(If the photo is super huge and blurry, I’m so sorry! It’s 3:18 AM right now and I just don’t know how to fix it. I’ll work on it soon! #NewThemeStruggles :P )
First of all, I have to say how SO VERY EXCITED I am! I’ve been planning this since 2 AM on August 24! EEK! (I seem to be a bit of a night owl/VERY early morning bird when it comes to planning/productivity… ;) )
Ahem. On a more professional note, hello to the totally amazing person reading this! Whether you’re already a Delightful World of Dolls reader or a first-time visitor, welcome! It’s me, Madison, or just Madi for short if you want! I am so very glad you’re reading this, because I have some very exciting things to share with you! (Like the title doesn’t already give 1/3 of it away. ;) )

First of all, today is the official 4-year anniversary of Delightful World of Dolls!
I can’t believe it – the time has flown by so quickly, but when I think back on it all, so very much has happened! (Yes, yes, I know you’re very excited about the title, and quite frankly, so am I, but give me a minute to make a sentimental speech here. ;) )
When my dad and I first started constructing Delightful World of Dolls using Blogger on November 1st, 2012, I never imagined it would grow into what it has. From the moment DWOD was released to the public on November 4th (my mom’s birthday!), I’ve met so many absolutely amazing online friends, have been introduced to so many absolutely amazing doll blogs, and have had the time of my life with DWOD! And when we switched to WordPress in 2013, it opened up worlds of possibilities and ways to connect with other absolutely incredible and awe-inspiring WP bloggers, too!
Every day I’m thinking up new ideas on how to improve, how to grow, how to stretch. I’m constantly working on big things for the summer and holidays, as well as cool little things I can’t wait to share in a shout-out or a P.S. at the end of a post.
And you are my motivation! Your sweet comments bless me more than I could ever say, and even if I say, “Aww, thank you SO much!” a lot, I mean it personally from the bottom of my heart to each and every person! I say what I mean and mean what I say, and I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it! ;)
Every time my notification feed lights up signaling I have a new comment, “like”, or even a new follower, I get so excited! After officially four years, it never gets old. I typically rush to reply to comments right away, and I’m so thankful somebody took the time to leave a reply, “like” a post and such, or even loved my blog enough to follow!
Which brings me to tell you about the revamp of our site layout!
How do y’all like our new look? As much as I’m not that crazy about change, we were still using an old Twenty Twelve theme, and we had a few technical problems that just couldn’t be solved and look great without updating to a new theme. So we bought one, worked on it, it didn’t work out, used another one, worked on it, and ta-da!
Well… it wasn’t that easy. :P Trying to push the site over the night before, everything went KABLAM! KERPLOOEY! EPIC FAIL. For hours we were on the phone with our staging server company. Until 1 AM this morning. The people at the company made a major mistake and lost an entire month’s worth of my posts, then didn’t own up to it and simply hung up! It was a nightmare trying to get everything together at 2 AM this morning, and I had to re-type this post because our backup we restored didn’t save it all. :'( Three unapproved comments were lost, too. :'( Right now as I’m typing this, it’s past 3 AM and I am far from having everything done. (You might see random question marks in old posts. Those are actually a certain smiley I like to use but never copied over. Still working on that! Some of my pictures aren’t working either. Still working on that, too. :P) By the time you’re reading this, I would’ve I stayed up way past 3 this morning working as hard as I could on everything, but it still isn’t ready like I wanted it to. I’ll have to stop at some point knowing I have a Bible school class at 9 AM. :P (Editing this at 8:32 AM right now on the ride there, my Mom gave me half a cup of coffee. I FEEL AWESOME! I was singing and dancing of excitement for DWOD while getting ready after less than four hours of sleep. XD )
But by the time you’re reading this, I was able to sneak a minute here, a minute there, on the ride to and from and during little breaks in class. By now, it looks OK, but nowhere near where I wanted it to be, so you’ll still see me working on some stuff live. ;) That’s okay, though! You don’t mind seeing some new things pop up randomly here and there, do you? And besides, I kept my promise – by now it’s 2:45, and I have a ton of surprises to share with you!
Because I love surprises! I hope you do, too, because this post is full of them! And the big one (read on…) is for YOU!

Delightful World of Dolls has reached over 260 followers!
EDIT: Now it’s over 300! Oh my goodness! Thank you all SO much!!
WOW, right?! I couldn’t believe it, since the old site layout would only display that 28 had clicked a certain button (which I only thought to add a few months ago XD). And WordPress would only publicly display on the WP reader (if you looked carefully) that I had around 72. Which I was still super excited about and totally grateful for! But I finally totalled up all of the followers across the entire Delightful World of Dolls family, and oh my gosh, was I surprised! I must’ve not been thinking big enough for DWOD, because when the total came to over 260, I was absolutely SHOCKED! THANK YOU!
If you follow me, I’m so very glad you like my site enough to subscribe and be notified of my new posts, and I’m so very grateful for you! Like I said, all of you wonderful followers, commenters, likers, or even just readers are my motivation! I love you all so much! And again, it never gets old – I get so excited every time I see there is a new comment, like, and especially a follow! ;)

Oh, yeah! That leads me to my biggest surprise!
Who likes free American Girl dolls? (ME!) And not only that, but their coordinating accessories, too? (ME AGAIN!) What about shipped to you for absolutely free, even if you live outside the United States or Canada? (Oooh! MEEE!) Well, guess what? In celebration of over 260 followers – in celebration of YOU – that’s what I’m giving away! And I’m SO excited!! :D
Because this is the biggest thing DWOD has ever done, I wanted to make this giveaway unique! You may have seen giveaway for certain AG dolls at other blogs, but this one is a little bit different, because…
… if you win, you get to actually choose the doll you want. And get her and her coordinating accessories shipped to you for absolutely free! Even if you live internationally/overseas. This giveaway is open to you no matter where on earth you live!
Courtesy of my personal bank account! ;) I really wanted to thank each and every person who follows DWOD from the bottom of my heart! You mean SO very much to me! THANK YOU!
But of course, it would be totally uncool to do something this big for just 260 of you. What if someone new came along, liked Delightful World of Dolls and followed, but since they weren’t part of the original 260, they weren’t able to enter the giveaway? That would be horrible! :'( So… this giveaway is open to ANYBODY who becomes a follower! YAY!
My doll Chloe very graciously helped me out with the following videos, in which she explains some more about it! (Don’t worry, if you’re not able to view the two videos for some reason, I have all the important info typed out below, too! :D )
Important info about this giveaway:
- You must be a follower to enter, because this is something to celebrate our followers. And our blogiversary and revamp of the site layout!
- By following Delightful World of Dolls, you are supporting world missions! We have teamed up with Power of God World Missions and we have missionaries on the ground right now who are feeding the hungry, helping ISIS refugees, and preaching the Gospel all over the world. Our application for ads is still pending, and in about a week the ads should be up and we can start sending more funds over to unreached nations! (100% of the money we make will go directly to them.)
- No matter where you live, you can enter! I can ship anywhere and everywhere. Hurray, international AG fans!!
- We’ve come up with a ton of different ways you can get unlimited bonus entries. Yep! Unlimited bonus entires! There is no limit to how many bonus entries you can get to enter to win the free 18″ AG doll + her accessories of your choice! To learn more, watch the video below! :D
- If you were informed about our giveaway by someone online, please let us know who it was in the comments when you enter so we can give them an extra entry!
How to get unlimited bonus entries:
(Why bonus entries? Just so you know, the more entries you have, the more chances you have of winning – there is a greater probability of your name being drawn if it is entered the most!)
- Well, first of all, you have to follow to get your first initial entry. You can follow with your email or with your WordPress account. Once you follow, it’s YOU we’re celebrating! Thank you for joining the Delightful World of Dolls family!! Be sure and specify in your comment which way you followed for your first initial entry. :D
- Now that you’ve followed with either your WordPress account or email, you can get a bonus entry by following with the other option! If you followed with WordPress, follow with your email for an extra entry. If you followed with your email, follow with WordPress for an extra entry. Then comment again and tell us what way you followed for your bonus entry! (If you don’t have a WordPress account and email was your only option, or vice versa, that’s okay! There are still plenty more ways for bonus entries. :D )
- Subscribe to us on YouTube. Our channel features safe and family-friendly American Girl Stop Motion (AGSM) films that I, Madison, make with my dolls! All of my productions are God-honoring and clean. And I plan to be stopmotioning a lot more, which I’m super excited about, so you’ll be instantly notified when I upload my next production! After you subscribe, be sure to comment again and tell me so I can give you your bonus entry. :D
- This one is a bit detailed, so pay attention! ;) Make a post about our giveaway on your blog, if you have one. You must include the giveaway video and the link to this giveaway post. :D Then put our giveaway button on your sidebar where others can easily see it. When other people learn about this giveaway from your post, they will say so in their comment when they enter.
For example:
Hi, my name is Jan, and I would love to enter! I have a parent’s permission. I followed using my email. Nameofperson from blogURL.com referred me. If I won I would probably choose Truly Me #33.
For each person who tells me that you referred them, you get one extra entry. Since there are no limits to how many can enter, there are no limits to your bonus entries! However, commenters can’t be referred by multiple people, so if you want a head start on bonus entries, you might wanna get a blog post up FAST! ;) Be sure to let them know that you only get a bonus entry if they tell me that you referred them, so encourage them to let me know in the comments and urge them to enter so you can get as many bonus entries as you can!
- Pin our giveaway button on Pinterest. The same rules from above apply: you’ll get a bonus entry for each person who enters and tells us that you referred them!
- Share our video on YouTube. The same rules from above apply: you’ll get a bonus entry for each person who enters and tells us that you referred them!
- Share the giveaway button on Instagram. The same rules from above apply: you’ll get a bonus entry for each person who enters and tells us that you referred them!
- Share about this post on FaceBook. Include the giveaway button and video if possible. The same rules from above apply: you’ll get a bonus entry for each person who enters and tells us that you referred them!
- Share about this giveaway on any social media site, basically! On message boards, in comments, etc. You must include a link to the giveaway post, and please share the video and button as well if possible. The same rules from above apply: you’ll get a bonus entry for each person who enters and tells us that you referred them!
That’s how to get unlimited bonus entries! Here are the materials you’ll need to get them.
Giveaway video link:
“https://youtu.be/vQ6iarZ4f1Q” (Without the two quotation marks)
Giveaway button:
Link to giveaway post:
And now, to find out how to enter! (Finally, right? ;) )
What I am giving away:
One (1) 18″ American Girl doll currently available on AmericanGirl.com (plus her coordinating accessories) of your choice!
How to enter:
Edit: To make it easier and a little less confusing, just copy and paste the form below in your comment when you enter and fill it out!
Parent permission (if you are under 18):
Way you followed for your first initial entry:
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway:
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won:
A few more important details
Make sure you comment with an email I can contact you by!
If you are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian’s permission to enter, since I will need your home address by email if you win.
If you earned about our giveaway from someone else online, please let us know who it was and from where so we can give them an extra entry. (Examples: Sally from YouTube.com/channel/example referred me or I learned about your giveaway from Pam at example.com)
Don’t worry, if you state which doll you would most likely choose if you won, it’s not the finale say just in case you change your mind! I’ll ask you again when I email you if you win.
The last day to enter is Wednesday, November 30th, Eastern Standard time! I will randomly pick and reveal the winner on Thursday, December 1st. If you win, I will email you, and you have up to one week to reply with your address and the doll you want! :D If I don’t get a reply within a week, I’ll have to pick a new winner. :( So be on the lookout! ;) If you win, I’m going to try my very hardest to get the doll shipped to you by Christmas, the fastest way possible, no matter what it takes. It depends on where you live, though, since this is open to you no matter where you are! :D
Well, that was a lot of information. But this is a giveaway like none other! I’m SO excited about it, and I hope you are, too! If you’re a follower of Delightful World of Dolls, this giveaway is in celebration of YOU!
I hope you’re ready to enter for a chance to win the 18″ American Girl doll (+ her coordinating accessories!) of YOUR choice!
First, go follow using your email or with WordPress if you haven’t already. Just look to the right at our sidebar!
Done that? YAY! :D Thank you so much! I’m so glad you’ve joined our extraordinary family! ❤️❤️❤️
Okay, enough waiting. Now that that’s done, ready, set, ENTER!
Then get a head start on those unlimited bonus entries!
Congrats on over 260 followers, Madi!! That’s amazing!! Your new blog layout is also lovely, as always. :) This giveaway looks so exciting!!!
Thank you SO much, Misty! <3 And thank you! I can't wait to see who will win it. :D
Hi my name is Jemima I would really love to enter your giveaway I have my parents permission and I would love to add another doll to my collection in my collection I have one doll which is Melody Elison and if I win this giveaway the doll I would love to win is Lea Clark because I really want to get her before she retires because she is such a beautiful doll and I love everything about her, also congrats on your subscribes anniversary I hope they will grow even bigger I just want to say you have a terrific channel and you are a very kind person God will bless you more and more for your kindness just keep up the good work!
