^ My dolls ready to be transported to the outdoors, where the next set of scenes has yet to be filmed!
I’ve been working on my stop motion movie lately, including making props, filming the first indoor scenes, and getting my sewing machine out for the first time since we moved here! I haven’t used it in about three years! I’m having to re-teach myself how to thread and then use it, haha… which could either be disastrous or enjoyable. Or both. I haven’t started sewing the costumes yet, so we’ll see.
I also have the first twenty-three seconds of my stop motion movie finished! I also need to make a new DWOD intro including Taryn and Katy Christine. I’m thinking about letting you see the 23 seconds I have of the actual movie so far, but… it gives away the title, so… I don’t know…
Oh, I know what I can do instead! Share some tests! I made these when figuring out the new camera’s settings I was using, the best way to export it with iStopMotion, and the perfect aspect ratio. Basilmentos’ advice was helpful for my American Girl doll giveaway stopmotion, but I found out I needed some different quality settings for the different camera and it took me quite a while to figure them out. LOL! Here they are!
I’m so happy the quality settings are finally all figured out! Phew. :P
We also finished building the set for the big indoor scenes! This is where a lot of the film will be taking place. Thank you again to my awesome dad for making it all work, my mom and little bro for helping out at the end, and myself for helping the entire time, although I shouldn’t say that last part because that would be rude. Hey, wait a sec- ?
Aaaanyway, would you like to see it?
I know what you’re thinking. Um, Madi, that looks a little… beat up…
Don’t worry, my friend. I don’t have anything figured out though I pretend to I have everything figured out. This is a peasant’s home. But that’s all I can say… we wouldn’t want to give the plot away this early, would we? ?
Did I mention sewing some costumes earlier? I’m very excited for that! They’re simple costumes, so they shouldn’t be too hard. At least, I hope not. My sewing machine skills haven’t been used in years, so who knows how the costumes could turn out? Beware the 1900-something 500-pound sewing machine combined with my horrendous seamstressness.
But hey, at least I have some crafting skills that aren’t as rusty! Any guesses on what these adorable things are?
Wait a second. I have nine dolls, but there are ten of these things…
What’s this? I bought someone something? Ohh, that’s right! I did!
But I must not tell you who she what it is yet. That would give too much away! *shoos the idea with her hands* Moving on! How can I distract you from this piece of information?
Oh, hey, I know!
I’ll reveal the first few scenes and the title of my stop motion movie!
If you would like to see the first 23 seconds (the title is revealed in the video), just comment below and tell me so! You will need to be commenting with a valid email. I have the video uploaded privately to YouTube and will only be able to share it with you that way. Be sure to first ask an adult if you need to!
Just a quick note – the terrible voiceovers are not permanent. They are just quick test ones I made so I would know what I wanted to say and where. It’s raining in the background so it sounds quite awful. XD
Very interesting! Keep up the good work and set design!
Thank you so much!
Oooh! I’m so excited! I was wondering if you could post the stopmotion on something that is not youtube (I’m not allowed on there for private reasons) if not that’s perfectly fine :)
Yay, I’m so glad! Hm, I’m not sure… I’m not allowed on YouTube, either (besides uploading videos). Would you be allowed to watch it if an adult was on YouTube with you? That’s what I have to do. :)
I can’t be on youtube period. Even if it’s on a different website, if it’s connected to youtube in any way I can’t watch it. I’m sorry :(
Okay! I totally understand. I’m so sorry. When I post the actual stop motion movie, would you be able to watch it since the video would be posted on Delightful World of Dolls?
If it’s not connected to youtube than yes. (Sorry for making you go through all this)
It would be a “YouTube” video, but it wouldn’t make you go to the YouTube site to watch it, if that’s what you mean. (That’s totally okay! I completely understand. :P)
Madi…like Staff, I’m not allowed on you tube, but would love to watch it if its on Delightful World of Dolls?! No stress if that doesn’t work out though!!
