
Hi, Madi! I’m Morgan and I’m a Christian, homeschooled 15-year-old girl. I have seen you on Carli’s blog. I also enjoy AGFan, Little House of American Girl, Wack-A-Doodle-Doos, and Doll Diaries. I have a doll family of 12 and am glad to meet you!
Hi, Morgan! What a pleasure to meet another awesome American Girl Lover. I’m glad to meet you too, can we be friends?
Have a great day!!
Of course we can be friends! I love meeting people online who not only love dolls, but love the Lord, too! There’s a lot of them out there, I’m finding! :) My dolls, Felicity, Shayne, Natalie, Caroline, Chental, Lorie, Jaicee, Janita, Chaitali, Mia, Carli, and Toby say “Hi.”
Mini Grace and Mini Mini Isabelle: Don’t forget about us! :)
-Morgan and the Doll Family
Yay! :) I know, right? :D
My dolls (and mini ones!) say hi to your dolls(mini dolls also) too! :)
what do you mean “almost 6”
Because tomorrow I am getting another AG doll! :D
which one
Ivy Ling, whom I am renaming Joy. :)
i have ivy too check out my blog
oh and joy is an adorable name madison
Happy late birthday!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry if it’s off topic:( )
Hi, Madi!!! I know I’ve commenting (A LOT!) now, so let me introduce myself. I’m ** year old, im also a christian, and in the online world I go by “Cupcake”. I’m very private, I don’t have an email, and I have six dolls. The 3 AG’s say Hello to your dolls. Mento, my Nintendogs dollsized puppy, woofs Hello to Coco. Well goodbye for now.
( I also like pizza, writing, and I’m a big fan of ur blog :) btw )
Hi! It’s such a pleasure to meet you! :) My dolls says hi to your dolls.
Coconut: Woof! :)
(I’m so happy you like my blog! Thanks for visiting! :D I also like writing.)
Hey Madi will u accept the FromAFavoriteCommenter Award? I made it up just for you if u want it comment reply for the details :)
Sure I will! I don’t know if I can do all the stuff that’s required for it like answer questions and nominate other people if that’s what your talking about, but I’d love some details! <3
Ok. You answer 5 questions that I made up, then you can nominate any (ONE) blog that you comment on, and make up 5 questions, or copy mine. Ready? It’s easy–
Q1. How many times have you ever been to an AG store? Q2. Which doll’s (that you own) is easiest to manage? Q3. Do you like pizza? Q4. Are you a Starbbucks fan? Q5. Did you enjoy this award?
So just copy/paste my Questions, on a From-a-Commenter Award lost or something, and yeah just follow the instructions.
Can u check out my blog http://www.nowshowingdolls.wordpress.com
Thank u
Hi! Sure I can!
By the way I love your blog(:
Thanks so much! I’m glad you do!! :)
My blog?
Hi, I’m adding my blog to the blog list. It’s amazinglyadollable.wordpress.com. Thanks!
Will do! :) NP
I just wanted to let you know that you accidentally typo-ed my blog title. It’s amazingly adollable, and you put dollable. Just wanted to let you know so it works. :) Thanks for putting it up, btw.
Oh, OK, I’ll fix that ASAP! :) You’re welcome!
Thanks! I’m not sure why, but the link doesn’t work. I’m not trying to be a pest, I just want people to be able to get to my blog. :)
You’re not being a pest at all! I’ll completely re-do your link and see if it works this time.
Thanks so much, Madi!
Aw, you’re welcome! ^_^
The link works!!!! :D
So glad! :D
its scary how alike we really are madison. weve both lived in an RV, wear glasses, have a love for GOD, have brunette hair, love American Girl dolls, and in the situation where you dont know where,or when,you’re moving. i swear im not a crazy stalker i apologize if thats what it seems like lol but trust me, im not a bad person. really. ~JIMJ
That’s really cool how we are so alike! ^_^ You don’t seem like a crazy stalker, don’t worry :)
Madison, This is wonderful blog. I just put another entry in my journel . http://aghomeschool.boardhost.com/viewtopic.php?id=854
Thanks, Arwen! Awesome, I’ll check that out!
Hey Madison!
Can you put up my blog?
I would appreciate it if you could put my blog up there. Thanks.
Nicole, Lainey: Since I’m on an iPad, it won’t let me do it right now. But when I have a computer, I’ll do it. :)
My Snow White disney store classic doll wants to know if you’ll please add her blog. ;-).
Thank you, Madi!!
Jan :-)
Hey! Could you add my bog?