Thank you SO much for entering, Jemima! I’m so glad you entered! Lea is an AWESOME choice, she is on my wishlist! :D ;) Aw, thank you so very much for your kind words!! You just made my night!! Thank you SO much!! ❤️❤️
Parent permission (if you are under 18): yes
Way you followed for your first initial entry: WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Youtube
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: American Girl Fan
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Samantha
Thank you so much for entering! Samantha is a beautiful choice. Thanks again and good luck! :D
Thank you so very much for entering, Helen! Good luck! :D
1. I subscribed to you on youtube
2.I followed your world press account
3.I shared you giveaway on google plus
Yay! Thanks so much for subscribing and following! Just so you know, you’ll only get bonus entries from the G+ thing if someone enters and tells me you referred them. That way you can get unlimited bonus entries. :D
Hi my name is Jemima I would really love to enter this giveaway
I have my parents permission and I
would love to add a new doll to my collection. In my collection I have one doll which is Melody Elison,
if I win the doll I would choose is Lea Clark because I really want to get her before she retires and also she is such a beautiful doll I love everything about her! Oh and congrats on your 300 subscribers anniversary! That’s really cool! I hope your channel can grow even bigger also you have a terrific channel and you are so kind God will bless you more and more just keep up your good work!
Aw, thank you SO much Jemima! I got your entry!! Thank you!! Your kind words made my night! :D ❤️❤️❤️
Hi i read all u post and i sub or fallow u and the most importsnt thing congrats for260 fallower
And i like Truely Me #61
Thank you SO much, Sophia! :D
Welcome love your channel and hope i win this giveaway
Thank you so much, Sophia! Good luck! ?
And i have some important question how many winners u will pick???
As of right now, the plans are that I’ll only be drawing one winning name. :D
Hi I’m Sophia’s if s mom I’m Mercy and I want to enter
To enter, please fill out the form in the post above. :D Thank you!
Name/Username: Helen Nicole
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yes, I asked my mother
Way you followed for your first initial entry: Your YouTube channel
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: No
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: No one.
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Rebecca Rubin
Thank you so very much for entering, Helen! Good luck! ?
Hey! I would like if I could enter this giveaway, SoTotallyJemima told me about this. If I could win I would choose Juile because she is so pretty and I love her story?. Good luck to everyone else?. Also thanks to you Madison for this giveaway?!
Hey, Sarah! Thank you so much for entering! Julie is a beautiful doll. Thanks again and good luck! :D
I love your videos There super amazing
Aw, thanks, Elizebeth!! I’m so glad you like them! :D :D
Wow! This is SO awesome! I’ll have to get a parent’s permission later, but this is a really great thing you’re doing! 260 followers is A TON! Could you do a post on tips on gaining followers sometime? I’d love it! Oh, and by the way, I think my comment got lost in your whole fiasco of blog renewing, so I’ll tell you again. You’re the Sunshine Dollies blogger of the month! Congrats! Your award is on my little blog if you’d be courteous enough to check it out. :) You are inspiring, Madison!
Thank you SO much, Tenley!! I’ve actually been thinking about doing a post like that lately! I just might do a post like that! :D Oh, yes, I saw your comment, but it did in fact get lost! I’m so sorry about that! :( I was in the middle of commenting on your blog post about the award when I began to start working on DWOD, too. I followed your blog, by the way! It’s amazing! And thank you SO much for awarding me, it’s truly an honor! You have no idea how much that literally just made my day yesterday! I was so happy and blessed when I saw the award post that I read the entire thing to the whole car as we drove down the road! LOL! Thank you so much again, Tenley, you’re so sweet!! :D :D ❤️
Aww, you deserve it! <3 You should! My comment getting lost is no problem, really. Technical difficulties are THE WORST! :( And thank you to the moon and back for following my blog! It means the world to me! :D
<3 <3 Thank you! :D Ugh, yes! :( And you're totally welcome! I love your blog!!
Ack, this is amazing! I screamed when I saw the title of your post. In the middle of chorus. Whoops! He he. I’m waiting for parent permission, but then I am entering. Oh yeah, I am!
LOLOL! XD YAY! I’m so very excited you’re going to enter!! :D Thank you so much, Izzy!
Whoa! This is huge! Congratulations on 4 years! ??? I love your blog and the sweet comments you always write to everyone. :)
If I won, I’d get this truly me: http://www.americangirl.com/shop/dolls/truly-me-doll-66-medium-skin-black-brown-hair-brown-eyes-accessories-06bun66
I’m not sure if I have permission to enter yet but I WILL let you know if I do!!! Thanks so much for doing this. ❤️And congrats again!
Aw, thank you SO much, Rutvi! I’m so very glad you like my blog! :) ❤️
Yay! Thanks for entering! Or, half-entering. XD And no problem! Whenever you let me know you’ll be entered! Thanks for being the first! :D
And aw, you’re welcome! Thank you!! ❤️
*freaks out* *throws things* *does happy dance* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I had to get that out. XD Anyhow, EEP! I am SOOO excited! I’m trying not to scream from happiness! *takes deep breath*
First off, CONGRATULATIONS, Madi! EEP! This is so exciting! 4 years is QUITE a long time and your blog has become spectacular! :D I’m so happy I found your blog and became friends with you! <3 <3 <3
Your blog is looking AMAZING!!! and I just LOOOOVE it! :D
And goodness gracious, I am SOOOOOOO excited for this giveaway! EEP! I've been wanting #66 for awhile and I would absolutely LOOOVE to win! EEP! I'm soooo excited to see who will win! (I hope it's me! ;) )
Thank you soooo much for hosting this, Madi! I felt so happy and proud when I watched that video…I'M a DWOD follower! :D Ugh…just wow. *tries to keep from crying* Ahem.
Anyhow, I'm Grace, and I would LOOOVE to enter this giveaway! (By including my email, do you mean including it in this comment or commenting with an email that is active, etc.?) I would most likely choose #66 for my doll if I won. :)
I follow with WordPress, but I'm gonna enter my email. (I do have a question about that: I follow with WordPress but your posts already come to my email…so would I get your posts twice or…?)
And I thought I was subscribed to you on YouTube, but evidently I wasn't!. ;) Well, now I am! :P And I just pinned your post to my The Blogosphere board: https://www.pinterest.com/theupstairsgirl/the-blogosphere/
Oh, and I have a my mom's permission to enter. ;)
Again, THANK YOU soooo much, Madi! I am just SOOOO excited for this!
~Grace <3
LOLOL!!! That’s exactly how I felt on August 24!! XD XD XD
Thank you SO much, Grace! ❤️ I’m so very happy to have became friends with you, too!! ❤️
YAY, I’m so glad you like the look!! Thank you!! :D
You’re so very welcome! I’m so glad you’re so excited, too!! ❤️❤️❤️
HURRAY! You’re the first enterer! THANK YOU! ❤️ Oh, yes, just commenting with an email that I can contact you by, not in the comment. :D Were the directions confusing?
(Hmm. That’s weird. I’m not sure. Do you have a different email you can follow with so you aren’t getting double-posts? If not, I don’t know if you’ll be getting my posts twice or not. Hmm. Let me know what happens!)
Ooh, yay! Thank you so much for subscribing and pinning the post!
Hehe, good! ;)
Thank YOU for entering, Grace!! And thank you for your sweet comment!! ❤️❤️❤️ Me too! XD
Aww, you’re SO SO SO SO welcome! :D EEK…I’m just sooo excited! :D Thanks again for hosting this! :D
Nope, it’s fine! I had a feeling that’s what you meant. ;)
Oh, and I posted about this giveaway on my blog:
And shared the video on Google +: and my Blogger blog:
I’m not exactly sure if that’s what you meant by sharing the video, but as far I know you can’t share other YouTube videos on YouTube. ;) If not, just lmk and I’ll fix it! :D
Again, thank you SOOO much! That’s just SOOO awesome and exciting! And I am SOOO excited about the ads for the missionaries. That is amazing and so inspiring. :)
P.S. Oh, and I suppose links would be helpful. ;)
P.P.S. Did the “Follow By Email” thing work? I did it but I wasn’t sure if it sent through or not.
I’ll check! Did you go to your email and hit confirm subscription?
Okay, I see one email subscription from the last hour. It starts with a j. Is it yours?
Thank you! :D :D
Hehe! Me, too! XD And you’re so very welcome! Thank you for entering!
Yay! Bonus entries should be heading our way soon! :D Oooh, I guess I wasn’t clear on that… I’ve received notifications in my email before of my subscribers “sharing” my video. I think that if you go to your channel and “share your thoughts” and add the giveaway URL in this certain spot… Hmm, I’ll show you:
Like that! That might work for you. Sorry I didn’t make a lot of sense! XD
And you’re so very welcome!! Thank YOU for entering and sharing about the post!! I’m super excited about it, too. Ever since I was seven I’ve been wanting to obey Mark 16:15 and help our missionaries fulfill the Great Commission in unreached nations where I can’t go yet. And now is my opportunity to do it! I think that’s the very reason God told my dad to allow me to have a blog! :D Anyway. XD Thank you again!! :D
You’re welcome, and thanks again! :D
Ooh, yay! I couldn’t find a “Share Your Thoughts” thing, but I looked up a video on how to share someone else’s video. Here it is on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGYzaO8X6WDhaNT-9D2qYg
I was going to “add a section” for that playlist, but the “add a section” button wasn’t there for some reason. :( But does it still count?
Thanks again, Madi! Wow, that is awesome. I really admire how you incorporate the Lord in everything you do. I do that, but not nearly as much as you do, and I really admire that. :)
~Grace <3
Welcome! :D :D
Okay! Thank you! That’s totally fine, as long as the video is shared. :D Thanks again!! :D
You’re welcome! Thank you! And aw, thanks so much, Grace. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you so much! And you’re so so welcome. :)
(I do believe that’s everything except for IG and FB…I don’t have those. ;) )
You’re welcome! :D
(LOL! ;) You should be getting a ton of bonus entries! Thanks again for sharing it so much! I can’t wait to see who will win. :O)
One last question…then I’ll stop my harassment. XD XD XD
By unlimited ways to enter the giveaway, do you mean, for example, that I could pin this 100 times and each time I’d get an entry? Or do you mean that there are just a TON of ways to enter?
Thanks! :D
No problem! XD
There are no limits to how many people can enter, so if you posted about it on your blog, pinned it on Pinterest, shared it on YouTube, etc., however many people enter that tell me that you referred them are how many bonus entries you get. How ever many people enter thanks to you is how ever many bonus entires you get – no limits. Everything (except following with other options) depends on how many people enter thanks to you for your bonus entries. You could pin it 100 times, post it once a week, share it every other day (just random examples LOL) but you only get bonus entries (besides following with other options) if someone comments and tells me they were referred by you.
I hope that makes sense! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. This bonus entries are a little different. XD
Oh yes, that makes perfect sense! :D Thanks, Madi! (There seriously needs to be a word for when you say “Thank You” more than ten time…XD XD XD But seriously, thanks SO much!)
I just now saw your email subscription comment. Nope, that wasn’t me. I also never got a conformation email. :( I tried it again and this popped up:
The email address has opted out of subscription emails.
Do you think that’s because I already follow you via WordPress? I was thinking about doing two things:
1. Changing my WordPress to NOT get emails, but then get emails from the email subscription.
2. Use a different email to subscribe (an email for my Pinterest because it got messed up awhile ago. XD)
What do you think sounds best? Thanks again! :D
Okay, phew! LOL! (I KNOW. XD Aw, you’re so very welcome!!)
LOL, that’s fine! (XD XD XD)
The exact same problem happened to me when I entered both my emails just to test out how it would work. I think trying #1 would be worth a shot, and if it still doesn’t work, #2 would work too. :D
Thanks again! And you’re welcome again! XD
Haha, definitely! XD
*evil laugh* (XD)
I did #1, and I got a conformation email! So technically, (as long as everything sent through) I’m following with WordPress Reader AND with email. :)
Thanks again, Madi!
Ooh, yay! I’m so glad! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome!! :D
Hee hee! XD
Me too! You’re welcome, and thanks again! :D
You’re welcome! :D
HAPPY BLOG-ANNIVERSARY!!!!! *Blows horns* *Throws confetti* *Starts Fireworks* Thank you Madi so much for being so kind and commeting such kind things on my blog! Thank you for welcoming me and following me without even hesitating! DWOD FOREVER!!!! *Blows noise maker* *Hands out party hats* Okay I’m done being weird XD
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D :D *gazes at awesome fireworks* Aw, you’re so very welcome, Staff! You’re so, sooo sweet! You just made me smile so wide!! Thank you!! ❤️
Ooh, I’ll take a party hat! XD And LOLOL, you’re not weird! XD
Thanks again, Staff!
*calms down*
Well…. I’m entering! I follow you via blogger AND wordpress!AND EMAIL! (I think, if I did everything right) I’ll totally do a post/tell friends/subscribe on YT. (I’ll come back when I’ve done all that.) And….Uhm, if I won, I think I’d want Maryellen. Or a trulyme. I’m not sure, but if I win, I’ll tell you then, is that ok?
Now, not at all to draw attention away from you…. but I actually have something big going on on MY blog today too! Something you know I’ve wanted to do for a while… if you remember my former obsession with re-wigging dolls…. 0.o WHAT COULD IT BE?
You were the first blogger I followed! did I ever tell you that HDWAA wouldn’t exist w/o DWOD? And, by the way, Naomi loves having a pen pal! :D Hmmmmm… Chloe and Molly remind me of each other…
I keep your blog pulled up on my PC and refresh it whenever I use the computer. I CAN’T WAIT to read your novel! I love your site like… like…. like it’s a……. like….. as much as I love Star Wars. Which, as you know, is A. LOT.
