Hi everyone! Madison here! I hope you have been having a great day! I pray for you all and I am so happy you come to this little delightful world of dolls. <3
Anyways, I have a quick thing I wanted to share with you here for a moment, for one thing Delightful World of Dolls is…
Well, not completely. Sometimes, DWOD will be able to visit, but other times, you might see “Delightful World of Dolls is unavailable” or “error establishing database connection” or even something else I haven’t encountered. We (behind-the-scenes people xP) are trying (trying…) to move Delightful World of Dolls to a new server. (what else is new?) but we’ve been successful this time…or at least I think so! I’m not exactly sure if everything’s OK dokey or we’re still working on it, but if anything pops up like Delightful World of Dolls is having problems or is under construction, well, don’t go crazy ;)
Second of all… Does this seem familiar?
It’s Samantha’s new “icon” almost for BeForever! I took a screenshot of it on AG’s BeForever page. I made it the default avatar for anyone who doesn’t already have a WordPress avatar of their own. So don’t think we’ve been hacked or anything with all the new stuff! ;)
Ok, well, I guess that’s it for announcements. Have a great day, and, um, yeah! I’m horrible with closing off because I love to type! lol
So I get to be Samantha now? Nice :P haha
Okay :) hopefully the new server will work well
And now, my offtopic mini ramblings.. :P
I’m thinking I’m probably going to get mini Addy and/or Rebecca before BeForever happens. People havent found BeForever mini Addy or any mini with a Josefina mold yet, but the minis that have been found, their faces just seem so weird to me that I think I’d rather stay with the current faces. What do you guys think ? :P
I think even after BeForever happens, Amazon will still sell minis, just for a lot more $$$$! Do you have any links to where I can see a BeForever mini dolls?
I probably will end up getting them from Amazon, just cause they’ll give me free shipping :P I’ll probably wait until somebody finds a mini Josefina mold, or maybe the 25th or so, before BeForever happens.
Living A Doll’s Life has posted pictures people have found of Mini Samantha, Kaya, and Caroline on their mini blog:
I don’t know what they did to mini Kaya, but her face just seems so weird to me. I think I’m glad I got her already :P
That sounds good i have a look-a-like doll her name is Taylor other wise known as Charlotte in Madi and i’s movie I don’t remember the name though.Bye (;
I forget the name, too. We need to come up with a better one. LOL. And we need to finish it! :D
Samantha is my favorite ( Well.. besides Kirsten ) historical :D I love the new Samantha avatar!