If you haven’t already read the backstory, it’s right here!
Told in Molly’s point of view, this is what happened…
Jasmine and I exchanged glances frantically. Josefina, Cécile, and Emelie –
AKA the sensible, evil, fun-stopping party-poopers – weren’t there to stop us. Why not throw common sense out the door and see what crazy Chloe was talking about?
In a flash, Jazzy and I scurried down the porch railing to follow Chloe to who knows where.
“Are you absolutely sure you’ve found the thief?” Jasmine asked.
“Yes!” Chloe gasped, breaking into a sprint. “I’ve been stalking the thief for the past hour, aware that we were getting another shipment tonight! Hurry!”
Knowing Chloe, that was the most interesting thing she’d encountered all day. She lives for drama and action. Maybe that’s why she writes story so much – so she can live the adventures she’s always dreamed of.
We tore after Chloe as she tore after the thief. We could barely see the short robber – was that a little girl?
“HALT!” Chloe wheezed out of her burning lungs as she dashed across the parking lot. “STOP!”
The thief rounded the corner of the landscaping rocks, but she was no match for Chloe; a spy, ninja, and adventure-seeker all at once. We ran after her, huffing and puffing. But Chloe’s eyes were determined and fixed on that thief’s sack of stolen presents.
In the blink of an eye, Chloe’s hands grasped the little thief’s shoulders and turned her around. Jasmine plopped down hard on one of the landscaping rocks, and I caught up with them both just in time to hear Chloe gasp in heart-stopping horror.
“Tova?” she croaked miserably.
The thief was Tova, of all people! I could not believe my eyes, but I was too out of breath to say anything. Her huge hazel eyes looked up at us in shame.
“Hi,” she squeaked.
“Why would you – how – what -” Chloe stammered, unsure of what to say. “Were you the thief all this time?”
“Yes,” little Tova murmured honestly, her lips quivering.
“Why? How could you, Tova?” Chloe demanded, feeling very betrayed.
Tova looked like she was about to cry. “I’m sorry,” her voice was at the edge of tears.
Chloe swallowed hard. Tova had been the most innocent little girl last year when we adopted her even though the orphanage had made a mistake. Most of the time she just hung out with Madison’s stuffed animals, most of which were her size anyway. We haven’t seen her very much this year, but when she first came, she and Chloe were little buddies. Chloe wanted to write a book all about her inspiring story of how she came to live with us, and the two loved chatting together. The fact that Tova would do something so absolutely mean broke Chloe’s heart.
“Why would you do that, Tova?” she asked.
“Madison has so many stuffed animals,” Tova began to explain. “I wanted to get presents for them all, since I’m always with them but I just didn’t know where to get presents for all of those stuffed animals and I thought that taking them was a good idea but I know now that it is not and I’m-” at this, Tova began to cry – “I’m so sorry!“
Chloe didn’t say anything (I was panting, so I couldn’t ;) ) to Tova. She just set her lips tightly and watched as Tova’s tears ran down her cheeks.
“That’s wrong, Tova,” Chloe shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you would so something like that.”
“I’m so sorry!” Tova wailed again, swiping at her eyes. “Please forgive me! I’ll give the presents back, I promise. All of them. I haven’t given them to anyone yet!”
Chloe’s countenance lifted. “You will?”
“Yes,” Tova nodded truthfully. “I’m really sorry!”
Chloe wrapped her arms tightly around Tova as the crickets began chirping. “Of course I forgive you, Tova,” she told her as they hugged. “I’m so glad you’re going to do the right thing!”
“Thanks,” Tova sighed, a little happier by then. “I just don’t know what to give to all of my stuffed animal friends. They are like family to me.”
“I have an idea,” I chimed in, and Tova turned her head to me.
“What?” she asked.
“You could give them all a big, squeezy hug,” I suggested. “The ones only a Tova can give.”
Tova’s face lit up into a smile. It was no secret that everyone loved her hugs.
“See, Molly?” Jasmine piped up from behind me, having finally recovered from the rare, exerting sprint. “God provided again!”
“In the most unexpected way,” I laughed. “But He did.”
‘Cause He always does.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Don’t forget the reason for the season, Jesus Christ – not that He’s a baby, but what He came on earth to do for you. Yeah, you, staring at the screen. Click here for the greatest Christmas gift ever.
(Madi here! My goodness, did I ever have to fight from being destroyed by those man-eating mosquitoes! I couldn’t get that last picture to turn out right, because the moment I was still enough to snap the photo, the mosquitoes would begin feasting on me again. The picture you see above was the clearest one I was able to get before it got too dark. :P )
(I wish it would get cold here in Florida, but it’s going to be 83 degrees on Christmas day! Wonderful weather for mosquitoes. Sigh.)
