Title says it all, Happy Birthday, Madison’s Mom! Umm, sorry…. but….. I don’t have a present for ya xD

(xD is a smiley! The x is someone closing their eyes tight, and the D is someone laughing really hard! Only…. its…… sideways. :) )

THERE WILL BE A NEW PHOTO-STORY EITHER TODAY OR TOMORROW! Yay! WHat’s it about? I don’t know, ask my mom. :) Wait…. even she doesn’t know! xD

Sorry this is really short! And sorry for my profile photo; it was the best we could find in ten minutes! I know, my hair is a MESS, but my mom (my owner) will take a new photo of me soon. So, I’ve got a question to ask you; Sometimes I have writers block! That’s why I need YOU to help me!

What would you like to see on this blog? Photo-stories? Crafts? Gimme some ideas! :)

