That title sounded a bit funny.
I took Jasmine out today after it rained. Let me tell you, it was FREEZING. I’ll leave it to Jasmine for the rest of the post. She’s been dying to talk to ya’ll, anyways.
I’m really, really mad. When I found out we were moving, my jaw dropped to the ground (okay not really). I don’t want to move! That means packing, packing, packing.
And no time for fun.
Before the hullaballo started, I wanted to calm my raging emotions and go outside. I’ve never really been a nature girl (I highly dislike bugs and rodents!) but there’s something about peaceful weather that calms you down. Just like a hurricane or tornado can reflect angry thoughts or feelings.
Madison told me to put on a coat because it was cold.
What she didn’t tell me, is that it was FREEZING! Well to me it was, and it was only 36 degrees fahrenheit.
Anyways, she was… kind enough to take pictures of me FREEZING my fingers off (even though she was really the one with freezing fingers – she had no gloves on. She says she got the coldest when the 20 mph wind lashed them!!!!). She told me to post them. So I did.
Another angle on my face…. Mittens (^_^) Two different, pretty angles on my boots.
My long, luscious auburn hair. I just can’t stop thinking how pretty it is! I know, I’m so vain. It’s a fact.
(Madi’s photography makes me look 100,000,000 times prettier than I really am! Wait, what, did I really just admit that online?)
I hope Madison adds a pretty effect and some inspiring words on that one.
To experience the true breathtakingly beautifulness of the photos, click on them to make each on bigger. Let your jaw drop…’s okay.
I look ready to take on the world.
Which I am!
Cold weather, wet boots, and my face.
Madison, I’m ready to come inside! I. AM. FREEEEEEEEEZZZZIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGGG!
And a beautiful curl Madison made. With her fingers. It’s called finger curling.:)
Well, enough of me being so vain.
Share your own beautifulness, fellow fashionista dollies! Talk to your fellow commenters in, the, um, well, comments. Exchange links to beautiful photos of yourself. AG made you dollies pretty! No doubt about it, don’t deny it!
With a little help from
Madison! :)
It is freezing here too! We must live near each other. JK! I don’t live near you, but sometimes we vacation to Florida.
Jasmine is so funny! I love the boots!!;)
Jasmine is so pretty! Your photos and words were making me a little chilly when I was reading this. LOL!
Jasmine says thanks to all of you! :)
Christian Homeschooler: LOL! ;)
I love her boots! It is freezing here in Mid Missouri it is like 9 degrees ( well the news said that’s what it feels like but it is really like 10 degrees which is still pretty cold). I better change some things in my shop, no one wants to buy shorts at this time :D!
;) sorry just had to do that!
Great pics Jasmine! (And Madison) ;)
I nominated you an award on my blog!!
Thank you everyone!
Hannah M:B Thanks for the award!! :)
Jasmine is so pretty ( but don’t tell her and feed her vanity. lol.) I love her outfit, too. Jaicee is my little vain princess. We’ve been trying to work on that. :) Jaicee and Chaitali are my fashionistas.
Lol ;) What dolls are Jaicee (love her name!) and Chaitali (LOVE THAT NAME too)?