(Hey, I’m not complaining though. ‘Cause I spy a really awesome present under the tree in the shape of an 18″ American Girl doll box.)
(You seriously have no idea how much self control it is taking to keep me from scratching all of my mosquito bites, though. XD Have you ever escaped the clutches of death from man-eating mosquitoes? ?)
And of course…
This was so sweet! I loved this post. And ooh, your present looks very cool! :D
Thank you SO much, Sara! :D And oh, yes, yes it does… ?
I KNOW RIGHT? *flaps arms around wildly to rid self of man-eating mosquito annoyances when she steps outside*
Oh, yes! SOUTHERN MOSQUITOES!!! I hate those. :/ They’re awful, awful, awful! Have the mosquitoes ever tried to bite your dolls? It’s really funny…. ooooooohhhhhh… a package in the shape of an AG doll!!! I can’t wait to see which one it is!!! Yayayayayayyayayayyyayyayyyayayay! I’m super excited for you!
~ Light4theLord
I know, right?! They are terrible! And yes, it’s quite funny when they try to do that! ?
Hehehe! Thank you so much! I am super excited to open her! ?
Loved the story, Madi! Tova is so cute. :D
*gasp* EEK! I HOPE IT’S A DOLL! :O Please don’t keep us in suspense once you open it. XD
-Clara <3
Thank you so much, Clara! Hehe, she is. ?
LOL! I am 100% sure it is a doll… hehehe. XD Ooh, you just gave me the greatest idea ever! ? I’m partly kidding. XD
Aww… Tova is so cute!
Wow (don’t get your hopes up it could be something else!) and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Madi!
– Lucky ?
Hehe! She is! :D
Aw, thanks so much! Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed, Happy New Year, Lucky! :D
This post was AMAZING!! I love how Jesus provided for you, and how you brought the real meaning for Christmas into the story. I wonder if the extra stocking has something to do with the 18″ American girl doll box under the tree…
Thank you SO much, AGfan! Ooh, maybe! ;)
Ugh, mosquitoes are awful. You have my sympathies. ;-)
Ugh, yes, yes they are. ;) Thanks. XD
Cute story, though! And what an heroic effort in the midst of swarming mosquitoes!
Thank you so much! And LOL, thank you. ?
Ho ho ho! So that’s why you hung up eight stockings! I bet it’s Lea or Melody. Merry Christmas!
Hehe! Perhaps! ? Merry Christmas, Izzy!
It was TOVA? That’s a surprise. I’m glad they got their presents back (and that Tova didn’t get away with it) :-) !
Ohhh, a doll box-shaped present! Oh! Is that what the ninth stocking is for? I remember the Christmas I got Caroline… Yeah I probably should stop there. It’s kinda a long story. (unless you want to hear the long story XD .) But it was pretty neat getting her, anyway. ☺ I don’t know who it is… I can’t wait to see! Do you already know?
Evil mosquitoes. I hope your bites settle down :-)
Wow, that’s really warm! And I thought it was warm where I live!
P.S. Christmas is SOO soon!!! :o
It sure was! My dolls were surprised, too! :o ;)
Hehehe, yep! :D Maybe! ? (Hey, I love stories! I’d love to hear about how you got Caroline if you want to tell me. ?) And yep, I know exactly who it is! ;) I was very surprised my parents didn’t keep it a surprise. My dad has been dropping very obvious hints about her. XD
Yes, they are quite evil. *glares at mosquitoes outdoors* Thanks so much! They have. :D It sure is! O.o LOL!
P.S. I know, right?! :o
Ok! Here goes my story, then :-D
So I went to… scratch that. Let’s jump even further into the past XD . So A while back when I had Julie, Clara, and maybe Grace, there were two dolls I thought that I would want if I ever got another doll: Addy and Caroline. Well I believe I eventually settled on liking Addy more (if I ever get another doll I’d most likely want her!)
Now back to where we were. So I went to Costco with my mom last year (sometime before Christmas). I was SO SURPRISED to see Caroline there! She was about $100 with an extra outfit! I was kinda going crazy. I was like, maybe we should ask my Grandparents for her for Christmas! Well I eventually settled down and thought that I didn’t really want her so much.
Well, then on Christmas, a doll box shaped present was given to me (bet you NEVER saw that coming. XD JK ). And there was Caroline! I don’t believe I typically get such big gifts as a surprise, so that was a really neat thing to get!
