This post has the least pictures of all of them LOL.

IMG_9277After I came home from my doctors appointment (good reports!) I found THIS in an old drawer we never packed.

My father got a letter from the PRESIDENT.

IMG_9278CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I freaked out and texted my BFF’s nearly screaming with excitement. President Bush ‘wrote’ a letter to my father… this goes down in Lorfing family history. WOW WOW WOW! This is NOT a joke, haux, or a fake. This is real, and I was so beyond amazed at it!

IMG_9280After that I went for a double sleepover at my BFF’s house. Here is Emelie with all her friends before we left to go back to Florida.

We watched the new Annie! It was soooooooooooo good!

IMG_9283 IMG_9284 IMG_9285 IMG_9286 IMG_9287Numerous photos of the Sam Houston statue as we drove to Houston to see a few of our relatives and visit before we left.

IMG_9294At the hotel’s (The non-fancy one we stayed at in Houston :p) they had these adorable mini boxes of cereal at the breakfast. So what did I do?! Grab some for my dolls of course! I would have grabbed one of all of them but my dad said I could only get 3. -__-

IMG_9295Here is Emelie holding them for size comparison. They’re perfect for AG’s!

IMG_9300I got this trinket just outside of Florida. It’s really cool, and has this water stuff inside with a floating dolphin. It has a clip on the top that a photo can attach in to. I also got two T-shirts that say ‘FLORIDA’ on them.

IMG_9323And now I am back!

I have a new photo story series in the planning/makings…and an AGSM, too! BTW, sneak peek, this summer I am going to do one of a girl (one of my dolls – probably #56, when I get her. In the AGSM she will play a girl named Providence.) who lives near the beach and has to move. (Inspiration goes to Sunny! Thank you Sunny for your awesome ideas!)

Well I hope you enjoyed seeing the photos from my Texas trip! Texas will always be my home, and I hope to return and visit again soon.

Thanks for reading. Your comments have been so sweet and touching, and knowing that you’re praying for me helps a LOT. My homesickness may never go away. I may never come to love Florida as some Floridians.

But I know this is for sure – with God on my side, I can do ANYTHING.

And especially with all you awesome friends praying, commenting, and just plain being there for me.

