Freedom at long last! Chores had been successfully hurried through or delegated to someone else through bribery.
Time for parkour practice.
I crossed the room in 0.5 seconds and made for the exit.
I froze in my tracks and cringed.
Aside from Jasmine and Smellie Ellie, she was probably the bane of my existence.
I turned. “Yeeees?”
“Del, I’m so sorry, but I forgot. My mom told me to tell you you’re going to a birthday party today with Sam.”
I frowned. “What?”
“Sam. The girl from that art class you took last year. The party starts soon—I’m sorry I forgot!”
“Sam from art class? Why does Madison want me to go to her birthday party?”
“It’s not just you,” Cécile said. “Ellie is invited too.”
Ellie glanced up from her laptop. “Me? Go to a birthday party with Delusional? Forget it.”
“Actually, you’re both going. Together.” Cécile gave her a look. “Orders of Mom.”
“She thought it would be good practice for you two to finally get along. And it’s just for a nice girl from that art class.”
I folded my arms. “I’m still salty Madison took me to take that. I don’t even like art—that’s Ellie’s thing!”
“Is she trying to get us to become friends?” Ellie said.
She and I glanced at each other.
“Ew!” we both cried, jumping back.
“Obviously she is.” Cécile tucked a curl behind her ear. “So, whenever you’re done being little children, get ready to leave and off you go.”
“But the girl’s young! We’re not gonna have any fun.”
“Nonsense. You’ll have plenty of fun. Plus, there’ll be cake.”
I grinned. “Cake? Better be chocolate.”
“Chocolate as dark as your heart, maybe.” Ellie scrunched up her nose. “Ugh, Del, you are so basic. I prefer red velvet with cream cheese frosting myself.”
“That’s because your tastes are, in your words, eclectic,” I said, spreading my hands in a circle to emphasize it.
“And you are full of chaotic energy.” Ellie scoffed and pushed past me. “Whatever. I’m ready to go.”
“Oh, wait,” Cécile said.
We both turned.
“It’s kind of a fancy party. Dress nicely.”
I shrugged. “Okay. I’ll find some nicer shoes.”
“Del… you’ll have to wear a dress. Birthday girl’s request.”
I fidgeted. Blue tulle scratched my armpits, and my thick jacket didn’t help. Little girls squealed in the corner of the house, playing with wrapping paper.
I distracted myself with the second slice of cake I had taken while no one was looking.
“Smellie, hold my dishes.”
“What? No, go put them away yourself,” she said.
“I’m not going anywhere near those toddlers.”
“They’re seven and eight!”
“They’re sticky and they pull my hair!”
Ellie laughed.
“It’s not funny,” I said. “Baby Shark” rang out from the living room.
The notes cringed my spirit, soul, body, and even the very foundations of the building.
“Oh, come on, Del.” Ellie gestured to the decorations. “You have to admit the party at least looks beautiful.”
“Oh, it is. I’m not saying it isn’t. Whoever their party planner is did a really good job.”
“I’m so glad you like it!” someone said behind us.
A girl our age—with snazzy sunglasses a deep maroon hat tilted sideways—approached.
“I’m the party planner. This is my first gig, and I’m so happy everyone seems to like it.”
Ellie pushed me to the side and stepped closer. “You did amazing! I’m an artist myself and I really appreciate the work you did on this entire place, I mean the color scheme and aesthetic was so well done and you have superb taste in the decorations!”
“Yeah, you did really good,” I said.
The girl removed her sunglasses and smiled. “Wow, that means a lot. You have no idea! I’m Sora, Sora Kendrick. I hope this is only the start of Sora Saavae Experiences.”
“Oh my goodness, is that the name of your business?”
Sora grinned. “Yep! I’m going to make it big in the world. You’ll see!”
Ellie gestured to Sora’s outfit. “Your fashion is impeccable. It goes great with the colors of the decorations. You truly have artistic taste. I think you could do with some long silver dangles, though.”
“Oh, I’d love to wear earrings, but my foster mom won’t let me get my ears pierced until I turn 13.”