Anyways there’s my long story! Hopefully written somewhat entertainingly. XD But now you know how I got Caroline!
Wow! That is so super cool! I am so glad you finally got Caroline! Hehe! ? I also hope you’ll be able to get Addy soon, too (isn’t she gorgeous?)! :D Thanks for telling me! That was so cool to read!
Thanks! Yeah, I’m happy to have her! We’ll see! I really like Addy (She is!!), but am not sure what my mom would think of another doll XD . However, I have room for an added on bunk bed (because I was planning on making one, but then a friend gave me a doll bed for christmas ☺ ), and I have an extra stocking… hmmm… maybe I should consider…? XD Eh, probably not, but who knows! XD haha
You’re welcome! I’m glad! :-D
You said Addy is gorgeous. Does that mean you’re getting Addy? ?
Oh that is sweet! That was definitely unexpected. Merry Christmas Adam! You are getting a new doll? Is that the surprise? I cannot wait! This is terrible! Is it Samantha? Or a truly me doll? Oh the suspense! ??
Serving Him in song- Joy
Thank you so much! Merry Christmas Adam! ? Hehehe, maybe, maybe, maybe! ;) Thanks for your comment, Joy!
Merry Christmas! I’m so happy that the dolls found out who took the presents. Tova is adorable! :D
~Grace <3
P.S. Ooh, that's awesome! Hmm…maybe Melody or Lea?
Merry Christmas! :D Thank you so much! :D Tova says thanks. XD
P.S. Hehehe, thanks! Ooh, great guesses. ;)
Hey, those are who I guessed too! ?
Madi, this is so sweet! I was listening to Silent Night while reading. It really makes reading it better ?. OOH! Another AG doll?? Good luck! I might get Melody! Well, my site is up, now you know what AAG means!
Thank you so much! Ah, yes, music makes quite a lot of things better. *high fives* ;) YEP! :D Ooh, I hope you get Melody! :D And that’s awesome! I’ll go check it out right now! :D
Ooooh, an 18″ AG doll box. Judging by the size of the box on top, I’d say you have Lea and her accessories under there. She’s on my wishlist. I might get her from my parents, since I payed for Lanie with money from my grandma. I hope whoever you get, you are super duper happy with her.
Actually I just realized that the box on top is the same size of the BF accessories, so it really could be any doll, but I still think Lea.
Ooh, that is an interesting observation! And great guess. ;)
Acting should be actually. Auto correct is silly sometimes.
I’ll change it for you! I figured that’s what you meant. Yeah, auto correct certainly is silly sometimes. :P
Hehe, yep! :D Ooh, that’s a fantastic guess! ;) I hope you’re able to get Lea! :D And aw, thank you so much, Diamond! Same to you. :D
Thank you. I forgot to mention in the first comment, but I REALLY enjoyed this photo story and I liked seeing Tova. I was wondering if you were going to have more posts with her. She looks really cute with Cecile and Chloe.
You’re welcome! And I am super glad you liked seeing Tova! She is going to show up briefly in the surprise on Christmas day, but do you think I should feature her in more posts?
I think that you could feature Tova in as many posts as you feel comfortable with. You could even have her only be featured around Christmastime.
That’s a really awesome idea, Diamond! Thanks! :D
Yes!!!!! You should!!!!! What type of doll is she? I know she’s really a Tiana doll of some sort, but what kind?
This was wonderful, awesome and terrific!!! AHHH! I loved it! Your doll stories are the best ever! I didn’t know about Tova, she was a neat character! :D
I knew it! That’s why I thought you made 9 stockings!!! I can’t wait to hear if you get another doll!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
Aw, thank you SO much, Livy! That means so very much! Your comments always make my day! :D
Hehehe! Stay tuned! :D ?
Woah. That’s weird. XD
This was a good photostory, and really fun to read. :D
P.S. Hmm… I bet it is a doll!
Yeah. It’s awful. XD Right now it is 88% humidity. Two days before Christmas. *sighs* *and dies* LOL. XD
Thank you so very much, Megan! I’m really glad you liked it! :D
P.S. Ooh, awesome bet! I’m 100% sure it is a doll… ?
Awesome photostory!! It was wrong but I can kind of understand why Tova did it. ;) If one of my dolls was friends with all of my stuffed animals I think they would be a little overwhelmed about getting them gifts too. I have a LOT of stuffed animals. O.o
Oooo!!! A new doll!! I wonder who it could be :D
~Lydia~ <3
Thank you SO much, Lydia! :D Haha, yeah. ;) LOLOL! Have you ever counted exactly how many you have? XD
Hehe! :D
WHAT?! REALLY? THAT IS AWESOME! Do you know which company he might be coming from? Did you ask for him?
