Six years ago today, God told my parents to allow me to start something that would impact the lives of thousands of people.
It’s hard to believe that Delightful World of Dolls has been a part of my life for almost half my life.
Here we are: one domain name change, four website re-designs, six years, hundreds of hearts given to Jesus, 780+ posts, and thousands of doll lovers later!
I share this, not to brag, but to celebrate what God has done and what all of you have been a part of.
I’ve had the time of my life running DWOD, meeting all of you, and sharing not only our love for dolls, but the Gospel too!
just chilling
As most of you probably now, I’m still on my writing and blogging break due to some chronic health conditions.
My break lasted much longer than I’ve expected, but not a day goes by that I don’t think about DWOD and all of you.
Unfortunately, I’m not able to host the big giveaway celebration I had planned this year, but I do have some other exciting things in store…
In fact, today I want to share with you:
- a few updates about what I’ve been doing
- what my dolls have been up to
- and some sneak-peeks of what’s coming next to DWOD as soon I’m well enough to return!
When I started my break back in June, I hoped it wouldn’t last longer than two months, and it was actually for burnout reasons.
But when my health conditions worsened, my break had to be lengthened indefinitely.
A lot of people believe God put this disease on me to teach me a lesson.
However, I’d like to clear up what I believe about this.
See, I believe—and get a lot of flak for believing it—that Jesus already paid the price for my healing. He took 39 stripes on His back, and there are scientifically 39 routes to all known diseases.
Divine healing is a right I have as a Christian. Sickness and disease are from the devil, not God, and they are trespassers in my body.
That means I don’t believe God gave me this disease. That means I don’t believe doctors or health diets are my only hope.
I use common sense to improve my symptoms and give me a better quality of life, but I have a disease doctors can’t cure.
Only Jesus can take care of it.
It is a lot different than what everyone else believes—I realize that!
That’s because I’m not like everyone else. I’m not going to live like everyone else. I’m a Christian who serves a God of miracles.
During my break, I’m both taking proper care of my body and clinging to these truths.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about when I think I’ll be back or when I’ll post certain things.
To clear up the confusion, I’ll be totally honest!
Why can’t you work on posts?
I have chronic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, which has gotten worse. It hurts to walk, I’ve lost some mobility in both my knees, and it is extremely painful to get up and off the floor.
^ That’s why I can’t take photos or play with my dolls right now.
I also burned out my adrenal glands in April 2018, which has caused adrenal fatigue.
^ Being perpetually exhausted keeps me from posting or writing too.
When will you be back?
I’ve tried multiple health protocols and medicines that have not helped much, and am currently on another protocol we believe will produce results.
I hope now you can see why I can’t promise a definite time I’ll return—I don’t know when I’ll be better.
I have no way of knowing when I’ll be back, and I really wish I did!
But… I hope to be back by December. ?
EDIT 4/26/19: Since December 2018, I’ve been on recovery protocols for both arthritis and adrenal fatigue with my very favorite natural doctors. I’ve not only seen natural recovery, but miraculous recovery that has SHOCKED doctors. Glory to God, I’m recovering with both my energy and my knees! It won’t be long now!!! GET READY. Stay updated with me on Instagram @madisongraceig.
When are you going to post ______?
I’ll figure out a post schedule when I’m able to return, but expect the posts you want shortly after I’m back!
It means a lot to me that you care so much about the content on DWOD that you’re excited for it.
Believe me, the moment I am sustainably healthy and have my skyrocketing energy back…
*in Terminator voice* I’ll be back.
My days consist of resting, trusting God, doing the little bit of school and tasks I have enough energy to do, and chatting with my awesome online buddies. You can email me anytime!
Before my arthritis worsened, I was able to play with my dolls some.
I re-curled Jasmine’s hair using a technique I can’t wait to show you. It looks so much better now, and I love it!
I did the same thing on Molly’s hair, though because her hair is textured and it didn’t last…
I gave her a makeover instead—I can’t wait to show you about this, too!
I re-curled Cécile’s hair using the same technique, and although it gave me a bit of trouble, I love how it eventually turned out.
I also dressed Emelie and Katy Christine up in Josefina’s clothes to match the new outfit I bought for her.
