Madi here! Has it been a while or WHAT?! Lemme tell ya, guys: never forsake healthy eating, proper rest (I mean it), and exercise.
Because I’m paying for it big time! It’s been almost two years since this whole break thing, and to say I’m mad at myself would be the understatement of fifty billion lifetimes.
So I’m not back to blogging full-time yet. But I am getting better, even if it’s at this infuriatingly slow rate I can’t seem to speed up. In fact, sometimes I’ll post something just for fun at my new personal blog, Adventure in the Air.

And I want to thank you so much for your prayers! Jesus has been nothing but good, and I’ll say it again that He did not make me sick. I made me sick. XD
I also want to say again that I will never permanently stop blogging on this blog. I have not given up on DWOD, no matter how long I’m away. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t wish I was working on all my projects—my blogs and my writing—with all of my heart.
But until we’re there, I do have this photoshoot of Taryn to give you. Without further ado!

Is it weird to be super proud of the grass blur in this photo?
Taryn couldn’t focus on her schoolwork one day inside, so she decided to find a solution. Which included getting out her bike.

I wonder where she’s going!

Looks like she’s ridden all the way across our backyard. That’s a long way to walk for a doll! Glad she took the bike.

I see where she’s headed!

Taryn carefully leans her bike against the fence.

That’s her shoulder bag she’s getting out of her bike basket.

Is her outfit not the cutest thing ever? I think this is the City Sights Jacket I bought with AG Rewards points in October 2018. It paired well with the braided hairband from Lea’s accessories.
I’m pretty sure those skinny jeans are off Etsy, the boots and necklace are also from Etsy, and the tank top is actually from Journey Girls.

Taryn looks glad as she climbs around to find a good spot to work.

Looks like she found herself a little naturey desk!

I don’t blame her. It’s really fun to do your schoolwork outside sometimes.

Best way to focus if you ask me? Plug in those headphones. ?
I miss you guys so much. I would give anything to be able to work on the desires of my heart like I used to. But until I get there…
Please take the time to comment below and let me know how you and your dolls have been!
I’d love to chat; I respond to every comment!
Have you gotten any new dolls? Lost interest in dolls? Did you see AG’s new unicorn and purple hair colors? I used to not be a fan of unnaturally died hair, but honestly now I think it looks really cute!
I’ve considered getting a doll with that unicorn hair. Not entirely sure how it works, though—it’s for the CYO dolls, right? So you can put it with any combination you’d like? Or is it just for certain dolls?

