Hello girls! And dolls. And others reading this blog.
So, I’ve been thinking – have you ever seen these videos by this stopmotioner named Basilmentos? She is on youtube, and on some of her older videos she had an intro with photos other dolls.
More specifically, who likes…Aspen Heights? (I watch them with my sister!) The intros to her episodes are really cool, and I’ve been thinking for a while, maybe I should have a short intro like that to all of my AGSM’s. Just a short, classic, you-know-this-is-a-delightfulworldofdolls-video-when-you-see-this kinda thing.
On March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) I took the dolls out for a big photoshoot AND videoshoot. I could use some of them for general use, like backgrounds for credits and stuff, and for intros. What do y’all think? Here’s the shots I took!
(another video^^^)
(NOOOOOOOOO! THE BOX WAS IN THE WAY!!!!!!!!! *insert a bunch of angry smilies*)
IMG_8467 IMG_8468 IMG_8469 (videos)
(I’m thinking about using one of these as a header)
Jasmine and Molly’s accessories.
Cécile’s and Josefina’s accessories (Josefina has none XD.)
So…..what do y’all think? Should I put a short intro in my videos?
Thanks so much, Halo! :D
Ok, haha, funny story, I’m doing a stopmotion series called the Kathleen Khronicles that I’ll be debuting soon, and I just finished the trailer and the intro right before I came on here! :) Great minds think alike!
Second, yes, I would love that! I think it could be really cool!
– I prefer a white background, one that is kind of simple, or one that doesn’t change, and is more light (mainly neautral) colors, like what AGSmiless used for 19 Dolls and Counting (which you should totally watch)
This is mainly because if you have a nature background, like you are talking about, I think it tends to look a bit dark, and if the background is changing every few seconds, my eyes get annoyed and don’t focus properly, which gives me a headache. They’re really pretty photos, and I think it could be really cool if you use them, but that might be something to think about.
– I prefer it if the dolls are semi matching. For my intro, there wasn’t much we could do, because we didnt have enough clothes had the same color, but I know you might be able to do that. Also make sure that they have clothes and accessories that match their personalities. For instance, Joy could be wearing an apron and holding a paintbrush, Jasmine could be in her best fashionista outfit, and put her on her sunglasses sometime during it, etc.
-Also, for intros, I would just do a quick, comical sounding music piece, because they’re pretty short, and I think for anything other than a action movie (or something like Aspen Heights) you will want something non-action sounding. Actually, if you’re going to be using this for every video you make, I would make it a classical piece. Not a slow one, but mybe somthing like “Fate” byt Beethoven, because everyone knows that one. You want the music and the actions the dolls are doing to match kinda what the video is about, so if you are going to make it for every single one of your videos, whether it is Away or a short, comical piece, you will want the intro to work for it.
I personally reccomend this site (the royalty free music):
I used it for my intro. (I used the happy boy theme and end theme)
Anyways, sorry for getting so nit picky! I’ve been watching a lot lately because of making mine, so I’ve been getting a very clear idea of what and what not I like in a stopmotion. Hmm….maybe I should make this into a blog post…
Erm…that was long…I think it probably had as many words as your whole post…
Sorry bout that
Haha! That’s fine! I don’t mind long comments, probably because they are my speciality! XD
Haha, same here :) I can talk for hours, haha
LOL! :-)
Haha! That is funny! XD
Thanks for all your advice – I love to know what you think! That’s an awesome idea – the dolls in matching outfits and all.
I love that site! A lot of my music from there is used in my videos. Kevin Macleod makes really great stuff.
No problem! You’re not nit picky at all! ^_^ I love to read what you opinions are, so I can make my intro better! :D
:) Thanks!
Really? Huh. I never realized that. But then I only started using it a few weeks ago. ;)
:) Thanks. Haha.
YW! :-)
Lol ;) ;)
Wow this comment was mostly smilies. XD. Well not anymore! :P
That’s a great idea, Madison! I’d love that!
Thank you so much, Sunny! :d
You’re welcome! :-P