I’M SUPPORTING POWER OF GOD? SWEET! It’s always been amaze to me how you share the love of our Lord via internet. ;)
Yaaaay!! Thank you SO much for following! Yep, that’s totally fine just to tell me in the email if you win!
Oooh! Is it posted now?! I’ll take a look at it as soon as I can!! I’m so curious now!! LOL!
Wow, really?! Thank you so much! And I was just reading comments on my 3-year blogiversary and I saw that!! ❤️❤️❤️ Molly loves having Naomi as a pen pal, too! And hmm… yeah… :D
Aw, no kidding? That means so much!! Thank you so much! I’m so, SO glad you like DWOD!! I love your blog, too!! ❤️ *gasp* As much as you love Star Wars? Now that’s saying something! XD
YEP! And all of our missionaries around the world!! And thank you!! :) :)
Thank you so much again!! ❤️
Madi- I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! Oh, and a Happy birthday to your mom, too! I’m sorry that it took a while longer than you hoped, and that it crashed and all of that but I love the new setup (I was afraid you might revamp the entire thing, but it looks awesome!)! I prayed that you’d be able to get it up by today, but I kinda didn’t think to pray about the technical difficulties… but I’m glad it’s up! I love it all! Okay… following procedure.
My username is Light4theLord. My actual name is five letters long, but I’m not allowed to tell on the internet, so let’s just stick with my username. :) I’m pretty sure I followed on WordPress (it was a confusing process a while back), and of course I added you to the blogs I follow on Blogger- though that doesn’t show up, but I did! And I always get excited to find an email in my inbox whenever you post, so I’m pretty sure I followed by email. :D Well, that is, if I don’t see it here first! I couldn’t figure out how to pin to pinterest, but if you tell me how I’d be glad to! I’m about to do a post on Dolls N’ All so… but it’s not quite up yet, maybe in the next five minutes?! I know this comment is super long, but you say you like them, so
HAPPY BLOGEVERSARY!!!!!! I love your blog, and I love chatting- I think I’ve taken up a lot of space on your chat section. I’m super happy for you, and I think just about all my family members know who you are (or they better, because I’m constantly briefing them on your latest post)! Do you know how hard it is to choose a favorite?!?!?! That’s like asking to choose a favorite song.. but worse! I posted a bit back about my top four (non-truly me… if I decided on a truly me, I’d have to study every page of their options first!): Lea, Melody, Maryellen, or Kaya. Again, Happy Blogeversary! Yay for Madi!!
~ Light4theLord
P.S. I’m pretty sure once I click ‘post comment’ I’m going to be like, “I can’t believe I typed that long of a comment. Seriously, what was I thinking?!?” :)
Thank you SO much, L4TL! And I will tell my mom! Aw, thanks! Even with all the technical difficulties, I’m so happy the site turned out well now! I’m so very glad you like it, too!! :D
YAY! Thank you so much for entering! That’s fine on the follow thing! Hmm. I’m actually not sure… I’m not on Pinterest, but I probably should be. LOL! Grace from The Girl Upstairs is on Pinterest, though, so if you asked her I’m sure she’d be glad to tell you how.
Ooh, I can’t wait to see your post! And THANK YOU! ❤️ Hey, I don’t mind! I love chatting with you!! :D And thank you again!! :D
Lea is on my wishlist, too! :D Once again, thank you SO much, Light4theLord!! ❤️
P.S. LOL! Don’t worry! I LOVE long comments! XD XD
I’m super excited about this! I made a post this morning: http://dollsnall.blogspot.com/2016/11/a-giveaway-by-madi.html
I can’t figure out the blog buttons (I’m still learning about that!), but…
~ Light4theLord
Yay!! Thank you so much! And that’s no problem about the buttons – totally fine! :D
Oh, and I forgot to mention I have permission. Ooops. Oh well, you know now!
~ L4TL
Okay! LOL! Perfect! You’re entered! YAY! :D
Okay, and Madi, when you hear the word ‘smorgasbord’ what do you think? (I can’t decide if it really works in my blog post or not… XD)
*hugs your site* *realizes that’s impossible*
I think of P.I.X.E.L and Cyrus Borg and computer hacking systems from LEGO Ninjago. (A show my brother and I watched) XD
Aww!! XD
Ehhhh!!! So exciting! I would like to enter please! I learned about the giveaway from Grace (The Girl Upstairs). If I won the giveaway I would love to get Lea Clark! I just LOVE her! <3 Also congrats on your four years blogaversary and for all those followers!!!!!
Yay!! Thank you so much for entering! And thanks for telling me, I’ll give Grace another bonus entry! Ooh, good choice! Lea is beautiful. :D And aw, thank you SO much!! :D :D
Thank you so much for letting Madi know that you found this through my blog, Kaitlyn! :D
GOODNESS ME OH MY!!! Madison, this is such a generous giveaway, I don’t quite know what to say! But let me start off with saying, THANK YOU! You have always been such an amazing friend and it makes me happy to see how far you and your blog have come. You deserve every one of those followers, Madi! Congratulations on 4 succesful years of blogging and here’s to many more! <3
Okay, now onto the giveaway…
1. I have my mom's permission to enter.
2. I'm not totally sure which doll I would get… It's so hard to choose! Maybe…. this one: http://www.americangirl.com/shop/truly-me/truly-me-doll-42-medium-skin-dark-brown-hair-brown-eyes-cld65
Or this one: http://www.americangirl.com/shop/truly-me/truly-me-doll-24-light-skin-freckes-blond-hair-blue-eyes-cld44
3. I posted about your giveaway here: http://littlehouseofamericangirl.com/ag-doll-of-your-choice-giveaway/
4. I put the giveaway button on my sidebar :)
5. I followed you through WordPress.
That's all I can do for now, but I'll definitely come back and let you know if I do more! Thank you so much again for this amazing opportunity, Madison! <3
LOLOL!! :D Aw, thank YOU, Jaclynn!! I’m so blessed to have gotten to know you over the years and am so happy to call you my friend! I remember we had our very first conversation on AmericanGirlFan.com (when Liz featured your shop) and you were only 13! :o Thank you SO much again, Jaclynn!! ❤️
Yay!! Thank you so much for entering! :D And you’re so very welcome – thank YOU! ❤️
This is Izzy again! Happy blogversary, Madi! I would like to enter. I have a parent’s permission. If I won, I would probably choose… Um, I don’t know. That’s hard. I’ll decide if I win! ? Thanks SO much for doing this giveaway!
Thank you SO much, Izzy! You’re officially entered! And you’re welcome – thank YOU for being an amazing follower!! ❤️
Oh, I forgot to say: I follow you through my email.
Okay, great! Thank you!! :D
You’re welcome! ?
Hey Madi! CONGRATS! :O
I was going to follow your blog awhile ago before you put up the follow button, but now I can! :D
So. I don’t know if this would work… but if I won could I give the doll to my younger sister as a Christmas present? :P It’s fine if I can’t. ;)
Thank you SO much, Megan!
Yay! Thank you for following!
And sure, that’s absolutely fine! :D
Okay! I’m still not sure if I’ll enter or not. ;) It’s an AWESOME giveaway though!!
No problem! ;) Thank you so much! And thanks again for following!
Madison you are so amazing! What you’re doing for your fans and for God is so beautiful. Thank you so much for this chance!!!! I know it’s slim, but I cannot tell you how excited I am!!!!!!!! I got Mom’s permission to enter. I am following with WordPress AND with my email. ;D Also, I subscribed to your YouTube channel. :) That should be three entrees… I’ll plan on pushing this out on my little blog soon. :) Thank you again! I love you, your blog, and your big heart!
Julia Grace
Aw, thank you SO much, Julia! Your comment just blessed my heart so much! Thank you for entering! Marking down your bonus entries now. :D You’re so very welcome, and thank YOU! ❤️ :) :)
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!!!!! I’m so excited! i wanna enter! i posted about this on my blog, and i geuss i heard about it from jaclynn, even though i had both emails at the same time. XD i’m an email and a wordpress follower, and i have no idea which doll i’d pick. XD
Most crazily, ~Olive
i also got my moms permission. i forgot to say that. XD
LOL! No worries! XD
Hehe! Me, too! XD You’re entered! Thanks so much, Olive!! :D
Hi, i’m Ivy. I’m following your blog by email, I have my moms permission, and if I won, I’d want lea. thank you so much for this giveaway!
I also found out about this from Olive, from hiddenhollowagcrafts.blogspot.com/
Okay, great! Thank you for letting me know! :D
Thank you so much for entering, Ivy! Ooh, good choice – Lea is super pretty! Aw, you’re welcome! Thanks again! :D
Hi, my name is Addylover, I have permission from my parents to enter this giveaway! WOW WOW WOW!!! :D I can not believe this!! THIS IS SO EXITING!! If I won I would probably choose Samantha. :) I followed you by email and by my WordPress account. :) Is it just 18 inch AG dolls are wellie wishers and bitty baby’s too? Thank you so so much for the awesome giveaway
Addylover :)
Thank you so much for entering, Addylover!! Thank you! I’m super excited too! Samantha is so pretty – she’s on my ever-growing wishlist. :D Thanks for following!
For this giveaway, it is just 18″ AG dolls, but I’ve been thinking about doing one where you can choose any doll from AG. And aw, you’re welcome! Thank you for entering!
Okay! :) Your welcome!!
Addylover :)
*screams* *dies* *gets back up* *screams again*
Congrats! I’ll have to ask my parents about the giveaway, though.
And now… my follower tradition… *throws 262 cakes in Madison’s face*
*screams with Audrey* XD
Thank you so much! No problem! I hope you’re able to enter! :D
I knew this was coming. XD *opens mouth wide to receive cakes* *goes on a sugar high* THANKS! ;)
Oh, and also, I just subscribed to your channel!
YAY! Thanks!!
I tried to follow your blog did you get it? I don’t know if you ever did. And can I just enter by email? or in the comments?
(Sorry for so many questions!) Thanks!
Which way did you follow? By email? I’ll check! Did you follow with the same email you entered in the comment?
And right now my contact box isn’t working, so unfortunately the only way to enter is in the comments.
(No problem! ;) ) You’re so very welcome!
I followed by email. And I followed with the same email as in comments. Could you send me an email? I think that might help. Use the email I used in comments.
And when I finally follow you (I’ve been trying for months!) I do have Parents permission to Enter. If I won I would Probably get a truly me Doll I don’t know which one, but if I win then I’ll decide. Oh and when will you announce the winner? Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Ps: Could you please put my name down as M&M?
M&M- Thanks! (Again) :)
Yay! Thank you so much, M&M! Sure thing, I’ll send you an email right away! The giveaway closes on November 30th and I announce the winner on December 1st. :D
Yep, I’ll put your name down as M&M! Thank you for entering!! :D
So I think I know what’s going on. There was a couple problems while trying to follow you so I think my Moms following you instead of me. Is that ok for Entering?
That’s totally fine! I’m so sorry you had a couple of problems. I hope your Mom’s email worked! :D
Oh! and I know which Doll I would want its a Truly Me doll #25
Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Much!
PS: sorry if I’m sending a lot of comments :) :) :)
Ooh, #25 is an awesome choice! And you’re so very welcome!
P.S. Aw, I love your comments!! :D :D
Hi, my name is Anika and I would LOVE to enter! I have a parent’s permission. :)
I followed you with my email (1) and WordPress (2). I also subscribed on YouTube (3).
I was told about this by Jaclyn @ http://littlehouseofamericangirl.com/. If I won, I’d probably like to get Truly Me doll #44. ?
-Anika ❤️
Thank you SO much for following and entering, Anika! Three entries coming your way!
Thanks for letting me know! And nice choice – #44 is on my doll wishlist! :D
Thanks again for entering!
P.S. I tried to like your comment from my comment notification feed, but your comment somehow made it into spam so I wasn’t able to. :P But I like your comment. ;D
Congrats! I <3 the new look! That's cool you're doing a giveaway!
Thank you SO much, Kiki! :D :D
You’re welcome!?
:D ;)
Wow! What an amazing giveaway! You are so generous to buy a whole American Girl Doll *plus* accessories! :-)
I’d love to enter in this giveaway! My name is Shelby-Grace and I have my parent’s permission to enter. I followed through email.
I head about this giveaway on Little House Of American Girl’s blog (http://littlehouseofamericangirl.com/ag-doll-of-your-choice-giveaway/)
If I won this giveaway, I would most likely choose Kaya.
Thanks again for this super generous giveaway! :-)
Oops! I made a typo in my username in my first comment – my name is Shelby-Grace, not Shelby-Graceo. ;-)
LOL, no problem! I fixed it for you. ;)
Aw, thank you SO much, Shelby-Grace! :D
Thank you for following and entering! And ooh, thanks for letting me know! Kaya is such a pretty doll, great choice!
You’re so very welcome! Thank YOU for entering!
P.S. I would “like” your comment, but it was marked as spam for some reason, so I wasn’t able to even after I approved it. :P I like your comment. ;)
Your videos are incredible!
Aw, thank you SO much, Keira! I’m so glad you like them, you’re so sweet! ❤️ By the way, have you made any new videos?
Hi Madison! I see my comment is awaiting moderation still and I’m concerned that it got put in spam or something… I included three links, so maybe it did? I don’t really know… :O
Yes, thank you SO much for letting me know about that on your blog! Your entry and three others somehow made it to the spam folder, ( :o ) so I’m so very glad you let me know! LOL! Entering you in and replying to your first comment now! Thank you so much!
