HELLO, DWOD READERS! It is I, the marvelous Molly-Anne, back with another misadventure! Have ya missed me?

I know I certainly have missed posting! The lovely girl in purple you see here is Beth of Dollightful Friends!

Over the summer, Madi took a trip to Texas, as she usually does.

Lo and behold, she was able to meet up with Vivianne of Dollightful Friends, who brought along a friend (Beth) for me to meet!

Beth and I had some grand fun, including exploring the area that Vivianne and Madi met up at.

Did you know Beth is incredibly good at hide and seek? I didn’t until we played!

I’m not used to being given a run for my money… Okay, okay, she might have won a round. Or two. Okay, let’s just say she’s incredibly good.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. WHEN CAN I GET MY SHOUT-OUT?!

Well, never fear, my wonderful fans! Beth and I are happy to serve!

How to participate:

  • Comment below with the link to your doll blog (or other doll site like a YouTube channel).
  • Make sure it’s clean and family-friendly and about dolls or toys.
  • Then we’ll put it up here for all to see!

Whaddya think about THAT? Beth and I think it’s pretty awesome.

Almost as awesome as us!

OOPS! I hear Madison coming! I gotta run.

It’s not easy using my tiny hands on this huge keyboard, and I guess it took longer than I thought.

Molly-Anne out!

HELLO FRIENDS! It’s me, Madi!

I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted, huh? I think you’re due for a few updates!

Well, I’m happy to report that I’ve finished my first year of college! (WITH A 4.0 GPA?! All glory to God!)

I went to a private university that allowed you to choose how many years of the program you wanted to do, and I have only done one. This fall, I am just focusing on taking good care of my health and allowing myself to explore any creative endeavors God puts on my heart.

Over the summer, I took my annual trip to Texas and—that’s right—got to meet up with Vivianne of Dollightful Friends!

(Click here to read about my last Texas meetup, where I got to meet the sweet Bliss of @tearose.dollies!)

Vivianne and I met at a cute coffee shop, then got to take some photos of the mini dolls we brought!

It was SO FUN getting to chat about all things doll blogging related. Definitely one of the absolute highlights of my trip!

Vivianne, thank you SO much for meeting up! I had SO much fun! ♥

Now, the oddest thing happened as we were taking photos—a man in a motorized wheelchair started coming our way, so we moved our dolls out of the way so he could pass.

But instead of passing us, he stopped and asked, “…Are those dolls?”

I said, “Yes, we’re doll photographers.”

He gave a disgusted remark and proceeded to go over to our moms, who were talking behind us, and ask again, in disbelief, if we were really taking photos of dolls! LOL!

Never, in all my years of doll blogging, have I ever had a stranger verbally express their disapproval of my doll hobby to me directly. 😂

I’ve heard people giggle or laugh, or someone sarcastically go, “Wow,” but this one really took the cake.

Vivianne and I were so shocked! 😂

Oh… and it’s Delightful World of Dolls’s 11th birthday!

WOW!!! Can you believe that?

11 years ago today, I posted my very first blog post on Delightful World of Dolls.

I had NO IDEA that DWOD would go on to become one of the biggest blessings in my entire life. That it would bring so many of YOU into my life!

Since 10 years is such a significant milestone, I included a lot more photos and sentimental words in the 10-year anniversary post last year if you’d like to read that. It includes TONS of hidden DWOD lore, links to my favorite old posts, and old photos!

I’m so grateful for what God has brought to my life through DWOD—and for YOU, reading this post!

Although I don’t post very often, I’m grateful for every single one of you. Thank you for being here! ♥

(And no, I haven’t sold ANY of my dolls! They’re all still here!)

I mentioned earlier that in this time of my life I’m focusing on taking good care of my health and freeing myself up to pursue lots of creative endeavors.

So if you’d like to keep up with what I’m doing nowadays…

You can subscribe to the YouTube channel I started!

As a summer project, I decided to experiment with lifestyle vlogs. I’ve been having a lot of fun with them, so I hope you’ll check them out! I document my life, adventures, and projects!

So even if I don’t post here often, you can still see everything I’m up to at my YouTube channeland spy my dolls in the background of a ton of my videos. 😉

Thank you guys so much for reading! I love you all so much!

Don’t forget to participate in the Shout Out Your Doll Site by commenting your doll blog below, and I’ll put it up here for everyone to check out!

And even if you don’t have a doll blog to shout out, I would LOVE to still chat with you in the comments below!

Love you all so so much,

Awesome Doll Sites to Check Out