(If you’re having trouble commenting, please visit the actual site to comment.)
Hey, everyone! This is Madi.
I just wanted to pop on real quick and say that I’m still here—I have not given up on this blog or lost even an ounce of motivation to come back. Coming back is the desire of my heart.
It’s been a wild ride with my health, but I think about you guys and this blog every single day. I have more challenges to overcome, but thanks to God I’ve overcome a lot, and it is my absolute dream to finally return to posting (which will be literally as soon as I possibly can).
It’s been a year since I’ve posted last, and with another year comes another anniversary!
I may not have been able to post during that time, but just in this year, 3,142 unique visitors have visited with 12,279 views. Wow! Thanks for stopping by to read old posts, guys—I hope you’ve been enjoying them!
(I go back and read them myself sometimes. It’s funny to see how my writing style has changed, how I’ve changed, how my dolls’ personalities have changed… and I just can’t wait to come back!)
I’m still going through challenges, so I may not be as active on emailing or chatting, but you are absolutely welcome to read old posts and comment any time. I respond as soon as I’m able. There are over 780 posts here, so you won’t be bored—check out the sidebar for archives and categories, and the footer for fun links.
And the DWOD P.O. box is always open (address found here), in case you want to send good ol’ snail mail to verify I still exist. Which I do. XD

My current face to prove I still exist. XD Don’t let the creepy IV fool you; I was quite happy that day.
I miss this blog more than anything. Wording this has been hard—this little post took me hours and I procrastinated all day and I needed a good boost of chocolate to finish :’)—and I still don’t quite know how to end it.
So I’ll just say: I love you guys so much, God is good, and I will be back literally as soon as I can.
Thanks for reading old posts during this year 7th year of DWOD—you made it a great one!
Please comment below and let me know how you and your dolls have been! I’d love to chat.
Have you gotten any new dolls? Or if you’ve lost interest in them since we last talked, do they still have a special place in your heart?
So glad to hear you haven’t lost motivation Madi! As much as I love reading your posts and would be thrilled to see you posting more often, I’m happier to see that you’re taking care of yourself and getting healthier!
Still praying for you :)
Thank you so much for praying, M&M! I can’t wait to get back. And it is so good to hear from you! ?
Yay Madi!
I always smile whenever I see one of your posts, and I’m really, really glad you’re still interested in the blogosphere! Happy 7 year anniversary, that is literally amazing.
I don’t blog about the AGs much anymore, nor do I read a lot of doll blogs. However, I feel I’ve improved at blogging, and I don’t plan to leave BABF anytime soon.
Also, I don’t know if you know, but I started a personal blog! I’m really excited about it. It’s ihave12ofaplan.wordpress.com if you want to check it out.
I’m so glad you are getting better, and I’ll be praying for you.
Aww Diamond, thank you so so much!
Totally getcha. I’ve loved reading your blogs, but I had no idea about your new personal blog! I just followed it — thanks for telling me!
Thanks so much for praying and stopping by. It’s so good to hear from you and I’ll be reading your blog. ?
Aww, thanks for following!
Hi Maddi,
I still love my dolls as much as ever. I have missed reading your posts. I know just what you are going through with your health. I am going through problems with my own but with God’s help we can get through it.
God bless.
Love, Jayne.
Hey Jayne! I’m so glad you still love dolls too! And thanks so much for understanding. I hope you overcome your problems as well with God’s great help. Thanks for commenting, and feel better soon! ?
*crosses fingers* COME ON COMMENT, YOU CAN DO THIS
It made me soooo happy to see this post. <3 <3 There are so many people reading this blog who care about you and love what you create, it's really amazing to see the community that you've built!! Here's to another seven years. :D
Aww YAY! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving an epic Clara comment ❤️ I’m so grateful for all the people still reading and supporting, it blows my mind! Thanks so much again (and for being one of those epic readers). ??
Well of course they are! Aww, you are very welcome. :D
Super Congrats, Madi!!! The doll blogging world has felt super empty without you. :) You dolls have been so iconic and I really admire your hard work! But yes, definitely don’t feel pressured to come back or strain yourself. At least know, you’ve made such an impact! You have been an inspiration for me and my blogs, so thank you!