OH. MY. GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS! *throws confetti*
I LOVE your new layout! It’s so cute!
I would LOVE to enter! I follow you by both WordPress and Email, I posted it, https://agdollawesome.wordpress.com/2016/11/04/enter-delightfulwordofdolls-giveaway/
and I’m subscribed to you on Youtube! On youtube, I’m “Laura Heinz”, and restricted mode doesn’t allow me to comment on Youtube..So sorry ’bout that part. I think I would get Melody or #21! #21 would be a little sister. :)
Once again congrats!
Thank you SO much, Sam!! :D :D And I’m so glad you like it!
Hurray! Thank you! No problem. :) Great choices!!
Aw, thanks again, Sam! Good luck!! :D
I would LOVE to enter, Madi! I have parents permission. I also follow you on WordPress and YouTube. If I won, I would probably get #53. Thanks again!
Yay! Thank you SO much, Anonymous! Do you have a username to go by? Or do you just want to be called Anonymous? Ooh, great choice! And aw, you’re so very welcome! Thank YOU!
Aw man, that’s not fun all the hassle you had :-( :-( . Sorry you had to do all that.
But, CONGRATULATIONS on FOUR years and 260 followers!!! That is AMAZING! I love your blog! You are such an amazing blogger, and I love seeing your comments on my blog. You are so sweet!
I really like the new layout as well!! It looks great!
OH MY WORD!! AAAAAHHHHH. I basically DIED when I read about that giveaway!!! XD XD Like, the jaw-dropping, near falling out out seat, hyperventilating, unable to calm down kind of dying.
I would LOVE to enter! I am Gracie (but you knew that :-P ) (If there are multiple Gracie’s, you could also use Smile and Craft AG), and I have permission. If I won, I would choose… ADDY!!! I don’t think I would chose any different doll, I love Addy. ;-)
I Follow you! Woohoo!
I tried to follow with my email, but I’m not completely sure that it worked? But maybe it did? I don’t know. It said something about the email opting out.
I subscribed to your youtube.
P.S. How do you pin your image?
Yeah. :( :P Thanks. :)
Thank you SO much, Gracie! Aw, your kind words just made me so very happy!! Thank you!! ❤️
Thanks! I’m happy with how it turned out, even if it was quite the struggle. ;P
LOLOL! XD I’m so glad you’re excited!! :D
Yaaay, thank you SO much for entering! Addy is a beautiful choice!
Whoop whoop! :D
Hmm. Let me check. Does your email start with an “ro” or “ra”? You might have to try again if not. I’m so sorry you’re having trouble!
YAY! Adding your bonus entries now!
P.S. That’s a really good idea. I’m not sure, since I don’t have a Pinterest. Hmm… I’m sure that if you asked Grace from The Girl Upstairs, she’d be glad to tell you how. Sorry I don’t have any better directions! :P
Would it be alright if I included the info for this giveaway as a part of another post, as long as I include the video and all the links and things?
Also, I pinned it Here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/368028600783350327/ (I actually just “pinned the pin” that Ms. AGdoll had, and just changed the comment on the pin)
Yes, absolutely! Just be sure to put the giveaway button on your sidebar if you can. Ooh, great! Thank you so much!
I made the post! And I’ll try to get the button up real soon!
Thank you SO much, Gracie!! :D
Ok, button’s up as well now ;-)
Thanks so much! :D
I would like to enter! I followed your blog by email. My username is Ms. AGdoll, and I have a parent’s permission. :)
The doll I would choose if I won would be the Truly Me™ Doll: Light Skin, Curly Light Red Hair, Blue Eyes.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
~Ms. AGdoll~
Thank you SO much for following and entering, Ms. AGdoll! That Truly Me is an awesome choice!
You’re very welcome! Thank you for entering!
Hi Madison! I’ve always loved your awesome blog. :) I would really like to enter this giveaway! I have permission and if I won I would probably want Truly Me #33 but I’m not sure. I followed your blog by email. (did it work?) :)
If I share this post on Pinterest, and just comment later and let you know with a link, will that give me a bonus entry still? Oh, and I learned about this giveaway from Jaclynn at littlehouseofamericangirl.com
Thank you for doing this lovely giveaway!
-Katie M. <3
Yay! Thank you so much for entering, Katie! And I’m so glad you like my blog! Hmm, let me check. Did you follow with the same email you commented with? If so, I don’t see it. Maybe try again? Sorry! LOL!
You can share the giveaway on Pinterest, but you only get bonus entries if someone enters and tells me that they were referred by you. That way, you have unlimited bonus entries; however many people see your post and enter and tell me you referred them, that’s however many bonus entries you get! :D Thank you for letting me know! I’ll give Jaclynn an extra entry.
Aw, you’re so very welcome! And thank YOU, Katie!
Oh, ok! Thank you for the clarification on the bonus entries! :)
I got a confirmation email about following, but I could try it again.. :) And I think I used the same email. I’ll just try again. :)
No problem!! :D
I just checked, and I still don’t see you… though if you got a confirmation email, I’m sure it must’ve worked. O.o
Ok now I pinned it! Here is the link to my Pinterest account: https://www.pinterest.com/clevehs/
I pinned it to my Cool Thingys board. LOL! :) Thank you!
-Katie M. <3
Thank you so much, Katie!! :D :D
Also, I pinned the giveaway button on Pinterest, ( link to pin: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/461337555563150940/ ), does that count? And, did you see where I followed by email?
~Ms. AGdoll~
Woohoo! Thanks! Yes, it counts if somebody/multiple people enter thanks to you and tell me that you referred them. However many people enter thanks to you is however many bonus entries you’ll get! And yes, I saw! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome, and thank you!
Okay, thanks!
~Ms. AGdoll~
You’re welcome! :D
Wow, congratulations on 260 followers! I have a parent’s permission and I would love to enter!! I already follow you. :) If I won, I would give the doll to my sister, since she only has three (as opposed to my five). Thanks so much for the giveaway, Maddi! You’re so generous. :)
Thank you SO much, CutePolarBear! Yay, thanks for entering! Perfect. :) That’s so generous of you! You’re welcome, and aw, thank you so much!! :D :D
Wow, congratulations on 260 followers, Madison! That’s fantastic! I’m glad you got everything working with your new theme and such. Oh, and congratulations on four years of blogging. It’s cool to see how far you’ve come.
Anyway, I would like to enter your giveaway! I have a parent’s permission and I follow with my WordPress account. If I won, I would probably like a Truly Me doll. I might pick #57, but I also like #64.
Thanks so much for the giveaway, Madison. You’re so generous. Anyway, congrats on 260 followers and 4 years of blogging. You’re such a great blogger! :)
~Christian Homeschooler
Thank you SO very much, Christian Homeschooler! :D :D
Yay! You’re entered! Thanks for entering. :D Ooh, fantastic choices!
Aw, you’re welcome! And thank you so, so much! You, too!!
You’re welcome!
I’m so glad that you are in the doll blogging community. You’re such an encourager and a great friend. :)
That means so much, Christian Homeschooler! Thank you!! ❤️ I’m so glad to have you as a friend! :)
Hello Madi I am eleven and have parents permission. If I one I would choose Maryellen. I was alerted about this by Samantha at agdollawesome. :) This is such an awesome idea!
Hi, Alyse! Thank you so much for entering! Maryellen is a fabulous choice! Thank you for telling me, and thanks again! :D Oh, is there a specific way you followed? (Email/WordPress) I need to know so I can enter you. :D
CONGRATS ON 290 FOLLOWERS! I’ve been reading your blog since back in 2013. It’ amazing to see how much you’ve grown! :D :D :D :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’m so glad you’ve been with my blog since 2013! I love reading your comments! Thank you, Mayah! ❤️
I don’t often comment on your blog, but I’ve read every post you’ve made since I first started following you. I truly admire you. I love how you write doll stories that reflect how much God loves us. And you do it in such an engaging way. I’m trying to get over my shock at this giveaway, but I’d like to enter! I think I’d chose Melody if I won.
Aw, thank you SO much, Heather! You’re so very sweet! I’m so glad you like my blog and my stories! Your comment blessed my heart!! ❤️
Melody is a gorgeous choice! Entering you now! Thank you again, Heather!
I just followed you on my other blog (that I basically never post on)
Yay! Thank you so much!
Okay I would love to enter! So I am! I have a parent’s permission. My name is Miri. You already know that, LOL. If I won I would probably choose Lea! Also, I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
Yay! Thank you so much for entering, Miri! Ooh, yay! Bonus entry coming you way! :D
Also, I follow by WordPress.
Perfect! Thank you!
WOWZA!! Congrats on 4 years! I’m a new follower, my friend Bella from https://mydolldays.blogspot.co.nz told me about your blog and this amazing giveaway! I just want to say thank you so much for making this a international giveaway! I live in New Zealand and this is the first giveaway I have been able to enter! I feel truly included and you are so kind! I also love the foundation that you are partnered with, that is so awesome! If I won I would love to get either Kaya or my first Truly Me doll ;)
~ I have entered by email
~ I subscribed to your youtube
~ And I added you to my websites tab on my blog (If I can squeeze in another entry that way >.<)
Also please give my friend Bella and extra vote, without her I wouldn't have known this was happening.
Thank you so much for hosting this! I'm also so glad I discovered your blog! Happy 4 years and for many more to come :)
Lydia's Dolls @ http://lydiasdolls.blogspot.co.nz
Thank you SO much, Lydia! And thank you for letting me know! And I’m so very glad you entered, and thank you so much for your kind words!! ❤️ They blessed me so much!
Ooh, awesome choices! Kaya is so beautiful, and the Truly Me dolls are super cute!
Thank you very much for entering! (Sure, that counts! Two bonus entries coming your way! :D )
Sure thing, Lydia! Thank you again for letting me know she referred you. If Bella enters, she’ll definitely get a bonus entry!
And you’re so very welcome! I’m so honored this is the very first giveaway you’ve been able to enter – good luck! I’m so glad you discovered my blog, too. ❤️ And aw, thank you SO much!
Hey, Madi! It’s MorganAshley! Congrats! This is soooo big! I have permission to enter. I found out about this from Jaclynn at Little House of American Girl. Hmm, picking a doll is hard! I’d probably pick Truly Me 65 or 66. Thanks so much for doing this!
Thank you SO much, Morgan! Thank you for entering, and thanks for letting me know that Jaclynn referred you! #65 and 66 are awesome choices, they’re so pretty! And you’re so welcome – thank you!
I just completed a couple of your bonus entry requirements. :-)
I’m subscribed to you on YouTube (I subscribed to you using my AGTube channel, AGSapphireProductions.)
I followed you through WordPress (I used my mom’s account, though, since I don’t currently have my own WordPress
account. :-) )
By the way, I was wondering – how do I share your video to my YouTube channel for a bonus entry? I’d love to share about it on my channel, but I couldn’t figure out how to share it. ;-)
Ooh, perfect! Thank you SO much for following! Bonus entries coming your way! :)
Sorry if I didn’t make it clear enough! When you go to your channel, on the main page you have an option to “Share Your Thoughts”. Just copy and paste the giveaway video link in the certain spot after you say a little something. For example..
Hope that helped! If you have any questions, please let me know!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! and happy blogversary, . If i win i would have to pick Samantha so i could give it to my mom who just loves Samantha.
You’re so very welcome, Sarah! Thank you SO much!! Aw, that is so generous of you! Samantha is a beautiful choice, she’s on my wishlist! :D Thank you again for entering!
Madi, I thought of (another, LOL) question to ask you:
What if people were referred but didn’t let you know to keep the person who referred them from getting extra points?
I hope that doesn’t sound rude or mean in any way…like I’m trying to make sure that I win and I get the most points. Not. At. All. And I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m challenging your point method or anything like that.
Thank you for everything, Madi! :D
LOL, no problemo! ;)
I thought of that, too. That’s why people who post/share about the giveaway are strongly encouraged to really, really urge other people to tell me that they were referred by that person. I’m actually working on a giveaway form people can fill out just to make that easier. XD And no worries at all! You didn’t sound rude or mean in any way!! :)
You’re so very welcome! Thank YOU! :D
Hee hee! XD
Oh, that makes perfect sense! Thanks! And a form sounds great…thank you for adding it! :D And I’m glad! Sometimes I never can tell how my comment comes across. ;)
Thanks again! (I seriously don’t know how I will wait until Dec 1…I keep asking myself, WHAT IF I WIN?!?! XD XD XD)
~Grace <3
Okay! Phew! LOL! Sorry if it was a little confusing. XD No problem! Working on it now. LOL! ;) ;)
You’re welcome again! And LOLOLOL! XD XD
Hey Grace,
I just wanted to let you know that I pinned your pin on Pinterest, but I already knew about it. I just searched and that is what came up. (I didn’t know how to pin something that was not on Pinterest)
Sorry about that!
