I used a green screen in my Mystery Of The Bastille Ring series and the Black Friday Shopping AGSM. That’s how the girls went to the “Desert,” “Saudia Arabia,” and “Anartica” in The Mystery of the Bastille Ring series, and how they went up the escalator in the Black Friday Shopping AGSM.
I thought I’d share how I did that, and here are the original pictures I did at the green screen studio downstairs- curtesy of my awesome dad, owner of Power of God World Outreach, and associate pastor at River of Grace church! (if you’d like to support his ministry, please do so by clicking here! FOR NO EXTRA COST THEN YOU’RE ALREADY SPENDING! :) Just ask your mom or dad first!)
Well here are the green screen photo’s! :D
In the Black Friday Shopping AGSM, I cropped this photo where it only showed their feet, then turned it upside down in iMovie and pasted it using the green screen effect onto the escalator picture!
Same thing with this – except I didn’t crop or edit it. All original. :)
And then I used a white screen behind my dolls for my header. My dad added the blue stars background in Photoshop. THANK YOU MY TOALLY AWESOME DAD! :D
Pretty cool, eh? It makes my AGSM’s a whole lot cooler :)
I hope you enjoyed a little behind-the-scenes of my AGSM’s and a huge shout-out to my awesome dad! Remember to check out powerofGOD.com and support world missions by clicking here! :)
Until next time,
Thanks! :)
Hi! I just wanted to say that I just found your blog and love it so much! And I’m a homeschooler to! I also am a follower of Jesus Christ to! Isn’t he absolutely amazing! Anyways I think your awesome, your blogs awesome, and your dolls are awesome! Keep up the awesome work!
Aw! Thank you! That means a lot.
YAY! MORE JESUS FREAKS! Jesus Christ is so amazing!
Aw! Thanks so much! :)
Natalie, if yuo like all that, then join girls4jesus!
Whats that? Sounds really cool!
It’s an awesome Jesus message board. You can join by clicking here! http://girls4jesus.baordhost.com/ !
(on there, I’m God’sGirl)
Cool I joined! I’m Jesus4Eva!
Yay! :D
Cool!:) I wonder if i can do something like this…
Cool! I like it a lot! Thanks by the way!
Nope. :) That’s just for TDD. :)
Sorry if I’m cutting in, but what are you girls talking about? And what is TDD? LOL!
-sighs in relief- Yay, i would have started crying if it was true.
Yeah :)
This is SO COOL!! :D
Guys, TDD is http:// http://www.thedolldwelling.boardhost.com/index.php
Ooooh, so it is a message board. That’s what I thought :)
Wow! That is really cool you used a green screen! I’ve used one with my friend but not nearly that big ;) Thanks for sharing!
~Hope :)
Aw, thank you! :) That’s cool too! :D