Jasmine traveled with me to Florida….

Here she is when we crossed the Louisiana state line, and at the Louisiana Welcome Center!

IMG_5960 IMG_5961 IMG_5962

IMG_5971Going into Mississippi…

IMG_5977THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER! Think Mark Twain….Tom Sawyer…XD

IMG_5983In a tunnel…my dad actually honked the huge RV horn in here. XD whoops…we’re actually under the ocean!

IMG_5984 We are in FLORIDA!!!

IMG_5985 IMG_5986 I don’t think these footprint are yours, Jasmine! ;)

IMG_5987Those footprints belong to the River Otter XD

Yay! I am planning on making a stopmotion on white sand and blue waters with Jasmine, kickstarting a new stopmotion series called…whoops, can’t spill the beans! haha

Well, see ya soon, whenever there’s another RV park with freeeee wifif!
