(Season 1 is almost over! Can you believe it?!)
Hang on to Hope
Season 1, Part 9
(Told in POV of Issa)
“It is day one of Operation FCA, aka, raising money for it on our own, secretly, without the help of parents,” I announced as we walked to our destination.
“We’ve been standing here for hours,” I panted to Lexi, who was standing next to me. We were both holding up signs, saying, “SUPPORT THE FCA” and we had a little donations cup in between us.
Unfortunately, there had been no donations in it.
The sun was just blazing hot. Why I chose to wear a hoodie, tights, and boots, I have no idea. But I was hating life so miserably, I wanted to pass out.
I faked a little pass-out scene, making Lexi giggle.
All of the sudden, a gust of uncomfortably warm wind carried away our signs!
Screaming, we charged after them.
We threw ourselves on top of our flying papers (nearly colliding into one another), exhausted, and thankfully snatched them.
All of the sudden, I caught sight of a passerby.
YES!!! On this terribly lonely road we mistakably chose to advertise for donations, there was ONE passerby!
I waved my sign like crazy, screaming, “SUPPORT THE FCA!!! SUPPORT THE FCA!!!”
The lady glanced at me weirdly, then continued walking.
I was sort of glad she didn’t come near…she looked a little unfriendly…
Lexi and I collapsed against a tree, defeated.
“Issa, you’re burning up!” Lexi gasped, looking at my now red face, sunburnt nose, and sweaty hair. “Let’s go home.”
Day one of Operation FCA: Mission failed.
But there are still plenty of days left in our future.
We cannot possibly fail this time.
If people won’t come to us? We’ll go to them. We plan to go door-to-door, delivering fliers about supporting the FCA.
“Ready to work?” I ask Lexi.
“Ready to fly,” she answers.
(yes…we stole that from the McKenna movie…)
We start off on our skates, each with a bagful of fliers.
We stop dead short when we hear thunder.
“WHAT?!!” I cry. “This can’t be happening!”
It starts to gently sprinkle, and there is proof on the bushes next to us.
“A little rain won’t stop us,” Lexi confidently tells me. “We are determined. Only if there is lightning will we turn back.”
Lexi pauses to look at a raindrop on her arm, but only for a short while.
We are in full swing as we start off on our roller skates again.
I go faster than Lexi, who struggles to keep up. “Wait up!” She cries. I sigh, and while waiting for her to catch up, I read one of the fliers we are going to pass out.
“Help support the FCA. Give today. E-mail FCAgirls at me dot com to discuss how to donate.”
A few more raindrops splatter on me as I read the flier.
I hear a scream behind me, and I turn my head.
“Woah….woah….Sorry, I just lost my balance there for a sec,” Lexi nervously tells me after finally catching up.
“C’mon then! Let’s go!” I start off on my skates dangerously fast. I’m eager to deliver at least a couple fliers before it starts down-pouring. “Wait up,” Lexi mumbles, trying to catch up again.
In all her hurrying to keep up with me, she didn’t exactly see the crack in the sidewalk.
I hear a scream behind me again.
I look back, annoyed, and then my annoyed look turns into a shocked one.
I skate over to her.
“Lexi! Lexi! Are you alright?” I exclaim.
“My ankle,” is all Lexi can say, and she is on the verge of tears.
I dart back into the house quickly, screaming, “Amy! Amy!”
My roller skates can’t take me fast enough as I fly into the house, searching for Amy.
When they leave for the doctor, I beg to go with them, but Amy is in too much of a rush and refuses.
I stay home, worried.
I am kicking myself for not waiting for her. I shouldn’t have pushed her. I was unkind, and that’s being a terrible friend.
To be continued
Wow! Two injures in one photo story! Poooorrrr Amy!
Ha, ha, yup! :P
Hey Madison! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I really appreciate it. Also, great photostory! I love how HOTH is turning out! You are about to read something really funny…in Saige’s break I m going to post part two and Emily breaks her ankle and Saige breaks her elbow! I already took the pictures and everything too! Well I guess great minds think alike! Lol :D
You’re welcome, and thank you so much! Haha, really? Great minds think alike!! ^_^
Another injury? NOOOOOOOOO HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I guess I am over reacting lol. I hope someone donates, it is a great cause!
P.S Do you happen to have an Animal Jam account? If you do can you let me know on my blog because I have one and it would be fun to see you on there!
P.S. I do not, sorry! The game looks fun though. :-)
Chloe looks like a spy . . . : ) Issa’s hair is awesome. And poor Amy! Two kids with broken bones . . . (at least, I expect that Lexi broke her foot)
(He he he…She’s still in costume for an AGSM I’m making. ;D) Thanks! I was worried it just looked weird or something. LOL, yeah, she’s a busy mom and foster mom! XD (She did ;D)
AHHH! so suspensful! :O Can’t wait to find out what happens next!
~Lydia~ <3
Thanks! I hope to have the next part up sometime this week! :D
NOOOOOO!!!!!! Issa and Lexi are hurt!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! And how do you make your dolls eyes shut without laying then down?!?!:)
Hi, Anonymous R! ^_^ I make my doll’s eyes close without laying them down by taking a tiny bit of her eyelash and putting it down under her…cheek right under her eye? Here’s a close-up picture.

As you can see, a little of her eyelash is down under her skin under her eye, making her eyes shut without having to to lay her down.
Wow!! thanks!!!!! Maybe I should try that!!!!!! Well actually I AM!!!!!
You’re welcome! Hope it works for you!
Testing a comment (please work, please work)….
Your pictures of them skating are great! That’s so sad that Lexi got hurt :(
(please work, please work)
YAY! I am so glad it works now! I missed talking to you! (and thank you! :-) Yeah, it’s sad :-( But it gets better in Season 2).
I missed talking to you, too! I’m so glad to be able to comment again! It’s also working on other blogs now, too! I don’t know what happened LOL! :P
LOL! It might just have been one of those weird computer glitch things that have no explanation1 :P.
YES!!!!! The eyelash thing WORKED!!!! Dance party!!! da da da da da daaaaaaaa!!! Now my photo stories I make for fun will be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! (sorry I get REALLY excited at times!!)
I’m SO glad it worked for you! I hope you have tons of fun making your photo stories! I know I did! Before I had my blog, it was just me and my doll Molly and the photo stories we made! (Haha, that’s OK! I do too! ^_^)
You know how you said Molly was your first doll? Well Molly was one of the first 3 dolls I got!!! My fist 3 dolls were hand-me-downs from my sister!! So my first 3 dolls were given at the same time!!!! The first 3 dolls that started it all was……………… Molly, Felicity, AND…….. Kirsten!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have BOATLOADS!!! of fun making photo stories!!! With my dolls!!! Tell me all your A.G. Dolls in order that you got them please? My dolls in order were …….Felicity, Molly, Kirsten, Emily, and Grace (GOTY 2015!!)
That’s cool Molly was one of your first dolls, too! Molly is a great doll, isn’t she? My dolls (in order of when I got them) are…
Josefina (I got her on the same day as Cécile, but she was opened first)
Emelie (I got her on the same day as Jasmine, but she was opened first)
Jasmine (Saige)
Ellie (Ivy)
and Chloe (#56)!
Why did Issa’s arm cast change?
Wait, what? Her arm cast changed? (goes and checks post)
Oh, yeah, yeah. At first I couldn’t find the AG cast, so I supplemented with a peice of cloth. But then I found it and changed it. :P
Oh no, another broken bone?
These gals are going to be in so much trouble…
I loved melodrama in every single story ?