“That stinks,” Ellie said. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay. Only one more year! I’m just so glad she let me do this.”
I laughed. “Wow, you’re lucky. My legal guardian would never let me do something like this.”
Sora smiled. “Why not?”
“Well, my Danger is my middle name, if that gives you any inclination.”
Sora beamed. “Is that really your middle name?”
“It’s legit.”
Ellie scoffed. “No, her middle name is actually—”
“I’m Delaney,” I said quickly. “Delaney Danger Clark. Del for short. And this is Smellie, I mean—”
“Ellie!” Ellie stuck out her hand and shook Sora’s. “I think you’re going to be a world-famous party planner one day, Sora.”
Sora beamed. “Thank you so much, Ellie.”
“I can help your business rise to the top, Sora,” I said. “Believe me, I know how to make you the crème de la crème. The best of the best. Because I am the best, naturally. If you really want to be a success, you’ll hire me as a consultant.”
Sora grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind, Del. What’s your contact information?”
I opened my mouth to give her my phone number, then remembered Madison had taken it away for the week since I cannonballed right on top of Jasmine.
By accident, I swear. I was landing for her pile of clean laundry since she claims I have cooties.
But I missed.
“My email address is,” I said.
Sora pulled out her phone and jotted it down. “You mean you got your own domain name for the sole purpose of having a really cool email address?”
“Oh yeah,” I said.
Sora beamed. “That’s exactly the kind of over-the-top spark every party planner needs to create an extravaganza.”
And for the remainder of the party, Sora, Ellie, and I kind of hit it off.
Sora thought I was hilarious, and Ellie was enthralled with Sora’s ambitions and flair.
I had to admit she was pretty cool, and really nice.
“Were you ever in an orphanage, Sora?” I said.
“Until I was nine. Then I was moved into foster care. What about you?”
“I lived in an orphanage with my sister until I was thirteen. Then she moved to where Ellie and I now live, but I didn’t arrive until later.”
Sora’s eye shone. “Oh, man, I’d love to be adopted. It’s not that I don’t like my foster mom, but it’d be great to live in a family I can call my own.”
Something inside me twinged. EMOTION? I think not. I shoved it away.
Sora glanced behind her, then back at us. “Look at the time! The party is over, and I need to help take the decorations down.”
She tipped her hat at Ellie. “Ellie, it was wonderful to meet a fellow artist.”
She smiled and tipped her hat at me. “Del, we’ll keep in touch.”
“We sure will. Can we help you take the decorations down?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“Don’t care.” I reached for the fairy lights above us, and Ellie and Sora took to the balloons.
The lights glowed almost as much as my insides did.
We walked back home as daylight began to fade.
I had brought a change of clothes that were more comfortable than the itchy blue tulle dress and made Ellie keep it all in her bag along with the headband that kept slipping out of her hair.
We walked in silence until I said, “Smellie?”
“No, Del, we’re not asking Madison to adopt Sora.”
I stopped and turned to her. “Why not? I’ve been the newest person here for four years. It’s high past time we added someone else to the gang, don’t you think?
“I’ll tell you why. We don’t have enough room! Bad enough that Jasmine, Emelie, and Josefina are all sharing a bed meant for two. There’s barely enough space for the ten of us. I’m already breathing the same air as you. We can’t add another girl!”
“Pretty trivial reason if you ask me. Ever heard of more than one room? We can split up, expand, make more space, we’ve got the entire human house to invade.”
“We don’t have enough room, Del, and that’s final!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the sole proprietor of authority in this household.”
“We’re crowded enough as it is, Del.” Ellie glared. “Why can’t you just shut up about it?”
“What’s the matter with you? Why are you so opposed to her coming? We all came from similar situations as Sora. Surely you know how it feels! And don’t even try to pretend you weren’t starstruck with her coolness.”
Ellie frowned. She chewed her lip. After a while, she shook her head and hurried off.
“It’s getting dark, Del.”
Ellie stormed toward the house. What was her problem? Who wouldn’t want to add another member to the gang? Especially Ellie? She had been so impressed!