Unfortunately, I think I’ve lost Josefina’s original meet sash and had to use a scrap of fabric for Katy’s sash. I tore up my doll area trying to find it!
Delaney insisted on trying a new hairstyle that was “epic enough for her”, so I gave her this double crown braid.
She loved it, and I have to say I think it suits her too.
I tried this new hairstyle on Taryn and died over it. Doesn’t it look so cute?!
I also really love her meet dress right now. The colors suit her perfectly.
And, I bet you didn’t know this, but… Delaney likes hugs.
I was discouraged about everything one day, so I just picked her up and hugged her.
Then I walked out of my room and said with a happy sigh, “I really love my dolls. They’re just so cute and awesome. I love them.”
I’m such a mature 15-year-old. ?
It’s amazing to see how God has used my doll-collecting hobby to share His Son with tons of other doll lovers. There’s no telling what He can do through someone who is willing to live for Him!
*rubs hands evilly* There are a few times when fatigue doesn’t affect my creativity.
And when insomnia strikes, I’m up to the early hours of the morning banging out them DWOD ideas.
I can’t share too much. People have a habit of stealing things from DWOD, so I’m a little paranoid they’ll snatch my ideas before I’m well enough to make them happen.
However, I can share some sneak peeks!
Unfortunately, there will not be a fourth season this year.
However, I hope to have one next year. Here are some snippets from my planning!
HOTH Season 4 Planning
Start with the premise. Everything is easier from there!
Theme scripture: “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 NLT
I can’t share the titles of most these, but I did find these funny snippets.
Mmm yummy apple bowl filling… Cécile as special guest too.
Where did that even come from ? Food on the brain…
Though perhaps it would be better if she treated just the dolls and not blog readers?
This was one of those ideas I got super excited about, then thought it was really stupid five seconds later.
Any dummy loves learning from experts, don’t they? Well, that’s exactly what I am! … An expert, not a dummy.
This makes me die laughing every time I read it.
To be perfectly clear, one of my dolls said that, not me. I’m not an expert in anything. ?
(DWOD blog post idea) The Chronicles of How I Perpetually Annoy American Girl’s Customer Service
Oh, yes. After some interesting adventures, American Girl now refers to me as “Ms. Grace”. ?
(Dollaween) Delaney — Pirate and she steals everyone’s “loot” candy ?? My one eye is better than all of y’alls’ combined.
Gotta love Del.
He likes being cool, pop culture, and being cool.
He. A boy doll, perhaps?
And a final one from another failed idea:
Well it seemed like a good idea at the time…
Don’t all ideas?
That wraps up this little update post, and as much as I wish it had been a big giveaway celebration, thank you for reading it anyway.
I also want to thank you for being part of Delightful World of Dolls.
A lot of people look at their blogs like a one-man show with a bunch of “followers”, but honestly, I feel like we’re accomplishing great things and impacting lives together, because it literally would not exist if it weren’t for you.
So, thank you for making the past six years the best ever, and all glory to God.
Here’s to the next six years—and everything coming next to DWOD as soon as I recover!
Be sure to sign up for The DWOD Digest, the soon-to-come weekly newsletter for doll lovers, to be instantly notified when I come back and when all of the exciting plans debut.

Aww, Madi! HAPPY 6 YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY! It’s amazing how long you’ve been blogging and how much of an impact you’ve made in the blogging community!! I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER VERY SOON. *giant hug*
Also, the little “don’t forget to like” image sliding in was so neat! I immediately clicked the like button. XD Your blog design is so cute and professional, I love it!
-Clara <3
AWW THANKS CLARA! *big hug* Thank you so much!
HURRAY! I was hoping it would entice more people to like. XD Thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked it!
I hope that you’ll feel better soon! :(
Thank you so much!
BOY HAVE I MISSED YOU GIRL *hugs you half to death*
And my stupid phone turned off the caps lock option, so I have to manually capitalize EVERY. INDIVIDUAL. LETTER. Eyyyyyyyyyye its annoying. Well, I just got my purple belt in karate, and I skipped several levels to get it, so that’s AWESOME. My Instagram is working nicely, I barely get any likes, but my blogger followers like the monthly updates I do on my blog, so that’s nice. My sis and I just got back from a weekend retreat with our church youth group, I went kayaking for the first time, and it was really fun! But them my sis splashed me and our friend fell out of her kayak, so that was wet and cold. We also ate a RIDICULOUS amount of sugar, and played a ton of murder themed games like mafia and body body. Yes, we’re SO religious ? rest up, and I’ll be praying for you!