Hello – I followed by email. I read about your wonderful giveaway on Light4theLord’s blog, “Dolls ‘n’ All”. How exciting! :) Happy blogversary to you, Madi! How wonderful! :) I am not sure which doll b/c IF I were to win I would use this to be a gift for our youngest daughter, Melody (16 months old – I would probably wait a bit to give it to her so she wouldn’t chew on it! Hee hee!) as her first American Girl Doll. :) I am not sure which one but I would def. decide IF I win! We hope to meet you one day! :) Blessings to you – so excited about you giving Jesus space on your blog! We are to shine brightly! Keep shining! :)
Hurray! Thank you so much for following, Dawn! And thank you for letting me know, I’ll give her a bonus entry! :D And thank you so very much!! :D That is great you’ll give it to your daughter if you win! (Hee hee! ;) ) That’s fine, I can’t wait to see which one you’ll choose for your daughter Melody if you win! And thank you SO much, Dawn! We are! :) Thanks again for entering!
Hey Madi – thanks so much for doing this giveaway! I have a parent’s permission. If I were to win, I have no idea what I would choose, because I am one of the most indecisive people I know.
Okay, anyway:
1. I followed on WordPress.
2. I followed through email.
3. I posted on Google+ about the giveaway.
4. I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
Oh, and I was referred by Light4theLord over at dollsnall.blogspot.com :)
THanks again, Madi! :)
You’re so very welcome, Annalysa! Thank you for entering! Haha, no problem. ;D
Yay! Thank you so much! And thanks for letting me know, I’ll give her another bonus entry!
You’re very welcome again! Thank you! :D
Aww Madi thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for hosting this giveaway! Congratulations on 260 followers! I am waiting for a parent’s permission but I will enter soon! Just a question, could we choose Lea Clark or a BeForever doll or would it have to be a Truly Me doll (I’m guessing Truly Me as they cost less)?
Once again, a huge thank you and a huge congratulations from a very happy
~ Magenta~
Aw, you are SO very welcome! Thank YOU for your kind words!! As soon as you get a parent’s permission, let me know and I’ll ever you! Yay! :D
You can choose any doll you want! Whatever 18″ AG doll is currently available on AmericanGirl.com, whoever she is, you’ll get her and her coordinating accessories if you win! :D
You’re very welcome, Magenta! Thank you so much!! :D
Sorry I forgot to say that i followed you via email and that i subscribed to your channel
No problem! Thank you so much, Sarah!
Madi, did my comment with (yet another XD) question come through? It’s still being held for moderation, and I thought maybe you hadn’t seen it. :) But it’s perfectly fine if you’re busy, I understand COMPLETELY. :D I just wanted to make sure you saw it. :)
Woops, I just saw you moderated it, haha! XD Nevermind. ;)
Hehe! If I take a while to respond to your comment, I promise I’m not ignoring it, I’m just responding to entries and questions left and right so it takes a while! So sorry I didn’t respond quicker! :P
No problem at all! I completely understand. And I don’t think that at all! :D
Okay, phew! LOL! Thank you! :) :D
This is such a great idea, I love it. I have received my parent’s permission. I have followed you by email and subscribed on youtube! My email is ashleykiczek at gmail dot com
I would choose the Samantha doll because my mother always wanted one and I would give her the doll for Christmas. I hope I win!!! Ty
Thank you SO very much, Ashley! And thank you for following and entering! Samantha is such an awesome choice, and that is so kind of your to want to give it to your mom for Christmas! You’re so very welcome and thank you again for entering!
I have my parents permission, and I am following with WordPress, email, and blogger (but I’m not sure if you can see if I’m following with blogger) I would probably get Melody if I win. Thank you so much for this giveaway Madison! You are so kind and generous. I’ll be doing things to get extra entries. I also saw Grace’s (The Girl Upstairs) post about it before I saw your post. Thanks so much!
Yay, thank you so much for entering! I can’t see that you’re following with blogger, but thank you very much for letting me know. Melody is a great choice! She’s so cute! Aw, you’re so very welcome, and thank YOU! ❤️ Ooh, thank you for letting me know. I’ll give her an extra entry. Thanks again, Bella!
Love the new layout! We have been working on ours too! Way more work than we thought! We have had to make tweaks to all our older posts too so they fit the new theme?. We totally understand your pain! Congratulations on the giveaway, your blogaversary, and so many followers!!!
Thank you SO much, Meg! Ugh, yes, it’s definitely way more work than expected! :P Hoping everything goes well with your new theme. And thank you so very much again, Meg! ❤️
Oh wow. That’s all I can say ? jk I can say more than that, but this is such a surprising post!!!!!! Ok starting from the beginning. Oh my goodness, your such a sweet and kind person! You are using every little bit of spare time in your own day to make this post for us and use your very own money to giveaway a doll!! Many people would not have the guts and would be too selfish to use their very own bank account money to buy an expensive doll (but very worth it?) and coordinating accessories. But you, Madison, you are so sweet and kind you are certainly giving back to your many followers. And lemme tell ya, we very much appreciate it. Like….a LOT!!!!!!!!
And the new look is GREAT!!!!! I really like it, great job!!! The stop motion was SO cute!! And your voice…..is beautiful!!!!
Ok as for the entry. *clears throat as if making a huge speech* I, Maddie, have parent permission, I follow your blog (who wouldn’t!?!), and I subscribed to your youtube channel (again, WHO WOULDN’T?!?!?!). Hmmm, and for the doll….well that is a hard decision ? but I would probably have to go with Maryellen, or a Truly me….IT’S SO HARD TO DECIDE!!!!?
But really, from the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate what you do for us, Madison. And even though I was not following this blog since 2012, I sure feel like I’ve been with you the whole time☺️?
Hugs, hugs, hugs,
LOL! And thank you SO much, Maddie! Your kind words just totally blessed my heart so much more than you know! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much!! ❤️❤️❤️
Yay, I’m so glad you like it! I was worried people would like the old layout better and not like this one as much. XD And thank you again!! Aw, thank you so much! ❤️
Woohoo! You’re entered! Thanks for following and subscribing! And thank you so much for entering! Haha, yes, it is hard to decide! XD
Aw, you are so welcome, Maddie! Thank YOU! I feel like I’ve known you for so very long and am more than blessed and honored to call you my friend! Thank you SO much! ❤️❤️
P.S. I think I said thank you about a hundred times. LOLOL! XD
Awww, your welcome a million times!!!!❤️❤️
Oh no, I LOVE it!!! I think it looks very elegant! ? The font is amazing too. Haha your welcome!!!
Yay!!!!! No problem, who wouldn’t subscribe?!?! I mean this is an amazing blog!!!! Truly it is!!! Your welcome!!!
Awwww, I feel that way too!!! We are friends even though long distance, and over an amazing blog, God has truly blessed us to know each other❤️❤️❤️
Haha that’s totally ok!!! I just might have said Your welcome about a hundred times also!!!
Aw, I’m so glad!! Thank you! I love the font, too!! :D :D
You’re so sweet and kind Maddie!! Thank you!! ❤️ I’m so glad you like DWOD!! :D
That’s very, very true! I’m so very blessed to know you!! ❤️
Hi my name is Lina. I have parents permission. If I won I would choose Rebecca Rubin or Julie I haven’t decide between them yet lol. But TYSM FOR HOLDING THIS AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!! But if I don’t win I’m still happy because I like when others gets a chance winning a doll I haven’t won a doll giveaway in my life before but it’s worth a try?
Thank you so very much for entering, Lina! Fabulous choices – Rebecca and Julie are gorgeous! LOL, that’s fine. ;) Aw, you’re so very welcome! Thank YOU! You’re so kind! :) Good luck, Lina!
Oh, and we follow you via WordPress!
Thank you SO much! :D
Parent permission (if you are under 18): yep got it
Way you followed for your first initial entry: Using WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: From American girl fan
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Samantha
Thanks so much for entering! Samantha is a gorgeous choice, and good luck! :D
and I subscribed to you on Youtube
Yay! Thanks so much. I’ll give you an extra bonus entry.
Hello Madi, I would love to enter this giveaway. I heard about this from my sister (Christian Homeschooler). She’s been trying to get me to follow your blog for a long time now (I’ve always loved reading your blog, but finally I started following!). I follow through WordPress, if you’re wondering. Oh, and I also am subscribed to your youtube channel. If I won, I really don’t know which doll I would pick, but maybe I would pick Truly Me #35. Thanks for having such an amazing giveaway! I’ve loved your blog for a few years now, and it’s one of the best doll blogs out there. Don’t forget to give Christian Homeschooler a bonus entry! She deserves it just for being awesome.
Thank you SO much for following and entering! Ooh, lovely choice! #35 is awesome! Aw, you’re so very welcome! Thank you so very much!! And sure thing! Thanks for letting me know. Bonus entry coming her way! :D
What a great giveaway! I just followed with my e-mail address for entry #1. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much, Becky! Thanks for following and entering. You’re very welcome, and thank you again! :D
Congrats Madi!!!! We have seen you like a lot of our posts and we would like to say thank you!!!! You are a great inspiration to us!!!! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!! Here is our entry:
Name: AGsparklesisters
Way We Entered: WordPress
Heard it From: IrishAG
Doll of Choice: If we won we would want Truly Me #39.
If there is anything wrong, please tell us.
Tori, Bella, and the dolls
Thank you so much, Tori and Bella! Aw, you are so very welcome! Your comment blessed me so much!! :)
Yay! Thank you for using the form, everything was perfect! Thanks again for entering, and good luck!
Is it too late to add another bonus entry? We just found your YouTube channel and subscribed. We do not have a channel but we subscribed by email.
Nope, not too late at all! Thank you SO much for subscribing! I’ll give you an extra entry. :D :D
Thank you so much!!!!!!!
No problem!! :D
SO EXCITING!!!! *breathes in, out, makes vain effort to CHILL* Okay, so my name is Miriam, I am a proud WordPress follower of DWOD, and if I won, I would choose either Maryellen, Melody, or Truly Me #CLD44!! (It is so, SO hard to choose!)? I have my mom’s permission to enter. Thank you sooooooo much for doing this!! Have a fantabulous blogiversary!!!!!!!!
LOLOL!! I’m so glad you’re excited! LOL! Thank you SO much for entering! Ooh, beautiful choices!! And aw, you’re welcome! Thank you so much!! ❤️
(Or Truly Me #CLD82)
Name/Username: Traci Kristianson Akierman and KeLibuClothing
Parent permission (if you are under 18): I’m an adult
Way you followed for your first initial entry:email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:Shared on personal and business FB pages, shared on Pinterest, Twitter my blog and Google+
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway:Meg Yu – Calgary Dolls with Dolls
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Lea Clark
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Thank you so much for entering, Traci! Thank you for sharing about our giveaway, too – you should be getting a ton of bonus entries if people enter thanks to you! And Lea is a fabulous choice!
Thank you so much again! Good luck!
So excited about this, Madi! Happy fourth blogaversary!!!
Name/Username: Lydia Dyslin
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yep!
Way you followed for your first initial entry: I followed with WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I followed with my email, and subscribed to your YouTube channel.
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: You ;)
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Melody Ellison or the same doll that Chloe is, actually! (I forget which one xD)
Thank you SO much, Lydia!! :D :D
Thank you for entering! Ooh, yay, bonus entries headed your way! ;) And Melody and #56 are great choices! (Chloe is Truly Me #56 XD )
Hey Madi! It’s Miriam again. Just wanted to say I just followed you by email and subscribed to your YouTube channel as well as following you on WordPress.
Thank you SO much, Miriam! I added your bonus entries. Thank you again!
Parent permission (if you are under 18):
Way you followed for your first initial entry: I subscribed to your blog:
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: saw this on my Facebook feed
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Grace
Thank you for entering, Sarah! Unfortunately, I cannot purchase Grace because she is a retired Girl of the Year 2015 and is not currently available at AmericanGirl.com. Is there another doll you would most likely choose if you won?
Wow! Congrats on 4 years! I first followed on WordPress.
Name/Username: Colleen Lalonde
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Over 18
Way you followed for your first initial entry: WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Follwed by email and YouTube subscribed
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Meg Yu
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: #55
Thank you so very much for entering! Good luck!!
Thank you SO very much, Colleen!
HI, my name is Catherine
I’m 43, is that too old? my father thinks it funny that someone my age still likes dolls, my mother doesn’t so I bought her one
I follow by email
I found out about this giveaway from Jaclynn from LHOAG
I think I would like #62
Thank you so much for entering, Catherine! Nah, you’re never too old to do something you love. ;) Thank you again for following! #62 is an awesome choice!
Hi! I am new to your blog! And i am so glad that i found it! :D First, May I just say, YOU ARE AN EXTREMELY AWESOME AND GENEROUS PERSON FOR HAVING SUCH AN AMAZING GIVEAWAY!!!!! (AND BLOG!) Okay… I got that out of my system! :D Now, onto entering! I have my parents’ permission, I followed your blog by email, ( I don’t have a WordPress account.) I posted about this (Extremely Awesome) Giveaway on Pinterest, Facebook, (And I told lots of people I know) I heard about this Giveaway from Jaclynn from Little House of American Girl. littlehouseofamericangirl.com so please give her an extra entry! ’cause she totally deserves it! ;) I wouldn’t have known about your blog if it wasn’t for her! :O I hope I’m entered! HeeHee… :/
P.S. do you need the links to where i posted about it? cause I can give them to you if you need them…
Hey Gracie! I’m so very glad you found my blog! Aw, thank you SO much, Gracie!! ❤️❤️
Yay! Thank you so much for entering! Ooh, you should be getting bonus entries soon if people enter thanks to you! Thanks for sharing about the giveaway! And thank you for letting me know, I’ll give her an extra entry! Yep, you’re entered! Thanks again!