Yay! Madi’s back!
How have you been doing? Is everything closed where you live too?
Also, those photos of Taryn are fantastic! I love her outfit, and bike, and pretty much everything.
I’m trying to decided whether to keep all my dolls or not. Some of them I just never really connected with and I could see selling. Like Pippa, who I never introduced on my blog all those years ago. And I also am trying to decided whether to keep Mia or not, even though we bought her to sell! Anyway, that’s how my dolls have been. But we all know I’m more into Build a Bears. ?
Diamonddd! Funny you should comment, I’m working on making the logo for Camp Happy Heart rn and see if you like it.
Yes, everything’s close except my church! It’s crazy. You doing all right?
And thank you so much!
I can totally understand. If you ever need a buyer, let me know! Maybe you can make me a special deal ’cause we’re such good friends??? *puppy eyes* LOL KIDDING. (Seriously though, if you’re interested in selling, let me know ’cause I like to buy dolls!)
I just saw that!
That’s good that your church is still open! My church has been closed for a week and that’s the main place where I see my friends. Other than that I’m doing fine.
Haha! I do have dolls that I’ll definitely sell eventually, so I’ll let you know!
Aw man, I hope it reopens soon so you can see your friends!
I’m just hoping Universal opens before our planned trip??
We were supposed to go in February, but things came up, so we rescheduled for April, and uh, well you know what’s going on.
Oh dang!
Wait, Universal? That’s here in FL! Want to maybe schedule a meetup if you have any time?
At this point I don’t know when or if we’re even going, so probably not. But maybe someday…
Hopefully one day!
AAAAAA okay first of all, i’m high key jelly of Taryn’s jacket- i l o v e. also that oxygen chamber looks pretty intense (although im getting hardcore Reylo vibes when Rey flies in that pod to Kylo *dies*), but i’m glad you’re doing better, no matter how slow the recovery is. so lovely to hear from you on DWOD, mon ami. je t’aime, hon <3
Isn’t her jacket just so sleek? (REYLO FOREVER) Thank you so much, Maddie, and it’s so amazing to hear from you! (I did get your letter by the way–life has just been crazy as I’m sure you know XD)
oh, without a doubt :0 (YES, but also *cri*) of courseee, and no worries at all, take your time!
OH MY GOSH, MADISON! I did not know you were a fan of Star Wars!?!?!?! Reylo ROCKS!! XD XD
P.S. Je prierai pour toi, mon ami. Hope no one’s panicking in FL. Up here it’s absolute horror.
The quality of your doll photos is just amazing Madi! I’m glad to see that you’re doing better! ?❤
Thank you so much, Hannah! Always a joy to hear from you! ❤
Awe! I love those bike pictures! Taryn is such a pretty doll!
I’m so glad to see your feeling better! <3
Thank you so much, and Taryn thanks you too!
Thank you, Mary! ❤
No problem! <3
i wanted to be the first reader, but my sister was ready to riot if I wouldn’t read her harry potter RIGHT THAT MINUTE so I couldn’t click that notification banner XD T-T oh well, next time :D
but srsly tho, her outfit is adorbs! and that bike!! and lol i get what you mean that grass blur is perfection
Most crazily, ~Olive
Dude, being the first reader/liker/commenter is one of my goals on everything too. ???
Thank you so much! And yesss I slaved hard for that grass blur…
I’m also super psyched when I do, ’cause it happens so rarely ?
It looks so fabulous ????
I love the bike, Madi! I’m still praying for you!
Thank you so much, Victoria!
I can’t wait for your book to come out!
I can’t wait it finish writing it! ☺️
You are a great photographer. Have you seen Anastasia’s photos? Their awesome just like yours!
Thank you! I haven’t seen them yet, but I bet they’re great!
Sooooooo glad to see you back! Amazing photography!
Thanks, Belinda!
OH MY GOSH AMERICAN GIRL HAS CRAZY HAIR COLORS!!! Only 2 but it’s a start!!! Oh lord Madi, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this! They’re *finally* getting with the program! I’M LITERALLY SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW.
It looks like the unicorn and purple hair colors are, for now, only on Truly Me #88 and #86 and not on the CYO thing. Which is sad, but I think they’ll catch up eventually. After all, I am still waiting on that novel writer Girl of the Year…
Those photos of Taryn look great, by the way!
Dyed hair is literally the coolest! ?
Aw man, so only those ones. Gotcha. Hopefully they do catch up eventually.
YAY YAY YAY you’re back! So happy to “see” you. :) Your photos are amazing- this time of year where I live, it’s perpetually gray or raining.
I don’t have the time I used to for dolls, but I still like them! I like making hairstyle tutorials and photostories best now. Your photos are 10/10!
Looking forward to more good times!
<3 ,
Thank you so much, IrishAG! It’s so good to hear from you. I’m glad you still do some things with your dolls! And thank you so much again. ?
I cannot tell you how happy I am to see your post in my reader! The quality is FABULOUS as always, and I’m so happy to hear you’re getting better. Love and prayers for you girl!
Thank you so much for commenting! And praying and just being so supportive — it means so much! ?
I’m glad you could blog today. How’s it going in Florida with all the virus stuff? I saw a live from the Groves(in Florida) that a person at the church their pastoring had toilet paper stolen from them as they were loading it into their car. XD people are in panic. I hope you are doing well even with the virus. We just have to remember our God is bigger than any disease,virus, and everything that makes us afraid or scared.
