Hey, happy people! It’s Jocelyn here! What an incredible vacation we had – during my birthday, too! Would you care to see a few photos? It’s like living the high life! This is me on the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We rented a really cool condo just for my birthday!
Maybe it wasn’t just for my birthday, ’cause we went to it a couple of weeks after July 5th. It might’ve been vacation for Madi and her family. But either way, it was very fun!
Doesn’t flash look terrible? I’d advice you never to use it on a mobile device. Madison simply did a terrible job. She likes using her 60D much better, but she didn’t bring it on this trip.
If you look closely to this much-editted photo, you can see a few of the TONS of stars that were out one night! It was SO pretty! ♥
The beach was pretty fun, except for jellyfish stings. Madi enjoyed every speck of gluten, dairy, and sugar and relished every moment of being off her diet. ;) I for one am glad to be back – I’ve been cramped up in that bag for way too long!
I hope you enjoyed seeing the few photos from our long vacation. :) Madison and her family were so busy having fun, she didn’t think about taking pictures of every single thing. The vacation day that she did take quite a few photos was at the American Girl store for her birthday. If you’d like to see those and haven’t already, click here! :D
Have an awesome day, mini dolls and humans of the wonderful world!
Sounds like fun! Glad to see a mini doll Monday again :-)
Glad you like them! :)
Hi Madi! I’m Staff and I have loved and admired your blog for a very long time. I just started my own bc of amazing blogs like yours! And I love it!
Hi, Staff! Thank you so much for reading my blog. I’m so glad you like it! Thanks for commenting. :D
OOOOO! It looks so fun!!! You’re so lucky! I love the beach! No gluten, dairy, and sugar? My mom’s (Keira) is on the same diet!
-Mini Josie
It was definitely fun! But I’m glad to be home, too. Really? That is so cool! :D
~Mini Jocelyn
Why don’t you eat gluten, sugar and dairy? I tried to not eat it because they said it would be better for my allergies(pollen, trees ,grass, dogs, cats, horses, hamsters. I know it’s a long list :) ) but it was hard to not eat dairy. I don’t eat much sugar or gluten(I have a sensitivity). I love your blog too! -Kiki-
I was diagnozed with jevunile rhuematoid arthritis when I was really little, so now I’m eating way healthier and it’s getting healed. After it’s gone, I’ll still have a healthy eating lifestyle but it won’t be so strict when we go out to eat. Sorry if that’s kinda confusing. :P I’m so glad you like my blog! I saw you have one too, is it about dolls?
I’m sorry about your juvenile rheumatoid arthritis I hope it’s gets healed! Yes I have blog called AG by the cape and of course it’s a doll blog! ?-Kiki-?
Thanks so much, Kiki! Your blog sounds really cool. I’ll ask my Dad for permission to visit it!
Your welcome!
Hi madi the pics were cute. We are probably leaving for Florida Friday night so maybe we can come to your house before we go back to school. We could skype today if ya want.Miss ya , SierraMist
Hi Sierra! Oh, yay! That means you’ll be able to come to church on Sunday, right? I really hope so. And yeah, yeah! What time is good for you to Skype?
Cute cute! I don’t like using the flash, either. ;)
Thanks so much! Yeah. :P