Hi everyone! Madison here. I noticed a new AG background on their
play” page quite a few days ago (the day before Valentines Day) I have never noticed it before, and there wasn’t a big character there that is usually..there, you know? Have you ever seen this background before? :)
So, has anyone seen this background before? Just wondering!
And, a little questions for you all – what is your favorite background on AG? Caroline’s, the MyAG one where all the characters are doing cartwheel and other sports, or Isabelle’s studio one? Or this one? Or any background! This one is my favorite, it is so beautiful, really reminds me – SPRING IS HERE!!
EDIT – I did some detective work, and found out the background is the background from an AG Game called “Bring On Spring!”
AG did some editing work though, because the sky in the AG background page looked much lighter.
I saw something on AG facebook page, about it!
Really? Cool!
~Molly ‘n Madi~
Yea, I thought I did… I usually say “hey, thats new!” and it ends up its been there for over a year Lol! :D
LOL! :) :)
~Molly ‘n Madi~
Cool! I didn’t notice that. i think my favorite was the one with the MAG characters on it. :)
When was that?
What is weird, is that when you posted this, the background on my play@american girl page wasn’t changed!! But now it is. :? Anyway, I really like the welcome photo on your blog. :) Oh, and also, I am wondering what you think about the return of Samantha in the fall.
I’m super excited for Samantha!
Weird! :?
Thank you! :)
I am very excited for Samantha to return. It’s a really exciting thing happening to the Historical line, the first archived doll ever to come back. I do have questions though, such as ‘Is Nellie coming back, also?’ ‘Will there be changes to her outfits and accessories, and will they change the looks on Samantha?’ and, ‘Is this a limited time thing, or is this rock solid, officially proven, Sam is back for good?’ :) I hope to get some of her outfits and dresses for Emilie because she likes that kinda style, but i probably won’t get Samantha and/or Nellie. Emilie looks a lot like nellie and Molly looks a lot like Samantha, besides the fact that my molly’s hair has lost some of it’s color. Oh well. I have three dolls on my wishlist, and I’m hoping to stick to three, LOL!
I doubt that Nellie will come back, but AG has not said anything saying that she isn’t. I just don’t think the friends characters are a big money maker for them. There will almost definitely be tons of changes to her outfits and accessories, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t have anything in her original collection. Maybe she will have something, but I think that most stuff will be different. I think AG will make minor changes to Samantha, but nothing too noticeable. Oh, another thing, they’ll probably make her a different meet outfit. I don’t know if Samantha will be here of rgood, but I’d say so. So those are my answers!! :)
OMG! Madi, everyone! Guess what! PICS OF A NEW HISTORICAL CHARACTER HAVE BEEN LEAKED! And she looks like she’s from the 1950’s! Plus, back in December 2013, (after I got my beautiful Molly) I wrote a letter to AG suggesting they do a 1950’s girl! Can you believe it? They listened! :D I looked at the pics and she’s stunning! You can look at Jaclynn’s blog for more details. Now I’m going to have a hard time choosing between Samantha and the new 50’s girl! :(
IKR!!!! I AM SO EXCITED! She is so gorgeous and adorable!
Wow, they did? That’s awesome!
Hmm, are you allowed to get more than one doll at a time? If not, just get the one you like better first! :D