My church isn’t canceling, but everything else is. It’s crazy! I’m still recovering from health stuff so I don’t get out of the house much anyway, so my life hasn’t changed much except for the fact that we are now rationing 1-ply toilet paper. How have you been? And yes yes yes, that is so true! ?
Oh my goodness, I’m SO glad to see you back!!
It’s really nice to see older doll bloggers post, because I’ve seen several teenage girls who gave up on their dolls because they got older. You’re such an inspiration, honestly. I’m so glad our prayers were answered and that you’re on the road to recovery :)
~Nina Joy
I agree—I really miss teen doll bloggers! And thank you so much. It’s so wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for this encouraging comment!
I am so glad that you are on the mend! I am recovering too, but it is sooooooo SLOW! I miss my dolls madly, I miss sewing for them and I definitely miss blogging. Everything is totally closed and cancelled where I live too. All of the schools in our province are closed until September. Luckily, I homeschool my daughter, so the school closure doesn’t affect us.
Anyway, we are still crazy about our dolls, crazy about writing and crafting! This too shall pass, and God has been so good to us. Remember how my dad had that awful accident? Well against all odds, he is recovering. He wasn’t even expected to live. Now he is breathing on his own, eating on his own and even sitting up in a wheelchair. We had zero hope. Doctors had zero hope, and just look at how God gave us miracles! <3
I adore all of your photos of Taryn! I can't wait until we can all get back to our love of creating for our dolls!
ginnie /
I know EXACTLY how you feel! Recovery is painfully slow! Thank you so much for your encouragement, God is definitely still in the miracle-working business and I am so grateful for that. I’m wishing a speedy recovery to you and your dad, and thank you so much again!
Madiiiiii!! Yay I’m so glad you’re back!! It’s Kayla…You don’t know me, but I’ve been looking at your sites for years. You are such an inspiration!! And I’ve been praying for you :) in case you’re wondering why I haven’t commented before, well, I haven’t been allowed to for safety reasons. But I’m allowed to now:) praying you keep getting better!! Love your posts!
Kayla, oh my goodness, it is amazing to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog all these years even though you couldn’t comment yet (my parents are careful about my internet use too)! Thank you so much for praying and for all your support. This comment made my morning!
Madi, no problem!! Thank YOU for doing all of this, for posting all these encouraging and fun to read posts!! love them:) And haha yes that’s how my parents are too. Praying for you! Stay safe!! also I think I’m gonna go hop over to your other blog now ?.
Also, how are you and your family doing with all this corona virus stuff going around?:)
Taryn is so beautiful and you are such a talented photographer!?? I love all your posts, no matter when you publish them ?
Thank you so, so much Livy! You are so amazing ??
Hey Madi! Stunning photos. Also, it’s good to see you back and doll-blogging again! ?
Thank you, Olivia! It’s so good to hear from you — how are you?
Wow, that was fast! I’m good, you?
I’m doing good right now, just sipping coffee! Are you staying safe with all this coronavirus stuff?
My fam and I seem pretty safe. None of us have been feeling really sick recently. Maybe because we go like everywhere wearing masks and that we sanitize 24/7. We’re crazy coronaphobes. ? (Wow, I just made a word.) I hope you and your family are staying safe too. So over this whole coronavirus stuff though.
That’s awesome, so glad y’all are safe. (Also, can I please go around saying coronaphobes ‘cause that’s literally genius? ?) I’m over it too. I wanna get back out and ride rollercoasters again. ?
Aww, thanks. Yes, of course. ? Haha, totally. Stay safe!
EEEP! Seeing this post in my inbox made me so so happy!! :D And those picture. *dies* THEY ARE SO GOOD!!! Also that bike is one of the cutest things ever. XDD Awesome post!! <3 And I will continue to pray for you! <3 <3
Hey Madi!! Glad to hear — er read– from you again!! I hope everything’s doing well in FL. It’s a mess up here. Great post! Love the photos! I’ll continue to pray for you.
I recently discovered your blog while I was searching whatever other doll blogs are out there before attempting to start my own. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you come up with once you’re back at full speed.
Hi Madi! I am so glad to see you posting some more of your PHENOMENAL doll photos! I am still praying for you and I am very glad to hear that you’re doing a little better! :) Taryn looks amazing! Her outfit is adorable! Last year I got Truly Me doll #33 and I named her Madi. (A.K.A. Madison Mary McCullan) She is so pretty! When I named her, I thought about you! :) Have you seen the new GOTY, Joss? Her and her collection is super cool! Have a great day! :) Remember, Jesus loves you! God Bless! :)
Hurray! You haven’t left! I’m so glad you’re back! I hope you’re being REALLY careful with COVID all over.
Hey lol ? just wanted to say hi and that your healed in Jesus name no matter what it looks like or feels like ? love ya ~SierraMist ?
Hey, you’re back! I missed your posts so much! I’m so glad that you’re doing better. To answer your questions, because I love questions, I did actually loose a little bit of interest in dolls. Once I started to work on my top secrete new doll projects, I got back into them! For the coloured haired dolls, I also used to not like the unnatural colours but I really like these ones! They’re so pretty!