The holiday season has pretty much arrived and I thought I would find myself with loads of free time on my hands like last year. I imagined myself gaining inspiration for and writing in my work-in-progress novel, swinging outside while listening to music, sipping hot cocoa while reading a book by the Christmas tree, and getting together as many presents as I can possibly buy or make for my family and friends just because it’s so fun to give things away. I also envisioned myself not spending too much time on my blog.
Unfortunately, that just doesn’t seem to be the case this year. It’s the craziest thing, guys!

*not my official work calendar
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, I look at the calendar on my computer one day and happen to notice that Christmas is in less than two weeks and I haven’t bought or even made a single Christmas present for my family or friends.
Heh, heh.
That’s what I get for trying to pack so much stuff in this December. ;) But I can’t help it! I have big plans for DWOD, and time just seems to have fun escaping from me. ;)
It’s times like these when I’m glad I have tons of photoshoots stored up. I do have posts planned; many of them. ;) But they are multiple, completely different quality-over-quantity posts and projects in the makings – and none of them are finished yet. :P
Thus, the first Monday of the month rolled around and I found myself two days later realizing I hadn’t published a mini doll post even though I had planned on one. WHOOPS AGAIN! I hope you don’t mind this Mini Doll Monday a week late. :P
I also hope you enjoy this photoshoot! I grabbed my camera and Emma for a quick photoshoot when it was getting pretty late one day this past November. I thought the photos wouldn’t turn out very well, but I liked the shoot so much that Emma has a new profile picture from it! (Many of the other dolls have new profile pictures, too!)
Now, enough of my rambling and onto the photoshoot. ;) Don’t worry, there aren’t a bunch of random photos – I edited down to eleven of my filtered favorites. ;) I hope you like ’em!
She looks like she’s in the jungle!
Even more jungle-y! :P
She is absolutely gorgeous! I actually have a little confession to make about her…
I had wanted her for a very long time, and when I finally got her last year from my little brother, I realized she wasn’t everything I had hoped for her to be. :P Her hair wasn’t very style-able and would get messy fast. Because it was so short, it was hard to do much with it at all.
But when I took these photos on November 19th, I realized that all you need to spark your interest in a doll again is a new hairstyle!
(SHE IS SO PRETTY! AHH!) You can work with any doll’s hair. This particular style took a bit of work with her short hair even though it was so simple, but the finished result was SO. CUTE! :D
This picture represents Emma perfectly! Emma is a thoughtful dreamer. Doesn’t she look so dreamy? :D
I love this one! I should’ve made this her new profile picture. :P
She looks so calm and relaxed and… thoughtful. And serene.
I made this her new profile picture, but it was so hard to pick one! Emma’s first photoshoot turned out really well in my opinion. I can’t wait to take the other minis out and snap new photos for their profiles, too! It was fun to experiment with the different lighting. If you’re curious, these pictures were taken from 6:36 PM to 6:53 PM.
Emma wishes you all a very Merry Christmas! :D
Before you go… I have a few boring announcements that nobody reads anyway. ;)
Did you have a favorite picture? Are you excited for any of the things coming up next?
Merry Christmas, guys! I hope you’re having an absolutely wonderful Christmas season! ♥
How exciting! I can’t wait to see all that you have coming up, Madi! :D
P.S. I left a comment on your novel’s page. :)
Thank you! I saw it and replied! :D
Thank you so much, Grace! :D :D
YAY! These look awesome, and I’m TOTALLY looking forward to your next posts!!
~ Light4theLord
Thank you SO much! :D :D
Ooh! I’m excited for everything. Your photoshoot of Emma is so beautiful! She is such a sweet doll, and your way if portraying her as a thoughtful dreamer is adorable! Your photos are just SO gorgeous!
P.S. I noticed you requested access to my new (private☹️) blog. I really really REALLY wish I could let you read it, but my parents have a rule about only people I know in real life being allowed to read it. ? However, hopefully next year I’ll be allowed to make my blog public, and then you’ll be the first to know! ?
