Now that Molly is retired, Jaclynn suggested we should make a page just for Molly’s very own pictures. Without further ado, here is Molly’s tribute page that I made back in 2014!
Clara’s Blog Treasure Hunt Clue
Now that Molly is retired, Jaclynn suggested we should make a page just for Molly’s very own pictures. Without further ado, here is Molly’s tribute page that I made back in 2014!
Clara’s Blog Treasure Hunt Clue
Aww! So sad! My molly says “TAKE MORE PIC’S OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Please?”
IKR! :( Awww :)
I love Molly! :( She’s one of my favorites! Kirsten is my top favorite, and I didn’t even know she was retiring when she did! In fact, she retired around the time I got her second-hand. :( I wish they wouldn’t retire dolls.
Me too! :( Aw :( Me neither – but then think of all the new characters we wouldn’t have if they kept the old ones….So, retiring is good and bad.
I guess so, but why can’t they just add characters instead of replacing them? And I always feel that Kirsten and Caroline, and Samantha and Rebecca, look kind of alike. :(
IKR! :(
Oh I am gonna cry! I am thinking of joining AGFE just so you know
IKR! :( Ooh yay!!! :D
It keeps saying I am not eligible! Or the Verification Image is wrong but I keep double checking it and it’s right! :(
Hmm. You have to create a fake age, anything 13 and above, so maybe try putting your year you were born at about 2000. And you might try reloading the verification image, sometimes I get those wrong too even when it’s right.
Did you have to do that? And for the image d we have to enter them like this
1234 56789?
Well, there is a number image and a letter image. enter in both. like
225 egrut
or something.
What’s AGFE?
It was a very old message board I used to be on, but nobody is on it now. It was called AG 4 Eva.
– Anonymous A.
Well that’s good because my mom didn’t want me telling my birthday.
EEP! I Need To Get Approved and then I can PM People!
Yay! You’re approved now! :D
mee need to join O.o
You know, I think that “Goodbye, Molly and Emily” picture is the best Molly picture I’ve ever seen. It’s so sweet. :) … It makes me sad… :(
I really might cry. And is Molly’s movie discontinued too?!
She had a movie?! How did I not know this?!
I have always wondered why they retire all the good dolls! :(
IKR? Like Felicity….. D;
WHY IS SHE DISCONTINUED? I asked AG that and they said: new ones coming soon!
But WHY can’t they just add them to their line? and not REPLACE them. :(
Because then they would be able to produce less of each doll and might not be able to keep up with the demand
AWWW! That is so sweet! I am just seeing this today. I never even noticed it before :P
Thank you for mentioning me! I think it looks great! :)
Goodbye Molly! I missed you before you were gone : (
We love you!!!!
14 days since she’s been retired : (
Love all the Molly pics, Madison!:) A Molly tribute was a great idea.
P.S. I’m still MarciaBrady from AGFMB and all the other MB’s….don’t ask why I’m randomly going by ‘Manta’ recently…XD
Thank you!
Awww! This is so sweet! I’m gonna start crying now……WAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Now Molly’s begging me to take more pics of her! Sweet girl. ;)
I seriously think AG’s gonna retire Addy this year, it’s like they want to get rid of all the original dolls. I think that if they DO retire Addy, they had BETTER make a new doll.
I thought of a 1954 girl! Her name would be Patricia (popular name in 1954), and she’d wear a poodle skirt, and saddle shoes, and all the stuff that was popular in the fiftes’.
American Girl, you better wise up and start making NEW HISTORICAL DOLLS!
Aw :) ;)
I hope not! If they are, I’d be mad. Addy is such a gorgeous doll and I’d be really sad if they retired her – I’d be sad if they retired ANY doll!
OOH! A ‘fifties gir! That is cool!
I know i wish they woundin’t retire dolls to! sadness and cries. I would get molly but she’s retired now. I think she’s really pretty! and Emily is so cute to! I have always loved the classic dolls but most of them are retired now!
This is so sweet! I’m about to cry!
Aw! Don’t cry! :(
I am doing one of these on my blog(click my name to go there) for the four dolls who are archiving soon. Please read my newest post to find out how you can participate.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I’m going to cry :'( :'( soooooooooo sad
I always wanted Molly, i wish she wasn’t retired! By the way my nickname is Molly! Isn’t that so funnny?!
I wish she wasn’t retired too! I really wanted some more of her collection. Oh, really? Hahaha!! Wow!! That is really cool!
I’m so happy I have Molly! :D When I see stuff like this and I have it I feel like I’m not missing anything, if that makes sense… :P
Molly is a wonderful doll…I am so blessed to have her.
And yes, that totally makes sense ;)
About the same time she retired I was just starting to really want her and Emily! It is so not fair!? I hope the’ll bring her and Emily back. And felicity too.
I know, right! I really miss Molly. And I’ve always loved Felicity, too, and Elizabeth.
What happened to molly? Why did she leave? I have her and she is sad that yours had to go away! I am sorry! That must have been really sad!
Oh, I meant that Molly was retiring and nobody can buy her from American Girl anymore. I still have my Molly though!! That’s really sweet of you to care! :) :)
Oh thats funny! I really thought yours left! hahahaha! Ok well, its very sad that she left. I miss her! But I’m glad I have her!
LOL! Yeah, I wish Molly and Emily didn’t retire! I’m glad I got them before they did, too! :D
Yay for the Blog Treasure Hunt! :D I can’t wait for it to get started. :)
Me neither! :D
I can’t see the clue
Is it not showing up or you just can’t find it?
I can’t see the clue!
I’m so sorry! Is it not showing up or you just can’t find it or what?
Awww, how cute!!! I was REALLY sad when Molly left, she was the one doll I really wanted before I got my Saige doll.
I know, I couldn’t believe she was actually retiring! I’m sorry you weren’t able to get her before she retired. But Saige is a beautiful doll to have! ?
This is so cool!!!
Thanks so much!
You’re welcome so much! :D