Most crazily, ~Olive
I had to do that once. It was so annoying, especially when I wanted to talk the entire message in caps!
Congratulations on your purple belt! That is amazing! My brother just got his black belt and is sooo excited… I get to ask him for fight move advice now. ;)
Your Instagram sounds awesome, too! I hope you get more followers.
HEHEHE SUGAR. I ate sugar for the first time in 31 days a few days ago. It was glorious.
Thanks so much, Olive!
Happy six years with your amazing blog, Madi! I can’t wait for you get better, and I’ll continue praying for you!
Thank you so much, Kaitlyn! That means so much!
Happy Anniversary! It’s so amazing to see your light shine brightly even though you are ill and in pain. We pray God brings healing to your body. God Bless!
Aww, thank you very much! ❤️
Congratulations, Madi! Bless you! <3
Thank you so much, Madison! ❤️
God bless you, Madi! I believe you will be back! God will take care of you ❤️
Aww, thank you so much! ❤️
Wow, happy 6-year blogoversary!! :D Still praying for ya! <3 Also, yes, Ms. Grace. XDD
Thanks so much, Liz! ❤️ LOL IKR. XD
Congratulations on 6 years! I’m so sorry about your mono and your knees, that must be extremely annoying… :(
Thanks so much, Hannah! Aww, thank you — it really is. But I hope to get better soon.
Hi Madison,
Happy to read you, even though I am sad to read the news of your health.
People who look at their blogs like a man with a bunch of “followers” are really stupid in my opinion. A blog is like a forum, it is a place of sharing and exchange above all. And I’m happy to read that you consider yours like that, despite all the problems you have.
I am with you, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will be heard and healed …. and I am sure that if you have enough confidence in this, it will happen. We are waiting for you, we have confidence too.
God bless you.
Guyloup (Guylaine)
PS : I’m a doll collector too, but I’m old enough to be your grandma !! it’s the magic of dolls : they bring together so many different people, across continents, generations and societies, for those who have kept the heart young and loving.
Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!
I agree about the blogs — one of my favorites is American Girl Fan. Even after her message board shut down, I still felt like her blog was an awesome doll community.
Thank you so much again! :D
Congratulations on 6 yearsss!!!
Thanks for the update! ^-^ I’ll be praying for you to recover soon! :)
Thank you so much! I literally can’t believe it’s been that long; I had to keep double-checking my years. XD
Thank you very much, Grace!
Thank for this post! I really hope and pray your condition gets better! I am really excited for what’s coming!
Thank you for reading it, and thank you for praying!
Thanks for the update, Madi! Your faith is incredible :)
I can’t wait for you to come back!
Thanks for reading and being such an encouragement, Christina!
Congratulations, Madi! I’ll be praying for your health and I hope you can fully return to the blogging world soon! You are one of the strongest people I know. Have a great day!
P.S. Would it be okay if I quoted this post in my upcoming ZCN episode?
Thanks so much, Emmie! You are so encouraging! Thanks for commenting.
P.S. You bet! Thanks for wanting to share it!
You’re welcome! :)
P.S. Thank you so much!
*Sees certain picture*
*Sees picture of Molly and realizes how similar her bangs look*
Aww man, it was just Molly.
“He loves being cool, pop culture, and being cool.”
*GAAAASSSSPPPPP* SHE DOES HAVE A BOY DOLL EEEEEEEEE!!!! *Jumps around in circles* Why am I so excited? XD
Aww, Madi… Hearing more about your illness and your mono just ripped my heart in two. I feel so sorry for you. I’ll be praying for you.