Nicole, Lainey, AA, Jan – added all of your blogs! ^_^
Could you put up my blog?:D
Sure thing! Just a sec…
Hi! Remember me? I haven’t been commenting in stuff, but I’ve still been keeping with AG blogs. One thing: on Jaclynn’s blog you said you were almost 14 but here you said you were 11…I’m confused.
Hi, Amelia! I remember you! And really? Where? That must’ve been a typo.
Thanks Madi! I barley have commentors…:(
No problem, I love your blog!
Can you do a giveaway?
Maybe! It depends on whether or not I have something to give away. :)
Hello again Madison……
Thanks for the advice on blogs….
And now I’m really considering getting a blog now!!!! I would really like to my own domain for my blog but i don’t want to make my mom spend money….
So I’ll just let u know when I have a blog so u can put it on this page. Bye for now!!
-Samiya and her dolls!!!!
No problem! Looking forward to visiting your blog – I know it’ll be great!
Hey Madison, would you mind linking me up there? Thanks. :-)
Oh wait…I just realized all of these are doll blogs, whoops! Mine’s not exactly a doll blog, but I do post about AG-related stuff occasionally..does that count? ;-)
So, you don’t have to link me if you don’t want! :-D
Yup, it counts, as long as it’s clean! ^_^ I’ll link it soon, (right now I’m on an iPad mini, it’s hard to do that mobile) thanks for commenting! ^_^
Can you add my website
Absolutely! :)
Haha, I never saw this! :-D Yes, it is very clean. ;-)
A very, very, very late “you’re welcome”! XP
OK, good :-) ;).
Oh no that was typed wrong again! The real one is http://fun2playdolls. Sorry I had to keep on posting to get the website name right. Bye
Lol no problem! Adding you to it now…
Ok thanks sorry I had to re type a bunch of times!
No problem! Links can get confusing lol :-)
A have a new American girl website. I deleted my other one so u can take it off. The link is http://fun2playdolls.
Alright! :)
When I clicked my link it brought me to something called baby sitting a two year old. I’m going to check and see if my link was right.
Ok my link was wrong! It is http://fun2playdolls.simdif.com
I checked to make sure if the link was right it is so u can add it.
If ur confused on what one is my new website to add it is http://fun2playdolls.simdif.com
OK, I will add that one! Thanks for clearing up the confusion, your link wasn’t working for me either so I’m glad it’s straightened out! :D I’ll add yours.
Ok I am glad u added my website.
No problem! :D
Hello Molly and Madison!
My favorite part of your comment above is: “We make it our mission to share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone who visits our site through things we love – DOLLS” That is awesome!
I make 18″ doll clothes and would love for you to consider adding my site to your list! http://www.TracysDesigns.etsy.com
Thanks for the consideration!
Hi, Tracy!
Thanks so much for looking at our site! I’m really glad you like that our site revolves around Jesus, He truly is amazing!
I will definetely add your Etsy shop! I’m actually traveling right now, but it should be up soon!
Thanks for commenting again, and I look forward to looking at your Etsy shop! :D
And Molly :-).
Thank you Madison and Molly!
Your blog is great! Have a wonderful time traveling! :)
Yes, Jesus is truly amazing! I accepted Him as my Savior when I was 15 yrs old! It was the best decision I every made!
God bless,
You’re welcome, and thank you so much! I had a great time traveling, and am I my destination and am having an awesome time! ^_^
He really is! :D † (doesn’t that look like a cross?)
Yes, that does look like a cross! How did you do that?
I did it by holding down the alt/option key and then pressing “t” at the same time. Tada! †
Are you homeschooled?
I’m so glad I found your site!!
Hi, Olivia! Yes, I am homeschooled! I’m glad that you’re glad you found my site :-). Thanks for commenting! ^_^
So cool! Are you on innerstar university? I’m Leia83 (well, actually my friend is, because I (waaa) don’t have a doll)
Yes, I am! I am Madison2465. Want to be friends on there?
Definitely! :) I’d love to! What’s your favorite game? Isn’t it awful that they are closing?
Dance Spectacular – It’s always been my favorite. I mostly just like listening to the music! LOL.
I know, right? I get it they have to keep things fresh and new, but geez, I love ISU so much!
Me too! Hey, is Emma12817 friends with Madison2465 yet? We can be friends (even though I have like 100 friends on ISU)! And ISU is closing on…… MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :(
I don’t know! I’ll check soon! :D
Oh, sorry didn’t mean to comment twice…………. :)
That’s fine, I removed the first one :-) .
Can you put mine up?
Sure thing!
