After a long dreary day of school, I can post! My mom is home-schooled, and when she gets her work done, she teaches us public-school. So we’re sort of home-schooled, sort of public-schooled!
Josefina groaned. “I failed my spelling test! Oh, Americano’s words are so different.
“It is alright, Josefina. You will learn soon, mon amie. (my friend) American words are hard for me also, but I learn.” Cecile soothed.
I grinned, hopping on my bed. “At least I made Science! Yikes, I had it confused between a tendon and a tendant! lol.” Josefina sighed. “I FAILED science!”
I then replied, “It’s alright, Josefina. You’ve had so much housework to do and so little time to study. I am sure Mama will understand.”
“Besides, you don’t have to talk to her. I’m going to change into my play shoes and go to Mama and show her Molly-Anne’s new outfit. I’ll talk to her then.” Josefina nodded gratefully. “Gracias,” she whispered, forgetting to speak in English.
I carefully picked up Molly-Anne and slipped my winter boots on. I went to find Mama in the kitchen, making french bread, a treat for Cecile. I talked to her, and she understood. She said that Cecile and I should take on more responsibility. Not the kind of answer I wanted! ;) Oh well. At least Josefina will have more time to study tonight.
That’s it, girls! Our second day of Doll School. Maybe in the next post, you’ll see us actually DOING school! No promises, but a definite consideration!
So; Whaddya think of our little post today? Any recommendations for the next post? Any ideas on crafts, photo-stories, etc? Don’t be afraid to share your ideas, we’d love to hear from you; Just comment below! :D
Olly Molly
(with Josie and Cece!)
OH you should do a caption that doll pic!!!! You are very creative so i would like to see what pic we need to caption!
What a wonderful idea, AGS! I should do that! I’ll talk that over with my mom ;)
Ooh do one about what your dolls do all day! Like take pictures every time they do something!!
Another awesome idea! That would be AWESOME! I should so do that!!!!
Madison: I’m sorry, girls, but I hit my forehead and it started bleeding. I needed a butterfly bandage, and my grandma and my aunt (my aunt is a nurse and my grandma was a school nurse) say that I shouldn’t be moving for about 3-4 days. All blog posts are delayed. :(
Oh my gosh! So sorry to hear that :(
I’ll be praying for you!
Madison: Aww, you’re so sweet, Jaclynn! I’m so much better! Thanks for all of your prayers, everybody. Tomorrow I’ll probably be well enough to do a photo-story!!!! :D
HOLY COW!! I am so sorry Madi!! :(((
Madison: It’s OK! I feel SO much better now :)
Awesome photo story!
~Meg and the dolls of innerstar central~
Thanks so much! :D
That was adorable! Poor Josefina :(
Hmm… How about you do photostory of them riding their horse Gingersnap? That would be cute ;)
That WOULD be cute! Great idea. I have so many ideas from so many wonderful people! ;)
Madison: I’m feeling SO much better, and tomorrow I can take a shower, finally. My butterfly bandage will fall off in the shower, and my head will be all better and I can do lots and lots of photo-stories. Thanks everyone for your prayers! :)
Thanks, glad you like it! Don’t know how you’d feel about pretending they get hurt, but how about one of them is riding and they break their arm or leg?
Yeah, that would be a good idea! I have the feel better kit; that will put it to use! ;)
Del: Mom says “YAYY” herself. LOL! ;)
I will hopefully make a post today. I’m so excited! :D
Madison: My butterfly bandage never fell off. Huh. Oh, well, at least I can run around and do photo-stories now. ;)
Great! Glad your feeling better!
Madison: Thank you!!!