Thank you so much, Jewel!! This comment gave me a huge smile —- thanks so much for stopping by! I’ve loved getting to know you, and Doll Notebook is such a gorgeous place of inspiration to me as well. Thanks again! ?
*sreams* YAYAYAY!!! I have missed these posts so much!! 7 years?!! THAT IS SO AWESOME!! *gives you a high five* I will be praying that you feel AWESOME!! Congrats again!! :D
-Laura <3 :)
YAYAYAY A LAURA COMMENT! ? Thanks so much, Laura! I really appreciate the prayers and that you like the posts! Thanks so much again!
Eeep! Happy (late) 7-year blogiversary! I’ll be praying that you feel better! ??
Thank you so much, Hannah! I got so happy to see a comment from you. Thanks again for praying! ?
When I saw the notification in my inbox, I almost screamed. As I’m sure you know, we all really miss your posts, but it looks like your dolls are still having lots of fun! (Love the ninja costume Chloe!) I was wondering if you’ve ever considered doing another season of HOTH? I would love to see that! I love looking through the old posts on here, and I look forward to new ones in the future.<3
~ Megan
AWW, that brought a smile to my face! (Chloe says thank you! She literally hasn’t changed out of that costume for 10 months. XD) And yes, absolutely! I’m hoping to make HOTH an annual thing. Hopefully, season four will either be next summer or next fall. I’m so glad you like it! Thank you so much for continuing to read old posts—I can’t wait to come back ASAP and post more.
Thanks so much for leaving a comment, Megan! It’s so good to hear from you! ? (lol, I feel like I’m saying that about everyone, but it’s seriously so great to see comments from you and everyone after such a while.)
CONGRATS ON SEVEN YEARS! *throws confetti, and cake because why not*
I have enjoyed your blogs for quite some time. You are extremely sweet and creative, and have such a great relationship with God.
My dolls have been good. My birthday was a couple weeks ago and I got a ton of cash so I divided it into three parts: save, spend, give away, so I’ll probably get some more doll stuff soon.
Awww, thanks so much, McKayla! ? So glad to hear your dolls are good and that you had a great birthday—that’s a smart way to do it! Do you have any particular doll stuff you’re wanting to buy?
Thanks for commenting ❤️
Thanks, Madi.
Hmmm. Probably some more historical doll clothes, and some doll food or a kitchen set.
HEY MADI! Happy SEVEN YEAR (WHAT?!!) anniversary!!! I hope you can come back to point soon and have many more blog anniversaries!! ???
Posting. *facepalm*
Sometimes I think typos are out for the souls of all who type. XD
WOOO HEY LIZ, I CAN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER! ? Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to come back ASAP. Thank you so much again! ?
Yayyyy! I’m so excited to say CONGRATULATIONS! I think you deserve a fanfare, I’ll have to borrow a trumpet from somewhere *honk honk* Wow. Is it really 7 years! 7 YEARS! I can’t quite believe that!
Good luck with your health, Madi, and here’s to your speedy return! *raises mug of hot chocolate* Can’t wait to hear from you again soon & I’ll be thinking of you!
?? WOOHOO, thank you so much, Kiara! I can hardly believe it too. It doesn’t feel like that long until I go back and reminisce. ?
Thank you so so much! *clinks mug of hot chocolate to yours* It was so great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to return! ?
I know… it’s quite funny to see how you’ve changed… and the difference in your photography… WOW! I love how you can look back and see a kind of journey! Me neither, I can’t wait to see you back!
Isn’t it crazy? So much has changed! And thank you so much!
I am praying for you!! If you ever need prayer or anything, the email that I have below is wonderful for you to contact me over. I have been injured in different areas for over two years and that has kept me from going full out in sports, which has been very hard as I am very much an athletic person. I actually had to quit both of my sports until my knee healed up. Praise the Lord that I am almost done!
I pray that you will be healed soon and that you will feel God move through your life in Jesus’ name. I pray that this situation will not be wasted and that you will draw many people closer to God. Amen.
I know that this is hard, but you will be ready again soon. A blog isn’t as easy as it may seem. There is a lot that goes into writing, and I’m so proud of you for not giving it up. Thank the Lord that you were able to write this little one! I know you’ll feel better soon.