P.S. Nope, I don’t really need them! You will get bonus entries if someone enters and tells me they were referred by you. :D
Also! I forgot to mention who I would get if I won! (I guess I was too busy thinking about how Awesome you are!) I would Either get Truly Me #63: http://www.americangirl.com/shop/truly-me/truly-me-doll-63-light-skin-blond-hair-blue-eyes-ckj00
Or Rebecca: http://www.americangirl.com/shop/rebecca/rebecca-doll-paperback-book-bkf09
I am dying to get either one of them! they are definitely going to be the next dolls I get!
Haha, that’s okay! ;) (Aww! You’re so sweet!! ❤️ :D ) Awesome choices! #63 and Rebecca are such cute dolls! :D :D
hi, I’m Hazel, and I would like to enter! I heard about this from Olive (hidden hollow AG crafts)
I have followed your blog with my email, also, I subscribed on you tube, and I wrote a blog post.
If I won I would probably like to have Truly me #55. or maybe.. #65 no… #35… or maybe Maryellen, or Lea, or #24. I’ll decide if I win! ?
happy blogiversary!!! also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I have my moms permission!
Yay! Thank you so much for entering, Hazel! And thank you for letting me know – I will give Olive a bonus entry!
Ooh, all of those dolls are so pretty! Lea is on my wishlist. ;)
Aw, thank you so much Hazel! And thanks again for entering!
Name/Username: Carissa
Parent permission (if you are under 18): I am 18
Way you followed for your first initial entry:Email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: I heard about it from Annalysa C.
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: I would probably choose http://www.americangirl.com/shop/dolls/truly-me-doll-33-light-skin-curly-red-hair-blue-eyes-accessories-06bun61
Woohoo! Thank you so very much for entering, Carissa! #33 is a gorgeous choice, I wanted her for the longest time! Thanks again for entering. :D
I’m entering with my wordpress account,mpkmincraft no caps Ihave my Moms permission and I would like Samantha, I subscribed to your channel with EllaLuvsPink. I found out about this from American girl fan blog. and congrats!
Thank you so much for entering!! And aw, thanks again! :D
1. My name is Bethany! This is a fun give-away!! :)
2. I am over 18. ;)
3. I followed first with e-mail and then with WordPress
4. WordPress as my 2nd entry…
5. My sister told me about this!!
6. Probably Truly Me #61
Hurray, thank you SO much for entering, Bethany! Is Carissa your sister? I’ll give her an extra entry then. Thanks again for entering! :D
For some reason, my earlier comment about my bonus entries didn’t go through, but I just wanted to mention I completed four bonus entry things :-)
I followed you through WordPress (under my mom’s account since I don’t have my own WordPress)
I’m already subscribed to your Youtube channel using my account, AGSapphireProductions.
I shared about this giveaway on my blog, Oh My Dollies ( http://ohmydollies.blogspot.com/2016/11/delightful-world-of-dolls-is-giving.html )
I shared about your giveaway on my Google+ page that I use for my AGTube channel : ( https://plus.google.com/111573306553190275543/posts/GkhUsnhXTGq )
Thanks again for the contest! Good luck to everyone entering! :-)
Oops! I meant to say “For some reason, my earlier comment about my bonus entries didn’t go through, but I just wanted to mention I completed four bonus entry things :-)”, not “For some reason, my earlier comment about my bonus entries didn’t go through, I wanted to mention I completed four bonus entry things:”
Sorry about that :-P
LOL, no problem! ;) :P :D
I think saw your comment about the bonus entries; was it this one?
“I just completed a couple of your bonus entry requirements. ;)
I’m subscribed to you on YouTube (I subscribed to you using my AGTube channel, AGSapphireProductions.)
I followed you through WordPress (I used my mom’s account, though, since I don’t currently have my own WordPress
account. :) )
By the way, I was wondering – how do I share your video to my YouTube channel for a bonus entry? I’d love to share about it on my channel, but I couldn’t figure out how to share it. ?”
I did get that one and replied! If there was another one you commented, I’m so sorry I didn’t get it! I checked my spam folder but don’t see any comments from you in there. You get two bonus entries for subscribing with WordPress and to my YouTube, but you’ll only get bonus entries for the last two things if people enter and tell me they were referred by you! Thank you again for entering! :D :D
Oh, sorry! I didn’t see that it made it through and you replied – sorry to bother you with double comments! :P
Thank you for clearing that up – I thought it was an extra entry for sharing, I must have misread ;)
Have a good Sunday – I hope you have fun at church!
Our church is having an early Thanksgiving meal for the senior’s group and since my dad is one of our church’s pastors, we’re invited to come along so two Thanksgiving meals for me this year ;)
No problem at all! :D :D
That’s alright! I think you’d actually get more this way. Instead of one entry for sharing, three different people could learn about the giveaway from what you shared, enter, and tell me you referred them – then you would get three bonus entries instead of one!
Thank you so much! You, too! Haha, that is AWESOME! XD When we lived in Texas, my dad was one of our church’s pastors too, so I would come along for meetings and stuff sometimes. Being a PK (pastor’s/preacher’s kid) is pretty sweet! ;)
I followed via email
I am over 18 and trying to win a doll for my daughter. She would love Lea Clark or Maryellen!
I shared on pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/pin/231020655866075082/
Thank you so very much for entering, Kambrea! Entering you in now. Good luck!
Name/Username: Liz from AGH
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yup
Way you followed for your first initial entry: By email. I dont have a wordpress.
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:nothing
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Here
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Lea Clark.
Thanks, Madi!
Yay! Thank you so much for entering, Liz! Lea is a lovely choice. :D You’re welcome, and thanks again!
Your welcome! I love the new blog design. It is more mobile friendly! :-)
That’s one of the things I loved about the new design, too! Everything is responsive to the device it’s displayed on. I’m so glad you like it! :D
Madi! I’m so happy for you! You have improved so much since you started Delightful World of Dolls and I can’t wait to see what you will do next!
Name/Username: Makenzie
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yes! I have permission
Way you followed for your first initial entry: Email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I did not
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: I check your blog once in awhile and I just saw this today!
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: I would choose Rebecca! I have been wanting her for a long time!
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!
Thank you SO much, Makenzie! Your words just blessed my heart so much! ❤️ ❤️
Yay! Thank you for entering! Rebecca is a gorgeous choice, my mom really likes her! Aw, you’re welcome, and thank you again for entering! :D
I needto ask my mom first, but seriously Madi this is such a super generous giveaway! I just subscribed to emails, I don’t know why I didn’t before. I need to stay informed about your posts!
No problem! And aw, thank you so very much!! ❤️
Whoo hoo! Congrats on 206 followers! And thank you for this generous giveaway!
Name/Username: Irish American Girl
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yes! I have parent permission.
Way you followed for your first initial entry: WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I did a blog post, but was unable to attach the video since I have the free plan. I’m so sorry! :(
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Morgan P. from amazinglyadollable.wordpress.com
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Truly Me #64
Thanks again and good luck everybody!
<3 , IrishAG
Thank you so very much, IrishAG!! :D
Woohoo! Thank you for entering! That’s totally fine about the video. Thank you for sharing about it anyway!! :D I’ll give Morgan an extra entry, thank you for letting me know! Ooh, #64 is a gorgeous choice! Thanks again for entering!
Oh, good! I was a little worried.
You’re welcome! Thanks again! (We’re going to have a thanking competition!) :)
<3 , IrishAG
No problem!! :D :D
You’re welcome! Thank YOU! XD (LOL!) ;)
Hi! My name is blackiesunshine from Silver Sky Dolls. Samantha from Agdollawesome let me know about this wonderful giveaway! I got my parent’s permission, so I would love to enter this! I followed your blog using my WordPress (+1 entry).
I also followed through email (+1 entry).
I also: subscribed on YouTube (+1)
and made a post on my blog (+1). (Here’s the link to that: https://silverskydolls.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/delightfulworldofdolls-giveaway/)
I would probably choose TM #60, but that would be a tough toss-up, because I also like the new Asian doll and the caramel-haired blue-eyed one. Decisions, decisions!
I would like to say that you are very, VERY generous for making this! My first AG doll was won, praise God, through a Barnes and Noble giveaway! God bless you for being so generous!
Yours truly,
Thank you so much for letting me know! And thank you for entering! About the blog post, you only get bonus entries if someone enters and tells me they were referred by you. Sorry if I didn’t make it clear enough! This way, you get more entries, though – three different people could learn about the giveaway from your blog post, enter, and tell me you referred them – and you’d actually get three bonus entries instead of just one for making a post!
Fabulous choices! The TM dolls are so pretty. :D
Aw, you’re so very welcome! Thank YOU! And that is super cool you won an AG doll from Barnes and Noble! Which one was it?
It was Isabelle! I got so excited – and then I got just a little bit worried, because it was April Fool’s Day, and I was like, “If Barnes and Noble be trolling me, they be crazy…….” (exactly how I think XD)
Also, I might have a change of heart, because I’ve been looking at Samantha recently. AG, WHY DO YOU MAKE SO MANY PRETTY DOLLS???????
Wow!! That’s SO cool!! :D And LOL. XD And haha, I know how you feel! ?
Hi Madi! First off, I’d like to say say congrats on four years! Though I’ve just started following you on your blog, ive been following your AGTube for quite awhile now. I think it’s so cool that your giving money to refuges! Anyway, here’s my info:
Name: well I’m Cecilia and my username on YouTube is threedollsinabox.
I have my parents permission!
I follow your blog my email, and I follow your YouTube, and I mentioned this on Flickr!
I’d probably want to get Kit because I just adore her stories!
Again, congrats on your blogarisory (ugh I don’t know how to spell it lol) and thank your for starting this contest!
Thank you SO very much, Cecilia! :D :D
Yay, you’re entered! Ooh, Kit is an awesome choice. She’s on my wishlist!
Thank you again, Cecilia!! LOL! It’s blogiversary or blogoversary. ;) Aw, you’re welcome, and thank YOU for entering! :D
Hi Madi! Thank you for responding! And I always loved Kit, since I was little, as she is so pretty! I also wanted to tell you that I pinned this, and I posted something on my blog I just started (my parents want me to keep it private now, oh and do you recommend any WordPress themes? I really like the Kelly theme, but I’m always looking for more themes! (: ) and my Instagram (it is also private / : ) but I really want to get the word out about you awesome contest!
Aw, no problem! :D And yes, Kit is so very pretty! Thank you SO much for sharing about the giveaway, Cecilia!! You should be getting some bonus entries soon if people enter thanks to you. :D
I’ve seen a really nice theme out there that a lot of bloggers use for WordPress called Adelle. It’s so simple but it looks gorgeous! Thanks again for wanting to get the word out, Cecilia!! You’re awesome!! :D
Hey, Madi! Congratulations on this amazing achievement! I absolutely love your blog! And I love the new photo editing! Yes, the light streaks are amazing. :)
My name is Kendall, and I just followed you by email! Actually, my mom did, so you know I have permission.;)
I would love to enter your giveaway, it’s so exciting!
Anyway, I have probably 20 favorite dolls, but i would narrow it down to Maryellen, Lea, #61, #44, #25, or #42. Yeah, that’s a lot! :)
Anyway, thank you so much!
Thank you SO much, Kendall! I’m so glad you like my blog and the photo editing! Your comment made me smile! :D (Haha, yes! ;) )
Thanks so much for entering- you’re entered! Ooh, awesome choices! Yeah, it’s hard to pick just one favorite! LOL!
You’re very welcome, and thank you again for entering!! :D
Name/Username: Reya Shalom H. AKA Catching Fire
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Got it!!
Way you followed for your first initial entry: By email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I did the blog post and Pinterest!
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Jaclyn LHOAG
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: I don’t care lol!!
Is that how to do it???!!!!
Thank you SO much for entering, Reya! You did everything perfectly! About the bonus entries, you’ll only get bonus entries if people enter and tell me you referred them. That way there is no limit to how many bonus entries you can get! Thank you again for entering!! :D
this is my blog link it wouldn’t let me post it before http://kindredspirits16.blogspot.com/2016/11/i-am-entering-giveaway.html
Awesome! Thank you! :D
Happy Blog-versary!!
Name/Username: AGfan-do blogging names count?
Parent permission (if you are under 18):Yep:)
Way you followed for your first initial entry:I followed your blog
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:None yet-although i might post on my blog about it-I’ll let you know if i do
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway:Grace at theupstairsgirl.wordpress.com
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won:Ummmmm probably TM #27
Hope i can enter
Thx AGfan:):)
Thank you SO much! :D
Yep, blogging names count! Thank you SO much for entering, #27 is a great choice! Good luck! Oh, and just to let you know, you will only get bonus entries if someone actually enters and tells me they were referred by you. That way there is no limit to how many bonus entries you can get! Thanks again, AGfan!! :D
Thats cool!! I’m so excited. Nope thats fine!! Thanks AGfan
Thank you for your videos Madi ,Traci Akierman from KeLibu sent me
You’re very welcome Linda! :D
Thanks for hosting this giveaway Madison! It is such a unique and fun idea :D
Name/Username: Rebekah
I have my parent’s permission!
Way you followed for your first initial entry: I followed using my WordPress account.
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I followed you on Youtube (Rebekah Doll) and pinned the image on pintrest (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/427419820868741763/)
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Jaclynn at LHOAG!