Thanks AGfan!!
Would you be allowed to watch it if an adult was there with you? That’s what I do. ? Unfortunately, the only way it will let me share privately is if the receiver watches it on the YouTube site (I think), so I’m not sure if there’s any other way. But if you can’t, I’m releasing the trailer really soon and that will be on Delightful World of Dolls publicly!
If it’s connected to Youtube even if I stay on your website I can’t watch. Even if I had an adult I still can’t watch it and that’s not because they think your video is inappropriate it’s just because I can’t watch anything on youtube or even if it’s connected or even if I stay on your website.
Oh, OK. I completely understand. Could you watch it if I uploaded it to Vimeo as well?
Yes. Vimeo is fine. Thank you for all of this!
No problem! I don’t know if I’ll be able to get the sneak peek on Vimeo but I’m going to see if I can release the actual stop motion film on Vimeo as well. :D
Oh! Yes please! I can’t wait!
~ Taryn
Yay! I just shared the video with you! You should get an email notification of it. Let me know if it doesn’t work. :D
Um, I haven’t got it yet. Not sure if it worked…
~ Taryn
I sent it to your commenting email — it did not work?
It didn’t work. Could we try to send it to my new e-mail? (It’s the one I commented with) Thanks! :)
~ Taryn
I’m sorry it didn’t work the first time! I just shared it with you again. Does it work now?
Yay! I’m really excited for this! I think those are baskets. YOU GOT ANOTHER DOLL? I would love to see the first 23 seconds.
Thank you so much! Me, too! Ooh, good guess! And MAYBE… ;) Hurray! I just shared it with you. You should get an email notification of it. Let me know if it doesn’t work!
I got it but It’s asking me to log into a Google account, which I don’t have.
Do your parents have one?
My dad has one.
I sent it!
Oh, and that set looks really cool!
Thank you so much!
You’re welcome! :D
Ooohhhh so exciting!!! Well, they look like little Easter baskets to me. Oh you’ll get along fine with the sewing machine, don’t worry, I love using my Mom’s sewing machine for doll clothes and accessories. It’ll be easy to pick back up :)
And YES! I’d love to see the first 23 seconds ;)
Ooh, Easter baskets… ;) Thanks! I hope so XD
Just shared it with you! I hope it works!
Yes! I received the link, thanks so much!
Yay! No problem!
EEK! I can’t WAIT for the stopmotion. And I wonder what you ordered…. ;)
I would love the to see the sneak peek! I’m commenting with my email, but if that doesn’t work, I’ll comment again with my mom’s email. :D
-Clara <3
YAY! I’m so excited for it! And oh goodness, the thing I ordered arrived today and now I’m flipping over with excitement. XD
Hurray! I just shared it with your email – let me know if it doesn’t work! :D
I just ordered something immensely exciting, too…. ;)
Hmm…. I think you’ll have to share it with my mom’s email, mine doesn’t let me watch the video. I’ll leave this comment with her email. :D
-Clara <3
OOOH… I wonder what it is… ;)
Thanks for letting me know! I just shared it with hers. I hope it works! :D
It’s 18″ tall. Any guesses? XD
-Clara <3
No? XD
And YAY! I’m so glad! you like it! Thanks SO much! :D :D
Yep, it’s a doll. XD
You’re welcome! I can’t WAIT to see more of it!! *runs around squealing*
*gasps* YOU MUST POST ABOUT HER SO I CAN SEEEEE *wonders who she is*
I’m so glad! I’m so excited to finish the whole thing! :D :D
I SHALL POST SOON! She came today and she’s ADORABLE! I’m very excited to take pictures of her. :D
YAY! Oh my goodness, I can’t wait to see her! :D
I just posted some pictures of her. ;)
-Clara <3
Ahh, she’s so cute and unique! I just commented on your posts – congrats on making such a beautiful custom doll!
