Merry Christmas Eve, amazing person! Thank you for coming to Delightful World of Dolls today for the Christmas Craft Collab Recap and the Final Christmas Countdown! I did, unfortunately, have to do even more work than I thought I’d have to do today. Yep… on my holiday. *sigh* But I hope it’s not in vain and that you will enjoy this post!
We’ll start with the Christmas Craft Collab Recap!
The phenomenal Light4theLord from Dolls N’ All and I have teamed up this December after a couple of months of planning for four weeks full of crafty Christmas awesomeness. From countdown calendars to stockings, Christmas tree ornaments to Christmas cards, there are eight super easy crafts you can make for your dolls! I’ll go through just a super-quick run-through of each of them…
Christmas Craft Collab #1 – Light4theLord – Countdown Calendar
Christmas Craft Collab #2 – Madi – DIY Doll Christmas Tree Ornaments
Christmas Craft Collab #3 – Madi – DIY Doll Stockings… With a Twist!
Christmas Craft Collab #4 – Light4theLord – Christmas Decor
Christmas Craft Collab #5 – Light4theLord – DIY Mini Doll Cape and Muff

Christmas Craft Collab #6 – Madi – DIY Doll Presents
Christmas Craft Collab #7 – Light4theLord – DIY Doll Christmas Cards
Christmas Craft Collab #8 – Madi – DIY Doll Fireplace
For those of you who don’t know, Light4theLord is an absolutely phenomenal doll blogger who runs one of my very favorite doll blogs, Dolls N’ All. Go check it out, follow, look around and leave comments! You will definitely enjoy reading her and her dolls’ amazing posts, I guarantee it!
That was only part of the recap. Some super cute pictures were sent in from another fabulous fellow blogger who made some of our crafts!
Gracie from Smile and Craft AG took a beautiful picture of her doll Caroline wearing the doll cape and muff she made from Light4theLord’s fabulous tutorial! The tutorial was for mini dolls, but you can do the same thing for 18″ dolls, too!
Gracie also sent in two super cute pictures of her doll Grace next to a fireplace she made inspired by my doll fireplace DIY!
I love the brick paper! Doesn’t her fireplace look so cute?!
Light4theLord, is has been SO awesome doing this collab with you! I’ve probably said that about twenty times by now, but that doesn’t make it any less true. ;) This has been so much fun, and of course, I’d love to do another one sometime soon!
My dolls have been having so much fun with the countdown calendar Light4theLord showed how to make in the very first craft of the CCC. I posted pictures of them doing events 1-15, but today is Christmas Eve – would you like to see the rest of the pictures? :D
Event 16 – Go around talking like an elf ;)
Chloe begged to pose for this one! She has her arms up, ready to do something mischievous… all the while talking in an evil, squeaky elf voice. XD
Event 17 – Write down your goals for 2017!
Cécile was the first to grab a pen and paper, so I snapped a photo of her as she began pondering on what her goals are for 2017. “Post your goals where you can see them,” I reminded her. “My ten goals I made last year are stuffed deep in my desk drawer. Whoops. I did not accomplish a single thing I had written down.” XD
Event 18 – Say “Merry Christmas” to everyone you see…
That was crazy. Molly and Emelie were the first to wish each other a Merry Christmas, but soon it turned into a contest of who could have their “Merry Christmas!” louder than everyone else’s.
They just might have to pay my eardrum insurance. :P
Event 19 – Watch a Christmas movie!
Samantha: An American Girl Holiday. Ah, such a sweet movie! I watched it once last year when I received it and once again earlier this year in January, I believe. I look forward to watching it again this year over my ahemlongawaitedahem holiday! :P
Event 20 – Read Luke 1:37
“For with God, nothing shall be impossible.”
The second Bible Drill I ever won in my kid’s church, but the girl sitting next to me actually found it first. Our pastor had told the leadership kids to skip out on this one and let the learning kids find it (I was new back then) and when she told me where it was, I just nonchalantly flipped over to it and stood up kind of guiltily. XD My second-to-last Sunday night in kid’s church was quite different than my first few. I broke my personal record and won seven Bible Drills in a row! Not only was the entire room incredibly shocked, but so was I. I don’t think anyone had done that before. O.o (Totally not trying to be conceited for anything. XD)
Event 21 – Rock around the Christmas tree
Ellie hopped up immediately after turning on the song, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” Her dance was quite silly, and she happily posed while I snapped this picture!