Thank you so much for praying, Lina! That means so much. ❤️ I’m so sorry to hear about your injuries, but praise God you’re getting better! Thanks so much again for the encouragement and for stopping by. ?
Seven Years. :O Dang girl, CONGRATS! Here have a celebratory cake, ice cream sundae, cookie, pie, lasagna, and popsicle *hands Madi all the stuff I just said* XD Seriously, it’s so awesome to see how far your blog has come.. so proud of you hon. <3 Feel better soon! Praying for you, God's got your back forever and always. <3
Before I saw this comment, I just knew the above one was from you! XD
CELEBRATORY FOOD, YAYYY! XD Thank you so much, Maddie! So good to hear from you and thanks a ton for praying ?
Haha!! Of course you did *hair flip* XP
WOOT WOOT! Of course <3 You’re so very welcome =^.^=
Ah, look at that beautiful image. Its so perfectly spaced. Not that I had anything to do with it, of course. *delicately sips tea with an insufferable air of smugness*
And Chloe is looking AMAZING in that ninja costume, not that I had anything to do with that either ? *doges well deserved slap*
Hey, didn’t you say forever ago that you ordered some doll kimonos?
I’ve gotten off track. Congrats on 7 years!!!! You’ve been such a big, positive influence on the blogging sphere, I heard of you and saw your influence as soon as I joined, and if I hadn’t been so intimidated by your big-fancy-crowded-far-reaching blog, I would’ve befriended you much earlier lol ??
I’ve missed your posts, but talking to you definitely helps. :)
I’ve been praying for your recovery, in the meantime get plenty of rest, so you can come back bigger than ever! :D
Most crazily, ~Olive
Isn’t it great? I don’t remember getting any help on it at all! I’m not sure anyone had anything to do with it, of course. Odd since the spacing is now beautiful. ? XD
Chloe has been obsessed with that ninja costume — funny thing is, I have no idea who made it! Not sure anyone had anything to do with it anyway. ? XD
Yes, I did! You want any pics?
And thank you so much!!! It’s literally so insane to think about. I’m so glad to have met so many awesome people (like you!)! ? I have no idea why they’ve stuck around for so long, but I am 1004819409% grateful. Thanks for chatting to me, too!
Thanks so much again for praying — will do! ?
*collapses into giggles*
YES!!! YES I DO!!! ???
‘Cause you’re so awesome ?
Most crazily, ~Olive
Congrats, Madi!??? That’s so exciting and amazing! I’m so happy for you!? I love you and am praying for you ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Livy! ❤️?? I love you too, thanks for being such an amazing, inspiring, kind friend! ❤️
I’m so glad that you’re feeling better, Madi! I miss hearing from you! I can’t wait until you start up blogging again!
Thank you so much, Kaitlyn! Seeing this comment made my day! ?
Back (oh geez five? Six? Years ago) in the day I was so into the AG blog world and it was my obsession to read all the new posts. I came back recently and remembered the “greats”: Doll diaries, AGFan, living a dolls life, little house, and DWOD :) sadly many of them have stopped blogging, which is sad, but it so good to hear that you’re keeping the good faith and continuing to fight :-) I hope you feel better ASAP (selfishly, I’d SO love to read your blog again, lol) I’m an older teen now but I believe you’re never too old to have your fun girlhood memories continue. :)
Wow, it’s so good to hear from someone who’s been reading for quite a long time! I really miss the old doll blogs too. Thank you so much though, and I can’t wait to get better and get back to posting! And I totally agree ☺️ Thank you so much for commenting — it’s awesome to hear from you!
I’ll keep praying for you, Madi!!!!!
Me: I second that! I really should get back to blogging! I don’t have a very good excuse.
Matthew 20:28 (a verse I’ve been thinking about the past few days; it’s one of the memory verses for my Sabbath School lesson)
Thank youuu!!!
Ahhh I think I just found a huge clue to GOTY 2020 ? I took a screenshot of it
Wow, what is it?
It has to do with what her main hobby is going to be :D
Would you say that being on such a long hiatus has prevented you from getting burnt out on blogging & maybe even set the stage for a “grand” return? :D
Oh yes, it’s setting the stage for a very grand return. ?
Wow, seven years!!!!! Amazing!
Thank you!!
Time for a test!
More tests!