Hi, Madi! i have enjoyed your blog for almost a year and realized I have never left a comment! :) Your blog is amazing! All of your dolls are so cute. ;D Would you mind checking out my blog?
cool did you like grace she’s my doll
I think Grace is a very pretty doll! :D That’s cool that you have her! :D
I think Grace is a very pretty doll! That’s cool that you have her. :D
Hi, Madison! Just wanted to let you know that you won “Funniest Photostory” in Best Of 2015! You can see more here: https://clarascraftcorner.wordpress.com/2015/12/27/best-of-2015-day-2/
Thank you so much, Clara! It’s truly an honor, I can’t believe it! :D
No problem! :)
Hey Madi I was wondering what theme this is. I’m going to ask my parents for a blog really soon, and I love this theme, and the Adelle theme, but I’d like to know which one this blog uses!
Hello! So, my WordPress is a different version than the free kind so it’s a little different. I’m using the Twenty Twelve theme.
Okay. I don’t think I have a chance for a blog unless it’s free, so I might use the Adelle theme.
If you do get a blog, be sure to let me know! I would love to read it.
Could you please do a review of Julie’s summer skirt outfit? I want to buy it for my Julie (when I get her) and I’d like to see a review of it first. :)
Sure thing! Here’s my review…
The outfit looks really, really cute on any doll! The shirt is beautiful and is a great mix and match pieces, as well as the skirt. The skirt slips on easily and looks great! The skirt is a snug fit around the waist, so you need to velcro is good. The shoes are amazing – they have a clear elastic band around the back to make sure they don’t fall off. It is a very thoughtful and helpful detail I appreciate! Finally, the headband is beautiful. It ties in the back with ease. Overall, the outfit is a really cute outfit with mix and match pieces you can use again and again. :D
I hope you enjoy the outfit if you get it! And that’s awesome about getting Julie! :D
Sorry that I’m so late to say thanks! I literally JUST saw this! Also, whatever happened to the recent comments thingamajigger on the side?
You’re weclome! And I removed it. You’re really observant to notice! Do you want it back up?
I don’t really care, I just wanted to know what happened to it. ?
Oh okay ;) .
Madi, if you reach 150 subs (which I find extremely likely, because you have 148), are you going to make a new stopmotion? Your stopmotions are so smooth and amazing!
Oh my goodness!! I have almost 150?!?!! YES, I will DEFINITELY make a stopmotion then! I actually already have one that is almost in the makings. I already have the star doll ready and everything for stop motioning. :D
HOORAY!!! If I get a YouTube account (or channel;)) I will MOST DEFINITELY follow you first! ?
Thank you so much!!! :D :D :D
Also- the poll on the margins is an entirely separate poll from the one on the fashion wars post, so for instance, on the fashion wars post poll, it says that Chloe is in the lead with 11 votes (at least, that’s what it was when I last checked it;)), and on the other poll, she only has 2 votes!
Yeah, I know. I wish I could keep the same information, but they’re entirely seperate. I figured something out for them though. :P
YOU DID IT, MADI! 150 SUBS! I WAS YOUR 150TH! ??????????
REALLY?! NO WAY! I can’t belive it! I am most definitely getting started on that stopmotion as soon as I can! :D
I meant:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not??????????????
Hi! I just started a new blog and would love if you would put it in the list! Also, how/where do I follow/subscribe to your blog?
Hi Gracie! I’ll definitely add your blog and Etsy shop. Thank you so much for wanting to follow me, I’m so glad you like my blog! Instructions for how to follow my blog are on the FAQ page. Thanks again for stopping by! :D
Thanks so much! :-)
No problem! :D
Oh! I also have an etsy shop…
Awesome about me page! I’m sorry that you like TX more than Florida I know that feeling. I remember when I 5’3!(4 yrs ago) I do miss being shorter cause I could shop at more places now I have to buy tall woman’s clothes! And they don’t have as good styles! I do miss kids clothes they were so colorful and comfy. The name Madi Grace is beautiful Btw!
Thanks so much, Kiki! I’m sorry that you don’t like wearing tall women’s clothes as much as kids clothes, I know a little bit of what’s that like. :P And thanks again! :D
It’s ok! I’m sorta used to it now but when I was younger and started wearing women’s I used to cry but know I don’t cause it’s not going to get me any where. I’m also sorry that u don’t like it either. A lot of my friends don’t know what’s it’s like cause they r still in kids clothes so I usually feel like a giant. But it doesn’t bother me as much now cause I get a lot nice comments about my height. And a lot of people say I should be a model ? But I really don’t want to. Btw, what do u want to be when ur older? I still haven’t decided ? I’m sorry this text is SOO loooong! I enjoy texting people that have the same likes as me! I hope u have a good week!
