Shout-outs are one of my favorite ways to learn about new doll sites! I’m always in awe at the incredible blogs out there and yours are the ones I look forward to reading every week. Introduce new readers to your doll site or shout-out a special post or page by leaving the link to it below! First, I’d love to share a little something random neat with you…
[On the day I’m writing this post XD], I took my Girls of Many Lands doll Leyla out for a photoshoot. I had been spiffying up my doll area when she caught my eye… She is just sooo pretty and breathtaking and I was racking my brain for an excuse to take pictures of her.
I mostly just post about American Girl dolls, but Girls of Many Lands was made by American Girl, anyway, I told myself as I stared at her. Plus, she’s perfect to do a “shout-out your doll site” with.
To my hand came Leyla, in popped my memory card, and out I stepped at 6 PM in the evening to take pictures of her. ?
Ahh! She’s so pretty! Leyla is Turkish and is from the year… uhh… I have her little year tag in my doll collection somewhere, but it’s my doll collection we’re talking about. That pretty much takes up my entire room. It could be anywhere.
I don’t have her book, since I got her (along with three other GOML dolls) for my 10th birthday from a man in our old church who had access to collectibles or something like that. I think he got them second-hand or used or something – I’m not exactly sure on how/why he got them, haha. I’m pretty sure my library has her book, though, so I want to check it out soon.
I’m pretty sure she’s Muslim, and during the entire time I took this photoshoot I couldn’t stop thinking about our missionaries in Pakistan and Iraq (as well as how I was going to word that sentence *facepalm*).
The convert rate for Muslim women to Christianity is very high, and the reason for that kept me wondering about Leyla’s story and I began to really want to read it.
I also began to think about making a little photostory series of Leyla accepting Jesus as her Savior, but then I wasn’t too sure about it.
Leyla is so precious… I can’t believe I haven’t taken her out for a photoshoot until now!
I got really excited when I took this picture, because I thought it would look really cool on the front page of an American Girl catalog for Girls of Many Lands dolls… ?
Or maybe this one for a GOML catalog! I really like it.
Around the time I took this picture, I had a few more ideas about that little photostory series I was talking about. I began to wonder about Muslim culture and deciding I would ask my dad and maybe even our missionaries to find more about the place of women in their religion and more on why their conversation rate to Christianity is so high.
Then my mind began to think of random political stuff before I took this picture. XD
I kind of and kind of don’t like this angle. :P
This one calls for some words, but I can’t think of anything inspirational to add on it. XD
*insert clever caption*
Leyla had a bit of a struggle in trying to climb over this fence… XD I haven’t really decided on her personality since she isn’t featured on here as much, but if I do decide to make that mini photostory series, I’ll do a little research on her religion and then probably give her a bit of an adventurous and slightly rebellious personality that just wants to be loved. And then she finds that love when she accepts Jesus. Awwww… that just made my heart go out to her. ?
This is my second favorite photo! I REALLY like it. :D
I think I got the most excited right here. I literally froze in shock for a few moments as I looked down at the picture on my camera, wondering to myself, “Did I really just take this?” That sounds kind of conceited, I know… XD What do you think about it? I was so scared that I was going to be editing it later and then find something to criticize about it, so I took a few more angles after figuring out what it was but couldn’t get this exact shot. Just as I figured, I’ve found a ton of things to criticize about this picture. XD Leyla’s sleeve on her outstretched arm bugs me and then one strand of her necklace is apart from the other one and her right earring is messed up and IT DRIVES ME CRAZY. :P
Adventurous Leyla is waving goodbye! :D
Now that I’ve shared something random neat, it’s your turn!
Comment below with the link to your doll blog or site, youtube channel, or other online doll site (it must be family-friendly and about dolls/toys). Then I’ll put it up here for all to see!

Awesome Doll Sites:
Dreams for American Girl Dolls
Treasured Friendships with a Flair
Polka Dot Patriot’s FaceBook Page
Smile and Craft AG’s 100 Followers Q&A
Your Site Here!
*eye starts twitching* uh… is it just me or is Leyla’s beauty so stunning it’s like looking at the sun? ?Ok that really made no sense, but I am totally with you 1,189,699,010% that these photos should be on the cover of an American Girl GOML catalog? Oh my gosh, SHE’S A SPY!! Watch out ya’ll Leyla is HERE! *quickly checks email to make sure nobody hacked it*
LOLOL! ? Aw, you are SO sweet! Thank you! And LOL! XD
hey madison i think a little research is necassary
i know a lot about this religon
Thanks for your thoughts! I’ll definitely do some research if I decide to do it… is there anything you’d be willing to share with me about it? :D
These pictures are gorgeous! My doll site is
Thank you so much! Adding your awesome blog now! :D
I loved this! I have a couple GOML books, but not this ones! I loved the photos, especially your personal favorite!! I think the photo story is a great idea, it would be so wonderful and inspiring!! Are you going to do it? I hope so! Which other GOML dolls do you have? :D
I’m so glad you liked this! Aw, thank you so much! I really want to do it! :D Besides Leyla, I have Cécile, Neela, and Isabel!
Adding it now! :D
Great photoshoot! My site is
Thank you so much! Adding yours now! :D
Ooh, lovely photos, Madison! Leyla is such a cute doll — that’s so cool that she’s Turkish!
