Madi here again! Happy 2021—are you excited about the new year?
With the arrival of the new Girl of the Year 2021, Kira Bailey, it’s hard not to be! Number one because Kira is the name of the protagonist of my novel…
… And number two because dude, new American Girl doll!
Kira is here in all her glamor! I love her adventure hiking boots (I want some!), and AG’s illustrations are always so beautiful.
On a whim one recent January evening I decided to see if Poptropica—a virtual strategy game site for kids that my brother and I love—survived the removal of Adobe Flash. I wondered if it even still existed.
Turn out, it did. Although most of the “islands” (worlds in which you complete missions using strategy/mystery-solving skills) are gone, there was a new one—one for American Girl’s GOTY 2021, Kira Bailey!
I couldn’t believe it! My family was quite amused at my “NO WAY!!!” from the computer. ?
Most islands have objectives for you to complete because Poptropica is a strategy game. However, Poptropica often works with companies to create islands simply advertising their new products, which is what Kira’s island was. But it did have some simple games!
(This isn’t an advertisement for Poptropica, by the way; I just wanted to share Kira’s island with y’all since I hadn’t seen anyone else post about it. XD)
Here’s a quick walkthrough of Kira’s island!
Unfortunately, when I started this post Kira’s island was still available to play, but I checked just now and it’s no longer available. I wish I had posted about it sooner!
Her world was small compared to other islands (all advertisement islands are) but like all Poptropica worlds, very interactive.
They had illustrated characters of Kira and other characters in her book series that you could click on and they’d say something to you.
I LOVED Kira’s room! It was so colorful, pink, and girly! *inner eight-year-old intensifies*
Throughout Kira’s island, you could click on different things that triggered mini games for you to play.
Upon completing each game, you’d get different prize items to keep in your Poptropica pack.
Those hiking books! I wish American Girl sold them in girl size!
One of the prizes you could get after completing a mini game was the ability to customize your Poptropican’s outfit to Kira’s.
Inside the drive-in movie theater you could watch stopmotions AG had made of the first parts of Kira’s story.
It said there were new episodes/videos every week, but I checked on January 28 and there were only two, and then again earlier this month when the island was still available and there were still only two.
I LOVED the American Girl store! It was so bright and colorful!
You could click on different AG characters (Kira, Courtney, and Joss) and they’d say different things to you.
I pieced the screenshots together (really badly ?) so you could see it this way.
I think this place was inside the AG store all the way to the right. Looks like a cafe from Kira’s book series.
I love how interactive Poptropica islands are — in Kira’s island you could click on frogs to watch them jump, click different items in general, jump on top of roofs, get to mini games, and more.
I think you could click on those animals to have them move, too!
So I started this post early February but I just checked… Kira’s island is gone now!
Ugh, I could kick myself. I had it in my to-do list since January and even verified early February that it was still available, but just never got around to finishing the post until now and then it wasn’t available. ?
Poptropica is a really fun strategy/mission completing game so if you want to try their other fun islands, I recommend those too.
Once again, this is not an ad! Poptropica literally has zero idea I exist ? Just wanted to share with you guys since I haven’t seen any other posts about it, and I’m excited to see American Girl partner with a site my brother and I have enjoyed for years.
I just wish I had made this post earlier in the month when Kira’s island was still on Poptropica!
Well, thanks so much to everyone who still reads my posts!
I know I’ve been away from consistent posting for a long time due to the hiatus for my health, but I work hard EVERY DAY on therapy to recover so I can come back here full-time.
Believe me, I’m not going anywhere! I’ll be back as soon as I’m recovered! You can’t get rid of me that easily. ;)
P.S. I’m on a trip, and K.C. is with me! I’ll definitely be sharing pictures!
What do you think of Kira’s Poptropica island? What do you think of Kira’s collection?

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MADIIIII, dear you look stunning in that pic, hope all is well <3 ALSO POPTROPICA SURVIVING THE GREAT RIDDANCE OF ADOBE FLASH?? unheard of. so nice to get a notif from DWOD as always :-)
MADDIEEEEEEEEEEE ? Thank you so so much, it’s so wonderful to hear from you! Hope you’re doing absolutely fab ?
you tooooo, and you’re so welcome!! happy belated Valentine’s Day btdubs ?