I don’t mean to start a fight or anything, but it kind of hurts my feelings when you say “All sicknesses come from the devil and they’re intrusions in my body so stop telling me this is God trying to teach me a lesson,” because there are reasons God sends sicknesses to people. The one most people tend to gravitate toward is for chastening, which is a reason that exists in God’s Book, but it’s not always the case. Sometimes God uses it as a “thorn in your flesh,” as Paul put it. Other times it’s to get you alone with Him. Sometimes it’s so you can encourage a fellow Christian who has the same/similar problem. There are a bunch of reasons, but the point is, you can’t blame the devil for every problem you have (and I’m not saying all problems are from God, either; there’s a healthy balance here).
Anyway, sorry if that was kinda rant-y or callout-y, that’s not what I meant for it to be. It just irks me when I see people having a hard time going, “This can’t come from God, eww the devil’s tormenting me halp,” because while that sometimes is the case, for one thing the devil can’t do anything God won’t let him do, and secondly sometimes God has something planned for us that we don’t quite understand. I hope you get it.
I wouldn’t know Your peace without the hard times,
Or be thankful for relief without the pain.
I wouldn’t love the light if it were not for darkness
Or appreciate the sun without the rain
How could I understand forgiveness without failure?
Or feel the warmth of love without the bitter cold
How could I hold Your healing hands without affliction,
And be blessed to see Your mercies all unfold?
Sure it’s a blessing to be safe, secure, and warm;
But Lord I want to thank You for the storm.
Maybe you could ask your parents if you could listen to this song. It’s very encouraging, and I think it’d help you when you’re down. If they say no, let me know and I’ll put it on my blog for you. :)
Oh hey, look at that! XD
Haha, no, no boy doll — yet! I’m not sure if I should customize one or buy one…
Yes, Molly is very nice about playing a boy character in my photostories. She much prefers playing the girl characters, though! ;)
I’m sorry your feelings were hurt — that was definitely not my intention.
Thanks for commenting and praying, Kirstyn!
Oh I see! You’ve already got one in mind, huh? ?
Haha yeah, I wouldn’t much like playing a boy, either, if I had to dress up as one. It makes me uncomfortable. Poor Molly. XD
That’s okay, I know you weren’t intending to pick a fight. :)
You’re welcome! ?
Oh, and P.S.– *Whispers* I think I might get a boy doll for Christmas–shh! XD
I was so excited to see this in my email! I missed you so much, I was actually going to email you to make sure you were ok, because it has been a while since you posted. I will continue to pray for you and send positive thoughts your way! I wish there was something more I could do for you, but I know prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we have. And God hears our prayers and is always looking out for you ❤ Happy Blogiversary! It’s crazy it’s been six years! I’m so glad I found your amazing blog, you are so talented and I can’t wait for the posts to come! Have a blessed day!
-Katie :)
Aww, Katie, you are so amazing! Your words always make me smile and reading this comment made my day. Thank you so much for reading, supporting, and praying! ❤
Happy 6 years! I can’t believe that you’ve been doing this for that long! It’s crazy!
Has the swimming been paying off? I hope that you are at least feeling better. During the spring and early fall times I get really bad allergies which can leave me a little wonky and leads to lots of sleep loss. Then it’s harder for me to work on my blogs and YouTube channel.
Your ideas sound really cool and I can’t wait. Also another easy way to curl your doll’s hair is getting it wet, brushing it out, and then curling it around the brush! I use that method on Jasmin’s hair.
Thank you so much, Carlye! I can’t believe it, either… I had to double-check my dates a few times in disbelief. XD
I’ve mostly been walking now, but the swimming is definitely beneficial.
I’m so sorry to hear about those dumb allergies! Bad health really takes a toll on productivity. I hope you’re feeling better.
That method is great! I used to use it a lot.
I’m just gonna say how much I love your blog and your channel. You’re one of the few AGTubers who openly embrace their faith and share it with the world. I hope you get healthy soon! We miss ya!
Aww, thank you so much, Star! You are such an encouragement. ❤
Aww, so sorry to hear about your illness! Especially mono, which is just AWFUL. (so frustrating to be exhausted all the time and wanting to DO stuff, but you’re just so tired, so you think of all the things you want to do, but you’re just so tired….vicious cycle, argh).I hope you feel better soon, but in the meantime, laugh in that stupid mono’s face with this video (which is 100% clean and awesome, don’t worry)
I’ll be praying for you and your triumphant return to blogging!