Event 22 – Gaze at Christmas lights
Chloe didn’t wait for anyone else. She ran outside and looked at the growing dusk. “It’s high time we turn these Christmas lights on!”
Chloe indulged in a happy sigh as I plugged in the Christmas lights. They shone brightly against the dark night and reflected in Chloe’s adoring eyes.
Event 23 – Sing Christmas carols
Jasmine’s dying-dinosaur warbles and Céciles gorgeous, soaring notes blended together with everyone else’s voices into a beautiful, melodious harmony as the first verse of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” began and I ended this run-on sentence.
Event 24 – Read Isaiah 9:6
One of the first verses I memorized for kid’s church. I can still say it by heart and I smiled as Molly opened her Bible and began reading it.
Isaiah 9:6 – “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The might God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Okay, so maybe not exactly how I remembered it. XD But I first memorized it in New King James, so it flowed together in the little tune I memorized it by slightly better. :P (It’s extremely easy to memorize Scriptures – or anything, for that matter – when you make up a tune to go with it!)
Tomorrow is Christmas. Personally, I can’t believe it. I can’t even believe today is Christmas Eve. Everything has come so quickly, and I’ve been so busy, it’s like Christmas caught me off-guard. I have one more Christmas surprise to be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned for that… for now, I’m off to spend some much-needed time with my family. We’re going to play spoons, charades, Scrabble, Blokus, and have steak fajitas over the fire. We’ll stay up past midnight watching two Christmas movies, and somewhere in the midst of all this, open up one small present each (our Christmas Eve traditions).
Merry Christmas, all!
Happy Christmas Eve!
Same to you, May! I hope this Christmas has been an absolutely wonderful one for you! <3
Fun! :D I think your dolls are definitely in the Christmas spirit. :)
It’s really hard for me to believe that Christmas is tomorrow, too! I’ve been so busy for the entire month of December, so the time has flown by for me. Your Christmas traditions sound really fun! Are you going to have any family come for Christmas?
~Christian Homeschooler
Thank you so much! Hehe, they definitely were. :D Yes, the time really has flown by! Since all of our family is in Texas, we didn’t have any of them over for Christmas, but they did send us some gifts in the mail! ;)
Merry Christmas!
Merry (late) Christmas to you, too, Izzy!
Merry Christmas!! Yes! I am up at this time of the morning XDXD
Merry (late) Christmas to you, too, AGfan! And LOLOL! XD
Merry Christmas!
Merry (late) Christmas to you, too, M&M!
Merry Christmas, Madi! Wow, I’m the only one who submitted pictures?! o_O Well, I’m glad I did! :-D
I hope you have a great Christmas! Don’t forget to slow down in the midst of the craziness, so your Christmas doesn’t fly too fast! ☺ :-) Looking forward to the surprise tomorrow (but no pressure). Have fun with your family!
Merry (late) Christmas, Gracie! Yep! O.o I’m glad you did, too! Thanks again for sending some in! :D
I sure did! Thank you so much! I hope you had an absolutely wonderful Christmas, too!
Merry Christmas!!!!! I hope you (and your dolls) have a wonderful Christmas filled with family, fun and food!
Merry (late) Christmas, Staff! We sure did! I hope you had an incredible Christmas, too!
Merry Christmas madi! Did you get your Lea doll? I didn’t get #21 yet, my grandma is going to come over so who knows! However, what I’m really excited for us the fact that I’m commenting from an iPod! I also had to share a laptop with my brother, and that pretty much gave me a constant headache, but now I have my own chrome book for posts! Merry Christmas Madison, I hope you had a great one! The Christmas mass I went to last night was so gorgeous, and it was an awesome reminder of what the season is all about!??
Merry (late) Christmas, Sam! I sure did! Wow, that is SO awesome! Congrats on getting your own chrome book! I hope you had an absolutely amazing Christmas too, Sam! :D :D
Madi, you amaze me! I really admire your dedication to posting good-quality posts and always being so encouraging and shining a light for Jesus! :)
Love, love, love!
Merry Christmas!
Thank you SO much, Kendall! You just totally made my day! Thank you so, so, sooo much! I hope you’ve had a marvelous Christmas!
I really enjoyed this post, so creative and your photography was top notch as usual! :D
Enjoy your holiday!! :D
Merry Christmas! :D
All of those cards are super cute!
Thanks so much, Bella!