YAY! This stopmotion sounds AWESOME. And I think I’ll just wait until the “trailer” comes out to see the title and everything. ;)
Thank you SO much! :D Okay! ? ;)
Cool! Keep on working hard!
Thank you so much! I will!
Very exciting! And yes, I would like to watch the sneak peek, if I can. Though if I need a Google account to watch it, then it wouldn’t be possible.
And you bought another doll?? I will be looking forward to seeing who she is. ;)
~Christian Homeschooler
Thanks so much! I don’t think it will make you have a Google account – I just shared the video with your email, and just let me know if it doesn’t work. ?
*gasps* MAYBE… ;)
This was so neat! I am so excited! I know what the little craft was, Easter baskets! Right? ;) You bought a new doll on Ebay???? Did you? DID YOU??? :O You and your mysterious snipets of info… :| The test video is buffering, but the first part was cool! I’m so excited for the video sneak peak! I’m commenting with a valid email! :D
Oooh, Easter baskets… maaaybe… ;) LOL! And OOH. MAYBE. XD ;) Thanks! And I just shared the sneak peak with you! Let me know if it doesn’t work!
Hey, madison!?
oh oh I get …..your geting a new easter doll? why would there be 10 baskets instead of 9 hmm……. interesting ?????
BTW! great new post! keep up the good work!!
Hm, maybe! ;) Thanks so much!
Madi… did you buy a doll? XD I’ll try to watch it when it’s up- but lately my computer has been acting its age (six) so…
Well, uh, maybe… XD
No problem! Ugh, computer issues. :P
Also, seeing it would be awesome… but part of me wants to be surprised…
I’m going to try with all I’ve got to get the trailer out by April 1st and possibly a second sneak peek four days before the release date, so there are other sneak peeks coming if you want to wait for the good ones. Or if you just want to be 100% surprised, that’s fine, too.
I NEED TO SEE THEM!!! That looks fantastic! Okay, Madi… who did you get?! I’m starting to get jealous…. :) Three dolls in four months?! (Taryn, K.C., your new one…. all of who ARE NOT IN YOUR HEADER (do you know how much that’s bothering me?! :) ) ) And then, when you get Taryn’s sister and then maybe if you get one on your birthday…. man alive! :D And uh, just reminding you….. I NEED TO SEE THOSE 23 SECONDS!
~ Light4theLord
*evil laugh* THE WORLD SHALL NEVER KNOW! Juuuust kidding. SHE ARRIVED TODAY! I just have to wait until after my stop motion to introduce her. MWAHAHA. And I know! It’s crazy! I haven’t gotten this many dolls in such a short period ever! I’m so thankful! (ARG, I know XD I need to update it as soon as possible. :P) Ooh, man alive! That’s a cool expression! XD And ah, yes! Right on it! Consider it done! No, really. I just shared it with your email. Done! XD
Yeah really…. YOU’VE HAD HER FOR A WEEK AND HAVEN’T TOLD ANYONE?!?!?!? WE LOVE YOU MADI AND WE NEED TO KNOW!!!!! Okay, fine. I’ll try to keep down the whole caps lock thing….. I love it! now just hurry and finish it because I want to see you on here…
~ Light4thELord
Well, of course. I am an evil dolly blogger. *evil laugh* I MUST WAIT UNTIL AFTER MY AGSM BUT IT SHAN’T BE MUCH LONGER! ;) I’m so sorry I’ve been so absent lately! :(
I would love to see the first 23 seconds of it!
I just shared it with you! Let me know if it doesn’t work.
YES I want to see it! ? Yep, you got a doll. ? Wow, you actually built props, and are making costumes, and- *faints* also, I can’t make stop motions. Too tedious. ?? now I just need to start getting my brother used to the idea of watching a doll stop motion for one of our movie nights….cover your ears, everyone. But then, my mom’s kind of interested, so maybe she’ll out rule him, instead of telling us just to figure something out. ?