Thank you so very much, Izzy! Your comment made me smile so much! Thank you! :D :D
P.S. Oh, okay! No problem at all! Thank you for letting me know! :D ?
Well, it makes me smile to read your blog! ?? I ? it! ?
Aw, that means so much! ? Thank you very much, Izzy! ?
Nice pictures of Emma! The lighting is quite pretty. All your sneak peak pictures are exciting! I’m especially looking forward to the Countdown Chronicles. :)
I can totally relate to being so busy this month. I have hardly started working on my Christmas gifts either! We have decorated the house, though which is good. :)
~Christian Homeschooler
P.S. Care to listen to some of my favorite Christmas music? Its instrumental, and I’m listening to it right now. ;)
Thank you so much, Christian Homeschooler! I’m super excited to share the Countdown Chronicles – it’s been fun making them! :D
Ooh, that’s awesome you have your house decorated! My family and I are going to be working on that today, haha. ;)
P.S. Thanks so much! I’m listening to it right now (I’m loving “Carol of the Bells – What Child Is This)! That is so cool! :D
You’re welcome! That’s great! :)
Yes! On our bannister we have white lights that blink-it’s really cool!
I bet that’ll be fun! Do you like decorating for Christmas?
Nice! I’m glad you like it! :) A couple of my favorite songs on the CD are The Friendly Beasts and Good King Wenceslas. :)
That is so cool! I bet it looks beautiful!
I sure do! I’ve officially been deemed head of Christmas decorating. :P LOL!
My mom likes listening to it, too! It’s really easy listening and super neat.
I am excited about ALL of the posts you have planned. And don’t worry you’re not alone – I haven’t made hardly any presents ether ( AKA I’ve done two, LOL!) :)
Aw, thank you SO much, Anna! I’m excited, too! (LOL! I feel ya! ;P)
Ooh, fun! I can’t WAIT until you get my card.
Thanks! And funny you should mention it – I got it TODAY! :D My dolls and I love it! <3 Thank you so much, Miri! I'll be sending you a card back super soon!
oooooooooh! I’m so excited! :D
Most crazily, ~Olive
p.s. Kit made a card for Chloe, it should be coming soon!
Hehe! Thanks so much! :D
P.S. Yay! Chloe can’t wait to get it! Tell Kit thank you for sending one! :D ;)
That was so cool.
Emma looks like quite the andventurous explorer!
She reminds me a bit of Indiana Jones(that is if he was a girl and mini and a doll)
Hope you have a fantastic day!
-Lucky ?
Thank you so very much, Lucky! LOL! :D Aw, you too! Thanks again, Lucky!
I’m just like you- haven’t bought anybody anything yet! Ooops! I guess I’m going shopping tomorrow!
Hahaha! Good luck shopping! :D
Lovely pictures! They turned out great! I don’t mind that mini doll monday was a week early! Good luck with all your Christmas shopping!
Thank you SO much, Gracie! Thanks again! :D
Looks Fun! I LOVED The Pictures! I know exactly how you feel, I haven’t gotten any presents till today! But there’s still 11 days till Christmas! (So I better hurry up!) :)
Thank you so very much, M&M! And oh my goodness, I know, right? (Same here!)
PLEASE post those posts you have planned soon!! You can’t keep us in more suspense!! (Except for that scrolling!! My finger is still sore….not:)) Also I totally agree!! A new hair-style makes all the difference!! Unfortunately *crossed out*I don’t have my own doll hair kit, not even my own brush*crossed out* I’m not the best at doll hair-styling:):):):)!!LOL
Also, on a lighter note, I would like to mention those photos are AMAZING!! Makes my photos look amateur!!LOL!LOL!LOL!
