Madison here! Good afternoon everyone! I took some beautiful pictures of Molly-Anne yesterday…while she was being silly! I wanted to share them all with you then, but then we checked the weather and the next day was going to be full of sleet and ice, so we needed to go shopping to stock up for the week. But here I am today and ready to share these be-you-tiful photo’s with you! :)

purty little feet

hangin’ out with nature

“It’s touchable!”

lookin’ away

deep in thought?

digging in the dirt….uh oh!

Dirty hands, Madison’s not happy.

Wash off your hands, Molly-Anne!

drip, drip, drip…

framed in green

bed of green

hiding shoes…shhh!

Feet in soil

walking in soil

Molly-Anne! Stop getting so dirty! Time to wash up.

washing feet

dried with green

“where are my shoes?!” psst…look behind you! ;)


crying because it is time to go…Molly-Anne doesn’t want to leave her pretty plant

plant dries tear. “don’t worry, you’ll see me again soon!”

“OK! By Carnation Plant! See you soon!”
Well I hoped you liked Molly-Anne’s photoshoot, and hope you are enjoying your Monday! :)
Until next time!
(And Molly-Anne.. :))
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Thank you! :)
(Mini Sam: Hey Molly Anne! How have you been? I haven’t talked to you for AGES!!! It looks like you had a lot of fun with that plant. There aren’t any in our place because the humans are failures with plants hehe
Its probably not going to be for anlong time and its going to take FOREVER to make, but us minis are going to star in a video! Have you heard of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic? We’re going to try and do a stopmotion (or maybe just a video :P) of the season 3 finale (or just the songs from the season 3 finale :P) I’m going to be Rainbow Dash! I can’t wait till we do it!
See ya later Molly Anne! :D
Molly-Anne: Mini Sam! I’m doing great! How are you? You’re right, it’s been long time no see! I sure did. Hehe!
I have heard of My Little Pony! Wow, you are?! hat sounds so cool! Let me know when you make it – I would LOVE to see it when you’re done.
See ya! :)
Sam: I’m good! We just recently FINALLY got back to the dollhouse after months of not being there. It required a serious cleaning
When it does get made, it’ll be starring-
Ivy as Twilight, Felicity as Rarity, me as Rainbow Dash (well you already knew that :P) Josefina as Fluttershy, Ruthie as Pinkie, and Kit as Applejack, along with some Hearts for Hearts Girl as Princess Celestia and Paige the Lil’ Ones doll as Spike. Unless they decide to use the sound from the episode, it’ll be voiced by NatKaya and her sister. Its going to be fun :)
Awww! That was so cute! Such creativeness.
Thank you so much, Marisa! :)
~Madison and Molly-Anne~
Awww! Molly-Anne is SO adorable!!! :D
Molly-Anne says thank you! :) ;)
I have mini Caroline! I only took one picture of her though, You can see it on my instagram: makenzie_ag