I had to bring Sora into the family somehow. She was too cool of a person to be left without a family.
Mission: Sora was fully engaged.
TADAAA! Madi here!
Introducing the first doll I’ve bought in four years: Joss! Her name is Sora Saavae Kendrick and her profile will be up at the end of the series.
Part two coming as soon as I can make it!
Why do you think Ellie doesn’t want Sora to be adopted? How do you think Del will bring Sora into the fam?
See y’all soon!
Featured prop
These fairy lights make SUCH cute doll photography props.
I used them in this party scene, and I also have a strand I’ve wrapped around my dolls’ bunk beds!
Whenever they’re in the background they create a beautiful bokeh blur and I’m really excited to experiment with using them more in my doll photography!

Excuse me while I gush over your photography skills asdfghjkl
Most crazily, ~Olive
Excuse me while I mourn over the fact I do not have your fabulous ninja costume sewing skills brb :wheeze:
OMG MADI! I was like, 68? No, the face is different. YOU GOT JOSS AHH I LOVE THE NAME SORA! GO DEL! GO DEL!
YESSS I DID!! I ended up getting a different Joss off Ebay with the better eyebrows but I’m sooo happy to finally have her! LOL! Thank you so much Apple!
Would you plz put the link for those fairy lights in the chat? Plz? I NEED THEM!
Absolutely! Here you go: They are AMAZING for doll photoshoots!
This is great! I can’t wait for the next post!
Thank you so much, Jessica!
SOOO cool!
The pictures are BEAUITFUL as always!!!!
I can’t wait to see more posts!!!
Thank you SO much Victoria! I am so so happy you like them!! I can’t wait to post more!! <3
Yes. Simply YES.
This was amazing, Madi! The storyline, outfits and dolls…. all great! I loved it and can’t wait for the next part. I’m excited to learn more about Sora and see her character develop as the series goes on. (I love it
Hmm…. Maybe Ellie feels like she’ll be replaced by Sora if she’s adopted?
Knowing Del, she’ll probably come up with some gigantically complicated scheme and blackmail Jasmine into going along with it. ?
Have a nice day!
– June
P.S. Also…. I GOT TRULY ME 23! She was only $62 on eBay! She was was a spur of the moment decision, but I’m glad I decided to. I named her Lizzie and my sister helped me come up with a dramatic, elaborate backstory. ?
AWW JUNE THANK YOU! I am so, so happy you liked it, that means so much! That’s a great guess, too. I can’t wait to write from Ellie’s POV!
LOL! That is so something Del would do. ?? I hope you have a wonderful day too, June!
P.S. OH MY GOODNESS HURRAY! American Girl just retired her, so that’s fabulous you were able to get her for much cheaper! Lizzie is such a cute name for her, too. I also got my #23 secondhand! Yooo, what’s her backstory?
Ahhhhh this was so good! I’m really glad you’re starting a new photoseries.
Also Del is so funny! “EMOTION? I think not.”
Thanks so much! ? LOLLL YES
I might get another joss in a few years. I love mine but the eyebrows uugghh.
This story is amazing! I might start a photoseries soon on my blog since stopmotions are too tiring. (And time consuming)
Anyways, I love your posts and can’t wait for the next one!
Sadie Grace. (Did you realize we have the same middle name??)
Ps. Does anybody know how to change my WordPress profile pic?
Ikr? The eyebrows are just awful! And YES photostories are way easier than stopmotions! I hope you can start one, they are so fun to make.
Thank you so much Sadie! I’m so happy you like them, that means so much to me! ❤️
Oh my goodness, we have the best middle name around. Of course I may be biased. ?
Actually I’ve been planning a photoseries for a while. It takes place on mine (and Sadie’s) birthday when her plans get cut short…..
By danger? ?
Very interesting! Sora’s a good name! I can’t wait to see more. Maybe Ellie is jealous of Sora? Could that be why she doesn’t want a new sister?
Thanks so much, Haley! That’s a great guess, Ellie definitely could be jealous ?
I figured out how to change my pfp
And now I realized that I didn’t comment why Ellie doesn’t want Sora to live with them.
