Yesterday the biggest tornado ever recorded in history struck Oklahoma. It squashed thousands of homes, many were killed. And now….it’s heading it’s way on over to Texas, where we are. Please pray with us that it won’t be as big or as horrible. We’ve been through tornado’s before, but this one, a big as this one…..please pray. We’re definitely going to the basement today. Fun part, we might get to eat MRE’s in the basement! LOL. I don’t think we’ll have Internet connection, but the storms don’t start up until early afternoon. Yikes, that’s only a few hours away. Please pray and believe with us. It certainly won’t harm us or our house, we are sure of it, God will protect us. But please, please pray for us and Oklahoma. Thanks so much.
~Molly, Madison, Josefina, Cecile, Molly-Anne, and Coconut.
Please stay safe! Just know that…vIf you’ve got a basement? you can do anything. XD I prayed.
Thanks so much! :D All the excitement is over, it wasn’t bad at all! We never even got to go to the basement. All we got was wind and rain! C’MON PEOPLES WE NEED EXCITEMENT! XD
Oh, I am SO GLAD to hear that! Glad to know you’re ok. I was freaking out for you guys! LOL!
I am praying too. The tornado jumped our house. Praise the Lord! Praying Hard.
Thanks so much! All your prayers blessed us so much, and they are working–We never even got to the basement, there wasn’t ANY excitement at all but a little wind and rain! It was very boring. LOL
Praying for you!
Thanks so much <3
Praying for you too!
Thank you so much, we’re so blessed <3
Texas! TEAXAS???!!!! Where in Texas??????!!!!!
Pretty much the middle, kinda where Dallas is, and all around there.
Yes, that is what I heard. We have friends near the Austin area, is that going to be hit?
That’s awful! I’m praying for you and Oklahoma!
I know, it is! :( Thanks so much :)
I pray for you!!!
Thanks so much :)
I live in greenville right next to Dallas I’m so scared I’m hugging my dolls so hard I’m probly chocking them :( I’m so scared I have to tornado lockdown at school today please I want excitement but I don’t want a big tornado
Aw, you poor thing! I would be doing that too! LOL! I’m sure you’ll be just fine! God is with you and He’s going to get you through this!! I’ll pray for you as well :)
I will definitely pray! I know you’ll be just fine :)
And if you’re afraid, don’t worry! You’ve got your family to hold on to and God is always with you- no matter what :)
This is really scary! How do you guys live there?
*HUGS* Love ya!
Thanks so much everyone! There was, like, NO excitement. Only some wind and rain. We didn’t even have to go to the basement! LOL!
Even if y’all get hit God knows what and why he is doing something!!!
Agreed. :)
OMyGosh it never hit but my whole yard is flooded cause we have really low spots that attract water.Thank you for praying Madison and Jaclynn. May God bless those in Oklahoma cant wait till tornado season is over..
Phew! i’m glad you’re safe. You’re welcome, agreed tornado’s are NO FUN…
Oh, that’s good! Glad it didn’t hit your house! Also, sad about the yard :(
Eh no buggy I live out in the country part it will dry by tomorrow