?-Kiki-? Btw, I hope I didn’t sound sad when I was talking about being tall and stuff I just want people to get to know me a little better.
Yeah, I used to feel so down about being taller than all my friends, but I’m okay about it now also. :D A lot of people say that I should be a model, too! LOL! That’s so funny we have that in common. :D Well, I haven’t really decided yet, either. I am definitely called to be in the full-time ministry, but I don’t know what I’ll be doing. Perhaps a missionary or something… And I enjoy talking to people who have the same likes as me, too! I don’t mind long comments, (I make a lot of long ones myself, LOL) I really enjoy talking to you! :D Thanks, you have a great week as well. :D
P.S. You don’t! :D
Haha! When I was 6 I used to go to this man who cut my hair. I hated going to him cause first he cut my hair to short and second because he’d say I’d need to be a model! That cool that you want to be a missionary a lot of girls want to be actresses or signers! It’s too bad u moved away from TX cause I live close to there.
Ps. Phew!?
LOL! That’s rude that he’d always cut it too short! :P Thanks! I love acting and singing, but I don’t think I’d have a career in that. :P Yeah, I wish I still lived in TX! That’s cool you live close to there. :D
I know! Your welcome! Yeah!
Hey your site looks awesome! will you please add mine on here? Thanks! https://funandgamesag.wordpress.com
Thank you so much, Julia! Super glad you like it! :D And sure thing. It’ll be up in a jiffy! :D
Your site is up there! Thanks again for visiting. :D
Will ya put mine there, Madi?
-Sara <3
Absolutely! Do you want both The Sparkle Dollies and Embracing the Moment?
Hi Madi! Just wanted to say I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. I think you’ve been nominated already, but…anyways.:) http://dollsdisneyrollercoasters.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-blogger-recognition-award.html
Thank you SO much, Manta! That means so much to me! I will do it super soon! :D
Can you put my site up there? It’s fine if you don’t want to. *Goes and cries in corner* -just kidding! :D
Absolutely! :D :D Adding it up there now! ?
Thank you! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
You’re so welcome! :D
Awesome! Can you add Sew Sweet Dollies to the list? Thanks!
My blog is projectagrunway.blogspot.com
I’ll add it up now!
Could you add my YouTube channel, please? :)
Absolutely! :D It’s up now! :D
Hi, Madi! Would you add my blog to the list? It’s https://theamericangirlspot.blogspot.com/ ;)
Of course! It’s up now! :D
Hi! My name is Olivia, and I’m a new follower.
I just wanted to say…
This is a beautiful blog! I love what you are doing here, telling other people about Jesus through your blog. (I’m also a Christian)
I love how you are helping ISIS refugees. It is so inspiring.
Hi, Olivia! I’m so glad you came! <3
Awww, thank you SO much! Isn't Jesus so amazing? I love sharing about Him. Thank you so much for following and commenting, Olivia! <3
You’re welcome!
P. S.
I nominated you for the Holiday Tag
Ooh, thank you so much!! I can’t wait to do it!
Great blog! How did you make that bible
Thanks, Daniella! The mini Bible is actually just a regular pocket New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.
Wow I’ll pray for you.
Wow, I’ll be praying for saftey and wisdom for you and your family
Hi Madi I’m so glad your on a mission I’ll be praying for your safety and for you and your family to know how to make all the right decisions. I love this blog hopefully it lets me comment this time and sorry for commenting so late. I hope you have fun and success in your mission God has sent you on. Merry Christmas
Hi Madi I’ll be praying for you for safety and for you and your family to make all the right decisions also to have fun preaching the word. Merry Christmas
Thanks, Beckah, and Merry Christmas!
Also, I got all of your comments—I just haven’t approved them until now. Sorry about that!
WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU WHEN I WAS 10????!!! This blog is EPIC!!!!!! I love it!! I love that it is a blog solely for American Girl dolls with Biblical principles added!! You. Go. Girl.
AWWW MILLAY, thanks so much for checking my blog out!! ???
Hi! I have just followed your blog cause I think it is great. Also do you have a Youtube channel? And can you check out my blog? it is violasmiles.ca
Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, Viola! It’s so good to hear from you. I just followed your blog and can’t wait for your next post! And yes, my YouTube channel is: https://m.youtube.com/c/DelightfulWorldofDolls
Yay! I love your blog and I hope to see more!
That makes my day! Thank you so much!