Hello, one and all! Today, using
•Colorful Pom-Poms
•acrylic paint
•A needle and thread
•and glitter(optional)
you can make your very own doll-sized ornaments for your doll Christmas tree! You can get a two-foot Christmas tree just about anywhere for less then ten bucks. Make your very own ornaments to go with it following these steps, and getting an adults’ help if needed!

Decorate the top of your pom-pom with acrylic paint. I used a green pom-pom and red acrylic paint.

See? The finished result should look a little something like this.
You could even mix the colors if you wanted to. For example, I used green AND red paint on this red pom-pom.

You can sprinkle the top of it with sparkles and glitter, if you wanted too. But since I didn’t have any, I didn’t use any. :p Set it somewhere safe to dry for about five hours. Test its dryness. Acrylic paint dries exactly how it’s painted. So it might look wet – but make sure to press your finger on it lightly to make sure. When it is dry…

Get out your needle and thread. Push the needle through the pom-pom, just under the paint.

Pull the needle out, but don’t pull the thread/string out completely! Make sure there is a small amount of thread or string on each side, and then cut.

Tie the ends together. Your ornament is finished and ready to hang on your doll’s tree!

Doesn’t it look great? Make as many pom-pom ornaments as you like. You don’t even have to make them in Christmas colors! A silver-sparkly-ish one with white paint and silver glitter would be beautiful!
Does your doll have her own tree?
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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adorable! i pmed you on agh
Thanks so much! OKey dokey!
Thank you! :D