That’s right people! I AM BACK HOME! I hope you had a lovely 4th of July weekend. I sure did! Fireworks over the lake….awesome. I had a lot of fun, including inner-tubing (inner tube attached to a big speedboat. SO FUN, WET, BUMPY, AND FLIP-FOR-FUN-KINDA-FUN, literally ;)), knee-boarding, swimming, fishing, and much more! I brought along a mini doll too… she is! ~Madison~

IMG_5923Hi I’m Jocelyn! Behind me you see Lake Conroe! I spent my birthday, July 5th, here!

IMG_5924 IMG_5925 IMG_5926It’s such a pretty lake, I can’t wait to go to it!

IMG_5927But first a few random photos.

IMG_5928 IMG_5929 IMG_5930OK, NOW we’re going to Lake Conroe! WHOOOOOOPIE!

IMG_5931 IMG_5932 IMG_5933 IMG_5934 IMG_5935Yay! We’re here!

IMG_5936I wanted to dip my feet in, but….

IMG_5937…My feet were a bit too short. ;P

IMG_5938 IMG_5940You can’t see it, but I’m on a speed boat!

IMG_5941 IMG_5942YEAH! :D

IMG_5943 IMG_5944Peaceful…relaxing.

IMG_5945 IMG_5946 IMG_5947Goodbye Lake Conroe!

IMG_5948A few days later…..I’m home! Home sweet home! :D


and Madison! :)

P.S. I will be VERY busy the next few days packing for a trip to Florida, so my blog posts during then will probably be few. Sorry for the inconvenience! :( ~Madison~