Awesome! I love Christmas, because it helps us remember that Jesus came down to save us.
I need advice: I want a doll with longish (kinda like McKenna) silky hair that I can brush…which one should I choose?
Thanks, Rachel! :D Amen! Christmas is so awesome and special and a wonderful time to remember Jesus! :D
Hmm, there are quite a few dolls out there with longish, silky hair… is there a certain hair color, eye color, or skin shade you’re looking for? Do you want her to be Truly Me orBeForever?
Wonderful photostory! Wow 83 degrees on Christmas? And I thought I was gonna be warm with 42 (we have really strange weather.) XD
Thank you so much, Staff! Yeah… we’ll have to *pretend* that it’s chilly outside and turn the AC super cold. XD 42?! I WANT YOUR WEATHER! GIMME! LOL. ?
nope. I always get nabbed by them. HARD.
Most crazily, ~Olive
p.s. half of my family and me are sick. we’re feeling a little better today, but would you please pray that we would feel all the way better tomorrow? thank you! :)
Aw, man! You should start spinning around wildly and begin smacking them crazily. It’s quite fun, funny, but unfortunately awkward-attention-grabbing. :P
P.S. Oh no! I am so sorry! I am totally praying for you and your family!
haha! XD
Most crazily, ~Olive
p.s. thank you so much! :) <3
P.S. You’re welcome! ?
I really hope it’s Lea that you wanted! Santa comes tonight, so I won’t get to see any presents until Christmas morning.. ;)
But I REALLY hope one of them is doll sized with #21 in it! Last year, I remember crying and flying around the room when there were TWO doll boxes, Samantha and Grace sitting next to each other! I bet we’ll both get our wish on Christmas morning. AND, if you get her, I’ll be SUPER excited to see one of your awesome meet photo stories, they’re so fun to read! I can totally relate to the mosquitoes thing in California. :P
They’re so annoying, it’s probably going to be 60 by 9. :/
I guess what I’m trying to say was that this photo story was so very amazing, I just can’t get over your AMAZING photography! Wishing you and your dolls a very merry Christmas! I’m excited to go to Christmas Eve mass later today. :D
You’re such a great blogging friend and I hope you have the best Christmas yet! <3
-Sam, agdollawesome
Oooh, Lea! That’s a neat idea… *sneaky grin* I am 100% sure I know exactly who it is. And hehe. ? ;)
Isn’t it so exciting when you open TWO dolls on Christmas day?! That happened to me in 2012! That is so cool you got Samantha and Grace last year! I bet so, too! :D Aw, thank you SO much, Sam! I’ve actually been planning out the meet photostory since December 4th! I am super excited to do it, hehe! ?
Thank you SOOO much, Sam! I am so very glad you like my photography and photostories – that means so much! THANK YOU! :D Merry Christmas to you and your dolls, too! Ooh, that sounds so fun! :D
Aw, you just made my day! ❤ You are such a wonderful blogging friend, too, and I also hope you have the best Christmas yet! ❤
Oh, Madi I SO feel for you! I live in Maryland, and in all my (almost) 11 years, I have only had one white Christmas. We’ve had sleet, we’ve had 45 degrees and raining, but one time it was *gasp* 78.7 degrees and overcast! (that happened to be the year we almost couldn’t find a Christmas tree, and two of our ducks died.): I’m pretty sure that box is an AG one! (I AM SOSOSO JEALOUS! ) Great post, too. you are SO inspiring! Merry Christmas!
I know, right? I REALLY want snow! I’ve only had one white Christmas (that I can remember, at least), too. :P And hehehe! It was an AG box. ;) Aw, thank you so much! You are SO sweet! Merry Christmas, Natalie!
I can’t wait to see who’s inside the box!!! Also, Tova is soooo cute! Here in Canada we just got out from under a cold snap. -40C for a week and a half! (I think that’s -40F for you) Thank goodness that’s over! We did get a little bit of snow, but not much. Mosquitos at this time of year??!! I couldn’t imagine! :) We’re all bundled up in our snow suits here!
ginnie / http:/www.fakingitmostly.com
Thanks so much! Oh my goodness, that is freezing! Well, at least you’ll enjoy having no mosquitoes! LOL!
That was a sorta nice story! I would have never guessed it ws tova! She’s too cute!
I do think your getting a doll! And I think its Lea! The doll of the year!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks, M&M! And I know, she is such a cutie! Hehe! :D
Oooh, you guessed right! I got Lea! ?
Merry (late) Christmas, M&M!