1. She’s jealous. She is the resident artist and doesn’t want Sora messing things up for her.
2. She likes things the way they are. She doesn’t want the gang to change, and if it goes her way it won’t.
Hurray! Your pfp is so cute, by the way!
Also, those are some very brilliant guesses! ?
Sorry I’m commenting so much, but where did you get those glasses? I’m in love.
Those sunglasses are from Doll Fashions by Lottie! It’s an Etsy shop that graciously sent me those glasses!
This is a great photo story! I can’t wait for the next part :)
Thank you so much Hailey!! I can’t wait to make the next one! ❤️
This comment may be long. Brace yourself.
The eyebrows make her look so young. Uuugghh I actually got joss for her mature looking face mold.
You are destined to be an author, I tell you. Your stories are so good and have so much…… life.
I definitely will! I have so many ideas swirling around in my head like a big fat soup.
Yes. Grace is the best middle name.
More like an unexpected interruption……
Thank you!
Ooh! Cool! I also found some similar glasses on EBay.
Sadie (that wasn’t as long as I thought.)
I know right! They make her look sad too ?
AWW REALLY? That means so much to me, thank you so much Sadie!
Hurray!! I love it when ideas are in abundance ?
Oh that’s awesome! Those glasses sure are cute ??
Oooh, I can’t wait for the next part!! Hmm, maybe Ellie just feels like if yet another girl comes in, she’ll get even less attention? Or she could be sort of jealous of Sora. I don’t know, people (even dolls xD) are cOmPlEx and weird. ?♀️
Thank you so much, Rayna! I love seeing your comments! Those are some great guesses, too. They are very complex indeed ??♀️?
Oooh, I’m excited to see what happens next. :) And Sora looks amazing.
Thank you so much, Quinley!! ?
It frustrates me. But if I put her at a certain angle she looks fine.
It’s true. I mean it with all of my heart.
Same. It’s fun.
Yes they are adorable.
Ellie’s POV should be interesting!
Also sorry I’m replying so late, I kinda just forgot! ?
Yes, I’m really happy I decided to get her! I had always thought she was a pretty doll and I LOVE her blue eyes! I’ve had a lot of fun photographing her. :)
Here’s her backstory:
Liz “Lizzie” Summer Durne is a sweet 12 year old girl from London, England. Her family’s house burned down when she was young and has had to live with her mean, strict aunt for the past few years. Eventually, her aunt decided to send her to America to live with distant relatives. Will she adjust? Will she make friends? We shall see….
I had fun coming up with it! ?
Thank you so much June! ? I looove her story! It sounds amazing!! ??
I really enjoyed reading this post! Sora is so cute, and I love how confident she is of herself! I have to agree with Delany that she really is cool! I’m looking forward to reading the next part of this story! Where did you get that dress that Sora is wearing? It’s really pretty!
Thank you SO much Jaffa! ❤️ The dress was a Christmas gift from a friend who bought it from an Etsy shop, but I don’t know the name of it ?
My soccer team: like, nobody says poggers anymore.
In my mind: heh. DWOD is exhibit A.
YESSS. ? I say poggers all the time ?
Ps. My birthday is National ninja day. I did a post about that on my personal blog.
No way, that’s AMAZING!
I can see that. ?
I know! I was on Madi Grace and I randomly saw your ninja day photoshoot. I clicked on it, and here we are!
Sorry I’m just now responding to this! I forgot if I ever asked you what your personal blog is? I’d love to see it!
Love the photostory! When will you post part 2?
Thank you so much, Gigi! I’m not sure when part two is coming, since I don’t want to burn myself out. I post often on, though!
I totally understand! I love your instagram posts and I am following you, I’m snorlaxdolls!
HURRAY! It’s so awesome to see you there! I just followed you!
Thanks for the follow, Madi!
I just found DWOD, and I’m scrolling through like, “Hey, it’s an AG blog, yay!”
Then I’m like, “Oh wow, the writer wants to be an author? Awesome!”