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Maryellen!
Aw, you’re so very welcome! Thank you so much! :D
Yay, thank you so much for entering! :D And thank you for letting me know Jaclynn referred you! Maryellen is a gorgeous choice. Thanks again for entering, Rebekah!! :D
I subscribed to you on YouTube! IDK why I hadn’t before…
Thank you SO much!! :D
BTW, I’m not sure if I told you, but I have permission to enter…. 0o0
That’s fine! LOL! :P
hi i’m Jenna
I have my parents permission
I would like Josefina or Addy
your website is amazing and cool
Thank you for entering, Jenna! Josefina and Addy are gorgeous dolls. And aw, thank you SO much! :D
Madison, I love the new blog layout and header! It’s fabulous. How kind of you to have such a generous giveaway! I would love to enter.
Name/Username: Laura (username is mauracassidyblog)
Parent permission (if you are under 18): I’m over 18
Way you followed for your first initial entry: WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Will make new posts for bonus entries
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Your YouTube
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Truly Me #31 or maybe Lea
Thank you SO much for your kind words, Laura!! And thank you so much for entering. #31 and Lea are fantastic choices – thank you again!! :D
Bonus Entry:
I subscribed to your YouTube channel, which is how I saw this giveaway! I’m starryeyeschick over there.
Yay!! Thank you SO much, Laura!
Bonus Entry:
I also pinned about your giveaway on my Pinterest:
Thank you again! Just to let you know, you’ll get bonus entries if someone enters and tells me you referred them. That way there are no limits to how many bonus entries you can get. :D Thanks again, Laura!! :D
OH MY GOODNESS MADISON!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I AM SOOO SUPER DUPER HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR DOLLS!!! You are such a hard worker and you deserve this! I am so happy and proud of you for this wonderful accomplishment!
I am also VERY excited for this giveaway! Your so kind and warmhearted to giveaway such a wonderful gift!
Here is my form:
Name/Username: Halo
Parent permission (if you are under 18): My mom approves of this :)
Way you followed for your first initial entry: I followed with email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Followed with WordPress
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: I found a lovely little message in my mailbox the other day ;)
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: I would most likely choose either #19, Josefina, #65, or #42
I want to thank you again for this wonderful giveaway and if I win or not, I’m incredibly astonished and happy for you and your dolls :)
Thank you SOOOO much, Halo!! Your comment made my might!! THANK YOU!! You’re so sweet!! :D :D :D
Thank you SO much for entering! The dolls you put down are beautiful choices! Thank you so much for your kind words, Halo! You’re awesome!! Thank you again!! ❤️
Hi! I’m Maelyn from AAG and my mom said I can enter!! If I win I choose Melody Ellison! I’m following through my email. Thanks for doing this wonderful giveaway!
Congratulations on 351 followers! I hope you continue on your amazing work and I wish to have a great blog like you one day!
Thank you SO much for entering, Maelyn!! Melody is a gorgeous choice, and thank you so very much for your kind words! ❤️ You’re so sweet!! ❤️
Name/Username: Carissa/magicalyellowstone (WP only)
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Over 18 :)
Way you followed for your first initial entry: WordPress
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I’ve also followed by email and subscribed on YouTube.
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Facebook
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Definitely Lea! She’s absolutely beautiful and would be a fun contrast to my only AG doll, Maryellen. Not to mention her accessories are awesome!
Thank you SO much for entering, Carissa! Lea is an awesome choice! Good luck!!
Followed on WordPress. And YouTube
I hope I can come back later for more entries, hard to do them all right now :). Also do we have to write our email in the comment itself?
Oh I forgot, I’d choose Kit
Gorgeous choice, Darla! Kit is on my wishlist.
Thanks so much, Darla! No problem! :D And nope, not in the actual comment. :) Thanks again for entering, and good luck!
Hello! My name is Jessica, from lunavilledolls.blogspot.com, and I have permission to enter! I followed with WordPress, and I have not done anything for bonus entries yet. I found your post on my own, thanks for hosting this giveaway! I would love to get Maryellen, she is one of my favorite BeForever dolls. Thanks again, I hope I win :)!
Thank you SO much for entering, Jessica! Maryellen is a beautiful choice, and you’re welcome! Thanks again for entering and good luck! :D
Can i enter?? I commented earlier with the details…oh and i followed your blog with e-mail:)
Of course! You’re already entered, and thank you so much! :D
Sorry…my mistake!!:)
No problem! :)
My name is Lexie and I would like to enter. I have a parent’s permission. I follow your blog by email. I learned about the giveaway because I read your blog. I don’t know which doll I would chose if I won. Thanks for having this giveaway!
Thank you so very much for entering, Lexie! Haha, I don’t blame you, there are so many! ;) Aw, you’re welcome, and thanks again for entering! :D
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! DID SOMEONE SAY FREE DOLL??????? AND ACCESSORIES TOO?!/!?! *HYPERVENTILATES BOUNCES OFF WALLS AND SCREAMS THEN PASSES OUT* *Becomes sane again* Hi, Madi, my name is Natalie and I am soooooooooo entering! I followed with my email. I have parents permission, and I found out about this giveaway when I saw the post. If I won I would like Melody Ellison and her accessories.
Happy blogaversary!! which is not an official word but sooo should be! So cool Madi! You are such an amazing blogger and actually inspired me to start my own blog. (Please forgive me if it looks like yours) Oh, and BTW, is this a wordpress website? is it free? Thanks Madi. Happy blogaversary again!
YES!! YES I DID! :D Hehehe! XD
Thank you so much for entering!! And ooh, Melody is a gorgeous choice!!
Aw, thank you SO much! You just totally made my night!! You’re so kind and it blesses me so much to know I inspired you to start your own blog! (By the way, I think I might’ve been to your blog before but didn’t know how to follow back then. Would you mind giving me the link? I’d LOVE to go to it and follow!!) And yes, I use WordPress as a platform, but the theme I have makes it look a lot different from other WordPress sites around. :D Thanks again, Natalie! :D :D
Name/Username: Diamond and Amethyst
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yep.
Way you followed for your first initial entry: Email.
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Nope.
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Straight from here.
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Probably Samantha.
Thank you so very much for entering, Diamond and Amethyst! Samantha is a gorgeous choice, and good luck! :D
Hi I’m Morgan, and yes I have parents permission, I love your vids I always talk about you and I wish I could meet you sometim, any way I would love #24
Thank you so very much for entering, Morgan! Aw, I’m SO glad you like them! You’re so sweet!! Thank you!! :D :D And ooh, #24 is an awesome choice!!
I’m despite for new ag clothes and shoes
Way you followed for your first initial entry: E-mail
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway:Gracie (Smile and Craft AG)
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won:I’ve wanted Rebecca for so long, but I might choose Lea before she goes away, if she’s still available when this contest ends.
Thank you so much for supporting Christian charities and for your generous offering of this giveaway.
Thank you so much for entering, Terry! I’ll give Gracie an extra entry! Ooh, Rebecca and Lea are both beautiful choices! :D
Aw, you’re welcome! :D :D
I would love to win the doll of my choice. I follow you via e-mail.
Congratulations on all your followers. Thanks
Thank you so much for entering, Marilyn! :D
Thank You for this generous giveaway. I follow by e-mail.
Aw, you’re welcome! Thank you!
This is a great giveaway. I follow you by e-mail. Congratulations on the followers. Wishing you more. Thank You
Thanks so much, Marion! Aw, thank you again! :D
I follow you by e-mail. Thank You for the giveaway.
Thanks so much for entering, Joan! :D
Hi! I just discovered your blog. I have a parent’s permission. I followed using my email. Not sure which doll I’d choose if I won–lots on my wishlist! :-)
Yay, I’m so glad you found my blog!! :D Thank you for following and entering! Haha, I understand – there are so many gorgeous dolls out there! :)
Happy Blog Anniversary! My name is Molly, and I followed you by email, and I have a guardian’s permission. I somehow found out about this giveaway (and your blog!) by doing a Google search for a 1999 AG magazine. Should I win, I would choose Josefina, thanks to your beautiful pictures of her :). Your blog is really cool, it’s the best that I’ve seen in a while :).
Thank you so very much for your kind words, Molly! Your comment blessed me so much! :) Thank you for following and entering – good luck, and thank you again!! :D
Hi, I’m Daniela. Congratulations for your four years of blogging and for the lovely post and video you make. Thank you very much for this opportunity to win an ag, it is si difficult and expensive to get them in Europe!!!! If I ever win I would love Kaya
I follow your blog with my e-mail.
Thank you SO very much, Daniela! I’m so glad you’re entering! Ooh, Kaya is a gorgeous choice – I wanted her for the longest time. :D Thanks again for entering, and good luck!! :D
Hello! I am Lydia P. I have been periodically checking your blog but I don’t have a WordPress account and I just realized I could follow by email. I love reading your posts, especially because you let God’s light shine through into everything you do. He sees your generosity and willingness to share Him.
Anyway, I would love to enter your giveaway! Congrats on four years!
I have a parent’s permission.
I followed by email for my initial entry.
I also followed you on Youtube (PolkaDotDoll Studios).
I heard about the giveaway on From A Friend Friday on AmericanGirlFan.com
If I won, I would probably choose either Lea or Truly Me #55, as I am wanting to make a custom doll with those two dolls.
Thank you so much for your generosity! I am praying that God will allow you to bless someone who really needs Him with this giveaway and show them Himself through your kindness.
-Blessings, Lydia P.
Hi Lydia!! Thank you so very much for following and for your kind words! ❤️
Thanks again! Lea and #55 are gorgeous choices!
And aw, you’re very welcome! That’s exactly what I am praying, too! Thank you so much again, Lydia!! :D ❤️
Thanks! I admire your dedication to replying to every entry! That is quite a task! It is greatly appreciated though.
You’re welcome! And aw, thank you SO much! Your comment made my day. :D
My name is Lauren and I am over 18 years old. I followed via my email address. I heard about this giveaway on AmericanGirlFan’s blog, on the from a friend Friday post. This is an amazing and generous giveaway! I think I might pick TM #44 if I won.
Thank you so very much for entering, Lauren! And aw, you’re welcome! Ooh, #44 is a gorgeous choice – she’s on my wishlist! Thanks again for entering, and good luck! :D
I would like to enter please! I love your blog content and the way its set up! I also love how you created personalities and profiles for each doll! I started following you by looking at your blog homepage. I found out about the giveaway on youtube. If i were to win i wpuld want lea clark because she is pretty and we both love photography
Thank you, and I’m so very glad you like my blog!! Thank you so much! :D Ooh, Lea is a beautiful choice! Thanks again and good luck! :D
Hi! I would love to enter! My name is Devin and I have parent permission. I followed you by email. I heard about the giveaway from http://americangirlfan.com/ Finally, I would most likely choose Lea if I won. Thank you SO much!! :) :)
Thank you so much for entering, Devin!! Lea is a gorgeous choice. Aw, you’re welcome, and thank YOU! :D
Name/Username: From a Doll’s Perspective
Parent permission (if you are under 18): I have permission.
Way you followed for your first initial entry: By email.
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Nothing yet.
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: From a Friend Friday on American Girl Fan.
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Lea.
Oops actually I’m subscribed on WordPress. When I pressed the confirm button it brought me to WordPress.
No problem! I think it actually might still be your email, it just brings you to WordPress when you confirm it.
Thank you very much for entering! Lea is a beautiful choice. Good luck! :D
My name is Ellia. I’m really excited about this giveaway. Yes, I have my parents permission. I followed using my sister’s email. I heard about this giveaway from my sister, Carissa. If I won, I would probably choose the Samantha American Girl Doll.
Thank you so much for entering, Ellia! (I love your name, by the way!) Thanks for letting me know, too. I’ll give her an extra entry. And Samantha is a beautiful choice – thanks again! :D
Hello, my name is Faith. I have my parents permission. I’m excited about this giveaway! I followed using my sister’s email. I heard about this giveaway from my sister, Carissa. If I won, I would probably choose the Samantha American Girl Doll (my sister and I both really like that doll =).
Thank you so much for entering, Faith! Haha, Samantha is truly a beautiful doll! Thanks again! :D
Hello Madi! I entered but I don’t see my comment. Should I do it again?
Hey Mya! I checked everywhere for your comment and I do believe it has gone missing. Would you mind re-entering? So sorry for the trouble! :/ :)
Ok! I subscribe to your YouTube, follow your blog, and live in the USA! If I won I would get #53.
Thank you so much, Mya! You’re entered! :D
Yay! Thanks for hosting this amazing giveaway! You’re so generous!
Aw, you’re so welcome! And thank you so much!! :D
Kristen, Followed by email. Followed from AmericanGirlFan Blog. I would probably choose Maryellen. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on 4 years!
Woohoo! Thanks for entering, Kristen! Maryellen is a beautiful choice, and aww, thank you so much! :D
I followed via WordPress and learned about your giveaway from the WordPress reader. If I won, I would choose Maryellen for sure! I shared your giveaway on our Facebook page, and in an AG Facebook group as “Meg Yu”. Hopefully I get some bonus entries! Congratulations on the awesome giveaway!!!