I’m actually working on one of those posts right now as we speak! ;) (LOL! ?) I know, right? (And hey, you can make some pretty awesome styles just using wet-with-water fingers to finger-style it! :D I actually tried not using a doll hair brush for a long time, and my doll’s hair was still great!) LOL!
And aw, thank you SO much, AGfan! I actually visited your blog a little while ago – it was AWESOME! I really want to comment and follow – is that little form at the bottom right-hand side of the page for commenting or subscribing?
I actually can’t post on it at the moment :( due to computer problems…but as soon as i can, i want to change the who look(i can’t even get the editor:(. Anyway the posts are a little bit so-so so i might start over?? And yes, the box is for commenting, but it doesn’t feature the comment on the blog sorry!!Thx for looking tho!!
Aw, man! That sounds super frustrating! :( I hope you’re able to get it figured out soon! :D And no problem! :D
Aww thx!! Your so understanding!!
You’re welcome! And aw, you’re so sweet! :D
Sorry if i sounded like a grouch or a drama queen XDXD. I totally wasn’t trying to make you or anyone think i was complaining about it…it just helped to talk to somebody about it!! :)
Oh no, you didn’t sound like that at all! :D XD Yeah, it does help to talk about it! :D
Thank you!!
You’re welcome! :D
Also, i have to confess i haven’t done any presents yet…plus i am going away for a week starting tomorrow!! Oh well, there’s still tomorrow(and the next day(and the next day(and the next day(and the next day after that(and more days after that)))))!!LOL I hope i get around to it, and i don’t end up doing it the night before Christmas…on the other hand, i might see my parents *ahem* i mean Santa delivering presents!!?:)
Ah, don’t worry, neither have I. :P I should really get started on them… :P LOLOL! Don’t worry, it’ll get done eventually! (LOL! :P ;) )
:):) Hey quick question… how do you get those cute smily faces??:):)LOL
To make it automatically turn into a smiley, you have to make sure the smiley characters aren’t touching any others. For example, “:)” without the quotations marks will turn into :) , but if they were touching the quotation marks or other characters not part of the smiley, they won’t turn into the cute smiley faces. :D Hehe! :D
Hey how do you get laughing faces…and ones poking out tongues??
This one? ? On most WordPress blogs, the “code” for it is “XD” in all capital letters and without the quotation marks (I use it as a laughing face, a silly/mischievous/sheepish grin, or a grin in general ;) ). However, XD will not turn into ? automatically on my blog. I copy and paste the ? smiley instead (it’s my favorite!).
Oh…and those winking ones:) :) :)lol
Oh, and the “codes” for the :P and ;) faces are:
“:P” = :P
“;)” – ;)
(Without the quotation marks)
Thx v helpful!! Ps did you see my comment on the meet the dolls page?! Amazing huh?! XDXD :P
No problem! :D Haha, I did! Jasmine replied! XD
I can’t wait to see them, the Photoshoot of Emma, I’m sure will be amazing!!
Thank you so very much, Quinley! :D
Great pictures! Can’t wait to see what’s coming up!
P.S I’ve noticed that you haven’t been commenting lately so I looked in my spam folder and there you were! It’s because you have to links so I upped my settings to 3 so you won’t be spam anymore
Thank you SO much, Kiki! :D
P.S. Oh, phew! Thank you so much! My comments are crazy. They end up in spam a LOT. :P Thanks again!
You’re very welcome! ?
P.S. You’re welcome! I wonder why? I thinks it’s because you have 2 links in your profile and people with WordPress blogs have in there settings that 2 links and more are in spam. You’re welcome!
Ah! That must be why! Do I really have two links? OHHH… My YouTube *and* blog. No wonder. Grr, WordPress! *shakes fist* :P Thanks again for letting me know!
Yes! No problemo! I changed my settings to 3 so you want be in the spam folder!
Phew! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome!
This was so neat and creative! I loved it! You are such a great photographer! :D
Thank you SO much, Livy! I’m so glad you liked it! And that means so very much – thank you! :D