Happy belated Valentine’s Day!! I hope you had a fantastic one <3
yey post yey dollies cute game yes :D
Most crazily, ~Olive
I have soooo many passwords it’s ridiculous, I never remember them all, I just guess a million times and sometimes have to give up and change it :’)
yey thanks for commenting :D
I only have like a few different passwords that I use over and over again. Great post by the way! I think you did a great job putting together those screen shots!
Oh yes, that’s much easier! Many of your accounts could be hacked though if one of the passwords was ever compromised because it would be the same one for many accounts — hopefully that never happens though!
Thank you so much for reading! Hehe, thank you! The proportions for some were a little off but I’m so glad it looks OK!
GIRL!!! SO HAPPY TO HAVE GOTTEN A POST NOTIFICATION FROM YOUR AMAZING BLOG!!! We’ve all missed you so much! I hope you’re doing a bit better and I’ll be keeping you in my prayers!
-Katie :)
KATIE!!! Ahhhh it’s so good to hear from you! Thank you so much for praying and being so supportive! You make my day! ?
Fantastic post! I just got Courtney for my collection from a wonderful collector and seamstress on the AG Obsessed Facebook group.
Congrats on getting Courtney! Have you heard of the AG Playthings message board? That’s a popular AG collecting group I’m on.
Thank you! I’ve heard of it, but I don’t think I’m a member or anything. That’s awesome!
You should totally join if you are ever interested! They’ve got a wealth of information and users.
Awesome! Thanks!
I love your blog and I will go check out this island on this online game.
Thanks you, Grace! I’m sorry, the island isn’t available anymore. I posted about it too late. :(
oh really didn’t know that oh well I think pantropica game is creepy
Sorry it creeps you out! ?
also I replied to your comment on my blog:
And what Health problem you had that made you not available to post here?
In June 2018, I had a health crisis. I explained more in this post announcing my hiatus:
God has been so good to me throughout it!
Oh hope you are feeling good now.
Thanks, Grace! I’m not 100% yet but working hard on recovery every day. ?
I’ve never heard of this game before, but it’s super cool that they had a section dedicated to American Girl! It’s really strange that Kira’s island is no longer available… It’s great to see you posting on here again!
I know, right? I literally flipped out when I saw it! I was so excited. Thanks so much, Kaitlyn! How have you been? ?
I’ve been doing alright! Right now I’m working on making a comeback to the blogging world! Things sure have changed since I last had a WordPress blog! How have you been, Madi?
YOU’RE COMING BACK! Eeee I can’t wait! Be sure to let me know when you’re back so I can follow your blog (if you make a new one, or whatever you decide to do!). I’ve been doing good — we’re on a trip right now which has been fun!
For sure, I’ll let you know as soon as they’re finished! Have you ever had the Premium plan? I’m trying to decide which one to get for the blogs. I’ve had the Personal plan before, but it looks like Premium has way more benefits! You’re so lucky you’re on a trip right now! In Manitoba at the moment, you really can’t go anywhere which sucks.
I actually use, which lets me self-host using a different company (Lightningbase). I use Jetpack, which is a plugin that gives me access to features (likes, follow button, etc), but I don’t actually use any of the plans. However, I believe Hannah from uses a paid plan, so I think she could totally give you some advice on which plan would be best!
Aww man, that stinks! Just a bunch of snow and ice or quarantine? Hope things improve soon so you can go somewhere.
I’ve never heard that you could do that, I’ll have to check it out! I always thought for some reason that you had a WordPress plan.
For some reason, this year in the area of Manitoba that I live in, we have little to no snow! It’s been great! But we can’t really go anywhere at the moment without wearing a mask or without quarantining.
I hope you’re able to check it out and find the best option for you! I love self-hosting because my hosting company is VERY responsive and helpful and has helped me with so many issues!
Oh wow! Enjoy the now snow, haha! Aww that stinks :/ I hope restrictions lift soon!
If my childhood was in a single post, it would be this. AG dolls and Poptropica.
This was pretty cool! I had no idea Poptropica was still around. I wonder if Webkinz is still out there….
(All my childhood computer games are gone…)
Dude yes! What was your favorite Poptropica island if you remember?