In summary: Thanks for doing what you do. Don’t stop. Ever.
– i?writing
Oh my goodness, this made my DAY! I am SOOO happy you’ve found DWOD, and it’s so amazing to meet you! I am so glad you like my posts, that means so much! Thanks so much for stopping to comment ?
I really enjoyed reading your photostory! It was so good and I loved all the character’s personalities!! Also, I wish there were more doll blogs. I love the all the doll pictures, stories and crafts!
Thank you soooo much! I am so glad you enjoyed!! Me, too — there used to be a ton of active doll blogs and I really miss them!
As you can probably guess from my screen name, all I’ve ever wanted is to be an author. It’s so cool to meet another doll-lover who has the same love of writing!
Yesss! Future authors unite ? It’s so epic to meet you!!
Wow! Okay! I’m awesome at replying immediately?
I can’t wait to read your series when it’s published.
Hahaha! No problem ? thank you so so much! ❤️☺️
AWWWW SADIE I’M SORRY IT’S TAKEN ME SO LONG TO POST ? I post photos in the meantime at the @delightfulworldofdolls Instagram though, and the next blog post is coming ASAP!
“Ugh, Del, you are so basic. I prefer red velvet with cream cheese frosting myself.”
Little does Ellie know… All red velvet is is chocolate with food coloring ???
Hi Madi can you please comment on my blog. Thank you!
Sure Grace! Which post do you want me to comment on?
Any post. Thank you!-Grace
Did anyone else see AG’s Wish it, Share it, Win it Sweepstakes? ? ?
You just need an Instagram account.
Ooooh no, I haven’t!! ?
In the American Girl catalog, they have a little insert with all of the info:
“Wish it, Share it, Win it Sweepstakes:
“Wish it: Fill out the official entry form (on reverse) with your girl’s [or yours, XD] top wish-list gifts from American Girl.
“Share it: Share her list on Instagram and tag with @americangirlbrand or @MyAGHoliday to enter.
“Win it: Five lucky winners will receive up to $500 in AG items.”
So you definitely need the catalog to enter. ?
Oh wow, thanks for letting us know! Which one? I just got the Dolliday catalog in the mail yesterday but haven’t looked through it yet!
Yep, the Dolliday one. For me, it was on pages 8-9.
I personally don’t use Instagram, but I hope someone here is able to win!
I can’t wait to flip through and look at it! It would be SO cool if someone here was able to win ?
Okay, so the little icon with contest information in the bottom right-hand corner…
Is it just me (and my technological ineptness) or is there a giveaway going on? *wiggles eyebrows*
OOPS, you can see that? ?? I was testing something for, you’re right, a giveaway coming up! Thanks for letting me know it’s visible… I thought it was only on one page ?
(The giveaway isn’t launched yet, but will be soon!)
AHA! That probably means a new post soon.?
HEHE, yes! ?
And it will have Del. Right? I need a little more Del in my life.?
Hmmm, I think Del can make a special appearance soon. ?
Great start! I LOVE Sora’s name! It’s so pretty! Um, when are you going to post the next part? I know your not as into dolls any more, but could you please finish this series?? * Puppy eyes*
I got your card! Thanks sooooo much! Um, and my mom sent you a thank you card, so if you get a card that says Fisher on it, that’s from my mom!
Thank you so much, Sofia! And hehe, fun fact, I actually have the pictures taken for part two!! I definitely want to post them as soon as I can. I still absolutely love my dolls, but it’s just so hard to muster up the energy to put together posts amidst my demanding college schedule. I DEFINITELY want to eventually finish it, though, I just don’t know when!
I thought something fun to do would to do a “vlog” type of photostory where there are a few less photos (less work I have to do) and a bit more writing (so the dolls are just narrating what happened). Maybe y’all would enjoy those too?
P.S. I am so glad you got the card, and thanks for letting me know! I will keep an eye out for it!
I hope you can have time to finish it!
Yes! I would love for the vlog photo story! I think I would like any of your post tho!
hope you can have time to finish it!
Yes! I would love for the vlog photo story! I think I would like any of your post tho!