~Natalie Therese
Thank you so much, Natalie! Gah, it is frustrating for sure. Thank you so much for praying and being so awesome — I’ll try and check that video out!
You are most welcome. Feel better soon! :)
Happy six year anivesery!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are feeling better soon ?
I will be praying for you ?
God bless you
Thank you so much, Zoe! ❤
Great Post, Madi, and congratulations! You are such a trooper. Don’t feel pressured to get back to blogging too soon. You have tons of loyal followers who totally understand. I hope you get better very soon, and I’ll pray for that. <3
Aww, thank you so much, Jewel! You are so encouraging and awesome. Thank you. ❤
Your Welcome :)
The only thing that crossed my mind while reading the life update section was “Amen, girl!”?
Yesss! ?
Hi Madison! I like the 4th pic down!!!! :) I like all of them… ;)..But that’s one of my fav pic’s!!!!!! ;) I hope you feel better Soon!!!!!!!!! A girl at my new church has Fuid in her Knee. :( :( I feel really bad for her! She has had it in her knee for… Befor I came to this church. :( A really good song is Prise You in this Storm by. Casting Crowns! Love this song and threr band! :)
Thanks so much, Janae! Aww, I’m sorry to hear about that girl at your church. I know firsthand that fluid in knees is not fun.
Happy Blogiversary! I can’t believe it’s been 6 years! I remember back in 2014 I had found your blogger site but I somehow didn’t know you switched over to WordPress and I was really disappointed that you’d quit blogging! But then I found your current amazing blog and woah, how do you have 750 posts?
I’m really sorry about your health conditions, but I believe similarly to as you do. God gives us challenges so we can become better. Maybe we need to learn patience or something and sometimes illnesses are meant to help other people learn!
Ooh, those sneak peeks sound great! Can’t wait!
Thanks so much, Diamond! I’m super glad you found this site. XD
Honestly, I have no idea… most of the posts are not that good quality, but they gave me the practice to be where I am today! ?
I’m super excited to post them. Thanks for commenting!
Oh my goodness! I had no idea that your arthritis came back! I am praying for you! I hope that you get better. I know that it must be hard for you not to blog or play with your dolls. That would make me very sad. You are my best friend, and I don’t want you to be in pain! I am going to send you another letter soon. :) Also, all of your dolls’ hair is sooooo cute! You did such a great job! I hope that you feel better, Madi.<3 I will be praying for you everyday!!!
Aww, Kaylyn, this comment seriously touched my heart! Thank you so much for praying, and for all your awesome encouragement. YOU ROCK! ❤️
Awww i am so glad, Madi!!! You ard very welcome! You are my best friend, and i love you so much. ❤️ YOU ROCK TOO!!! ?
First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on you anniversary! Six years is a wonderful achievement! I have always enjoyed your posts and blogging style. You put so much enthusiasm, love, and effort into them.
Second, you are not alone in your belief hat God did not send this disease on you. God is Love and only creates good. Keep taking care of you, working with the doctors, and knowing the truth. I’m going to add you to my church’s friends’ prayer list.
Del likes hugs!? Who’d have thought it?! You, of course!
Thank you for this great post!
My apologies for the extremely late reply!
Thank you so, so much, Xyra! I’m super glad you enjoy my posts, and thank you so much for praying for me. And thank you for your amazing comment!
Hey Madi! Had you on my heart tonight- how are you doing? I am praying for you!
Aww, thank you so much for praying for me! I’m doing good; following a strict diet protocol but still believing for miracles! Thanks again. ❤️ (And Merry Christmas!)
Hey!! Madi!! Your blog just came to my mind randomly today, and I decided to come on and see what you have been up to! It seems like God is doing INCREDIBLE things in your life and he has used you in SO many ways! I believe he can give you peace and comfort in any situation if you keep putting your full trust in him (and I’m confident you are :)) I love you so much and miss chatting with you! It’s so cool to see how far you’ve come and I hope we can somehow connect again soon!
Hey Makenzie!! It is AMAZING to hear from you! Thank you so much for your encouraging comment — it really means a lot! Do you email? I’d love to keep in touch. Thanks again for commenting! ??