Easter baskets?….would those be somewhere where there are peasants? (Wait, did I say the people ‘peasants’ or the bird ‘peasants’?) ??
Most crazily, ~Olive
YAY! I just shared it with your email – let me know if it doesn’t work! :D YES IT’S SO MUCH WORK *pants* But it’s fun! XD LOLOL! XD :P
Haha! That does sound like an odd combination… and I think the bird “peasants” is “pheasants” ?
eeeeeeeh! just watched it, SO COOL. and my guess was right! XD
oh thank you, and phew! I didn’t call the peasants birds! XD :P
Most crazily, ~Olive
YAY! I’m so glad you liked it! Hehe! XD
Ugh you’ve really piqued my curiosity. My email is agguide2014@gmail.com!!
Ah, yes, that’s the idea. ? Just shared it with you email! Just let me know if it doesn’t work or anything. ?
OOH! I’m so excited Madi! Yes, I would like to see the sneak peak. (though who wouldn’t?!)
Hmm, maybe those are Easter baskets? Other than that I have no clue. XD
I’m working on Wealthy Hearts, have you seen the first episode?
It’s really funny, I was just thinking about how awesome your posts are before you posted this, and how much I was anticipating your next one. XD
YAY! And hurray! I just shared it to your email address! I hope it works!
Ooh, great guess! XD
GASP WEALTHY HEARTS! *runs over to read it* I have now! *runs to comment*
Awww! That means so much! ?❤️ XD
I’d like to see the first 23 seconds! :D
Yay! :D I just shared it to your email address. Let me know if it doesn’t work. ?
YAAAY THANK YOU SO MUCH AND YES, YES I CAN. ? I just shared it with you! I hope it works!
The little tests were fun to see! A nice way to give a little teaser without giving anything away that you don’t want to yet.
Hehe, I saw the house set up and thought it looked kinda bland/brown, and then you said what it was for and then it made sense XD ! It’s lookin’ good!
Best of luck on sewing! *Happy sigh* I’ve been really enjoying sewing lately, and have been sewing up a storm; However, I’m getting a little concerned about how big my dolls’ wardrobe is going to get… XD
Oooh! I would love to see a sneak peak! :-D
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked them!
Hahaha! XD Thank you so much! :D
Thanks s’much! I just tried sewing a test costume and it turned out… horrible… LOL! I need more practice. XD Ooh! That’s awesome! And LOL! XD
Yay! I just shared it with your email. I hope it works!
You’re welcome!
Oh no! Hopefully you’ll get the hang of it soon! Like they say, Practice makes Progress! At least it was a test and not special costume fabric (I hope). :-)
It worked! Looks great! :-D Yaay!!
Oh dear, I hope so soon, haha! That’s true! :D It was some test fabric, thankfully! LOL! Last night I figured out how to make the costumes using test fabric and now I’m going to try it using the real costume fabric I bought. I hope it all works out… LOL! :D
Thanks so much!! :D
Ooh! I’d love to see the stopmotion preview! Who did you get? Please, I must know! ;-)
I just got my 11th doll, direct from AG. (Probably my last from them b/c of the quality issues.) :-)
Hurray! I just shared it with your email. Let me know if it doesn’t work. ?
Ooh, congratulations! Who’d you get?
Thats cool!
Thank you!
Can I see the first 23 seconds! I love set designing too!
Absolutely! I just shared it with you! Same here!
OOOOH I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE IT! I would love for you to send the first 23 seconds!
YAY! I just shared it with you! Let me know if it doesn’t work!
Yay, Madi! You have me excited! :) I think I’ll wait for the grand reveal! :) I can’t wait to see your new doll! Is this Taryn’s sister, or are you still getting her later?
Yay! And okay! :D The new doll I ordered is Taryn’s sister – she arrived today! I’m quite excited about her… ?
Yay! That’s so fun! I can’t wait to see her!