Thank you so much for entering! Maryellen is a gorgeous choice. And thanks for sharing – I hope you get some bonus entries, too! :D Thanks again, Meg!! :D
i have my parents permission and my username on youtube is AG TV i followed you and i live in Germany, the doll i would like if i won is maryellen larkin! i will try to do more for bonus entry and i will let you know if i do! btw IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME IF I WON!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much, AG TV! I’m really glad you entered! Maryellen is such a beautiful choice. Okay, great! :D And good luck, AG TV!!
this is Jenika! Happy blogversary, Madi! I would like to enter. I have a parent’s permission. I don’t know which I would choose but I love american girl dolls. Thank you for doing this.
Hey Jenika! Aw, thanks so much! You’re entered, and you’re welcome! :D Thanks again and good luck! :D
Congratulations, Madison! I actually just found your website, but I’ve explored it, and it looks amazing. I can’t wait to continue following this blog for many years to come! :D thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.. you are so generous.
Name/Username: Alexis (agbrownies)
Parent permission (if you are under 18): I have my parent’s permission to give out my address, since I am only 15 years old.
Way you followed for your first initial entry: Email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I subscribed to your YouTube channel from my channel, agbrownies!
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: Jessica, from AmericanGirlFan.com! I’ve been reading her website for many years, and I saw that you were mentioned on her “From A Friend Friday”.
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Melody Ellison; she’s stunning!
Thank you SO much, Alexis! Your comment made my day!! Thank you so much. :D Melody is a beautiful choice, and thanks again for entering! :D
Hi, Madi! Congratulations! My name is Natalie, and I would LOOOOOOOOVE to enter this giveaway. I have parental permission. If I won , I would like Samantha, plus her accessories. Gaaaaah! this is so cool Madi! I followed using email, and I commented before, but somehow it didn’t get posted. so if somehow it DID and I just didn’t see it please just ignore this comment.
Yay, thank you SO much for entering, Natalie!! Samantha is a gorgeous choice! I don’t think your comment made it, but I got this one! Sorry for the confusion. Thanks again, Natalie! :D
hi Madi! I love your blog and youtube channel. I commented/entered but i wasnt sure if you saw it. if its alright with you i would like to comment again. I follow you through email and i subscribed to your youtube channel.
1. if i won i would want lea clark because we both like photography and animals
2. i have parent permission
3. i found out about the giveaway on youtube
email: jacinthgaymesmiller@gmail.com
Hey AGmilkandcookies! I did get your comment – you’re already entered! :D Thanks you so much!
Name/Username: Lea or AgDollsDownUnder
Parent permission (if you are under 18): Yep!
Way you followed for your first initial entry: Email :)
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Shared on Google Plus and created a blog post ( http://agdollsdownunder.blogspot.com.au/2016/11/awesome-ag-doll-giveaway-free-ag-doll.html )
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: American Girl Fan on her From a Friend Friday post
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Kaya or Melody probably
Thanks for hosting a super awesome giveaway! As an Aussie ag fan I’m so glad this is international! Good luck to all!
Also, I subscribed to your youtube channel
Awesome! You’ll get a bonus entry for that.Thank you SO much! :D
Thank you so much for entering, Lea! You’re entered! Aw, you’re welcome, and thanks again! :D
Hey I’m Ella and I heard about this on ThreeDollsInABoxs instagram! I’d really like to enter and if I won I’d probably pick Rebecca. I also have a parent permission. Thank you!
Thank you so much for entering, Amanda! And thank you for letting me know. Rebecca is a beautiful choice! You’re welcome and thanks again! Good luck! :D
Hey no problem! I stalked your blog for a solid hour after I found this post! I hate just following people because they do giveaways, and instead wanted to get to know you and your blog! Long story short, IT WAS AWESOME! Your blog is fantastic! Your dolls are lovely, your crafts are so creative, YOU ARE REALLY PRETTY and most of all your photography and stop motions are simply STUNNING!
It amazes me that you’re thirteen and so talented! (I turned 17 in September and am in awe of your amazing work) KEEP UP THE EPIC NESS AND CONGRATS ON YOUR BLOG BIRTHDAY!!!!
Thank you SO much, Lea! Your comment just literally made my day!! I’m so very glad you like my blog – that means so much to me!! Thank you SO much! :D :D
No problemo <3 I love meeting other people who love dolls, and who understand my crazy obsession! I love your recent prank photostory! Your indoor photography is just darling! Do you use any specific type of lighting?
Me, too! It’s so cool to meet fellow doll-lovers! Aw, thank you SO much! I use natural lighting whenever I can and there’s a big window in my room. I also use a white box light when it’s nighttime and there isn’t any natural light available. :D
Ok cool thanks for that! How big is your box light? I’m so scared of the big ones because I don’t have very much storage space XD I’ve also considered getting an external flash for my camera… but those are CRAZY expensive XD
You’re welcome! Hmm, it’s pretty big. I’m not sure of the exact size, but it sure is a hassle to move from location to location for pictures. ? I keep it inconveniently placed in a corner of my room. XD From what I’ve heard, externals flashes are awesome! We used to have one, but we think it was stolen. O.o I just visited your blog, it is AMAZING. I’ve never seen anyone use a 50mm lens better! Your pictures are absolutely phenomenal! Like, 100x better than mine. ?
NO WAY MADISON! I adore your pictures! I could never take amazing indoor pictures like yours! You take so much time setting up scenes… the care you put into them is soooo amazing! It sucks that your external flash was stolen! Hopefully it is just misplaced and you can find it! I’ll cross my fingers for you!
(I’m lowkey so excited for your next post! I can’t wait! They make my day :D)
Aw, thank you SOOOO much, Lea! You totally just made my morning! ?? I too hope we find it and that it wasn’t stolen – it would be awesome to use for pictures!
Thanks so much again, Lea! I’m really glad you like my posts. That means so much!?
Oh it’s Ella and sister is going to enter as well!
Hi! I’m Amanda and as you can see my sister just entered. Lol. I have my parents permission and I found out from my sister, Ella. But she found this out from ThreeDollsInABoxs blog and Instagram. If I won I’d probably get 61!
Thanks so much for entering, Amanda! And thank you for letting me know! Ooh, #61 is a gorgeous choice. Thanks again and good luck!
Hi my name is Salwa. And it is so generous of u to do this givaway for your followers. I have parent permisssion,i entered through email but hopefully by the end of this giveaway word press. I posted on google + and on pintreset .i saw this giveaway on youtube and i realized it was from you and i got reallly exited.
these are the top 3 dolls i would choose. ( yes they are in order)
1. Lea Clark
2. Truly Me #55
3. Rebecca Rubin ( i was thinking og getting her for my sister . they look alike)
and literally love your blog and yes you proably just saw my email. but i just figured out how to gollow u it took soem time (week)
these are my pintrest and and google + links if u wanted to see them
and madi i think this is a great idea for ur blogsiversary!! and it is super duper sweet of u!!!
Hey Salwa! Aw, thank you so very much for your kind comment! You made my night! :D You’re entered – those are some gorgeous dolls! Thank you so much again and good luck! :D
my email is guslindholm@gmail.com i do have parent permission i subscribed to you on youtube i have been subscribed to you on youtube for along time i am from michagan and i would love lea i have one doll and i love her so much and i love you so much im so glad you have a youtube chanel because i love all your videos and i just want to let you know that i get bullyed alot and i just crie alot then i watch your videos and it cheers me up thanks for being you i also followed you with my email i posted that you have a giveaway on my insta and snapchat and musically and at school i handed out fliers that you are having a give away.i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooo mmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you so very much for entering and for your super kind comment! That makes me really glad to know that my videos cheer you up. I’m so sorry you get bullied. :( Thanks for sharing about my giveaway – if you did all that I’m sure you’ll be getting bonus entries soon! Thank you again for your kind comment! :D
hey i sent you a comment if you get to it can you email the email i put down
Sure thing! I’ll email you as soon as I can. :)
Are we aloud to enter more then one ? And Iy in love already with your blog ! And when we e-mail you can we tell you why we would like to win ?
You enter one time first, and then you can share about my giveaway – if people enter my giveaway thanks to you, you’ll get bonus entries for sure!
I would also really like to win (if I am aloud to enter) because it would be my first American girl doll and I’ve always wanted one !
Yep, if you followed by email or WordPress you’re entered! :D
Are we aloud to enter more then once ? And I would be happy to win this givaway because i’ve awlays wanted an american girl doll and this would be my first american girl doll . I’m in love with your blog already !
You can read the post above to learn how to get unlimited bonus entries! :D And thank you so much, MeadowDollies! :D
I would like to enter and have parent’s permission. If I won I would chose a Truly me, I think.
I heard about it from Little House of American Girl first.
I pinned it on Pinterest (do you need the link?)
and I posted it on Google+
Thanks for doing this!
Thank you so much for entering, Anna! And thanks for letting me know. :D No, I don’t really need the link – you’ll get bonus entries only if somebody actually enters and tells me you referred them. You’re welcome, and thanks again! Good luck! :D
Okay! I’m gonna enter. :D I followed your blog via email and WordPress, subscribed to YouTube, and I pinned it. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/656047870688111034/
P.S. I’m trying to decide on what doll I’d get Carmen… I think I might get Lea. :)
Yay! Thanks so much for entering! That’s really sweet of you to enter to win for your sister. :D
No problem! :D Actually, Carmen was looking through a doll magazine (she didn’t know I entered for her) and she like Mary Ellen so I’ll probably get her that one if I win. :) Also, I forgot to say that I heard about this from Grace (The Girl Upstairs)!
That’s so awesome! :D Oh, and thank you! I’ll give her a bonus entry. :D
Parent permission (if you are under 18):I have parental permission from both of my parents!
Way you followed for your first initial entry:email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:I subscribed to you on YouTube
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway:here, from you!
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: I’d either choose this doll
Or this one
By the way…?Congratulations on 4 years on DWOD?
– Lucky
Thank you so much for entering, Lucky! :D And thank you very much! ? Good luck! :D
I follow you through WordPress and by email! Thanks for this awesome giveaway, Madi! My sisters are really excited about it, and so am I! :D
-Clara <3
Yay, thanks so much! Aw, you’re welcome, and thank you! I’m so glad! :D
ACK! I forgot to fill in the other stuff. :P
Name/Username: Clara
Parent permission (if you are under 18): YEP!
Way you followed for your first initial entry: I saw this post in my reader. ;)
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: Nope. :P
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: You!
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: Probably #58 or Melody. :)
-Clara <3
Hehe, no problem! ;) ? Thank you SO much for entering! Good luck!! :D
Parent permission (if you are under 18):I have both my parent’s consent
Way you followed for your first initial entry: email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify: I subbed u on YouTube
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway: here, you
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won:
Or this one
Yay, thank you so much for entering, Erin! Josefina is such a beautiful doll, and so is #49! Good luck! :D
Oh by the way congratulations on your ?4 year bloggiversary ?I love reading your blog so much and hope to enjoy it for much longer
God bless you and your doll family????
Aw, thank you SO much, Erin! I’m so very glad you like it! God bless you too! :D :D
Name/Username: MeadowDollies
Parent permission (if you are under 18): yes
Way you followed for your first initial entry: email
If you did anything for bonus entries, please specify:
Where or from whom you heard about the giveaway:from AG Dolls Down Under
Which doll you would most likely choose if you won: I would like to choose number 66 . I also would like to win because this would be my first AG doll and I’ve always wanted one.
Yay! Thank you so much for entering, MeadowDollies! #66 is a gorgeous choice!. Good luck to you!! :D
Yay ! Thank you ! You can call me Maria it’s not my real name though . :)
No problem! Sure thing, Maria. :D
I’m so happy !!!
Hehe! ?
Hi we’re two friends of Daisy’s :3 She showed us your post today and AHHHH. We’re using daisy’s email, if that’s ok.
We have parental permission.
Llittle: I’d want a doll like Chloe. :)
LLama: I’d want a wellie wisher!
Sure, that’s OK! The only thing is, this giveaway is only for 18″ AG dolls like Beforever dolls, GOTY dolls, and Truly Me dolls. I might do one in the future where you can choose any type of doll you want but for now this one is such 18″ AGs. Is there another doll you’d like, Llama?
Can I enter I subscribed and I’ll post it on my blog and if I win I don’t know what doll
Of course you can! You just have to follow me by email or by WordPress for your first initial entry. Then it’s YOU we’re celebrating! :D
Llama says she’d like Kit, then. :-0
Alright! Thank you! :D
Llittle and Llama asked if it’s okay for them to enter, seeing as they don’t have emails and can’t follow…
Do they check Delightful World of Dolls pretty often or plan to?
Hi, my name is Karissa and I would like to enter! And I have my mom’s permission. :)
I followed you with my email. :)
I was told about this by Anika at http://anikasavenue.com/. If I won, I might like to get Truly Me doll #44. <3
Thank you so much for entering, Karissa! #44 is a beautiful choice, she’s on my wishlist! Thank you for letting me know that Anika told you – I’ll give her an extra entry! Thanks again and good luck! :D
My name is Jayne Ferguson. I have my parents permission to enter. I entered using my email address. I am going to pin your post on pinterest. I heard about the giveaway from American Girl Fan. I would love to get Samantha or Rebecca. I have been in hospital for two months and I have been really sad. It is harder for me then for other people because I have autism so the noise and all the people are very overwhelming for me. We also had 7.5 earthquake near us and a tsunami threat. It has been a really hard time for me but at least I have God to help me through it.
I hope the doll will go to someone who really needs her.
From Jayne.