Thank you so much! Isn’t she? And yes! I really like the GOML dolls – they’re so diverse and beautiful!
My blog is and it’s called dreams for American dolls
Thanks ;3
Adding it now! No problem! :D
Wow! Those are really pretty! You are an amazing photographer. My site is;
Aw, thank you SO much! That means so much to me! Adding your site now! :D
Pretty photos, Madison! I think the GOML dolls are really fun.
Anyway, my blog is
Thanks for doing this, Madison! :)
~Christian Homeschooler
Thank you so much! I think so, too! :D
Yay! I’m adding your blog now! Aw, you’re welcome! Thanks for commenting. :D
My site as usual, Madi, just with the name ‘Caught Daydreaming’ :)
Adding it now! :D
Hey madison.
WOW you do awsome hairstyles And Leyla is so pretty & you did a great post keep up the AWESOME work !!
Hey, Sara! Haha, thanks! Leyla’s style came like that, I really like it! Thank you so much again! :D
Awesome Photo shoot! The Girls of Many Lands dolls are amazing. How many do you have? Please do more photo shoots of Layla/them! :-)
I don’t have a blog yet, but I just started a FB page where I’ll be occasionally posting dolls pics. I’d love for you to check it out!
Thank you so much! They sure are! I own Leyla, Neela, Cécile, and Isabel. :D
That is so neat! Adding your FaceBook page up now! I don’t go on FaceBook, but wishing you the best of luck with your page! :D
Ah, amazing photos, Madi! I don’t know how you do it. :P Well, I don’t know many doll sites (besides ones you already know), so… um… *awkward silence in which I am too awkward to say anything* XD
Thank you SO much, May! LOL! You’re so sweet… ?
LOLOL! XD That’s okay. XD
I would love it it your would shout out my blog
Absolutely! Adding it now! Thanks for commenting, Lexie! :D
Leyla is so lovely! I like her personality too :-) . This is a great photoshoot! My favorite picture is probably the third from the last :-) .
Could I shout out the Q&A I’m doing? It’s here, . Thank you!
Isn’t she? Me, too! :D Aw, thank you SO much!
And absolutely! Adding the link now. Thanks for commenting! :D
Leyla is stunning!! I adore GOML dolls. I actually first heard of them from you. :) I really wish they weren’t retired.
Anyway, here is the shout out to our doll site:
Faking It Mostly @
Isn’t she? I love her! Me, too! Aw, really? That’s so cool! :D Same here. :(
Yay! Adding it now! :D
I always thought the girls of many lands were so beautifully done. I have a blog, but even though I do have American girl dolls, my blog is mainly about my large fashion doll collection and my diorama building. The One Sixth Scale Dollhouse. I collect a large variety of dolls, from Barbie, Fashion Royalty, Momoko, bjd’s, American Girl, Tonner, and reproduction & antique french fashion dolls.
They sure are! I love having them. Your blog sounds amazing! I checked it out and followed. Thank you for commenting, Lisa! I’m adding your blog now. :D
awwww, she’s so pretty! <3 <3 <3
you can get to my blog by clicking on my name up there…. :P
Most crazily, ~Olive
Isn’t she? <3
Haha! ?
Leyla looks awesome! I love her; she’s my favorite of the GOML series dolls. Her book is actually my favorite too, lol. You’ll love it! She is from Turkey in…1720, I believe, I’ll have to check. (The Tulip Period, anyways, even if my year is off.) I don’t think it would be believable AT ALL to turn her Christian unless you changed her backstory, and quite honestly I kinda think you should leave it alone considering all the rotten Islamophobic garbage that goes on at present. Anyways. Lovely doll, she is awesome. I’ll shut up now.:)
Isn’t she great?! I love her! I really wanna get her book now, haha! Ooh, thanks! I’ll have to check, too. XD Thanks for your thoughts! :D
So Pretty! And I would LOVE it, if you did a photostory about her becoming a Christian!!
PS: When are you going to post HOTH? I CANT WAIT ANY LONGER!!!
Thank you! I’m really thinking about it, I want to do one soon! :D
P.S. I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it! However, it looks like HOTH Season 3 won’t start until very late summer / early fall…
I love that idea for a photo story! Leyla is so pretty!
Okay, my blog info is:
I just began posting again on there again!
Thank you so much! And isn’t she? :D
Yay! I’ll add your blog up! :D
Thats cool that the style came like that lol.
how are you today?
Kept up thearly god work??
LOL,byeah! :D I’m great, just mega busy. O.o Thank you so much! :D has a summary on Layla’s book. Do you have Neela? I have seen photos and she is SO PRETTY!!!!!! If you do have her, can you do a photoshoot with her please? Also, I would like to shout out my friend Anna’s blog, FROMADOLLSPERSPECTIVE.COM.
Ooh, thanks! And yes, I have Neela! Ooh, that’s a great idea! I’ll have to do a photoshoot with her soon!
I actually already have Anna’s awesome blog up there, but I can shoutout another blog if you’d like!
Hey Madison, you know about my blog but here it is anyway:
I just added it! Please shout it out!
Sure thing! It’s up now! :D
Thanks so much! Guess what? I’m $10 away from Felicity! Plus, I figured out how to follow you!
You’re welcome! And oh my goodness, YAY! That’s awesome! And ooh, thank you SO much! :D