Ooh! Ooh! Oooh! I’ll comment correctly just this once
Wait, did you want to see the first 23 seconds and that’s why you included your email? Just making sure that’s what you want before I send it, LOL.
K! I just shared it with you.
It wants a google account but I don’t have one! ? *flails*
Can you make some random one you’ll use for one time only?
Still not working. ?
Try making another google account with a different email, then comment using that email.
You know what? At this point, just forget it.
Are you sure? If you made another G+ account with a different email and the commented again using that email, it should work.
YES AGSM NOW! MUST SEE PREVIEW! Looks like you’re doing a great job so far. Are those Easter baskets? And, is the new doll #62? EBAY IS THE BEST WEBSITE EVER! Well, maybe not quite. I KNOW! YOU GOT 62 AND IT’S TARYN’S SISTER AND THE AGSM IS ABOUT TARYN’S BEST EASTER PRESENT EVER! HER SISTER!
Um, I got a little carried away there.
*GASPS* DIAMOND HOW… HOW DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH? XD And yay! I just shared it with you – I hope it works!
can I see the first 23 seconds? ;-) I am super excited!!
Absolutely! :D I just shared it with you! YAY! :D
YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAASSS! I would LOVE to see the first 27 or 28 seconds of it!!! Good Job Madi!! You sound like your working really hard! (Your so diligent and I’m not) My email is with the comment!!
PS: Which doll did you “not” get?
YAY! I just shared it with you! I hope you enjoy it! :D LOLOL! XD
P.S. I definitely didn’t get #62. And she’s definitelynot Taryn’s sister.
Yeah, we’ll go with that.
Haha I know your secret…..
Haha yes you do XD
I would love to see a sneak peek!
I just shared it with you! Let me know if it doesn’t work or anything! :D
Who did you get? Who did you get!!!! Must know, must know! Ahhh! I’m freaking out right now!
MWAHAHAHA! I am keeping it a secret until after Easter. *maliciously evil laugh*
Welllll… it may or may not be #62. *shrugs*
Ooh it all looks so exciting and mysteriously fun!! Congrats on breaking out the sewing machine! I can’t wait to see the costumes and the set and the movie and….okay, I just can’t wait!! If you need any sewing tips, ask away! I do a lot of doll sewing. A LOT.
I can’t wait to find out who, I mean what you bought too! Hooray!
ginnie / http://www.fakingitmostly.com
Thank you so much! LOL! Aw, thank you so much! I love doll sewing, too! Hehe! Thank you so much again! :D
Madison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why must you torture us?????? But I can’t wait to see it! I am in awe of anyone who can make good stop motions-I just DO NOT have the patience!
Natalie @ The American Girl Spot
MWAHAHA! Torturing is what I shall do forever! ;D Stop motioning is really fun, but you’re right — man, does it ever take some serious patience! Thanks for commenting, Natalie!
Hi Maddie! Just asking, Is it a truly Me doll, just like you doll, american girl of today, american girl today, my american girl, historical character, beforever, or Wellie Wisher, or Bitty Baby. Are we allowed to guess what doll it is?
Hey! Guess away! ?
Well… she may or may not be Truly Me #62.
But that’s not, like, official or anything. :o ;)
I need to see those 23 seconds!!!! You got another doll???!!! Show us!!! The suspense is killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
I just shared it with you! I WILL WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT MWAHAHAHAAA. ?
Okay, I can’t stand it any longer. GIVE ME THAT LINK BEFORE I STRANGLE YOUUUU
{well that was violent}
*is taken aback in shock* JK XD I just shared the link with your email! Let me know if it doesn’t work or something crazy.
Heehee! XD
And thanks so much! It sent through, and it’s AMAZING! I’m so excited!!!
YAY! I’m so glad!! :D
Since the set is a peasant’s home, then the baskets are for picking berries or something. Riiiiigggghhhhtt???
Mmm, that’s a very good guess! Perhaps… ;)