I was looking at the results of my survey and someone mentioned they loved seeing Cécile most on this website. And, I thought Cécile needed a little attention! I had been meaning to mess around with her curls and de-frizz and make those pin-curls nice. So, thus Cécile had a flowery photoshoot! It is GORGEOUS weather right now, and there are a few wildflowers left. The Fall leaves haven’t fell yet, but when they do, it’s more photoshoot time for a lucky one of my dolls!

Without further ado, here are the lovely photos. Some of them or SOOC (straight out of the camera) and others are edited with special effects and/or blemishing out a tiny scratch on CéCé’s nose (:() (Not that it makes her any less pretty!)

IMG_1803 IMG_1804 IMG_1805

You can see a tiny scratch on her nose in this picture^^^^^^. I didn’t bother to blemish it out. I like this natural one a lot. :) IMG_1806 IMG_1807 IMG_1808 IMG_1809 IMG_1810 IMG_1811IMG_1812IMG_1813IMG_1814IMG_1815IMG_1816Cécile forgot she was wearing a dress with no pants or shorts under it and did a cartwheel! Yikes Cécile!IMG_1818IMG_1819IMG_1820IMG_1821IMG_1823IMG_1824IMG_1825IMG_1826I COULD NOT GET THE RIGHT PHOTO! I tried for a MILLION YEARS (ok not that long) too look like she was blowing the dandelion, you know with the seeds floating off in the picture and everything. FRUSTRATED.

This video will explain!


IMG_1829 IMG_1830 IMG_1831 IMG_1832 IMG_1833 IMG_1834 IMG_1835 IMG_1836Never worked!! DARN IT!!!!…

IMG_1837 IMG_1838 IMG_1839 IMG_1840 IMG_1841 IMG_1842 IMG_1843 IMG_1844 IMG_1845 IMG_1846 IMG_1847 IMG_1848 IMG_1849Some interesting photos with my fingers in the way, yes. I will edit some of these later with special effects and crop my fingers out and stuff to make it look cool. ;)

IMG_1850 IMG_1856 IMG_1857 IMG_1858 IMG_1859 IMG_1863 IMG_1865 IMG_1868I tried to get it to look like she was blowing the flower, but it didn’t work out. UGHHHH!!!!!

IMG_1878Cécile fell…:(

IMG_1879 IMG_1880 IMG_1881 IMG_1882 IMG_1883 IMG_1884 IMG_1885 IMG_1886 IMG_1887 IMG_1888 IMG_1889 IMG_1890Photos of the wind blowing Cécile’s dress, her falling, and then grass in her hair :( (She was OK though, and i got all the grass out of her hair ;))

IMG_1891 IMG_1892 IMG_1894 IMG_1895 IMG_1896 IMG_1897 IMG_1898 IMG_1899 IMG_1900 IMG_1901 IMG_1902 IMG_1903 IMG_1904More random photos, and trying to make it look like she was blowing the flower but ugh it didn’t work out. I gotta think of this better…..

An edited photo! I’ll edit some more another time. :) We’re busy getting ready to go back to Florida!