Most of my childhood games are gone too ? Unless Coolmath Games still exists…
I’m pretty sure it was Backlot Island? I also loved Reality TV island
Reality TV was amaaazing
I read your so called “Heath crisis post” and didn’t understand a thing and it was WAY too religious
If you don’t like religion, then I would advise you not to read this blog. Madi is a Christian who loves Jesus, so she’s gonna talk about it. It’s perfectly natural.
Also, what’s with the “so called” part? She is having legitimate health issues, whether you understand them or not. You should be more careful with your words, especially regarding sensitive topics like a debilitating health issue.
By the way, if you have to comment “not to be rude,” you may want to re-evaluate how your comment is worded, or even posting it at all.
not to be rude
Hi Madi,
I have missed your blog and I love the new American Girl of the year! I pray for you to get better every day.
God bless,
From Jayne.
Thank you so much, Jayne! Your support means the world, and God bless ?
Ooo fancy!!! Lol I LOVED the intro…. very professional I must say hehehe.
Also GIRL you are legit SO STUNNING in that pic!!!!! Like legit SO pretty oh my goodness!!!!!
Lol I haven’t checked my email for a bit so when I did like 10 minutes ago I was *very* happy to see some emails from you ;) Hope to catch up on all I’ve missed and to also start commenting more again *wink* *wink*
Adios for now,
Bliss ?
Blisssss, thank you so much! Aghh this comment made my day!! Thank you so much for the amazing support, it means so much to me. And please comment all you wish! ?
Thanks so much again for reading and commenting! ??
Ahhh yessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so glad hehehehe!!!! Awwww of course, Madi!!!!!!!!! Ahaha will do ;)
Awww of course!!! It’s so much fun and your blog is my all time fave ??
Bliss ?
I think I like Madison Grace better
no Madi
Kira is so pretty! Hope you feel better soon!
Isn’t she? And thanks so much! ?
I would totally get her if 1 I lived near a store and 2 if she didn’t look so much like Julie (who I already have) and 3 if me and my sister didn’t just get Chrissa (2009) and Lainy (2010 maybe)
That totally makes sense! She even looks kind of similar to Lanie, too.
For some reason though, I never thought I would say this, but I am in love with Lanies bangs. Me and my sister have Truly Me 34 I think, Maryellen, Kanani, Julie, Chrissa, and Lanie.
Lanie’s bangs seem super cute. I love the side bang style. That’s amazing you have Kanani! I’m hoping to make a custom from her one day!
She is so beautiful! She was my #1 favorite doll when I got into dolls. I think finding her off of eBay would be hard but making a custom of her is a great idea!
I’m hoping to find an old Kanani doll and re-wig her to a multicolored brunette wig I bought, and with Caroline’s eyes! That way she doesn’t have to be in too great of a condition since I can clean her vinyl! Did you get your Kanani when she first came out, or was she secondhand?
Well I guess she became my favorite after I read SmallDollsInABigWorld blog. They are very talented just as you are!
I LOVE that blog! It’s one of my biggest inspirations! Her photography is soooo beautiful. ?
I got my Kanani just last year for my birthday actually!
Aww, that’s amazing!
Awesome! I’m a little late, but of well. haha. I played Poptropica at school when I was little (like it 1st grade) but when I wanted to play it at home, my mom didn’t like it. I think something about the way the characters looked or something bothered her…
Hahaha! Maybe they looked creepy to her ?
So when are you going to publish a new post Maddie?-Grace
I hope to post one very soon! I’ve been doing a lot of things with my dolls and can’t wait to post about them!
And I am also very sorry for writing this comment here on this post: “I read your so called “Heath crisis post” and didn’t understand a thing and it was WAY too religious” I hope you can forgive me Maddie and you are a great dolls blogger.
Aww, Grace! No worries at all! ? Thanks so much for reading my blog. It’s so great to have you in the doll blogging world!
it is great to have you in the doll blogging world too
Thanks so much ?
I feel like I’ve been taking forever to comment!!! Ughhhh!!
I love the post btw (just taking a break from commenting on blogs lol). Did you get any new dolls for Xmas?? I got Courtney and she’s SOO cute since she’s my first doll with curly hair! lol
Hope you’re doing better and talk to you soon,
Thanks so much for commenting! No rush on commenting ;) I didn’t, but I hope to get Joss soon! That’s amazing that you got Courtney — she so cute! Hope you’re doing well ?